Headed For Disappointment?

With all the political flares going off and the long awaited IG Horowitz report due out in a month, are we headed for a disappointment? I would hate to see the odds on that.

On Friday, two Ukrainians were arrested for election fraud, who were also associates of Rudy Giuliani. Already the attempt to connect him to any crimes is escalating. What’s new?

The Horowitz report is supposed to be shocking. I’ve heard every adjective imaginable to describe it as something that will shock the conscience. But I wouldn’t bet on that. I mean what could really shock the public’s conscience anymore? So that seems a bit overplayed.

The “conscience” is a very high bar.

But in the worst case scenario, Horowitz’s report does not go far enough and deep enough, then it could really be dismissed with a yawn. My bet is more on that. After all, there is another investigation led by Durham already cranked up which is supposed to be a deep dive. I expect the IG to take a pass to divert and fall short in view of that.

We seem to have been handed one disappointment after another on these investigations and probes since Hillary emailgate. Actually since Benghazi. The record is clear that Deep State has a way of covering up its tracks and protecting its own.

I think we could compare it to wild fires in California or out West. When they appear out of control and spreading, people who live there feel at a loss for what they can do. The same feeling could apply to the Deep State corruption and coup. At least with the fires you have hundreds of people working on them and putting them out is the only goal.

So judging by all this reaction to any real investigations, it seems like Trump has been the only person who could have brought this out and stirred it all up. But the mission has to be completed. That will take some creativity.

Disappointment my be right around the corner but the mission still goes on.

Right Ring | Bullright

4 comments on “Headed For Disappointment?

  1. the unit says:

    IG report? Remember the paperback book 20 or so years ago on Bill Clinton’s accomplishments? Between the covers were 20, maybe more, blank pages. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. the unit says:

    Here’s how much ink required to redact 20 blank pages of Clinton’s resume. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person
