Sources And Methods

Our not-so credible Government always says it cannot tell us things to protect its “methods or sources.”



Is that some kind of comedy routine?

The same Government says it must protect our valued institutions.

Or maybe I missed the laugh line?

Right Ring | Bullright | 2023

The United Mess Of America

Well, the unfortunate side effect of having Beijing Biden as president (after Barrack Hussein Obama) is that they have stolen my sense of humor, and that of others.

How can we laugh at things while degenerates destroy the country any way they can? Call me a sour tooth or call me anything, just never say I don’t give a hoot.

So if the corruption and crimes of Joe Biden and his entire syndicate of deviants were not enough, then make way for “it’s the coverup, stupid!” Stuffed right in your face.

Joe Biden has turned public corruption into, well, public corruption. Meaning it is very obvious and not hidden at all — there is no need to hide it. But it is very public.

Joe was asked about his deals with the CCP , or bribery, and Joey’s reaction was “then where is the money?” A pretty bold response when that was the point to his scam.

This week a State Dinner for the Prime Minister of India, Modi, as Hunter and James sashayed onto the scene of who’s who. Why not bring the bag-men with? That is just normal for a White House ensconced by such public corruption. It is bad enough when it happens behind closed doors, in secret, but now it echoes right from the podium.

Even the concept of coverup fails to describe what is going on. Though it is just not funny anymore. Every facet of government is now involved like a mob-style family.  Racketeering anyone? It is far from being insidiously stupid. They are very intentional about what they are doing. We are only along for the ride, passengers on a hijacked road trip from hell.

In this mob family, the whole purpose is to be immune from any prosecution for it, even from the prying media eyes. It’s so cool being a made mobster; if you’re a corrupt union leader or the president of the United States. The Mafia’s only fear was the G-men who trailed them. The mob may be nostalgic memory many places, but now it is the G-men who run the Syndicate, unmoored from accountability or the pursuit thereof. Surf’s up!

Right Ring | Bullright | 2023

Which Way Is Up? Government Solutions To Government Problems

Someone on Fox reminded everyone that just years ago many Democrats were chanting to get the government out of the bedroom. He joked how now they are in the kitchen. I think it was Stephen Moore. Well, the times they are a changing.

Now I’d like to take that a few steps further. Yes, they have gotten into the kitchen. They have raided the entire house swat style. And they’re only getting started.

But I’d like to keep government out of the bedroom; out of the kitchen; out of the pantry; out of the laundry room; out of the bathroom; out of the garage and basement. And keep it the hell off that roof, too.

That is not to forget luv-gov getting into those phone lines, either from the pole or tower. They’re getting in it, keeping a record diary on you as personal as your DNA. But hell, they got that too anytime they feel an intimate need for it, let’s say.

You might say that in jest for a laugh but it is true.

They have designs on all of it, right into your home — you only thought was a sanctuary. But then government,  or its pimps, want to follow the kids to school and weasel its way into their sexuality or gender identification. Start children out on pronouns and next they’ll be on hormones, preparing to have genitalia and breasts removed. Plus, an alternative is always drag therapy.

If you happen to notice it, well, the joke is on you because you are the nutjob. You are the bigoted pervert and they are the knight in shinny armor saving the vulnerable, at risk children from fruit-loopy parents now classified as “domestic terrorists.”

But I’m sure that, like gas stoves, all this is cooked up by conspiracy loons and none of it is true. Right? I mean no way is gubmint this obsessed with us personally. Or that is what they’ll tell you when they haul off and arrest you for voicing any real concerns about it. But that is before marching you off to “terrorist reprogramming camp” at an undisclosed location; where they tell you those were not your kids, but are now under the safe protection of government affiliates — let’s call them.

When before all this you assumed you had rights, which were forfeited when you dissented with their socio-political agenda. So something they denied called the culture wars, which did not even exist, turned out to be very real means to pursue their sinister political ends.

To my horror, the excuse or reason on which they justify most of this incursion is science. A thing called science apparently tells them, over their shoulder, to do all this evil stuff.

Even Darwin could not have foreseen the birds and bees switching places; nor imagined species identity being chosen, not scientifically verified — with government officiating it.

So it is 2023 but you would think it was 1984.

Right Ring | Bullright | 2023

Three Letters Of Conspiracy

Flashback alert. One popular thing among kids way back was theorizing about who was really running the country? The real question though was the President in control, running the country or not? A number of ideas would come up at any given time.

