Urban Terrorism In Motion

A look at our campuses gives us a glimpse of our future. Pro-Hamas and pro-Iran regime protestors make it pretty clear to anyone paying attention. It is reminiscing of the protests of the Vietnam war. Remember those?

These protests are ginned up and organized by the same types of people who also hate America. Seeing it in action makes it abundantly clear where it is headed and what their mission is. The Antisemitism is off the charts (I posted about that campus organizing 11 years ago), and the Nazi-type hatred or rhetoric is synchronized like never before.

The protests are not really designed to convince but beat everyone into submission and silence against them, finally into compliance. Democrats fall right into that trap, too. They believe these people are useful in politics with Democrats’ election plans. It is so much like the pro-commie protestors of the past Vietnam era, and very well funded.

But even if we have seen this script before that doesn’t deter the protestors one bit. Well, they’ve been incubating, fertilizing, and encouraging these views and behavior on campuses for years, or  decades. Straight from the ivy walls to neighborhoods near you.

The same tactics are used every time. Shutting down bridges to defend Hamas?

It is all a flashback of Hitler’s 3rd Reich. Reasoning has no place with them, they don’t care to debate or discuss issues. They would rather resort to the patterned radicalism they apply to any of their “causes.” Only these actions don’t have a cause, they are the cause.

Academia, aren’t you so sweet to America? It’s because you believe in education, right?

These are only echoes from a genocidal generation, is anyone listening?

Right Ring | Bullright | 2024

Brotherhood Of Lovers

I believe in an ideal that among all the divisions and chaos in America, there is an underlying love for the liberty and Constitution this country represents. Granted it may be a loose, unorganized  group,  a questionable majority of individuals who still hold  sacred the ideas which were common, if unique, to this country and its founding.

Oh, the belief is still there amongst us, albeit expressed in silent discord at the moment. This group forming a coalition is the hope for a brotherhood of lovers.

Among the land of the left, in its institutions and academia, they hold to views and actions based on a hatred. Hate for the rule of law and America itself. They find natural allies in a coalition with all kinds of movements or groups, each with their own bitter grievances against the country, liberty and the Constitution itself. That is what Marxism is about, being at war with our system of government with an interest in bringing it down completely, or at least commandeering it to their will.

So we have a loose knit brotherhood of lovers against a lockstep brotherhood of hate. We always hear our current situation described as a struggle or war between good and evil, which it is, but it actually breaks down to a common love verses a common hatred.

Surely the organizing resource is mostly on the Left with more of a silent brotherhood on the right. As in the past, this coalition on the right formed among liberty and freedom lovers and lovers of the Constitution from diverse stripes — be they Republicans, Independents, Democrats and patriots of all kinds. This diverse latter group must see a reason to organize and activate a coalition.

But for the Left, their triggered activism and politics are driven on hate. Couple that with an insatiable ability to lie or try to deceive their enemies and the people about their real agenda. Any of that lying and deception is an acceptable means to their ends. So that is the type of people we are dealing with: whether it is in Washington politics, the media or in their state-controlled institutions held ransom by the Left.

Our goal on the right is to become a more visible, organized and effective union that won’t be deterred by hatred, bullying, sophistry or toxic deception that schemes to rob Americans of their basic rights and liberties secured by a sovereign nation.

There you have it, one side driven by love and one side driven by hate.

“We the people” was never meat to be we the enemies within.

Right Ring | Bullright | 2024

Checkmates and Election Politics

Sorry but you’ll just have to read the post to figure out what it is about. No warnings or teases.  And sorry too that its something I really did not want to write, not publicly anyway. But I do feel compelled at times to go against my instincts.

There is so much in history to compare things to, the possibilities might be endless. Though for one thing, I bet many people remember the days of under-the-desk nuclear drills in schools. You might as well laugh a little at the suggestion, since it doesn’t really matter where you hide under the prospect or threat of nuclear annihilation. But it probably would be your last choice.

So let’s hope it doesn’t come to that, but how do we prevent it in the first place? I suppose that takes a little planning and calibration, and possibly some early diplomacy.

Put it this way, I am at heart a very practical person; I have to see a reason for things. And wow have I  seen a reason for some of this serious talk. It comes from necessity. But it is not about fear. I don’t think fear is a good driving motivator. Because when fear is gone, what do you have? However, these are some apocryphal issues. Someone has to address it in a rational way.

