Best of both worlds

Ted Cruz, in his standard stump speech says:

“And if you want to see the economy take off you lift the boot of the federal government off the back of the neck of small businesses. If I am elected president:

  • We will repeal every word of Obamacare.
  • We’ll pass common sense healthcare reform that makes health insurance personal and portable and affordable, and keeps government from getting in between us and our doctors.
  • We will pass a simple flat tax.
  • We will rein in the federal regulators who have descended like locusts on small businesses, killing jobs all across this country.
  • We’re going to stop amnesty, secure the border, end sanctuary cities, and end welfare benefits for those here illegally.

I have a suggestion that should make everyone happy. If you like Cruz, you can have your Cruz. If you like Trump, you can have your Trump. How is that?

Well, we could elect Donald Trump president, and Cruz can continue his term in the Senate. In fact, reelect Ted again when he runs in two years.

So we have Trump President and Ted Cruz can continue his agenda and do all the things he said: repeal Obamacare, pass healthcare reform and pass tax reform. We do that and we have our cake and eat it too.

Captain Iggy Bliss ©

5 comments on “Best of both worlds

  1. peppermintfarm says:

    I like your idea Bull. Best place for lying Ted to be after he picks up the pieces of his plastic body parts after the election.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. peppermintfarm says:

    Yes Mr. Plastic won’t be able to give up the power he so adamantly seeks. I would like to see him just “done” and go back to his job of being the sleazy lying lawyer he is.

    Liked by 1 person