The common idea was, whoever the president, he probably could not be running it. Popular theory was either the military industrial complex (ref IKE) or any number of shadowy, unelected people who, behind the scenes, actually pulled the strings of control . It was only a guess but about as popular as sci-fi was in those days.

Now today we can say for certain from a body of public information that this president is definitely not running the show. Still, shadowy others lurch in the background who do run it. That can hardly be contested or debated anymore. It’s self-evident this president is not in control of his own faculties let alone a behemoth government, which got even bigger since the old days. (when you walked to and from school uphill both ways)

We have pretty good ideas on others who do have their hands on the levers, most of whom are in the executive branch anyway. People can and do speculate. However, a weird possibility pops up now, stranger than all the old conspiracies. It lies within one agency.

Back to the reasons it is important to have some trust in a president. We wouldn’t want a guy who is potentially compromised who could be blackmailed. But that is the exact situation we have. There’s no doubt Biden is compromised and open to blackmail.

But today, some of those who could potentially blackmail him are within this country. I don’t mean his unsavory contacts over the years, even those in his family. A blackmailer would have to know things or something so important it compromises the integrity of the office. Again, that would be a 3-letter agency right in our government apparatus.

How is that, you ask? Well, undoubtedly the FBI knows more about Joe Biden than anyone else, outside of Biden Inc. Think about the treasure trove of information they have or know about Joe — many years’ worth. They even have Hunter’s laptop sitting on a secret shelf. So is the FBI capable of blackmailing the president? Again, yes. What have they not been willing to do or exploit over recent years? Experience says yes.

Now let’s go back to who is actually in control of the White House, or the country. Someone would have to have the dirt on him in order to control the strings of power. Controlling those strings also means deciding if he should run for president. If they decided no, Joe may not even have a chance. They could destroy him or render him unfit. So who could destroy Joey and also knows all the dirt? You come up with one entity.

But who has also proved they have power to influence elections or control the political dialogue? Are we talking about the same shadowy people who are also in that 3-letter agency? I think so. Why else would they act as arrogant as they do. They made him and they can end his presidency, seems to be their deduction.

No longer do you have to worry about malicious foreign actors when you have a conniving cadre within government operating the same way. Bureaucrats move over, there’s a new sheriff in town. The “seven ways to Sunday” agency is very large and in charge, or so they believe. What we think of it becomes only an opinion. Just saying…

So Joey, how would you like a nice counter-intell investigation to go with your morning oatmeal and afternoon nap? Make us an offer we can’t refuse. You’re going to do what?


Wikipedia: “Variations of the deep state have existed as popular conspiracy theories in the United States since the 1950s.

“Although the term ‘deep state’ is thought to have originated in Turkey in the 1990s, belief in the concept of a deep state has been present in the United States since at least the 1950s. A 1955 article in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, quotes Americans sharing their belief in the existence of a “dual state”: a hidden national security hierarchy and shadow government that monitors and controls elected politicians.”

Right Ring | Bullright | 2023

Disaster Relief In A Shape-Shifting World

From the bowels of disbelief, where common sense seems to get vomited out.

My friends, it is time for a word from a rambling cynic about disaster relief. There are areas in the country that for one reason or another are more prone to natural disasters. In those areas, there are hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, or earthquake and fires. These are justifiably natural disasters.

Now understandably some people aren’t crazy about it, but there is room and need for federal responses to help in those horrific times. Sometimes there are warnings, even if short, and other times there are no warnings at all when people or towns are slammed by a disaster causing millions or billions in damages. It is nice to know federal government has a department that has come to specialize in disaster responses of all types.

After all it is a monumental task for towns or cities to respond often on no notice to a natural disaster that seemed to come out of nowhere, which almost stops the clock on daily routines or activities of the simplest kind — from getting groceries to schools and work, to local services. It throws lifestyle and lives into a frenzy. We know some of them by name and others by what they are, be it twisters or floods. They are catastrophic events when lives are on the line. We pray and have first-responders who turn into heroes on a moments notice.

We are thankful for those responders and yes, thankful also for the government who can step in at these times with the resources to help. That is the kind of help we need to stabilize a chaotic time and hopefully add more organization and aid to traumatic events. Some may wish it wasn’t necessary but often it is, and can make a big difference. Not everyone sits around with the equipment and resources to take on an emergency crisis out of nowhere. Often we don’t know ahead of time what will be needed. We can only predict but predictions fall short. So we can use or need the extra resource-power and help.