In past times, under grave concerns we had pamphleteers to count on. But these days the radical left has a war on free press and free speech, by no coincidence. Pamphleteering today against the regime in charge could get you 15 to 20, and cost all your assets.

Yeah, I’m getting to the points here. Why the hell others aren’t saying, I don’t know. We’ve got an obsession with toxic politics. I would be the last person to degrade politics as worthless, you know, but there are limits even to politics.

Limitations of politics, yeah that’s what I said. Politics are a means not the end in and of themselves — or shouldn’t be. But these days we as society have made politics everything. (not we but the radical left)

For a moment though, I have to wonder, what would a rogue dictator or our enemies think of watching this vicious cycle of election politics, and how much attention we pay to it? I stand guilty as charged, too. But we cannot think of them as the be all end all. There are other things, serious things, to be concerned about too. And not everything should boil down to a political cat fight, or fodder in an election campaign.

See I am the last person who wants to minimize politics but there are other things we all are aware of. It’s just that they’ve melted everything into the political cycle. See past posts if you wonder about that, from home appliances to your car. But the fact that I have to write this does bother me.

Now let’s put it in a more practical way. Will all our problems be solved via politics and elections? Probably not. Why expect it to? But I also have my doubts on the same premise for evangelism. Would that fix all our problems? Same answer. Can we expect it to?

I’ve seen what evil can be worked even in the auspices of saving people. There are a lot of leftists in that realm who, no matter the venue, have found ways, arguments or rationalizations around the bullhorn of evangelizing.  So it, alone, is not the be all end all either.

Serious times or problems call for serious thought too, not just more politics. We’ve seen our political class and representatives run on the same issues election after election cycle, and what has gotten done on them? We can run a referendum and then do nothing on it post election. On to the next election.

I say maybe we put too much emphasis on the election process for all our woes. Where is critical thought, after all? Democrats could be the only ones who think election politics is the be all-end all and built an industry around it, including politicizing everything in sight.

Rather I think of the world situation as more of a chess match right now. So America is either playing or it isn’t. But politics, especially our brand of toxic politics, are not ever going to solve all those ills and problems. We proved it.

The old question used to always be “can America survive this” or that? We have the answer on the bathroom wall. Now the only real question remaining, for anyone that cares, is “so what comes next” because the first question is over, we didn’t survive it. Inquiring minds just want to know what comes next, from government to society and culture, to posterity? But the question is over. They past the Constituional boundaries of a country that had its fight and rolled snake eyes.

Does it mean I’ve given up on it? No not at all. I’m just being a realist and curious about what’s next for the Republic. No, Ben Franklin, apparently we could not keep it. So as to next, it could be anything. We’re primed for it.

But then you had over a third of the country who didn’t like it anyway. No problem for them. For the rest of us? We have to get busy affecting what that next thing is, we’ve lost this battle anyway.

So stop telling me I’m “sick and tired.” Actually, I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired.

And stop telling the people that “we’re better than this.” No, no we’re not. We’re here!

Now folks, we can’t even get a hearing on the impeachment of Alejandro Mayorkas for facilitating an invasion of our country. Dems tell us the articles were Unconstitutional. Okay, so what comes next cause this goose is cooked?

Right Ring | Bullright | 2024

On The Ballot

I have tasked myself, with all my flaws and insufficiency, to sum up this election in brief. (if that is even possible)

Here is what I came up with. We the people know all the major issues and the stakes of this election. Thankfully, an election campaign that will be very long to start with.

So those issues are the economy, energy, the border invasion, Joe’s policies in all those major areas. And many more from saving education and sanity to vehicles we want to buy. Even US survival and more is on the table, despite what we hear.

But we will be told from the state controlled operatives and media — in concert with Democrats — that the real issue at hand is killing more babies. That one should be front and center. Preserving the ability to kill babies is who we are. That’s what they are ramping up to tell us. They will insist it is the only issue at stake, drowning out everything else.

Oh, what about all the important things, including the sovereignty of the country? Well, none of that  matters. Saving abortion is all the rage and what people care about.

It seems, at least to their campaign strategy for Biden, we shouldn’t care about any of the things that affect our country and basic rights. Rather we should be fooled into believing abortion is the most sacred issue, with all the other real ones forced off the stage.

