Gosnell, abortion “doctor” heads to trial

There are stories out there which , even for a hard news junky, are so disturbing that it is hard to read them let alone deal with the details. This is one such story.

Thanks to Pepperhawk for bringing up this one that has largely managed to be buried. The magnitude of this evil nature; had it been related to a conservative issue, would be front page, screamed from the mountaintops, and the topic of every talking point. Apparently this story just did not command that much attention from the Left. You know why.

And Dave, in his usual political savvy, pointed out the difference in the way Leftists like Peta treat their issues, with their lack of outrage on this matter.

This is from the current report from the NYT, though the Gosnell story broke in 2011. It has been serenaded by crickets by the left ever since. Maybe they were holding their breath, through two Abortion Anniversary celebrations, hoping it would die off.

Would they give this trial the same attention they give high-profile murder stories? I doubt that. It was on A17 in the hard copy.

Mugshot of Kermit Gosnell, released 2011 — Abortionist, aka victim of “Racism”

Abortion Doctor’s Murder Trial Opens

Published: March 18, 2013

(Excerpts from NYT)

PHILADELPHIA — In opening statements in court on Monday, prosecutors charged that a doctor who operated a women’s health clinic here killed seven viable fetuses by plunging scissors into their necks and “snipping” their spinal cords and was also responsible for the death of a pregnant woman in his care.

More than two years after he was arrested and the clinic was shut down, and 14 months after a grand jury report described the charges against him, Dr. Gosnell appeared in Common Pleas Court on Monday to face a trial that could result in the death penalty if he is found guilty.

His lawyer, Jack J. McMahon, described Dr. Gosnell as dedicated to treating the poor and accused prosecutors of racism — “a prosecutorial lynching” of his client, who is black.

It’s an elitist, racist prosecution,” Mr. McMahon said. “This black man is being taken because of who he is and where he works.”

One of the prosecutors, Joanne Pescatore, an assistant district attorney, told the court that Dr. Gosnell routinely performed illegal late-term abortions, killing the seven fetuses in operations that would have caused the infants pain.

“If the baby is alive and you don’t want it to be, that doesn’t mean you have the right to take a pair of scissors and plunge it into the baby’s neck,” Ms. Pescatore told the jury during opening arguments of a trial that is expected to continue for four to six weeks.


I wanted to call special attention to this paragraph

… Mr. McMahon said his client had passed up lucrative positions in obstetrics and gynaecology so that he could provide an essential service in West Philadelphia, where he performed more than 16,000 abortions over 31 years.

More at NYT

Those words are apropos: provided an ”essential service in West Philadelphia “. It doesn’t take a brain to read that correctly. And this guy is claiming racism is driving the charges and prosecution against him.

So I guess that justifies puncturing and snipping the spinal chords of babies with scissors, and keeping souvenirs like babies’ feet in jars. I can see where racism fits here. The details that are bound to come out in this trial — aside from frequent chants of “racism” — ought to send anyone running for the toilet. And these are only the ones he is charged with in a lucrative business spanning decades.

Incidentally, any Pa state inspections were set aside under Governor Tom Ridge, because they might potentially discourage some abortions. The question raised by many people is should the state of Pa also be held responsible?

So the libs scream against “torture” by waterboarding, yet are mum on snipping spinal chords of babies even in late-term. Where’s the outrage? Unfortunate for the babies that never had “due process” or a chance to plead in court.

See a chilling report with witness testimony from the Philly.com

original – http://janmorganmedia.com/2013/03/dr-gosnells-madness/

32 comments on “Gosnell, abortion “doctor” heads to trial

  1. pepperhawk says:


    a prosecutorial lynching” of his client, who is black.”

    They never miss a beat on the racist thing do they? Miserable POS!

    He kills all those babies and this is “nothing more than racism!!!!!!!!!?” Oh, I could scream when I hear that. Never mind he’s a cold blooded murderer.


    • bullright says:


      Special thanks for the article link. It is amazing the accusations his defense can come up with. You know, next maybe they could blame the babies, then maybe the mothers. I could scream too. It’s revolting.


