Get over it, I think not

This should not be have to be said but, with leftists, it seems to be required.

The number one response of Liberals to conservatives is “get over it, Obama won.” That is a snarky command. I don’t know the hundreds of times I heard that reply toward any opposition of Obama’s agenda. It is standard, backhanded rhetoric of the left.

It’s not really defined, and I’m not sure they even know what they mean by it – like many of the vague, superficial and enigmatic things they say.

Liberals never “got over” George Bush. They set the bar pretty high there. They never “got over” Iraq, or WMD, or the 2000 election. And they were proud of it. Still, it is his sycophants’ top reply. Even Obama did not “get over” Bush. He still hasn’t.

I cannot “get over” a country who abandoned common sense and its moral conscience, ignoring their better senses when electing him either. Nor can I get over a dismissive press and media who fail to hold him accountable for his record or decisions. No, it’s not just about him winning the election.

So I will not get over Benghazigate. I cannot get over fast and furious. I can’t “get over” the secrecy and obfuscation of an inexperienced, unqualified president who has set an all time high for hypocrisy. (who substituted a campaign for a resume) I will not get over ObamaCare or the national takeover of the medical industry. I will not get over Obama’s refusal to release records; even records from the Illinois Senate where he voted “present” much of the time. I shan’t get over his ignorance and constipation on the fiscal crisis.

It is not a DUI, an indiscretion from years ago, or just a personal matter.

I won’t get over the arrogance. I will not get over the statements that “you didn’t build that”. I cannot “get over” the house of czars he built; or his Marxist appointments; or his department of injustice; or his ignoring the Constitution and treatment of allies or terrorists; or his obfuscation over fast and furious and records. I won’t get over the ‘my way or calamity’ threats, or Obama’s mantra calling another branch “hostage” takers. I will not get over the attacks on the 2nd amendment, all the lies, or the accusations and insinuations of racism whenever he’s questioned either. No.

However, in context, what “getting over it” actually means is let him do whatever he wants and defy the Constitution and the will of the people, to dictate over the country without challenge. That’s what they mean. To just say when he is questioned, “I won”. Just give him whatever he wants is his and their definition of “just get over it”. That is what “get over it” means, whatever the king wants without objection: “I won, get over it.

So, Liberals and Marxists, just “get over” that already.

17 comments on “Get over it, I think not

  1. clyde says:

    Our day will come when THESE asshats WILL lose. Turnabout is fair play.


  2. Davetherave says:

    Get over it??? I don’t think we’re talking about a frigging basketball game here. Our great nation just got f*cked over again and our Constitution is becoming a distant memory. Get over losing our Constitutional and God-given rights?? Set all the bastards on fire and I’ll be drinking an entire keg of beer to walk up to them and put the fire out and put them out of their misery….on second thought…nah…I’ll just use the nearest tree and hum along to their screams!


    • bullright says:

      Dave, now that would be doing “public service”. LMAO And all people seem concerned about is who is at the the “balls” and who Michelle is wearing. All pretty sad commentary on America.


      • Davetherave says:

        Bull, I heard 500,000 would attend but only 7 would miss work. Gotta love welfare! 🙂


      • bullright says:

        Dave , memo went out to GSA, they supplied the extra stand-ins. (videos to come LOL)


        • Davetherave says:

          ROTFLMFAO!!!! I didn’t know the GSA had access to sheep dogs for herding….


          • bullright says:

            Dave, sheeple and government employees, aren’t they synonymous? They just say “party in DC everyone” and …problem solved. All are happy sheep waiting to be sheered or slaughtered.


          • Davetherave says:

            Bull, all kidding aside you sure in the hell nailed it about government employees. I’ve never seen worse case of tunnel vision in my life. My dad worked for the post office for years (he was a rarity though…hardcore conservative) and the stories he would tell me about those damn union workers. And then the teachers striking in Shitcago. Sometimes I think a frontal lobotomy is mandatory to be a gov employee. They’re being skinned alive right along with us conservatives and they’re too damn stupid to even realize it. I.E. I guess they thought they were going to be exempted from the tax increases by their Pharaoh. Surprise…..


            • bullright says:

              He was in the thick of it. Yea, I guess being conservative in their ranks fits the definition of cruel and unusual punishment. More “values”. Female harrasment, bad – conservative harrasment, encouraged and rewarded.

              Dave, I was in the teamsters once and seen my share of the walking dead. Though gov employees can take it to a new level.


  3. drrik says:

    Never, never, never, never surrender.


  4. drrik says:

    The show in DC is a show. They have already figured out the compromises and winners before they ever go on the floor. Think “professional” wrestling or the Harlam Globetrotters.

    Afterwards, they all go to lunch together.