What would you say to people who actually believe that? How can they just ignore all the major issues, including Biden’s ‘cognitive state?’ (there is a pun if I ever heard one)

Somehow the ballot shifted from the kitchen table to the abortion table.

Killing babies is the paramount priority in 2024. It’s all that matters.

But when conservatives talk about the evils of abortion, it has a very different effect.

Right Ring | Bullright | 2024

Civilization Under Constant Assault

It all boils down to one thing. There are people who want to live in a civilized world or country, and those who do not. This is not about one particular issue but about all of it.

Whether it is Israel, crime here, an invasion of our borders, law and the Constitution, our energy supply, Trump, elections, or even abortion and education.

People who do not care to have a civilized society don’t care, really, about fixing anything. Chaos is their ally. The lies and evil only contribute to an uncivilized world.

But sadly, it seems Biden is willing to do anything to disrupt our society and cause chaos. And they don’t want any of the things that average Americans want in a civil society.

We’ve seen it over and over again, civil disobedience is their tool of choice. Why follow any laws when you can just call for civil disobedience — up to and including riots — anytime to further their political agenda? So violence is on their agenda too; it is an intricate part of it, it is their means.

We should expect people to follow the law but we can’t even anticipate that at all. Hamas and terrorists operate much the same way. Maybe it is more obvious and direct with Hamas, but it’s all the same nonetheless.

Iran uses its proxies to carry out their dirty deeds and encourages them. The Biden administration uses its proxies the same way. Operatives in our own government work to undermine it. It is what radicalism has wrought on our society and American citizens.

Our country suffers and that seems to be just what they want. But it is hard to make any distinction between the rabid radicals and those in the administration, if there is any difference at all. They are all singing from the same script.

The American people pay the heavy cost and there is no accountability for any of it.

On a side note, Venezuela crime rates have plummeted as ours goes up. Oh, I know the administration tells us the crime rates are going down. That’s a laugh. But we also can’t believe anything they say.


Right Ring | Bullright | 2024

Jokers Wild

NY Senator Schumer went to the floor of the Senate giving a speech calling for immediate new elections in Israel. (adding to Democratscalls for ceasefire) Then Joe Biden complimented the speech calling it a good one, just short of endorsing its sentiments.

Of course Schumer’s speech would be the equivalent of what he did on the steps of the Supreme Court, by threatening that body in order intimidate it and the decisions they make. It’s what he does, like berating a woman in a NY restaurant for voting for Trump.

But both statements were popular to Democrats’ radical base. The Constitutionality, or lack thereof, in the positions means nothing. Even if trying to walk them back afterward.

It only reminds me how years ago we might hear such radical positions and conclude them losers to voters and the American people. Not so anymore. In fact bad, crazy or wrong decisions are now winners with that part of the electorate. They like crazy, and really like radical statements. Abolish police anyone?

Joe himself made a statement to fellow Democrats at the State of the Union, saying he told Netanyahu he would be having a “come to Jesus moment.”

I won’t even outline the craziness of Schumer’s statement on Israel. It is self-evident.

The jokers are running wild… and it seems there is nothing we can do about it.

But if you decide to take rational and Constitutional positions, well the joke is on you because they aren’t guaranteed winners anymore. And if you think calling Democrats radical or Marxist offends them, the joke is on you. They seem to be winners for the Left.

Right Ring | Bullright | 2024

State of Disunion 2024

On this first week of March 2024, the state of the State is just fine but the state of the union — or the people in it — is hanging by a fraying thread.

Though Joe Biden went to the State of the Union address, sidestepping the pro-Hamas protestors in the streets trying to block him, to gaslight the public about the condition of our nation. Nothing stops Joe’s march to destroy the United States of America.

He blurted out nearly every political talking point he has — or borrowed from someone else — and yelled at the American people to get on board his utopian socialist agenda. It’s another reminder that Biden is still running to be president since 2020.

The State of the Union Address was effectively reduced to campaign talking points.
But the state of the state is thriving.


Right Ring | Bullright | 2024

The World Owes US

The world definitely owes the United States of America. There I said it. Often you hear it stated the other way around, with great fanfare, that the United States owes the world.

