Urban Terrorism In Motion

A look at our campuses gives us a glimpse of our future. Pro-Hamas and pro-Iran regime protestors make it pretty clear to anyone paying attention. It is reminiscing of the protests of the Vietnam war. Remember those?

These protests are ginned up and organized by the same types of people who also hate America. Seeing it in action makes it abundantly clear where it is headed and what their mission is. The Antisemitism is off the charts (I posted about that campus organizing 11 years ago), and the Nazi-type hatred or rhetoric is synchronized like never before.

The protests are not really designed to convince but beat everyone into submission and silence against them, finally into compliance. Democrats fall right into that trap, too. They believe these people are useful in politics with Democrats’ election plans. It is so much like the pro-commie protestors of the past Vietnam era, and very well funded.

But even if we have seen this script before that doesn’t deter the protestors one bit. Well, they’ve been incubating, fertilizing, and encouraging these views and behavior on campuses for years, or  decades. Straight from the ivy walls to neighborhoods near you.

The same tactics are used every time. Shutting down bridges to defend Hamas?

It is all a flashback of Hitler’s 3rd Reich. Reasoning has no place with them, they don’t care to debate or discuss issues. They would rather resort to the patterned radicalism they apply to any of their “causes.” Only these actions don’t have a cause, they are the cause.

Academia, aren’t you so sweet to America? It’s because you believe in education, right?

These are only echoes from a genocidal generation, is anyone listening?

Right Ring | Bullright | 2024
