Coming Insurrection: BLM to Antifa

What me worry? It is not that I worry much about leftists protests, Marxists have been running this scam for a long time. What disturbs me more is the faux religious tone of some Christian clergy getting involved, (I’ve grown accustomed to the face) not just supporting but promoting it. Then there is the evolving names of the left. When one name gets soiled, just choose another. But it’s the same thing.

So just follow any search for refuse fascism and you’ll find the org, the links and the clergy involved. I will note this time at least they are supposedly only using the church names for “identification purposes.” That means they are not directly saying the church endorses the movement. (though implied) I doubt feds or IRS will be investigating their tax status.

From a leading organizer of the movement:

Tom Carey, Priest-in-Charge, Church of the Epiphany, Los Angeles
“…There is only one way way for us to bring justice and tolerance back to our national life: To hit the streets to demand the removal of this regime on November 4. We are all coming out into the steeets, people of faith, people of conscience, and we are going to stay there until this regime is removed…”

Here’s a snippet of what they say in their long appeal, reading like Luther’s theses, except that they are opposing the Trump administration. All in the name of “Humanity”.

In spite of what many on the religious right are claiming, we know that the politics of division, violence and intimidation that are being employed by the Trump/Pence regime do not represent the heart and soul of what our religious traditions teach. Our traditions insist that we are keepers of the vineyard who have a responsibility to care for this world and its inhabitants. Justice is not peripheral to our identity as religious people; it defines the very core of who we are called by our traditions to be.

Their Justice train is a little late. The proud who’s who in the movement:

National Faith Task Force for Nov 4 (initial): Rev. Frank Wulf, Pastor-in-Charge, Echo Park United Methodist Church; Ernestine Henning, Supervisor (ret.) AME Church; Rev. Tom Carey, Priest-in-Charge, Church of the Epiphany; Isabel Cardenas, Salvadoran-American activist, co-initiator of Refuse Fascism; Rev. Frank Alton, Provost, Cathedral Center of St. Paul; Ted Jennings, Professor of Biblical and Constructive Theology at the Chicago Theological Seminary; Father Bob Bossie, SCJ; Rev. Taigen Dan Leighton Ph.D., Soto Zen Buddhist priest and Dharma teacher; Rabbi Michael Davis; Fr. Richard Estrada, Church of the Epiphany, Cornel West, Fr. Luis Barrios, Holyrood Episcopal Church, Jon Nathen Wurzel, Atonement Lutheran Church, Lyda Eddington, Pastor, La Tijera United Methodist Church, Sara Lee MacDonald, Communications Director, St. Peter’s Santa Maria Episcopal Church, Rabbi Michael Pollack, March on Harrisburg, Patricia Capers, New Paltz, Shawn Anthony Ward, Luis Harris, Jerry Rivers, The Vineyard Church, Rev. Jim VanderWeele, Northlake Unitarian Universalist Church, D.I.V.A.S Ministry Group ~ (affiliations for identification purposes only)

But then it won’t be long, depending on the endurance of the protests that more churches, clergy are added. And they more actively promote the movement to Christian flocks. So my issue is not as much with the predictable left doing what they do; but once again at clergy for following suit like puppy dogs. Spinoff of Antifa complete. The name was smeared. Make it a little more palatable, refuse fascism.

Congrats, clergy, for identifying more with insurrection than resurrection.


Allow me to take the liberty to summarize a message for them:

‘We are first-class religious Hypocrites. We lecture against meddling in electing a president; but run one out of office, or impeach one? You bet! We’re all about that.’

Right Ring | Bullright

3 comments on “Coming Insurrection: BLM to Antifa

  1. Hardnox says:

    Useful idiots all. Glad they have stood up and identified themselves. Funny how these morons are upset that Hildabeast is the Russian Colluder in Chief and that she rigged the primary.

    Liked by 1 person

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