So what of it when this seems to be stood on its head? What about when the very process goes very wrong? What happens when the process is abused or reversed? I mean by that when government becomes the problem and not the solution. Yes, it is a real thing.

We have seen horrible films about the causes of all types of disasters, some natural and some man-made. I have been leading here up to a certain point. Some disasters do have causes, unlike purely natural disasters with weather and phenomena.

We don’t actually control the elements regardless what some would like us to believe. We aren’t going to stop a tornado. We can only prepare for them, should they occur. Blaming ice melt in the Arctic for a flood seems rather pointless when you think about it. A shark attack cannot simply be blamed on fishermen. Things can and do what they are going to do. However, preparedness may be a key to riding out a catastrophe. The cause and effect of many natural disasters is very scant. But prevention of them is a whole other matter.

So we know what natural disasters are, and we know what man-made catastrophes are. They both require a cleanup or response when they happen. And we often add to it that our response tends to bring people together. That is important too.

Now for the other hand. This one can be just as bad and horrific.

But now we have a new phenomena, more recent and tragic nonetheless. We have crises and disasters that are generated by government, then dispersed across the country. They are created for the most part by coastal elites in Washington that also think they know better than the rest of the country how we should live, work, or do any of the things we do with our lives. These diabolical maniacs of ego and power are usually not so connected to the people who suffer the effects. These creators of catastrophe live in safe areas and bubbles normally removed from the real effects. But there is trauma, heartbreak, pain (lots of it), and tragic effects in these disasters too.

With these government generated crises the first response is to deny they are happening; then claim they are only minor, and dismiss them as real problems. The latest strain of disasters are the intentional ones. They certainly don’t want to take responsibility for it.  They would rather try to blame us or our perception, and dismiss the cause altogether.

That is why I decided to call them Disaster Deniers. Not only do they deny the crises but they want to make sure you do not connect any of it with them. That seems to be their entire concern that they get any blame. So they look around for anything to point to as the cause — anything but them. One after another we see and feel the effects.

But when the people suffer “a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

Maybe we should  reread the Declaration of Independence before every election, then vote accordingly. Think of it as disaster protection insurance or disaster relief.

This is why I wrote another post on “The Prose of Election Politics.” We know how to deal with natural disasters. Do we know how to deal with man-made disasters, and those who deny them? I find it hard to believe most people in the country deny the crises in front of them or the cause.  The coastal elites are not even trying very hard to hide the cause anymore. They just think we have no capacity to deal with it, even if we are aware of it.

Take for instance Pennsylvania’s Senatorial election. They did elect Fetterman, as I begrudgingly predicted. So in the face of disasters and crises from Washington, how can you go and vote for more of it and for someone like Fetterman? Well, we know. They will absolutely vote for anyone who is put in front of them. Okay, but then just don’t act to the rest of us like it is doing something toward the problems by voting for him.

Now take a look at the county map of PA for a breakdown. NBC has a decent one. It shows a whole lot of red on it. In county after county, Fetterman had low numbers. There were counties where he had only 15% or 19%. But radical Dems ran up the numbers in Philly (82%). So there must be a lot of people in PA who are livid at the outcome. Why should their process and decision be hijacked by these uber radical areas? It’s another man-made, government-created disaster brought to you by the same disaster deniers.

Remember the words of Rahm Emanuel: “never let a crisis go to waste.” (even if and especially if you created it yourself)

That long train is only getting longer and longer. Who’s pretending the train doesn’t exist?


Right Ring | Bullright | 2022

New American Phenomena

It turns out that after 246 years, a new phenomena has been uncovered far into the deepest regions of the US. It sent shivers down the historical food chains and libraries everywhere, not to mention the panic in news rooms and on op-ed desks.

In 2020, we officially discovered that you can abridge any free speech or press by simply calling it Russian disinformation,… multiple sources familiar with the matter have told us.

This is not a joke, it is not hyperbole. No civil service employees or federal agents have been harmed or exposed in creation of this report. It cannot be used in a “court of law;” and no Russian disinformation was used or consulted for this report.  Sponsored by FJB LLC. We regret any confusion this may have caused in the past. But now you know.

Right Ring | Bullright | 2022

Eulogy To Roe V. Wade

Today, June 24, 2022, Roe V. Wade died after a torturous yet productive life. Roe was imagined and born in a cloakroom of the Supreme Court on January 22, 1973, by a 7-2 decision. Just as her life began there, it also ended there almost 50 years later.

