Spacecraft exits solar system on yesterday’s technology

Exiting the Solar System and Fulfilling a Dream

Published: September 12, 2013

PASADENA, Calif. — By today’s standards, the spacecraft’s technology is laughable: it carries an 8-track tape recorder and computers with one-240,000th the memory of a low-end iPhone. When it left Earth 36 years ago, it was designed as a four-year mission to Saturn, and everything after that was gravy.

But Voyager 1 has become — thrillingly — the Little Spacecraft That Could. On Thursday, scientists declared that it had become the first probe to exit the solar system, a breathtaking achievement that NASA could only fantasize about back when Voyager was launched in 1977, the same year “Star Wars” was released.

“I don’t know if it’s in the same league as landing on the moon, but it’s right up there — ‘Star Trek’ stuff, for sure,” said Donald A. Gurnett, a physics professor at the University of Iowa and the co-author of a paper published Thursday in the journal Science about Voyager’s feat. “I mean, consider the distance. It’s hard even for scientists to comprehend.”

Even among planetary scientists, who tend to dream large, the idea that something they built could travel beyond the Sun’s empire and keep grinding away is impressive. Plenty of telescopes gaze at the far parts of the Milky Way, but Voyager 1 can now touch and feel the cold, unexplored region in between the stars and send back detailed dispatches about conditions there. It takes 17 hours and 22 minutes for Voyager’s signals to reach NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory here.

“This is historic stuff, a bit like the first exploration of Earth, and we had to look at the data very, very carefully,” said Edward C. Stone, 77, NASA’s top Voyager expert, who has been working on the project since 1972. He said he was excited about what comes next. “It’s now the start of a whole new mission,” he said.

The lonely probe, which is 11.7 billion miles from Earth and hurtling away at 38,000 miles per hour, has long been on the cusp, treading a boundary between the bubble of hot, energetic particles around the solar system and the dark region beyond. There, in interstellar space, the plasma, or ionized gas, is noticeably denser.



Sometimes you just say hmmmm………….

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology

12 comments on “Spacecraft exits solar system on yesterday’s technology

  1. Did you know it’s nuclear-powered? You wouldn’t know that from reading the article…it’s not a politically-correct fact.

    – Jeff


  2. Mrs. AL says:

    Awesome post, Bullright! Just goes to show that if you build it well, it will be sustainable!


  3. Just Gene says:

    By the time you hit send, it took17 hours and 23 minutes to reach the JPL.


    • bullright says:

      Yea, Gene “By the time I get to phoenix….” That’s a long string on the tin can. But why didn’t they launch the thing in the 50’s, at least we could have been somewhere by now.


  4. tannngl says:

    Amazing! I thought we were all really really dumb back in 1977! Must be a quirk.
    *pardon my sarcasm*


  5. clyde says:

    Maybe we could build something like that, put ALL the leftists on it, and have it “find” Voyager. Good one, Bull.


  6. bullright says:

    Have we found out that the universe really is flat?

