Bans verses Abortion on demand

The “nanny staters” want bans and regulation for trans fats, salt, smoking, and large sugary drinks, or anything they deem harmful; but they want no limits on a mother’s so-called “fundamental right” to kill babies – abortion. Oh, that would be taboo. They believe in “choice” to kill babies, but not in what you eat or drink, or any other things.

Since they also say we need sin taxes on behavior they wish to discourage, then how about a 250,000 dollar tax on abortion? That could discourage it. Oh that’s right, they can’t do that. It might actually discourage or keep someone from getting an abortion. Don’t want to do that. See how consistent they are, not? Its like three Musketeers, all for one and all for abortions.

Come to think of it, about the only thing other than limits in office that they do not want to control is abortion. And they want government to endorse and subsidize that.

They don’t believe in self-regulation for an industry, except when it comes to abortion. In that case, no government oversight is needed. However, we do need to subsidize the organization that does most abortions in this country. Yet they want to ban trans fats, salt and excessive soda drinking for “obvious health concerns” they raise.

They want warnings on everything that can potentially harm human beings except abortions. No warning labels or disclosures needed for that. Killing and harmful side-effects are the main objectives. Malpractice could be having a baby survive.

Nanny Bloomberg has no problem; he would support scissors to the back of the head for babies while banning 32oz beverages. He calls the latter “a crisis” that “requires action”. Killing babies? Not so much. Don’t be ridiculous.

Of course, no one has an active plan to ban big government, or limit our exposure to it and its harmful effects. They would probably call that unconstitutional.

They can’t allow someone to willfully buy a big gulp and endanger one’s life. That’s a national health threat. But you can have abortion on demand, any time. In fact, have a few. We don’t need a limitation on killing babies — that would be taboo!

Trans-fats — very bad, they could kill you! Government must act to “save lives.”
Abortion — very good, protect it as a fundamental right.

How many times have you heard liberals claim “if we save one life by what we are doing, then it was worth it”? But 50 million is a matter of fundamental “privacy” to them.

No choice for those nasty, harmful things. But the choice for killing babies must be a “protected fundamental right” at any and all costs. Can’t have civilized society without abortion on demand.

27 comments on “Bans verses Abortion on demand

  1. clyde says:

    Good post,bull. Abortion IS the left’s Holy Sacrament.


  2. Davetherave says:

    Excellent post Bull! The one subject that makes my nerves more raw than anything else. In the so called most advanced society in the world we have legalized Murder On Demand! Pisses me off to no end, but all know I oppose it and I’ll put my personal feelings down for a second.

    You touched on the great point of the Traitor Party’s hypocrisy on this subject and here’s another way I always point out their hypocrisy. They are always bitching about the rising cost of healthcare and how much of it is due to the way people eat, smokers, etc… I’ve never heard the Traitor Party say a damn word about this.

    It’s really very hard to pin point exactly how many abortions have been done since Roe v Wade, because it’s covered by the privacy act. However; it’s estimated there are 3,000 abortions committed every day, seven days a week and all year long. The average cost of an abortion in the US is around $700 (there are other factors than make some more expensive and some less expensive). So even a dumb ass, redneck like me can do the math. Roe v Wade passed in 1973, so that was 40 years ago. 3,000 x 365 = 1,095,000 per year. 1,095,000 x 40 = 43,800,000. Again just an estimate and I’d bet my soul that is a very low estimate the gov spits out.

    Getting back to my point about cost of healthcare….$700 x 43,000,000 = $30,100,000,000. Hmmm…doesn’t look like chicken feed to me and now with the brand new twist of Obamacide forcing companies to cover the cost of abortions the cost to Joe Tax Payer is going to make this dollar amount go through the roof. They’ll have to put drive through windows in at PP to keep up this f*cking insanity. Once again it just goes to show the Traitor Party wants to control all and take responsibility for nothing. All in the name of one thing and one thing only…”kissing the ass of the biggest voting bloc in our nation….women”.