But what do we possibly owe the world for? Is it for all the failures the world has saddled on us from liberal policies to wars, to its incestuous globalism? We owe nothing to the world. In fact we have given the world enough, much of it in blood and treasure. We’ve kept peace, we kept money stable. How many wars were avoided by America? How much of the world have we subsidized? How many people have we taken in legally? How much have we done for countries that hate us?


If anything, our problem is not that we don’t do enough but that we have done too much for an ungrateful world. No amount of favors we do buys any more appreciation for it.

Sure, have we done some things wrong and added to problems? Yes. No one is saying we do not have faults. But in the overall exchange, there can be no doubt the world owes us and not the other way around. How many other countries can really say that?

And now, this sitting president has us back on our heels in every way possible — intentionally so  because he evidently thinks we owe the world an unpayable, insurmountable debt. We do not owe the world our country on a silver platter. How could anyone entertain that preposterous thought, much less assert it?

In fact when America succeeds as a sovereign country, it benefits the world. People want to come here, not Russia. So people are clawing to get into the US and that is a problem?  It is somehow wrong that people would want to come to our country? Where else would they rather go?

The very idea that we owe our allegiance to the world is the greatest canard ever foisted  on this great country. And some think we could never pay this alleged debt to the world — no matter what we do. Can you believe that?  A country forever indebted to the world, or enslaved to the world. Is that what the founders planned and wanted?

Obama and Biden ran this seemingly popular narrative to the left that we are forever chained in debt to the world. Now I don’t mean we do not have responsibilities. We’ve got plenty. But responsibilities are not eternal debts.

And we don’t need an administration running on the IOU narrative. Actually, the more we try to do, the less they like us for it. It’s a destructive notion, Obama was all about that. He could spin it anyway he liked but the real idea was to turn America over to the world and let it do what it wants with us. That would work out just fine — not!


Right Ring | Bullright | 2024

Consumerism: good, bad, ugly

We are long known for being a consumer-based economy and nation. In some ways that is good, and in ways it it is bad. We have seen the extremes with both sides, good and bad.

However, notice how many things that are good for the retail markets, with all our new technology and gadgetry, but which are not necessarily good for the consumer?

You can look at both big and small items and it is surprising how many are designed solely from the retail perspective. Product longevity is not a goal but sales of new ones is.

Ever since the days with cars and its massive market, people have been looking with a jaundice eye at the pitfalls of consumerism. We get the shaft and then have to drive it.

Cheap cars gave us things like the Ford Pinto, with its inherent failures. No one should need to remind you that in the case of the Pinto, it wasn’t all upside for consumers. The fears came to light in videos of cars exploding or catching fire. Was this price worth the risk is the question that always dogged consumers? But they voted yes despite that.

Now today we have a whole new batch of things that while enticing are not too good for consumers. Yeah, people noticed how cars were rusting out sooner and things did not last like they used to. No, it was not just in their imaginations. Lifespan of big ticket items was a real thing.

Why pay all that money when something really doesn’t last for years? And it seemed that the expiration date of products was being built right into them — from cars to appliances, to clothes and even tools.

If we are really just a consumer economy, then all that should be great for markets but is all very irritating to consumers and their wallets.  An insult to their intelligence.

The big shocker came to a lot of people as they realized the expensive items they were buying often did not have the shelf life to compliment the steep purchase price. We heard all the complaints: “it used to be things lasted for years, but now you cant get more than 5 – 7 years out of a refrigerator.”

Computers were another natural black hole of expense. Technology was improving so fast that it made your Windows 3 obsolete by the time you learned all its features  — depending on updates. But it was always framed as for the better. “Don’t you want a better, bigger, faster computer for your stuff?” And people played the game.

They continued to buy the latest in gadgets they wanted or needed. Computer prices might have come down, but you were forced to buy them more frequently just to keep up with the technology. New electric vehicles are poised to take the same path.

Records in music were the bomb in vinyl copies since the 60’s, or until they weren’t. Then came cassettes, 8 tracks, and CD’s, to now MP3’s. Licensing agreements! Or maybe you need a license to do what you are right now.  Maybe you should have one. You almost had to buy into new platforms  just to enjoy your daily entertainment.

They told us vinyl was so old and outdated, it was destined for the dumpster. But suddenly it rebounded and vinyl is the big thing again. So are sales of those vinyl records and the technology to listen to them. Its the rage again; even if people don’t remember the original craze, they are buying them once again.

