Checkmates and Election Politics

Sorry but you’ll just have to read the post to figure out what it is about. No warnings or teases.  And sorry too that its something I really did not want to write, not publicly anyway. But I do feel compelled at times to go against my instincts.

There is so much in history to compare things to, the possibilities might be endless. Though for one thing, I bet many people remember the days of under-the-desk nuclear drills in schools. You might as well laugh a little at the suggestion, since it doesn’t really matter where you hide under the prospect or threat of nuclear annihilation. But it probably would be your last choice.

So let’s hope it doesn’t come to that, but how do we prevent it in the first place? I suppose that takes a little planning and calibration, and possibly some early diplomacy.

Put it this way, I am at heart a very practical person; I have to see a reason for things. And wow have I  seen a reason for some of this serious talk. It comes from necessity. But it is not about fear. I don’t think fear is a good driving motivator. Because when fear is gone, what do you have? However, these are some apocryphal issues. Someone has to address it in a rational way.

In past times, under grave concerns we had pamphleteers to count on. But these days the radical left has a war on free press and free speech, by no coincidence. Pamphleteering today against the regime in charge could get you 15 to 20, and cost all your assets.

Yeah, I’m getting to the points here. Why the hell others aren’t saying, I don’t know. We’ve got an obsession with toxic politics. I would be the last person to degrade politics as worthless, you know, but there are limits even to politics.

Limitations of politics, yeah that’s what I said. Politics are a means not the end in and of themselves — or shouldn’t be. But these days we as society have made politics everything. (not we but the radical left)

For a moment though, I have to wonder, what would a rogue dictator or our enemies think of watching this vicious cycle of election politics, and how much attention we pay to it? I stand guilty as charged, too. But we cannot think of them as the be all end all. There are other things, serious things, to be concerned about too. And not everything should boil down to a political cat fight, or fodder in an election campaign.

See I am the last person who wants to minimize politics but there are other things we all are aware of. It’s just that they’ve melted everything into the political cycle. See past posts if you wonder about that, from home appliances to your car. But the fact that I have to write this does bother me.

Now let’s put it in a more practical way. Will all our problems be solved via politics and elections? Probably not. Why expect it to? But I also have my doubts on the same premise for evangelism. Would that fix all our problems? Same answer. Can we expect it to?

I’ve seen what evil can be worked even in the auspices of saving people. There are a lot of leftists in that realm who, no matter the venue, have found ways, arguments or rationalizations around the bullhorn of evangelizing.  So it, alone, is not the be all end all either.

Serious times or problems call for serious thought too, not just more politics. We’ve seen our political class and representatives run on the same issues election after election cycle, and what has gotten done on them? We can run a referendum and then do nothing on it post election. On to the next election.

I say maybe we put too much emphasis on the election process for all our woes. Where is critical thought, after all? Democrats could be the only ones who think election politics is the be all-end all and built an industry around it, including politicizing everything in sight.

Rather I think of the world situation as more of a chess match right now. So America is either playing or it isn’t. But politics, especially our brand of toxic politics, are not ever going to solve all those ills and problems. We proved it.

The old question used to always be “can America survive this” or that? We have the answer on the bathroom wall. Now the only real question remaining, for anyone that cares, is “so what comes next” because the first question is over, we didn’t survive it. Inquiring minds just want to know what comes next, from government to society and culture, to posterity? But the question is over. They past the Constituional boundaries of a country that had its fight and rolled snake eyes.

Does it mean I’ve given up on it? No not at all. I’m just being a realist and curious about what’s next for the Republic. No, Ben Franklin, apparently we could not keep it. So as to next, it could be anything. We’re primed for it.

But then you had over a third of the country who didn’t like it anyway. No problem for them. For the rest of us? We have to get busy affecting what that next thing is, we’ve lost this battle anyway.

So stop telling me I’m “sick and tired.” Actually, I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired.

And stop telling the people that “we’re better than this.” No, no we’re not. We’re here!

Now folks, we can’t even get a hearing on the impeachment of Alejandro Mayorkas for facilitating an invasion of our country. Dems tell us the articles were Unconstitutional. Okay, so what comes next cause this goose is cooked?

Right Ring | Bullright | 2024
