Backfire: first 2016 prez debate

Sure no matter what, everyone seems to think Trump didn’t do as well as he should have. Fair criticism. He did leave an awful lot on the table — more like a smorgasbord. I think there is more than enough room for a backfire, or blow back as it may be.

Well, so much material to work with on Hillary. What was up for grabs on the table?

Email Server
Senate run 2000 fundraising
Wall St speeches
Pay to play
Foundation connections
Clinton Foundation — her home away from home. Shutdown issues and ethics.
Whitewater — their premier scandal
Cattle futures were very, very good to her
FBI Background Scandal — collecting and using information on opponents.
Hillary speeches were anything but free – follow the money — 11 mil in one year.
Broken promises and shattered ceilings
DNC scandal — leading to firing DWS and resignations. Politics of no choice.
Above the law
Norman Hsu Scandal and Jorge Cabrera Scandal
Damagegate to the White House — returning many things.
Records — always, the continual cover-up of her records… and her Record
Iraq vote — she actually had one, which she promptly ran away from thereafter and in her first presidential bid.
Russian reset — failure and her central focus. Getting translation wrong was not the only failure.
Reset to Red Scare
Libya and her failed mission in Benghazi.
Failed state policy on Libya
Egypt — walk like a Mo-Bro Egyptian.
Judgement disaster – this one could be disastergate.
Support Iran Deal — touts it as one of her signature achievements
TPP — she can run but she cannot hide her glowing endorsement for it.
Refusal to label Boko Haram
Her cozy partnership with Muslim Brotherhood.
Support for Refugee increases
Many lies of Hillary — she was within the law while breaking it.
Her passivity on Terrorism
Her attack on women — more like war on women. Failure to stand up for women.
Foreign Clinton Foundation donors while she endorsed beneficial policies.
Her responsibility Deficit — always claims to take responsibility, then never does.
A history of scandal and corruption — unfit and unqualified, lawfully prevented


Even Germany’s Angela Merkel says she wishes she could roll back time.– in regret for the refugee policy and problems. Hillary never learns, she’s irredeemable and incorrigible.

But then 11 hours of testimony to Congress on Benghazi couldn’t even put a dent in Hillary’s contemptible Libyan legacy. Nothing covers her server emailgate either.

Now the debate of so many missed opportunities. However, nothing made the Clinton record go away. She cannot delete that. Bleach-It cannot remove that stain. So it’s all still hanging like a cloud over Hillary Clinton. They did not disappear.

RightRing | Bullright

11 comments on “Backfire: first 2016 prez debate

  1. Peppermint says:

    Bull, you sure got a huge list of things left lying on the table. I can only hope these get brought up by Trump the next round. There are so many things that make her ineligible to be president.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Bullright says:

    Hand signals — timing is everything.

    but all they seem to care about is Trump sniffs.


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