The Bush-con job

It seems to be time for a little push-push back on the Bush-Bush. Gee, I was so looking forward to doing a Dear John letter to McCain. That will have to wait.

I know, I already had a post on Dubya here but he demands a new one. Now I have to file the Bushes with Corker, Flake, Sasse, McCain, Kasich who are ongoing subjects. After all, look at the legacy they bequeathed us. And they gave us the biggest loser of 2016, Jeb — the guy with an acronym for a name.

It is time for history to respond to the Bush Hecklers. Why were they off limits for years? But that requires a tome that I’ll struggle to do in hardcover. (pre-priced at 49.99) Let’s go with highlights or low lights for starters.

So if that’s what the dynamic duo of destruction want from conservative Republicans, then they shall get it. In his recent speech, George W. declared:

“We’ve seen our discourse degraded by casual cruelty,” Bush said. “At times it can seem that the forces pulling us apart are stronger than the forces binding us together. Argument turns too easily into animosity. Disagreement escalates into dehumanization. Too often, we judge other groups by their worst examples while judging ourselves by our best intentions — forgetting the image of God we should see in each other.”

Has George looked in the mirror in the last few years? He really has been under a rock. Dude, we had to defend you and your Bushisms. They ripped Republicans apart.

“We’ve seen nationalism distorted into nativism, forgotten the dynamism that immigration has always brought to America.”

Is that what you call it,”dynamism”?

Look, if you can’t treat the people who are here, who vote, any better than this, then why should we believe anything you are selling about “immigrants” — illegal or not?.

The Bushes don’t seem to understand how all this works. Sure, they were attacked by the left relentlessly. But they shouldn’t mistake that for the ire of the American people they will get in spades from Republicans now. They thought we would not dare respond in kind to their bitter attacks on us. Wrong. They thought it is our job to stand up and defend all their twists and turns of political schizophrenia, the way McCain is. Wrong again. Strange how for political creatures, they just don’t get it.

That is the problem. The Bushes are the poster child for ruling-class elitists who make up the establishment, They are actually viewed with disdain by most of the people, but think they are elite overlords to rule us with an iron hand. They should make decisions, not us.

As Dubya used to say he had “political capital” and he was going to spend it. However, that bank account was drained long ago and the political capital is in the hands of the people, who don’t have much use for Bushes. We are so very fortunate, and I am personally ecstatic, that Jeb did not make it into the White House. So no matter what Bushes think of us and Trump, we are grateful their political power and capital has been cut off.

Recent statements were only an appetizer because the duo of disdain revealed their true inner views in a new book. I suppose Dubya will have to comment or promote this new book around the country, and remind us of the not-so-forgotten Bush years.

The Hill

Former President George H.W. Bush has a blunt assessment of Donald Trump: “He’s a blowhard.” And his son, former President George W. Bush, has harsh words for his Republican successor as well: “This guy doesn’t know what it means to be president.”

“I don’t like him,” George H.W. Bush says in the book. “I don’t know much about him, but I know he’s a blowhard. And I’m not too excited about him being a leader.” – “The Last Republicans” by Mark K. Updegrove.

Does 41 always despise people he doesn’t know much about and call them blowhards? Yet he and his preening son are prestigious? Tell us what it means, Dubya, oh wise one.

The response from this White House was not kind:

“The American people voted to elect an outsider who is capable of implementing real, positive, and needed change – instead of a lifelong politician beholden to special interests.” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told NBC News. “If they were interested in continuing decades of costly mistakes, another establishment politician more concerned with putting politics over people would have won.”

While in Asia, Trump was asked about it and said:

After landing in Japan for his 11-day Asia trip, Trump refused to comment on the report, saying: “I’ll comment after we come back. I don’t need headlines. I don’t want to make their move successful.”

The White House also responded on the general party criticism:

“If one Presidential candidate can disassemble a political party, it speaks volumes about how strong a legacy its past two presidents really had”

If this is not proof: no matter what happens the Bushes can’t listen to the American people, even to the results of an election. The verdict is clear and now the Bushes are the past.

Right Ring | Bullright

2 comments on “The Bush-con job

  1. Peppermint says:

    Elitist globalists are what the Bushes are and we the ppl rejected it. Too bad. Who cares about them anymore anyway. They are old news and bad actors.

    Liked by 1 person