      • pepperhawk says:


        It is almost like blaming the babies as the poor innocent ones want to be born. I wouldn’t doubt that excuse will somehow come into play with their fuzzy language.

        Once I had a disagreement on TH long ago with a woman who said that “thing” in her womb was not a baby. I asked her, “then what is it that’s in your womb, a tadpole, a baby rabbit, etc. She never could answer me. That one really got her shut down.


        • bullright says:


          I guess we should expect that. A whole lot of things will be blamed before he accepts an ounce, a milligram, an atom of blame.

          Yea, sounds like she caught herself in a trap of her own making. That is the other problem, the severe denial about the whole issue. How on earth could they paint it into something they are so proud of, they need to protect more than life itself? It should frustrate them. Probably the first time that woman honestly thouught about it. I guess that is why they have to redefine words and terms all the time. 🙂


  2. Davetherave says:

    Thanks for posting this Bull and a hat tip to Pepp! Just when I think there is no way I could despise the Traitor Party with any more intensity I’m proven wrong. This is some real sick ass shit and the Traitor Party says mum is the word. It’s stories like this that make me long for the days of public lynching! This lowest form of life should be tortured until he passes out. Wake his ass back up and then torture some more. Continue until he has just enough life left in him so a public lynching would finish him off. And this has zero to do with racism. He’s scum, a child murderer and the color of his skin matters not to me. He doesn’t even deserve a court trial…no rights at all. Black, white, purple, green…etc…I could care less. When a supposed human is this despicable I will call for the exact same punishment without regard to the color of their skin. And I have no problem being the one carrying out the sentence….


    • bullright says:

      Dave, you put it bluntly of course. It is all part and parcel of the traitorous, culture of death society. This one happens to eek out a plush life on the death apparatus. They all run off the backs of this blood . This is just one and how many more are there doing the same? When I hear them claim to be serving the public good or need, when they redefine words, it makes blood shoot out my eyeballs.


      • pepperhawk says:

        Dave & Bull,

        These baby mill murderers should be given the stiffest of sentences, a death sentence. Reading that this man snipped their spines and plunged scissors into their necks almost makes me vomit. Obviously these kind of people do not see these babies as viable human beings who suffer pain. It is so utterly disgusting to even read it.

        And blood shoots from my eyeballs too about this and how this abortion is defined by the Alinsky party. Babies mean nothing to them. They have no sense of morality and no compassion for the most innocent and vulnerable.

        I really have a hard time figuring out how they live with themselves and come to the conclusion they are sociopaths who need to be put down.


        • Davetherave says:


          The Traitor Party certainly has no right to bitch out China or muzzie countries for how cruel they treat their people. The Traitor Party is no more civilized than either. They stand on their soap box and cry foul we water board terrorist in an attempt to save lives and the very next day they’re in a picket line screaming save abortion to end lives.

          Sociopath is the perfect word to describe them Pepp. They are sick beyond any cure known to man. Put a sign up at the edge of the Grand Canyon that reads “Pro Abortion Convention On The Lower Level” and then just sit back and enjoy the millions of splats. Moses wouldn’t be able to spread that red sea….


      • Davetherave says:

        Bull, the number of abortions would probably go down if they could create a test to find out if the fetus is a Conservative or Traitor. Sick sumbitches…


  3. clyde says:

    Funny who the left chooses as their “heroes” and martyrs. Good post,bull. This asshole has a special spot when he goes to meet Beelezebub. A room full of snapping scissors.


    • bullright says:

      Clyde, right on the mark. Heroes and martyrs indeed! You said it before, it is their main sacrament on the left. In the name of their faux “humanity” they are as inhumane as anyone, and there have been some doozies in history.


