Prof of gun rant goes to Washington, as Obama’s guest

Check out this university professor in Nebraska who apparently is in love with the “F” bomb but hates guns with a similar passion. In case you wonder English is her subject.


The woman, Amanda Gailey, an English professor, is also the director of a group known as Nebraskans Against Gun Violence, according to her Facebook profile.


This is why we need a license and background check on the first amendment. Yet this gets a personal invitation to the WH.

7 comments on “Prof of gun rant goes to Washington, as Obama’s guest

  1. peppermintfarm says:

    Well, well talk about anger! This is one big nutjob. And she should have a refresher course in English even though she teaches it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. peppermintfarm says:

    Yeah she’s got huge anger issues. Should go to anger management classes.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. drrik says:

    Does not sound like someone who will be passing on her genes to the next generation.

    Liked by 1 person
