Crazies Want Their Power

On Socialism Is Not The Answer, he had a good article, by Daniel Greenfield, describing the left as crazies more than they are socialists. I had to agree. Perfect case.

Trump’s victory tore the mask from the Democrats leaving them nothing but rage. Formerly mainstream Democrats are quick to embrace every insane lefty position from abolishing borders to supporting Hamas, not because they understand or believe in them, but because they’re “resisting” Trump.

The socialists think they’re winning. But they’re just the guys shouting things at a crazy mob. And the mob is not really for anything, it’s just enraged. It doesn’t want to build, it wants to tear down. [Read More]

So that put me in a contemplative commenting mode to summarize it in metaphors.

Indeed, it’s not the means it’s the ends. Their euphoric socialism is the illusive Unicorn that always escapes them by running 3 steps ahead of them all the time. The scene will switch to the Wizard of Oz, and that little man behind the curtain, if they actually ever do catch it. But by that time, they all should have known what the scorpion really was all along. And there can be no complaints about it then.

There is no doubt now that they are crazies. In fact, it is their primary objective driving everyone into a psycho frenzy and using that display of it as proof of their blue wave momentum. They want us to believe a Blue Wave is coming when they haven’t even accepted the results of the last election yet.

But the secret is they really are that crazy and been so for a log time. They’ve come to depend on living on the rage juice. There is nothing left but that. TDS is all the rage.