She is survived by a variety of anonymous offspring who declined to comment. Her alias was ‘reproductive rights’ but often operated under the pseudonym of Healthcare. Socially ahead of the times, she identified as a law. Preferred pronouns: me, my, mine.

But for those 50 years she lived large in society, clinics, side streets in neighborhoods and the minds of the American people. She was a force to be reckoned with. Nearly every Supreme Court nominee — or federal judge — was forced to swear on the altar of Roe Wade to protect her ceremonious existence, marinated in estrogen.

She led a religious cult and following; and was nicknamed the ‘sanctity of death’ among critics. However, far from leading a healthy life, she created a toxic environment that ushered evil into every faucet of society masquerading as constitutional legitimacy.

In early life, she established many clinics and offices dedicated to her posterity in low-income and minority neighborhoods under her cousin’s name, Planned Parenthood. The two held various common interests. They were a dynamic duo of power and agendas.

Over recent years, Roe’s own health worsened though some thought her immortal. She had been privately on life support for a while. In finalizing her existence, 5 Justices decided to pull the plug. While the Chief Justice concurred, he instead preferred removing all treatment and judicial sustenance necessary, leaving her to slow yet fatal expiration.

The decision won out, Roe Wade was humanely put out of suffering to the protest of her cult following. The fallout of which is bound to be felt on streets across America.

Ironically, this did not end all the suffering and misery she caused over a 50 year reign. She helped lead a deviant legacy of debauchery across the country. Over 60 million babies were killed as a result of her half-century existence. Roe was very politically active for being terminally diseased. Her fiercest enemy was Personhood.

“Roe v. Wade caused a 4.5% decline in births in states that had not previously legalized abortion. ” – a simple byline in Wikipedia  sums up her legacy.

Despite her wild successes, she was never accepted by a large population in America. Roe was illegitimate and created under false pretenses — the very kind of social ills and illegalities she proposed to exterminate across America.

Finally, the powers that be knew the only viable option to save  Roe Wade was through a formal codification in Congress, which never came to save her demise. But that did not slow her down. Her death count rivaled the Holocaust and Stalin’s and Mao’s evil.

Sadly for her, she had no conscience — born that way. She was billed as the solution to all cultural problems. Her life estate was quite extensive. Roe held sufficient layers of control over all power and leaders in the country. Still Roe was terminally flawed from creation.

Though Roe V. Wade is now gone, the process of abortion she enshrined will live on without its flamboyant maître d’of evil, and living large in the minds of her adherents.

Unfortunately, she falsely altered the minds of most of the cult. She could do no wrong nor ever die,  even though evil was her raison d’être.

America has been grieving the Roe Wade decision, both politically and socially, for almost 50 years. May she now rest in peace because she didn’t offer any here.

Now a moment of silence for “Roe V Wade is the law of the land.

Ceremonies to be held across the land.

[*^Correction: I initially said 6-3 decision but was corrected, 5-4.]

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2022

Accidental On Purpose

Allow me to ask a personal question: how could anyone politicize baby formula? But for a president and administration who could politicize everything, it only comes natural. How could it not play politics with baby formula when they’ve been playing with babies’ lives on Roe for 50 years? And they treasure every moment of their killing babies agenda.

Now that the validity of that Supreme decision is challenged by another SCOTUS decision, it’s time to ramp up politics again to keep it alive.

However, baby formula is a different thing. That doesn’t fit within the abortion agenda, so it must go on the other side of the political ledger. Bidenistas only care about babies when they belong to illegals coming across the border. Then they use babies as political weapons, feigning compassion. “No cages for babies” but, to leftists, those little tikes would have made excellent abortion candidates only a year or so earlier.

Since illegals are here already, and our responsibility, stockpile baby formula to feed them. The nation needs to have formula sent to the border to take care of illegals’ babies. Who cares about our parents or babies in the US? Who cares if our own people can’t get theirs? They don’t care about our families or children. But pull out all the stops for illegals.

Who would think our government could be so malicious toward its own people? That’s the point, who would think that? But if you don’t really like America, then how are you going to feel about the people? So if you don’t care about the people, why would you care anything about our children?

So one more time, it would be tempting to think something is wrong, there must be a mistake. But it isn’t a mistake. It is actually a success because it is exactly what they intended. The dirty little gimmick here is that people would not think this could be done on purpose, no one would do that intentionally. Oh, but they would and do.