    • bullright says:

      Dave, so we never hear a peep about it, unless they say something Orwellian about it being “under attack” and they have to “protect it”. Right, other than that they never mention the problems. Wow, that is some startling math. We knew it was an industry. The worst part of it is how political it is to them. I always say they want to force people to bow to the altar of abortion.


      • Davetherave says:

        Bull, you got that right it’s an industry. PETA (liberal loons) raise more hell about cruelty to animals than any of the Traitor Party does about murdering innocent children. Talk about having priorities f*cked up! PETA (pinheads as I call them) need to find something better to do with their time. I guess they’d think it’s perfectly fine for a women to wear a coat made out of aborted baby skins as oppose to wearing a mink fur. Wow; I just informed myself how f*cked up the Traitor Party really is…Jeez…I taught myself something when this whole time I thought I was unteachable…


        • bullright says:

          Dave, I hadn’t thiought about them. How screwed their whole priority system is. They’d preseve fish eggs and give babies the scissors. It really is unbeleivable. How it makes any sense to them is beyond me. I know the feeling everytime you realize how they think( or don’t ) it scares the hell out of you.


  3. pepperhawk says:


    Excellent article depicting the hypocrisy of the Alinsky party. Every time I hear one of those Alinsky party say “It’s for the children” to pass off some rotten bill of theirs I gag. If it were for the children, they would do away with this abortion on demand. But, NO, don’t step on their sacrament of abortion ever.

    This subject really hits me in the gut. We have to give up our guns “to protect the children” but the abortionists can kill a child with a needle in its’ head, stabbing the life out of the poor little things. What would they think about just shooting (with a gun) the child in the womb? Or shoot it after it’s born? What’s the difference from stabbing it in the head and giving it unadulterated pain? They disgust me to the max.


    • bullright says:

      Pepp, good to see you. Great comment. You are absolutely right. It bugs me too. You have Micky Moore wanting to show photos from shootings, but the left never ever acknowledges the details of daily abortions happening all over the country. And they call that a “right”. It stands truth on its head.


      • pepperhawk says:


        Yeah, it’s good to see you too. I don’t get around much anymore. I think that’s a song.

        I’d like to kick that fat barf bag Moore in the butt. Him and his photos can stick it. (you can see why I’m not been around much), mood is rotten.

        No let’s not tell even the women who go to have an abortion what actually happens during one of those monstrous things. If more women actually had to sit through and watch an abortion their choices would change in an instant IMHO.

        Topsy turvy is the truth for the Alinsky party and folks who follow them. Do you know that some women simply vote for the one who is pro abortion. That is their one and only issue. Doesn’t say much about some women though. Thank God we’re not all like that, simpletons and fools.


        • bullright says:

          Well, like we should be in a good mood with all this? Just a joke. My mood is not so great either. And the amazing thing is that the Right cannot frame it in just that way to show how naively stupid they are acting. So they vote for baby killers. (that’s how they should say it) I guess as long as it is not their baby or grandson that gets murdered its alright….someone was justified by “choice” for doing it. And the sad reality is we are not supposed to have any choice but to cooperate with this evil regime. They want people to have absolutely NO CHOICE at all.


    • Davetherave says:

      Pepp, outstanding comment! Hear, hear!


      • pepperhawk says:

        Thx Dave! I was merely spewing off about something that pushes my buttons real bad. I detest abortion and how they kill innocent babies. It is utterly disgusting.


        • Davetherave says:


          Nothing makes my nerves more raw than the murder of innocent children all in the name of a woman’s right to choose and they only got that so the Traitor Party could lock in so many women’s vote that only vote with their ovaries. It’s so refreshing to see women like you (that the Traitor Party would try and make us believe don’t exist) that all women approve of murder on demand. Reminds me of the Spartan society that threw baby girls into a field to die after birth to control the population of women. Murder on demand is so sick it is frankly beyond my ability to comprehend how someone could be so damn selfish to give it their support.


  4. bullright says:

    Not long ago, I flipped through channels to find a repulsive Rachael Maddow interview with people trying to reopen the Tiller death camp. It was surrounding their great anniversary of Roe and abortion, I think.