  4. bullright says:

    If you think you still have room for more disgust, I’m reposting that link to a fresh piece of propaganda they had on the Tiller clinic reopening, from the prior post comments.. http://www.nbcnews.com/id/21134540/vp/50502372#50502372
    Pay close attention to the words they use. Words you would never associate with abortion on demand.(like joyful and “justice”)


    • pepperhawk says:

      OMG! Don’t tell me they are re-opening that Tiller clinic. I’ll have to read the link and totally disgust myself I guess.

      Bull, you do an excellent job on showing how the words these people use try to hide the true intention of the real crime. Joyful and justice? Total insanity.


      • bullright says:

        Pepp, thanks coming from you, exposing their words is a credit. You have the knack for it. I guess my dander gets up, and I bark, thus dand-ruff falls. Even my humor gets tainted when I’m on this subject. To think this guy has been operating openly almost since Roe. (not quite) And I’m getting the sick demented feeling that..somehow… they will stick by this grim reaper no matter what the trial reveals. . .

        Unfortunately that’s one of those nbc videos you can’t embed. they also take a minute to load.


        • pepperhawk says:


          I hope a lot of people read this article because you really did such a great job of exposure on this subject which is a very difficult one to start. It’s not easy to write about something that is so depraved and makes one so enraged.

          It’s hard to have a humorous take on this since there nothing funny about killing babies at all.

          It is very possible that the liberal stacked court system will allow this heinous man a pass as just doing a service that is “so needed” and “lawful”. It’s too awful to even think about that part.


  5. pepperhawk says:

    Bull, here is an excerpt from a filmmaker, Jason Jones is president of Movie to Movement, which was created to promote a culture of “life, love and beauty” through production of its own films as well as sharing others. : An Open Letter to Bishop Howard J. Hubbard of Albany

    “Today, we face a similar scandal of a Catholic political leader who rejects the human dignity of a politically powerless minority: unborn children of every race. Governor Andrew Cuomo, as the New York Times reports, proposes to repeal any protection granted third-trimester fetuses in New York. His “reform” is supported by a wide array of public figures and powerful institutions, including the organizations that perform many of the abortions in your own diocese. The New York Times article notes that Cuomo is “bucking a trend in which states have been seeking to restrict abortion,” balancing the fight with “legislation that would guarantee women in New York the right to late-term abortions….” Through his bully pulpit, Governor Cuomo is spreading a falsehood every bit as toxic as the racism once shouted through bullhorns in 1962 New Orleans.”

    And in doing so, Cuomo is positioning himself to promote these ideas across the nation. The Washington Post calls Cuomo’s legislation a move with “big implications for Cuomo’s political future” when considered “in the context of his potential presidential ambitions.” In other words, a self-proclaimed Catholic in your diocese stands on the verge of becoming a national champion of policies utterly incompatible with Christian values. And you, Bishop Hubbard, are in the happy position of being able to do something about it.

    As Cardinal Bergoglio, now Pope Francis, stated in 2007, “we should be conscious that people cannot receive holy communion and at the same time act or speak against the commandments,” particularly “when abortions, euthanasia, and other serious crimes against life and family are facilitated.” He said that “this responsibility applies particularly to legislators, governors, and health professionals.”



    • bullright says:

      Pepp, thanks, very well said. I wasn’t aware what all Cuomo was up to. He has no conscience or moral compass. Its real sad for the country. The thought that people could support this is beyond disgusting.


      • pepperhawk says:


        The sad part of this is that these so called Catholics like Cuomo, Pelosi, and others take Communion at the Catholic church while at the same time, approving of the worst abortion methods.

        The Church should have the bravery to excommunicate these people under the Church’s doctrine of “abortion is murder”. The new Pope Francis stated that abortion is still murder in the Catholic doctrine. But some of these bishops and cardinals will do nothing about these self proclaimed Catholic politicians who act as if they are real Catholics while supporting abortion on demand, even in the 3rd trimester.


        • bullright says:


          Yep I’m with you. It should have the bravery. And pols get so mealy-mouthed about it as if it’s just a slight musunderstanding/ disagreement. Life is a fundamental part of our foundational documents as well. The left turns their back on it all. Biden was just over visiting the Pope slobbering all over himself. And that’s the other thing, they aren’t the slightest bit ashamed of their politics.