It takes some mental training to combat it. Of course they can turn around to say “no one would want to do that intentionally.” That is the gaslighting part. Who would want to believe it is all on purpose?

We went through this with Obama. We would call it failure. They all saw it as success. The more failure we saw, the more successful they were.

Empty Shelves

The baby formula shortage has become a metaphor for the administration. There are empty shelves all over that just don’t add up. It makes you glad Biden is not in charge of stocking shelves or supplying your local stores.

He’s never worked outside the bureaucracy of the government anyway. Putting him in charge of baby formula would be like asking the fox to guard the hen house. Things could always get worse.

It’s interesting that this crowd will do anything to hasten killing babies on a moments notice — even raise money on it — but not in feeding them . That agenda needs supplied.

What is he going to do about fertilizer or other shortages coming? There is always the basement bunker which seems to hold the answer to almost everything. They see everything as a communication or messaging problem. And denial of the problems does not seem to be working lately.

Immediately, Jen Psaki resorted to blame it on hoarding. It’s called eating not hoarding. Then she suggests talking to your pediatrician. That will fix it. She said they were working on the problem for months. Apparently not successfully. But wait… that is success to them.

Empty heads

The obnoxious ‘derelict of duty’ Joe cannot let criticism of himself fester. He put out a tweet which made little sense. — but what does with Joey? “You want to bring down inflation? Let’s make sure the wealthiest corporations pay their fair share.

Demonizing corporate taxes is not an answer to inflation. It is a deflection, not a solution.
The CPI (consumer price index) was 1.4% when Joe took office in January, 2021. Now it is at 8.3%. What has corporate fair share got to do with inflation?

*in CPI over the year: food at home rose 10.8%. Energy 30.3%; gasoline 43.6%.

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2022

Saving Sanity In The Biden Era?

The Democrats are using Orwell’s 1984 as a blueprint instead of a satire. Now they have instituted a Ministry of Truth. Of course they wouldn’t call it that, they would rather endow it with the name Misinformation Disinformation Governance Board.

Governing free speech is apparently so popular.

So they are rolling out their ministry of truth to combat, supposedly, all kinds of misinformation — or what they deem as misinformation. (anything they don’t like or agree with.) Ah, what an incestuous web they weave. What sparked this ? You might say it has been in the works a while.

Obama had truth squads and his brownshirt army who were out to keep the record straight. You had 911 Truthers to begin with, who were also part of the left.

But they now incorporated it formally into the administration. What more prominent place to put it than within Homeland Security? Since they keep repeating our greatest threat to the homeland is right-wing extremists, it gives away how they plan to use it.

You might expect such a bureau in some authoritarian regime but here it is in the US. “They’ll never get away with it” becomes another empty mantra along with all their other revisions to our government. They do it and therefore it is. Could there be a Constitutional challenge that tells them “no?” But what are the odds it will be knocked down?

Remember all the czars Obama appointed? Who would stop him? We now will have a department that codifies the network the Left has built among the Silicon Valley social media, to silence any political opposition.

And speaking of social media, what better timing for it than as Truth Social opened to the public? Could they have had that platform in mind? Then Elon Musk buys Twitter threatening their monopoly on censoring information. The Left is screaming over that like when Hillary lost the election.

Adding more insult to the left — as every Tweet from Elon now does — Musk tweeted about the political paradigm alignment. Well, the left jumped to interpret that as a defining of the country, which the Left jealously guards as their inherent right to do. Only they can define the country. So that offended them both ways.

But the image he used was simple and made a point. Here it is.

And that is all it took…. off to the races.

You might say Elon Musk also has some unorthodox ideas for Twitter, sure to set off fireworks — both literally and figuratively. But that’s a subject for another time. This is purely about the political paradigm Musk referenced.

For now, Elon swung at the fences with this image the Left was quick to try to pigeonhole. Many people agreed with his description of where he was on the spectrum of politics. (that was the purpose) The Left hyperventilated about that along with his description in the image that painted the Left as running further and further off the far left scale.

So that prompted someone like Matthew Dowd to respond with a description of where the country is. Here is that assault on reality.

Matthew Dowd

“The truth is, yes the Dems have become more progressive as the country has, but the GOP has moved towards autocracy and further away from “equality and justice for all”. I would ask everyone to acknowledge this factual reality as they discuss the political landscape.”