Great for retail opportunity, you might say. But the first time around lots of record stores closed when the new formats rolled out, or barely survived by adjusting their store inventory.

Markets are messy they say, and there are winners and losers. You just have to find a way to personally stay on top of it, or give it up all together. Hence the complaints and frustrations. People like gadgets but they don’t like being played for suckers.

So consumer economy, say hello to sucker nation. That is sucker and sellout nation.

Today it comes down to the fact, despite the chilling economy, that refrigerators just are not going to last more than 7 years, And if you go five years on one, you are now on borrowed time. Never mind how much we wish or hope that beautiful appliance will last through the decade, odds are even if you bought it today you’ll be right back shopping for the same appliance again before 2030. And prices won’t be at all comforting regardless of its lifespan. More like the spin-cycle economy. And we are in the drain.

Right Ring | Bullright | 2024

How are you doing…. no, really?

I’ve about had it with people disingenuously asking “how are you” when they don’t care or don’t really want to know anyway. I don’t appreciate being asked if the person doesn’t care. I get it, that’s just a mannerism people say. But stop being disingenuous though.

My new response to that is going to be “well, my sciatic is kicking my ass and my libido is busting my balls. Other than that everything is just hunky dory.” (sarcasm implied)


I’ve also had it with that line “I’m just living the dream.” Oh are you really? You and who else?  If you are living the dream now with a geriatric nutcase in the White House and every way he is screwing the country, our posterity and prosperity, then maybe you are just living in dreamland. If you are okay with all that and our future prospects, there could be something wrong with your perception of reality. Because living the dream now sounds like a real canard, whoever says it.

I prefer my response over that any day. The only way I could be living the dream is if Joey Bananas was escorted, with his entire family in tow, from the White House along with all his subordinates. But even that could never make up for what he’s done to the country. Yes, having this corrupt American sell-out in office is not in any individual American’s interest. If it is, then you are delusional or possibly of the same ilk.

But if you still care about America or what it means, then you just can’t be happy in la-la land, or wherever you hang your hat. Biden is an indictment on the entire left and anti-America crowd. They want you to think you are living the dream while actually living through a recurring nightmare — day after day, month after month.

Living the dream….  I’ll take a pass. Could they just stop using that phrase?

Incidentally, Happy New Year!


Right Ring | Bullright | 2024

Whatever Floats Joe’s Boat

So you heard the expression “too much time on your hands?” Well, Joe-bin-hidin-Biden literally has too much time on his hands in the Oval Office.

He has all this free time with aids to make all the important decisions on everything. He must have dreams of grandeur between his naps and pudding time, during his wasted away days in the long-term care unit at the White House. That is when he’s not on vacation somewhere.

So while he is not on the beach in Delaware —  or even when he is — his deviant imagination is conjuring up all kinds of things to do to the people. What home appliance or convenience of modern life can we take away from them next, under the guise of saving the planet from its fictional villains:  be it fossil fuels and energy or their dietary choices?

When Joe is on his cruise-control, you lose.

What floats Joe’s boat sinks ours.


Right Ring | Bullright | 2023

What Happens Next?

What happens when you have a president so bad that he doesn’t even deserve any bad ink? I think we’re finding out.

Meanwhile, keep all the attention on the former president: cheated out of a second term, who coincidentally is running again and despises the current situation. That’s the ticket!

Future is so bright you got to wear shades

Everything of my life, past to present, seems to come down to an 8 x 16 storage container. Once in a while it is good  to take stock and inventory. What are the takeaways from it?

And someone still has the nerve to charge you a storage fee on it.

All joking aside about particular living arrangements, it is what life is and about that is important. It is about what one does with life not what one accumulates in it that matters.

What life has to offer is one of the greatest lessons in it.

So it is quite ironic that storage containers are all the rage right now. You can do a lot with them, but they cannot replace life itself. And you know the old saying, “one man’s junk is another man’s treasure.” Is it really though? I wouldn’t bet the farm on that one.

Well, like storage containers, lives look similar on the outside; but it is what is inside that matters. The lock and key protects what is in it, not what is on top or beside it.

Much can be said for boiling down one’s life. But you cannot boil down life itself. It is as useful as you make it. What is done with life is what is important. And it is critical to be honest. That is my particular takeaway right now.

