How many ways can you spell Soros?

White House Teams Up With Soros for Disturbing 2016 Plan

Ben Marquis April 24, 2015 | Western Journalism

Last year, as part of his Imperial decree of amnesty for illegal immigrants, President Barack Obama created the White House Task Force on New Americans, whose goal is to vastly increase the numbers and rates at which immigrants were naturalized and granted citizenship.

This Task Force works hand-in-hand with the George Soros-funded, open borders-promoting Migration Policy Institute, as well as the openly racist group La Raza, a Mexican nationalist organization that has called for the mass murder of white Americans and a return of the western states to Mexico.

The Task Force is headed up by one Cecilia Munoz, Obama’s Domestic Policy Advisor, who also used to serve as Vice President of La Raza (which translates to “The Race” in English)–a group that receives millions in taxpayer funding, by the way.

Although the Obama administration has claimed that they don’t have enough money to deport illegal immigrants, they apparently found enough money to fund a marketing campaign targeting specific cities in specific “swing states,” aimed at encouraging swift naturalization and citizenship for immigrants.

One can’t help but notice the timing of this plan of action by the Task Force, right ahead of the 2016 election, as they push to create as many new voters as possible–the majority of whom will undoubtedly be swayed to vote for whoever the Democrat nominee is.

According to The Daily Caller, this is actually nothing new, but rather is remarkably similar to a project launched in 1995 during the Clinton administration called Citizenship USA–which was run by then-White House Director of Special Projects Rahm Emanuel.

The CUSA’s main goal, in Emanuel’s own words, was to “produce 1-million new citizens before Election Day,” by relaxing the rules, regulations, and fees surrounding the naturalization and citizenship process.

Although there was an incredibly damning Inspectors General report after the fact, nothing much was ever done about it; and evidence of voter fraud in the 1996 and 2000 elections was covered up and ignored.

Essentially, the same thing is happening yet again, as the Obama team is seeking to flood the country with new Democrat voters, diluting the voter pool and more or less disenfranchising conservative voters by cancelling their votes with those of illegally naturalized immigrants.

The goal of progressives is to create as many new voters for their party as possible–new voters dependent upon the government who will vote for the Democrat Party which helped them stay in the country and draw benefits when they should have been deported.

These people are criminals and are actively working to weaken and destroy the country, in any possible way that they can.

Please share this on Facebook and Twitter if you aren’t surprised at all that the Obama administration is trying to create new voters out of illegal immigrants to bolster the Democrat Party with more dependents.

This article first appeared at Conservative Tribune. Like their Facebook page.

4 comments on “How many ways can you spell Soros?

  1. Hardnox says:

    Exactly right. It it any wonder why they are flooding the red state of Texas and others with illegals then granting amnesty?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. peppermintfarm says:

    There goes the next election which I have no doubt Hillary will be elected with all of these new voters. the demonrats will do anything to hold onto the power and further degrade this country.

    I’d sure like to know how Soros is allowed to stay in this country the criminal he is. But O makes sure he is never deported. It’s all so depressing.


    • Bullright says:

      Pepp, it sure is depressing that it has come down to their racket. Nothing ever happens. Our votes are worthless stacked against their vote mining.

      Plus they have the experience. Records or ethics, or rules and regulations don’t matter. Between Steyer and Soros, they’ve got it made. The Clintons are on their way to financing their own elections too. lol.

