Semantics Summit

Instead of a Summit on Extremism it is really a semantics summit.

“Political grievances that are exploited by terrorists.” Is he admitting he is a terrorist? Seriously, he’s done more to exploit grievances and divide people than anyone.

If I hear one more hand-picked letter example from Obama of a Muslim child saying they are good people, my head will explode. Where are all the letters from Christians saying this intolerance and genocide against Christians and Jews has to stop? None. Oh, he’s getting no letters from concerned Christians. More validation of his defense of Islam tour.

Obama boiled it down to a semantics soup. No matter what you see on the menu, you are getting semantics soup. (no offense to the Soup Nazi)

As Eric Holder instructed us, what does it matter if they use the words “Islamic terrorism” or not? Ask Obama, It matters a whole lot to him. If it really didn’t matter he wouldn’t have problems using it occasionally, so at least people know what he is talking about.

Obama’s religious blindness aids Islamic State: Column by James S. Robbins

3 comments on “Semantics Summit

  1. […] Source: Semantics Summit […]


  2. drrik says:

    No soup for you.
    Your soup was given to the illegal alien “Americans in waiting” that snuck into the country.

