12 comments on “Hillary’s hide on the line

  1. Hardnox says:

    I already have my keg of Schadenfreude on ice.

    I hope the bitch croaks in prison. Unfortunately Batears will probably pardon her on his way out the door citing her years of loyal service blah, blah, blah… and her shitty health (which is actually true).

    Even the lefty website “The Hill” has listed the 27 reasons Hildabeast why the Clinton Crime family is circling the drain.

    Justice can’t happen soon enough.


    • Bullright says:

      Right, if they are looking for a replacement it will take a while to find one as scandalous. I don’t have much faith she will get charged. I can see her using her campaign as an excuse that they cannot interfere.

      She’s racing to get in there to seal all records. That was her hope. But something has to happen soon.

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  2. peppermintfarm says:

    As you and I have talked Bull, I see no way the Justice Dept brings charges against Clinton. Too many secrets between O and Hillary.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bullright says:

      Righto, I see anteing up in this poker game getting very expensive very fast. Her favorite line is probably “may the force be with me.” It would likely break the odds in Vegas if she goes down.

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      • peppermintfarm says:

        The winnings could be big in Vegas if they actually did this. The odds are she will never go down ever.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Bullright says:

          Ha ha why are Clintons always lucky? Well, Obama too. There always seems to be a wall of exemption when it comes to them. Congress hasn’t been much help.

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          • peppermintfarm says:

            Big question that I’d like to know the answer to, why are the Clintons always exempt from indictment and justice? I think you and I threw out a few answers during our phone convos and I think those are the answers. Too much collusion among many of the top elites.

            As far as Congress goes, the useless pack of jack asses, I don’t know why they’ve never done anything but talk and hold committees. They must be in collusion too.


    • Bullright says:

      On a side note, it reminded me of your Pat Caddell quote about the media. They admit they are squashing the story and talk about possible charges. That’s a great code of silence. See any other officials that can get that treatment? I don’t.

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  3. peppermintfarm says:

    Yep they think we are all so stupid out here that we can’t do math. That’s only for the young ppl who never learn anything in school after our time.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bullright says:

      So right, keep everyone dumb and then they don’t even have to hide. They can talk freely among themselves even while fleecing us. But if there is something they want us to know, you bet they can beat the drums about it. No one wants to rock the Titanic.