8:47 AM · Apr 29, 2022

Get that, blame the country that it is going with progressives.

But we know the country got behind Trump and has trended to the conservative side of the spectrum. The country certainly is not behind the issues or ideas they have.

He wishes everyone would acknowledge that fact … er big lie? Autocracy right?

Only so much time, how sinister they really are. The pendulum has actually swung against the left. Under any poll they seem to be loosing support. But they skip down the yellow brick road acting like everyone is with them. People are running the other way.

Schools, the economy, inflation, socialism, green new deal, open borders, crime, anti-police. The people are not supporting their positions. They are running from them.

What started this defining the politics of the country syndrome? A simple Tweet from Elon Musk on his personal place on the spectrum. Though he seems to have a pretty good grip on what has happened in the country. How long till the Ministry of Truth takes on the subject to have the final “progressive” word?


Right Ring | Bullright | © 2022

Hillarygate To The Septic Swamp

What a tangled web she weaves. If this is not evil personified, then I don’t know what is.

Strange how the hypocrite Hillary Clinton goes from under investigation to running an investigation; and from hiding a server — “you mean like wiping it with a cloth?” — to hacking servers, all within a few months time. It’s almost like magic. Dark deception.

You just can’t make this stuff up. But if you can, then you probably ought to work for Hillary Clinton — or maybe the deep state.

My proverbial thought for the day is: Straight To The Top.

Hillary knew one thing for sure: once you get an investigation started, it takes on a life of its own and is very hard to stop. It’s sort of like perpetual motion. Except if it is a democrat where, by laws of physics, it cannot go anywhere.

What is it with these people, they think government is only a tool for their own personal use? Of course they do. To think Hillary is not even done yet. She’s reloading her server.


Right Ring | Bullright | © 2022

Flashback To 1990’s And Crime

I saw a news feed headline that crime and inflation are at the top of voters’ concerns and, momentarily, it caused a flashback to the 90’s. What a strange trip, indeed.

Crime a top concern and mood for Congress souring deep into the country’s psyche? Damn. It was time for a plan, something new. Along came Newt Gingrich riding to the rescue, Teddy Roosevelt style. There were probably a lot of deniers about the atmosphere around the halls in the Capitol. Sound familiar?

But Newt knew what the country knew, it was time for change and the people’s pet peeve had legs. (lots of them) Remember it was the same dissatisfaction that cost Bush Sr the top job. He wasn’t focused on domestic policy. Betting on Clinton was no jackpot.

The stage was set for Newt’s revolution and contract with America. Still there were many deniers until it happened. Remember Clinton’s pivot to save his ass?

Public mood seems a lot the same today. Crime and policing are issues. We’ve taken a kick in the gut. Then you watch a Democrat majority turn around to push a faux voter rights bill that no one seems to care about. (or sees the need for)

As if we the people were not already fed up enough with the Congressional jackknife.

Word is Newt is now working with Kevin McCarthy, and other Republicans, on a new contract. After past talk of doing it fizzled before, now seems like the right time. I can say it is time for something new because we are as disgusted as I can remember.

Notice though that when that happens, a lot of people in the beltway don’t know it or can’t see it coming. It usually works that way for some reason. (shout out to Liz Cheney)

The people may get it wrong a lot, but once in a while they do get right. Like in 2016 when they sent Trump into the White House. But there were a lot of denials about that too.


So when homicides busted the record in LA in 1992, it got people’s attention. Violent crimes also spiked by 41% in Kansas that year.

But when you read the statistical reports, crime rates of many types saw declines in the late 90’s. What accounted for that? Well, a lot of laws were passed on crime, such as juveniles and sex offender registries. “40 states enacted crime legislation pertaining to adults.” Read about it here.

They were getting tough on crime. Sure prison numbers increased. What you might expect to happen. But in those greater statistics is another surprise. In 2016, crime increased by 8.91% from 2015. Crime also increased in 2015 by 11.37% over 2014.

Then guess what happened later? In 2017 and 2018 it decreased.  Now we are hearing all the calls to release prisoners, no bail, revolving doors, or not to prosecute crime to start with. The people are seeing and living the results of these policies. Cities are turning into hellholes. And people are tired of it.


Of course all this minutia and attitude of the people is lost on Congress Crawlers. People are sick of the George Soros screenplay. Congress isn’t liked any better either.

See how this works?

