Unfair and Unbalanced

If Fox News’ tag line is “Fair and Balanced,” then Democrats tag line must be Unfair and Unbalanced — and proud of it. Judging by the Benghazi hearing, they lived up to that standard. Enter the Benghazi Lie.

The story of an internet video was nothing more than a straw man for Democrats. They got as much mileage out of it as they could. Seeing Jay Carney’s prostration of what he had of a reputation before the public and American press pushing a lie was such an act of self-committed denial. But it was in his words that really told the story. He said there was no proof that it was not caused by the video.

See the construction of what we now know were carefully crafted words to deceive.

“What I’m saying is that we have no evidence at this time to suggest otherwise[than the video] that there was a preplanned or ulterior instigation behind that unrest.” — Jay Carney (9/14/12)

So without proof the the Benghazi attack was caused by the video, they asserted it as the reason. See that, lack of proof was never a problem. It’s a contorted abomination of logic: they demanded proof that it was not a video. But they already knew the attack was organized terrorism. It was only the public they were shoveling that lie to. Meanwhile, Hillary wrote to Egypt that we know this is a terrorist attack — and we know it was not caused by the video. Perhaps to reassure them, no matter what they heard from us publicly, that we do “know it was a terrorist attack” not a video reaction.

But the video had nothing to do with Benghazi. Yet they started this game of ‘prove it was not the video.‘ However, what they really wanted to make very clear — in their straw man case — was that the video was not in any way, had nothing to do with, the government.

“In terms of policy, we continue to make clear that in this case, we find the video reprehensible and disgusting. We continue to try to get the message out as broadly as we can that this video is — has nothing to do, is not in any way related to the American government. It does not represent who we are or what we believe. “

It’s funny that I never heard anyone make the case that the video did have anything to do with the government. So they brought in their own accusation that it did. Again without proof that a government-tied video idea was ever postulated.

All this is minor and insignificant, Democrats would say. No, it was very significant. It was a deliberate attempt to deceive, namely the families of victims and the public. That’s why Dems claimed so many times, nothing to see here, move along.

It was only one aspect of Benghazi that was so terrible. If lying didn’t get your ire up, then everything else they did there and about it afterward would.

Q Okay. And if I could just follow up on — you earlier said the cause of the unrest was a video, then you repeated something similar later on. And I just want to be clear, that’s true of Benghazi and Cairo?

MR. CARNEY: I’m saying that that — the incident in Benghazi, as well as elsewhere, that these are all being investigated. What I’m saying is that we have no evidence at this time to suggest otherwise that there was a preplanned or ulterior instigation behind that unrest.

Now you see, Democrats liberals always demand proof when you criticize them. In fact, Hillary’s whole defense is that “there is no evidence that she did anything wrong.” That’s their mantra. Obama told us there was not a smidgen of corruption in the IRS. How many times have they said “there is no evidence of that?” They are obsessed with evidence and proof on every scandal, but they had no evidence that Benghazi was caused by a video. Yet Susan Rice took to the air on that Sunday indicting a video that had nothing to do with it, without a shred of evidence to support it. As Jordan said, that was the message and explanation they took to the American public.

The other false narrative is that it is a political witch hunt, and Republicans are trying to take her down in her bid for President. Let’s deal with that in two parts. There is the political attack defense. Well, the scandal of Benghazi was created from playing politics — presidential campaign politics.(sound familiar?) Now they assert that politics is the problem with the investigation. While making their case, they played partisan politics to the max. They were even going to boycott the committee/investigation. Benghazi was politics from the beginning. That had everything to do with Hillary’s and Obama’s Libyan adventure. Politics was the central reason for Libya and Benghazi.

Secondly, it is a witch hunt by Republicans hell bent on taking her down. First, all these actions were Hillary’s alone and no one forced her. Witch hunt? So, since she is a premier candidate for President, no one is allowed to investigate her actions? Whoops, our bad! So because Hillary is a powerful and prominent person on the left, we aren’t allowed to investigate or question her motives and actions? I didn’t know she was off limits, especially now since she is running, because it may effect her political chances. Then they claim McCarthy stated/admitted it was a political witch hunt against Hillary. No, he didn’t. He stated as a matter of fact that they began a Benghazi investigation and her polls were now down. He did not say that was the motive.

Were they not to investigate because of her political prominence and that she was running, that would be acting for political reasons. Hillary is not stupid, almost the opposite. She knows everything done in Washington has a political angle to it. In fact, she is a stereotypical player in that environment. It was all through Libya and all over Benghazi. They suddenly have a problem with the political environment? I remember the left’s prediction for years was people won’t care about Benghazi in 2016. That won’t matter to voters. But Dems have been playing political footsie with this terrorist attack since it began. Not to forget playing politics with Mo-Bros throughout the ME.

But there was a point in the hearing when I thought it was taking a turn for the worse. ( if it hadn’t already) Near the end Hillary was talking, I believe, about the co-chair of the ARB and she appeared to suddenly choke on something and started a coughing fit. That’s it, I thought, she’s going to lay it out right here on live TV. She’s going to flat line and EMT’s are going to rush in to revive her. The headline will be the Republicans tortured her with grueling questions until she collapsed. Yes, an imagined story but no more a fictional one than Hillary and Obama were trying to sell the public on Benghazi.

Afterward, the liberal media declared it a masterful marathon by Hillary Clinton. (something to that effect) Yes, Hillary was the victim but she excelled and suffered though it all. (badge of courage) Rachael Maddow asked who else ever endured such a spectacle and treatment? I guess they don’t remember Scooter Libby or the contested testimony of General Petraeus, which Hillary declared “requires the willing suspension of disbelief”.