Storage solutions are just not all they are cracked up to be.

Right Ring | Bullright | 2023

Cocaine Blues

Cocaine blues in the White House news.
Joe’s crack team investigators will get to the bottom,
Who knows which way this will blow?

A sniff here and a sniff there,
Everywhere a sniff sniff.
That ain’t no joke,
It’s for real, folks.

Cocaine blues hit the White House news.
Only the hair dresser knows for sure,
He ain’t talkin’ and Hunter isn’t walkin’.

It’s all smoke and mirrors,
Biden is hidin’ and the first coke-head is denying.
They all got the cocaine blues.

Right Ring | Bullright | 2023

President Joey Bananas: a dear Joe memo

Here’s an idea for Joey Bananas: how about focusing on the “Partnership” of 50 states and the government that is supposed to secure and protect it, for a change?

But no, he’s rambling on about the infrastructure and electric grid in South Africa, and strengthening partnerships abroad — while China builds a super spy compound in Cuba.

But then Biden did call China’s spy balloon a “silly balloon” anyhow.


Right Ring | Bullright | 2023

Joe’s Story

Just run down Biden’s story about Hunter and the business, it gets weird.

If Joey Bananas didn’t know anything about Hunter’s business, like he always swears, then just imagine his reaction when he found out? How weird about all that money and deals being made benefiting his family, in countries Biden also handled, right under his nose.

What a strange coincidence.

Is Joe telling us he is stupid? Too dumb to wonder where all that money was coming from and why?  What a preposterous thing to say.

But that is what happens when you think about what Biden and Democrats say, if you take them at their word.

Right Ring | Bullright | 2023

Mission Impossible Themes

“These are the times that try men’s souls.”

How many times in the last century has this quote been used or abused to define the current situation in America? I’ve used it several times myself.

Here’s a different thought on it. What if this vivid description was only the natural, intended state for America — to be in a frictional state striving for better angels among us?

Only now it seems the angels who are influencing things most are not the good, better angels. They are instead the dark sinister ones, bent on leading us into darkness with no means of return.

So it is only appropriate to think of all this as the mission impossible, in these times. Maybe we are meant to be in this state of flux to solve the trivial disputes, to add color and life to the times? Just saying maybe that is the point to it all?

I’m not saying this is all purposeful but maybe there is a greater purpose in taking on current radicalism in the correct way? Winning. Not to just laugh at it and mock it, but in beating and ultimately marginalizing toxic radicalism. Maybe it is our cross to bear?

Is it too much to overcome? That is what we are about to find out. Are we up to the challenge coming from practically every corner of the world, new or old? We should be.

It does surprise me how many people I speak to, young or old, say that America is at the point of breaking. I.e. finished. Few seem to see the roadmap for a return to the good old days. And those good old days are being attacked more and more. In fact, it is just in your imagination that America was ever good at all, or that times were better in the past. All that is being questioned, litigated and undermined by the Left today.

But no one, including me, is confident that it can be turned around easily. Anyone who says so is way over simplifying our predicament. Can it all be turned around, at any effort? We don’t know yet but I see very few of us being optimistic about that possibility. We would like to think it possible even if there is no evidence. Now winning means fixing.

We need more confidence than a faith-based belief to actually achieve the goal. This is why I am dubbing this the mission impossible. If we cannot save the greatest country man has known, then what is the potential for comfort against the rest of our woes?

I do think there is something to the idea of seeing America as a perpetual challenge. In the Left’s view, we are more than halfway down the road to socialism. And they see no value in returning to virtue on any scale.

We don’t have to accept the canard that America is a perfect country, or the very idealistic vision that America is always right. One idea doesn’t require the other. However, accepting the wrong idea about America can eliminate the potential for future victory.

Too bad the Left doesn’t care as much about saving the country as it does saving a fish.
I am very concerned about the number of people who believe this is the last election. True, it is all on the line in 2024. The fate of the country is on the line. But we still must win, or it is already over.

We spent far too much time in the past saying this or that(socialism or communism) could never happen. We’ve seen how wrong that was. We were too dismissive, for too long, about what the capability of the radical left was. We were in denial.

Now we are in this uphill battle just to save our beloved country from destruction. The world certainly does not want to save us. But if we do not have the will even in our own country, then we are doomed.

Right Ring | Bullright | 2023