    Well, it was the words that they used. The propaganda would have made Hitler proud. They threw out words like “compassion, love, caring, joyful, justice” just to name some of them. They stood in the building and said you can feel the love here and the vision he had. Sorry, it was barf material for sure, but its amazing they can describe a death camp that way. It was as if someone sat and thought out what words they should use.

    Here is a [[link]]. A partial clip of the whole anniversary celebration episode.

    The thought that they were trying to touch people’s hearts and emotions was surreally hypocritical and ironic. They also said that the problem was apparently people or communities were resisting these caldrons of love (pardon my sarcasm) and that they had to restore them to their proper respectful place in communities. It would have done Margaret Sanger proud.


    • pepperhawk says:


      Rachel MadCow is one of the most revolting women I’ve ever seen and your description of the Tiller Death camp is right on. These people are insane.


      • bullright says:

        Pepp, so right, sometimes I have to watch it to remind myself what they say. But, as usual the creative words they use to describe their evil plots gets me pissed like their redefinitions..
        And its funny you mentioned their insanity, I was writing something on that subject.


        • pepperhawk says:


          If you want to run a 2nd article about abortion here is an article I ran across that might interest you in a 2nd edition of this monstrous activity.

          I think it might very well interest you in a 2nd article on this which can’t be exposed enough.

          Yeah, I get pissed off too at their creative deceptive words. Never call it murder but make it a warm and fuzzy thing to do. Depravity at its’ worst.


          • bullright says:

            Pepp, thanks for the linkl, Oh yea I wasn’t even thinking of that one. Liberals have done a good job of keeping the publicity off of it. This is pure evil. And libs won’t say a word or condemn it. This guy joked about a big baby he killed that was almost the size of a toddler.

            It is incredible, for how long he operated and his own workers tell horror stories. And he plays the race card as a defense? It never ends with these critters.


          • bullright says:

            Pepp, and we get attacked for saying “death Panels”!!


  5. Davetherave says:

    How much murder would a murder commit, if a murder had the lawful right to do so? Look no further for the answer than the Christian found nation we live in that the Traitor Party has taken over. Those ass wipes care more about stopping the death penalty for child molesters than they do child murderers. Dis shit be stankin’ to high Heaven far as dis redneck be concerned….


    • bullright says:

      Dave, yea its just as bad as evil would have it…well, almost, they can always get worse. Its not just misplaced priorities and values, as some say, it’s completely upside down and inside out. They have effectively taken our country hostage. Hey just like their stinkinmg legislation where they can’t even be honest in the title of it. But there is a segment here of the country that does not care even when you prove they’re lying traitors.


    • pepperhawk says:


      You are so right. I was watching a show on the ID channel the other night and this molester had been in jail (3X) for molesting a child. Well he was OUT once again and of course, molested another child.

      The Alinsky party thinks it’s A-OK to molest children and get them “desensitized” to sex. Can you believe their rotten mind thoughts?

      And yea, the Alinskyites would rather have a murdering child rapist on the street instead of killing him which should be done. A person like that has no business even living. But, abortion, hey that’s A-OK.


      • Davetherave says:

        Bull & Pepp,

        What makes me so sick is the only reason the Traitor Party throws their full support to murder on demand is to get votes. No morality involved at all…just politics. Now if that is not the sickest thing I’ve ever heard I can’t imagine what else could come along to make me sicker. The Traitor Party is pure evil and Hitler would be very proud of them…


      • bullright says:

        Pepp, Dave,

        You both nailed the Alinskyites, What gets me is how they always side with the criminal and turn the offender into the victim. Yea they do like to play that phony death penalty card.


        • pepperhawk says:

          Exactly right. I’ve never seen such a an upside down world we live in. This is certainly now how I grew up. It was either right or wrong the way I was taught. With the Alinsky party there is no right and no wrong and they continue to make up their own madness in rules. It’s utterly crazy making.


  6. […] Dave, in his usual political savvy, pointed out the difference in the way Leftists like Peta treat their […]