          But we know it is worse yet. Its not like they just ignore life and go along with abortion kicking. They also use it in politics to get votes, to raise money, rally support, and to further their political career. I can’t count all the ways they extort the bloody issue. A comparison could be made between their professional extortion and this “Dr’s” on abortion.


          • pepperhawk says:


            Biden is a disgrace. And what a hypocrite slobbering all over the new Pope!
            If that Pope knows about his ideology of being in step with the baby killers I wonder if he said anything to Biden.

            That’s another good point Bull about using abortion to get votes. It sure is one bloody tool. I consider these pols who stand for these abortions as bad as the doctors who perform them. And I wonder how any doctor who takes the oath to do everything to provide help to live can live with themselves. That is why I think they are some of the worst sociopaths we have.


  6. bullright says:

    Little dedication …to the lost…

    Some try to tell me, thoughts they cannot defend,
    Just what you want to be, you will be in the end.


    • pepperhawk says:

      Good choice Bull. The Moody Blues have always been one of my favorite groups and I love this song. It fits. It made me feel sad too. Dedication to the lost. Wow! I was so moved in this context.


      • bullright says:

        Pepp, I always like this song. The orchestra accompaniment is nice.


        • pepperhawk says:

          Bull, it has somewhat of a symphonic aura with the orchestra. It is a very finely done piece. My brother is a lover of the Moody Blues too and has every piece of music they ever put out.


          • bullright says:

            One of their early ones had a song “eyes of a child” on the album “To Our Childrens’ Childrens’ Children”

            With the eyes of a child
            You must come out and see
            That your world’s spinning round
            And through life you will be
            A small part of a hope of a love that exists
            In the eyes of a child you will see


  7. pepperhawk says:


    That is so beautiful it takes one’s breath away.

    Whenever I think about someone aborting a baby, I recall holding my granddaughter, Anastasia, minutes after she was born. I looked into her eyes and felt as though I were looking into the eyes of God, his gift of life. I started to cry because it was a beautiful feeling. She and I are to this day very bonded.

    And at that moment looking into those beautiful eyes, I had the passing thought, “how could someone murder such a wondrous birth of a child?”

    To this day whenever there is something written about abortion, that experience with my granddaughter and the feeling of God’s presence comes right back to me.


    • bullright says:

      Pepp, nice. It stirs me and I think about it too. Then I see all these emotional arguments libs make for anything else. They have overflowing compassion for a cop killer like Tookie, and then are so cold, unemotional, and unmoved toward abortion. They don’t fool everyone.


      • pepperhawk says:


        Their ugly arguments about “that thing” being in the womb is becoming a harder one to fool people with the new technology 4D sonograms that can now show “that thing” in the womb is actually a baby and I think this can be determined at 6 wks now.

        But, of course none of these people with any moral compass or compassion will even look at these sonograms as they wish to remain in denial of what that “thing” really is. In fact, they know very well what that “thing” is but choose to murder it anyway.

        You’re so right that the libs are so against the death penalty for the worst criminals among us, but completely no compassion for the most vulnerable. I wish someone would have the balls to ask them outright why they value a murder’s life more than a child’s. I’d like to hear those answers if any were given.


        • bullright says:

          Pepp, you’re so right. Try to hide the evidence of life, if they can. I almost have to laugh to file it under ignorant. They’re for rehabilitating some of the worst criminals and babies get what?… the saline bath or scissors, no questions asked and no benefit of the doubt, no appeal….like “tough luck”. Tookie? Appeal to the governor right to the end, demanding reprieve.


          • pepperhawk says:

            It seems that the SCOTUS, when they ruled Roe vs Wade forgot the Constitution completely. Babies are humans subject to the same justice that we are. But, they can’t speak for themselves and ask for a reprieve or any justice to live.

            But, of course we have these criminals who think they are so entitled to a life and the Alinsky party is more than willing to help them get out of their sentences while imposing the death penalty on babies.