Stunner: Hillary said she didn’t recall when she spoke to Ambassador Stevens after sending him there. Being the gruesome facts and results of Benghazi, wouldn’t you think she would have remembered the last time she spoke to Stevens? And in over 3 years since, she hasn’t been able to remember.

Hillary: I’m taking responsibility and “I was not responsible for specific security decisions.” So her definition of taking responsibility is not taking responsibility. But she ran out to lie to people it was due to a video that she still insists had something to do with it. Again, no proof of that whatsoever. And no one other than the administration said it did.

RightRing | Bullright

17 comments on “Unfair and Unbalanced

  1. the unit says:

    There us a website that says it knows everything about you. I see it advertised about everywhere I go. I haven’t been there as I know it all already, and would like to forget some of it.
    Usually when I comment, there is some experience through the years involved. If this is a Hillary quote then I know B.S.
    “Hillary: I’m taking responsibility and ‘I was not responsible for specific security decisions.’ ”
    Remember this, it was years ago, in the Navy I had a girl friend that made my sailor stand at attention. I promised to stand down and withdraw in the climax of euphoria It didn’t work. For years I paid as responsible for specific security bad decisions.
    She needs to pay up for the euphoria of power exultations with her bad decisions.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bullright says:

      Yeah, I wouldn’t bother with that site either….though Hillary and her server could probably use it. 🙂

      That was two basic quotes from her I smashed together. I guess she didn’t know we were capable of that. Must be like that experience you were talking about for her. (a cigarette won’t help. but she could try a Havana cigar.)

      Liked by 1 person

      • the unit says:

        Ok I ani’t running for or away from anything. Will keep standing for America, try using server against me there. And she might have a cigar in the Humador. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. peppermintfarm says:

    Excellent post Bull. You laid it out perfectly. The Commie party can accuse and lie about repukes all day long, but don’t dare and touch one of them. It’s an act of treason to do so.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bullright says:

      That’s right, Pepp, no matter how deep she goes D-coms keep digging for her. The smoking gun was Benghazi and it is still smoking. It sure is. Treason has become status quo.

      Liked by 1 person

      • peppermintfarm says:

        Hillary believes along with the liberal media that she did a “great job” and is now free of any wrong doing. She received lots of donations from stupids afterwards. This sickens me to the core. And why was she cackling when one of the repubs asked her if she spent the entire night alone at home after she left the WH? Oh, I just so despise this creature of Hades.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Bullright says:

          I agree. Hillary believes this all validates her. It’s just incredible.Why, indeed, when she didn’t speak to anyone in the military about actions. Then she says she lost sleep. I wonder over what when it is clear she didn’t care enough to do anything?

          Liked by 1 person

          • peppermintfarm says:

            Oh yeah, afterwards she was prancing around like a prize horse in the belief that she is now untouchable on Benghazi which now may very well be the case. We still have more emails to come out but those show she already has committed at least 16 felonies, but I doubt she’ll ever be prosecuted for them either. I think she’s now running on those arrogant fumes of hers believing she has not only the nomination wrapped up but also the win of the presidency. These two things may very well be true. I still think the fix is in and she will be will the next prez or Queen rather.

            Liked by 1 person

            • Bullright says:

              When Hillary got the 3 am phone call, she hung up and left strict orders not to be disturbed. What the heck is a few more felonies? Might as well just add them on. Is she going for a record?

              Liked by 1 person

            • peppermintfarm says:

              Right when the 3am call came she was asleep, not crying herself to death as she tried to tell us in her phony voice as if she cared that 4 people were dead due to her. She was probably glad they were dead since they would have been able to tell the real reason they were there in the first place.

              She may as well go for a record. Gives her that much more to cackle about behind the public’s back. “I fooled them once again”. Boy am I the smartest woman ever!”

              Liked by 1 person

            • Bullright says:

              Ha, dead people is not a problem to Clintons. and they’ll find the way to extort it for all they can.

              Imagine the scandals she can create in the WH unrestrained. All this just gives her more confidence. (and Bill too) And even worse we all expect as much from the Clintons, no big deal.

              Liked by 1 person

            • Bullright says:

              Pepp, since everything else is not her fault I’m waiting for her to say the server was not her idea either. Having a woman running for Prez saying nothing was ever her fault is pretty lame.

              And the contradictions too just pile up like the Tower of Babel

              Liked by 1 person

            • peppermintfarm says:

              yeah dead people are made by the Clintons if you believe that list of ppl falling dead all around them. I hate to think how many scandals will be due during her tenure as prez. It never fails since scandal is their middle name. We’ll be spending all the next 4 yrs sorting through myriads of them while the Clintons laugh all the way to their Foundation Bank.

              Liked by 1 person

            • peppermintfarm says:

              Bull she’s already kind of taken the blame off herself by saying it was “allowed” by the State Dept. Of course she doesn’t mention it was she who was the head of the ST. Dept and gave herself this allowance. Boy is she slippery!


  3. Davetherave says:

    Great piece Bull. This shit gets so damn confusing sometimes trying to keep up with the commies’ bullshit, but you laid it out very well.

    The commies stick together like glue and the repukes like the Hatfield’s and McCoy’s. I love your line ‘prove it wasn’t the video.’ You nailed them with that one. The commies take Machiavellianism to an entirely new disgusting level.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bullright says:

      Dave, you know it is an abuse of a brain to try to follow their logic. Well, they prove who they are, loud and clear. American lives mean nothing.

      Right, it’s amazing how no matter what they stick like blood brothers. I left off the other side, they wanted some proof it was terrorism and it couldn’t have been more obvious. That they can turn that into success takes the cake. But no limits to what they’ll do or sink to.

