Al Gore okay in Paris

Well, as long as Al Gore was okay, which is what we were all wondering. He and Michael Bloomberg were both in Paris, as was someone from the Weather Channel.

Brian Williams got confirmation about their safe whereabouts in his Paris coverage.

During Paris Attack Brian Williams Oddly Breaks News About the Deftones, Al Gore

He didn’t account for the rest of Paris’s population, but at least those were okay.

13 comments on “Al Gore okay in Paris

  1. the unit says:

    Not watching CNN, but walking through TV room noticed France increasing air strikes in Syria. Ok, drive more Syrian to France. Air strikes should be on no go zones in France.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Davetherave says:

    I’ll sure sleep better tonight now Bull, thanks. Been tossing and turning worrying about the Bullshit Brothers in Paris.

    Kind of on a side note: Wonder if the ClimateNazi’s are giving Gore hell about all the Co2 his big fat ass is blowing into the atmosphere? He’s now got more chins than a Chinese phone book… 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  3. peppermintfarm says:

    Oh yeah Bull, my worst worry about the Paris attacks was whether Gore and Bloomberg were OK. :-O

    Hate to say this but it’s just too bad these two weren’t taken out by the terrorists. Why is it the bad ones stay alive!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. tannngl says:

    Phew! I’m SO relieved! Gore and Bloomberg were all I could think about all weekend, knowing they were trying to save the world with their carbon group at the Eiffel Tower.
    Thank the good Lord!

    And thank you, Froggy. Great news!

    Liked by 1 person