But don’t expect Congress to get the message until it happens, after the fact. Even though history is clear about people getting fed up with them. Sure there have to be some members that have just enough brains to read the writing on the wall. That might explain all the members leaving, you know, “to spend more quality time with their families.”

Regardless whether people show up protesting in the streets is not the point. The stage is set that they are so ready for change. And I bet a good many of them have seen the movie before and remember. Newt being one of them.

I can only hope Republicans do come up with some good contract/plan. But the die is already cast, in my opinion. People know what they want. They don’t need to be spoon fed or told. Then after they expect results to follow.

Running and campaigning against Democrats?

Yeah, what is the problem with that? Some say you cannot just run against Democrats. Sorry, we have living videotape documentation. They damn sure better use it. I don’t need wonky policy talk. Say what you mean, what you will do and by golly, just do it. We don’t need fancy verbiage or power point lists. I can give you all the lists you need of problems. Isn’t that enough of an indictment to make the case?

Then let the Democrats try to deny those are very real problems. (they don’t want us comparing notes) Let everyone know what we are fed up with. If you can’t do that, how can you present any alternative? Those commercials can be graphic. Like we haven’t seen it or read about it in the news? We’re all adults here, and we have a justifiable bitch.

The people have a voice in this and need to be heard, too, not just pontificating politicians.

We saw a preview of the process in VA. Also in NJ, if it wasn’t mysteriously pulled out for Democrats. Time is now or never. Take all the territory we can get, because we’re going to need it. Let Democrats have hellhole cities they ran into the ground. Let them hold onto them like the trophies of failures. We’ll circle and surround them everywhere. There should be no way out or escape for Democrats. Let them drown in their swamp.

Oh, it can be a slow process; I don’t really care. Playing footsie games never wins. Personally, I want a crystal clear indictment. And let it flow like a river.


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In Pursuit Of Life, Liberty And Happiness

It’s amazing that so much can happen over a couple decades. For instance Big Tech grew up and became Big Government. But it kept all its childhood protections.

Jen Psaki told us right from the WH press room that yes, they were in regular contact with Facebook and flagged many posts for FB action. Facebook also admits going out its way to accomplish WH objectives removing content. Psaki called it misinformation.

No, it’s about votes as it always is with Democrats. It’s all about political power, to use it and abuse it. The WH said it is concerned about the numbers of unvaccinated. Then they propose a vaccination drive to knock on some doors.  .

The next day reports of Democrat political organizers surfaced in Virginia knocking on doors. Who else would they enlist but political organizers, the same people who get out the vote?  Is everything about electioneering to Democrats? The simple answer is yes.

Jen Psaki also declared misinformation public enemy number one. Actually people’s voices are the enemy. They need to use their Facebook Fascist friends to ferret out their enemies. And they gladly comply.

So anything Biden’s administration doesn’t like or agree with is labeled misinformation and gets put in the hopper. Now its over COVID, or what they admitted to so far, but it could be applied to anything. And it will be, just call it misinformation..

Notice how every once in a while Democrats will come right out and tell you what they are doing? And when they do no one cares. Media sighs.


How sinister that the Left want to create a narrative about suppressing votes. The real story is Democrats want to suppress speech, the First Amend and literally their opponents. Their agenda is broad and drastic: to suppress life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

The Abortion party suppresses life and liberty everyday. They don’t just suspend they terminate it. End of the problem.

But it is the votes stupid. They care about votes more than life. Actually, it is not really votes they care about; it is the power they extort from them. Or the power they can use against their political enemies. And the power to concentrate and keep that power.

The same power they use in the abortion industry over life. Have you ever seen people more anti-life than Democrats, or more power hungry?

Big Tech and Planned Parenthood, two of Democrats’ greatest empowered lobbies. Censoring speech and canceling life of, by and for government’s favor.

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2021

Hippy-Sippy Government Says

The government is not good at fighting culture wars. They don’t make good cultural warriors, to whom it concerns. But that doesn’t seem to matter.

Imagine if back in the 60’s the government was promoting bell-bottom jeans and tie-die shirts. I think things would have turned out differently. Suddenly people would not want bell-bottoms if “the man” said you had to wear them.

Americans have had a revolutionary nature to big government dictates, at least historically. They tend to rebel against socio-politco mandates from on high. In fact that is what the bell-bottom craze was all about. It was counter culture as the “new mother nature taking over.” Get aboard.

