Media are World’s Apart

The dogs of war are now the media, mainstream media, and they are foaming at the mouth. They don’t even want to wait till the midterms this year, they are functioning like the activated base. On one side are a couple conservative media channels with a handful of conservative news outlets. On the other is mainstream media’s bullhorn bleating out their script, daily. (feign shock, outrage, mention unfit & impeachment & craziness a lot)

Let me back up a little. We’ve now evolved away from the election cycle. We have gone into the permanent presidential cycle. Far from the way it was with Obama. The next campaign started the day after Trump was elected — more like it just continued. We see it unfolding before our eyes. It is now a perpetual campaign. To deny that would be naive.

I think Trump knows that but how much the rest of the GOP does, I don’t know. The Democrats certainly know it. That’s what they want. And there are not really any Congressional campaigns, everything is based on and a referendum of the presidential election. Reps are only cogs in that wheel. I sort of regret we didn’t make it that way with Obama. None of the Republicans wanted to hear that. Now that we can all see how bad Obama really was, why didn’t they do more to run against and stop him?

However, today it is different. There is no end to election cycles. Perpetual politics is campaigning everyday, 24/7 and it never stops. We are in a world where you can win an election but the race never stops. This year, again, the black caucus is lining up to protest (boycott) the State of the Union Address. For the first time, maybe we won’t see Sheila Jackson Lee jockeying for her prestigious isle spot for the camera.

And of course Dems will be instructed not to applaud or stand, or show any agreement, during the speech. So if they aren’t actively campaigning in this never-ending (2016) election, then they are in protest or boycott mode. All Democrats are radicals now or, as I said, reps are Pelosi-bots, Senators are the clerics.

But back to the media. It follows the Dems lead. They do the same thing in MSM every day: beat the drum and keep the narrative alive. No other news matters, the only thing to talk about is Trump. Any congressional races will be weighted the same way. Conservative media covers that and all the rest. On the good side, Trump owns the media air, even if it is focused against him. But the people can only tolerate crap for so long. It’s already been a year since election. The left has a habit of wearing out their narrative. It is now 24/7 overreach and overkill, with no other message. The two media sides have never been farther apart than now. No separation of media and campaign politics, but big separation between both types of media’s messages.

Right Ring | Bullright

8 comments on “Media are World’s Apart

  1. […] via Media are World’s Apart […]

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Peppermint says:

    And now we have the failed Obama telling ppl that Fox news is living in an alternative world. That we need a common message. Ha, yeah, one where he is not involved in scandal.

    It will never stop, the need to get rid of Trump. The beat goes on and on and ppl are sick of it. The Dem/Commies message is just about Trump and nothing else. The Commies have no message, no plans, no strategy, nothing.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. drrik says:

    Dilemma: do the isle birds give up their bright primary color outfits and the chance for TV face time in a sea of dark colors or do they acquiesce and go along with the black color as a protest?

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