ABC tries to quell Shadow fires

Well, apparently ABC has taken on its wings the task of fact-checker, and accusation debunker. So move over liberal Snopes, Fact-Check, ABC wants a piece of the action.

Case in point: they are now chasing accusations conservatives have long proposed and bandied around that Obama will run a shadow government — feeding a potential coup of Trump’s White House. But those are more than rumors.

Now I would not go into all the reasons for the support of the shadow idea. Obama is certainly doing nothing to put out the accusation fires. No, in fact, he feeds them. The more you see his old guard politicos or officials out in the media, while the burrowed-in Obama loyalists leak from within the state, the more valid you have to take these charges.

Obama continually lectured people to stop believing what they see, only pay attention to what he or his media sycophants say. It worked at least on 30% of the people.

Here is ABC lecturing us not to believe the stories of a shadow government and its coup underway. What other reason would there be for the shadow entity existence, but to undermine the sitting president and his administration? A lot of work for nothing.

No, former President Obama isn’t planning a coup against President Trump

By RYAN STRUYK — Feb 22, 2017 | Abc News

A fake news story making the rounds on Facebook claims in the headline that Congress is concerned that former President Barack Obama might make a “treasonous coup attempt” against President Trump — and that they’re taking steps to stop him.

It’s not true.

Though the headline screams “BREAKING: Congress Moves to STOP Obama’s Treasonous Coup Attempt Against Trump,” only parts of the story are based on facts. It’s done by seeding the story with quotes that are true, but are twisted out of context.

The original version of the article, posted on a website called Angry Patriot, has 38,000 shares. And since this fake news story’s text has been posted more than two-dozen times on other webpages, its false headline has been shared even more on social media networks.

One of the other sites, Trump Media, has a disclaimer page: “All the information on this website is published in good faith … The Trump Media does not make any warranties about the completeness, reliability and accuracy of this information.” Neither The Trump Media nor Angry Patriot sites responded to requests for comment from ABC News…./

The key point is that there’s no tie between the leaked information from U.S. intelligence agencies and former President Obama, as this fake news headline suggests.

[much more]


Notice the story they are worried about is the mere accusation of a shadow government, not what it is doing. Its actions are not the story, only our interpretation of them — or what Obama’s allies do to disrupt and obstruct Trump.

Add to this the protest roll out of the “Indivisible” movement — started by 3 former Congressional Democrat staffers. Now credentialed by media as the beauty of democracy in action. (opposed to “tea-baggers,” remember?) All under a guise of Resistance.

I don’t know about you but simply stating it is not true just does not do it, at all, for me. To believe Obama is not going to take advantage of every speck of power and opportunity he can pilfer under a rock ‘requires the willing suspension of disbelief’.

This is no longer the lamestream media pretending to be objective but allying itself with deep state and all the various political operatives on the left, in the way it only dreamed it could do before — for a common end But since they share common allegiances, generally to Obama’s legacy, well, all hands on deck now. ‘We are all agents of the shadow state now.’ Shorthand, we are all Obama now. And they are all radicals now — fellow radical subversives, hell bent on undermining the administration and its goals and agenda.

Yet we are asked to believe all the accusations about Russia involvement in the Trump campaign/administration. But a lack of evidence for all their charges only adds fuel to their accusations. They attack away. So in their elite view: it’s one big Russia and Trump conspiracy, that is the problem. But Obama’s and the left’s shadow state working to undermine the administration is just a big bogus theory? Right.

RightRing | Bullright

7 comments on “ABC tries to quell Shadow fires

  1. Bullright says:

    According to Morning Joe stating the sincerity of media’s objective:

    “And it could be that while unemployment and the economy worsens, he could have undermined the messaging so much that he can actually control exactly what people think. And that, that is our job.”


    Liked by 1 person

    • Hardnox says:

      That’s what the assholes really believe. Fortunately, millions and millions have woken up to this game.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Bullright says:

        It’s sort of like an Alternative Reality Show. Believe it or not, they are trying to sell the idea that they are more trusted and believed than Trump. Other polls say the opposite. That people would believe them after this last election and what they are doing now would be the definition of insanity. Like Dems, they just want their power back.


  2. Peppermint says:

    So the media via Mika is to control our thoughts? Wow! Communism everywhere you look. All of these media outlets should change their names to Pravda 1, 2, 3 etc.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bullright says:

      At least she just blurted out the real truth. It’s what they believes. And that’s what they thought all through the election. If it doesn’t work it doesn’t stop them. Not a shred of cred for the Reds.


  3. […] ABC tries to quell Shadow fires […]