But create a new government mandate and see how people respond? Imagine if they said, again in the 60’s, that all men should grow their hair as long as possible or that it would subsidize anyone getting tattooed. Imagine what would have happened? If government said people should “drop out and turn on” to LSD, it could have launched the beginning of the end of psychedelics.

And the people, at some point along that experiment, would have probably decided, “government is not really your friend.” Right, the government is not your big brother and is not always looking out for your best interests. But just imagine if people fell for such nonsense like government as the great trendsetter? Then, ultimately, it could also decide who lives and dies. Sooner or later people would have woken up and said it was nonsense.

So we don’t expect government to have our best interests at its heart. In fact there is certain inherent distrust for government on that cultural and socio-politico level. And we already know it doesn’t work. So why would we want that?

Actually we don’t, really. But that would be news to some who now think government mandates are the best. And it has the time and resources to come up with all sorts of dictates, in all kinds of places, like the new green deal. Yes they can and they will.

Do people follow along with all these dictates like puppies? Is that the way this works? Try explaining that to woke leftists. I say all that to suggest this is exactly what is happening.

Government is the great trendsetter and cultural warrior. It determines our culture and even battles within it. We are to follow along and accept it as the great Ayatollah of culture. Put it at the head of the proverbial family, too, so it controls everything in the culture, or aspires to – free rein for government supreme. Speech, style, terms — it has it all.

It has an army of brownshirts to facilitate and enforce its mandates. Some are quite happy about that and think it should. Many of these starry-eyed utopians are former rebels of the sixties. How did that happen? Now gubmint is their boss.

Suddenly everything the government does is good and for good reasons. They are giving a moral accreditation to government it never had, in areas it should not have control over. But the hard line leftists, who include most of Democrats’ Party, now think it is justified because they control the entire apparatus.

We also took government from the distrusted phase to the ultimate culture guru. They applied a moral component it never had, with morality controls it should never have down to individual liberty and lifestyle, what you eat. This morality is most concerning.

But meanwhile, the real truth behind the curtain is this new government morality lies, cheats and steals to achieve its ugly ends. (look what it did in over the last 5 years with Trump and people opposing it) It has license to do whatever it wants with no oversight to stop it. Surveillance to rigging elections, no bounds. And “seven ways to Sunday…”

Don’t like who is getting elected? Oppose and stop them. Use intelligence for political purposes. Lie to do it all, then lie and cheat to cover it up. But remember, there is no controlling legal authority to prevent it. That is the way the system works.

The Left is fine with all that. In fact they demand more of it; more covert action, more control from on high. Do it all while aligning itself with media, big tech and institutions to carry out its collective, ideological desires. And the best part is that no one is ever held accountable. So that trendsetting, cultural behemoth now wants us to be ashamed of America’s history. It’s the cool thing, kids, so tell all your friends.

Just to prove the point, we see leftists take to the streets to march and Democrat pols show up to lead the parade. The leftists inside the government now protest against it. So liberals, progressives, socialists and commies of all stripes, this is your utopia.

The counterculture is now the moral majority but don’t tell them that, it might scare them and ignite their microaggression sensitivities. It could short-circuit the entire thing.

Right on schedule, Al Sharpton’s race circus went to consult the White House. Sharpton said this will blossom into a summer of protest, to get back into the streets. (did they ever leave?) The full cooperation and alliance with the administration is clear. No separation between them. Government is leading the culture war. “More Kool-Aid, please.”


(*I think I hear echoes of the 5th Dimension’s Age of Aquarius and, as Jagger said, it’s a “Bitch.”  Those “minds to liberation” are taking a nice, long hiatus now.)

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2021

Kamala Reimagined Entrepreneur

(*in my sloppy Rod Sterling voice) Just imagine, if you will, a world in which one Kamala Harris is an expert on entrepreneurship, and she is doling out solutions to a market hungry for great fresh ideas.

No, you’re right, I can’t imagine it either.

“In this moment, more than repair, we must reimagine. And after providing $60 billion in relief to small businesses, we must work to broaden access to capital and remove other barriers to success for entrepreneurs across the country.” —

[Says the swashbuckling Diva of entrepreneurs Kamala Harris in a recent expose on Kamala, the adventure capitalist, in Forbes magazine.]

I know, it’s sick. But just think, there are people out there who would believe this crap empanada.

Well, she also has the biggest portfolio of nothingness in world history.

Is their answer to everything “reimagine?” Have they reimagined accountability, too? Maybe she is reimagining the value of 600,000 dead Americans and corrupt politicians who extorted every last bit of it in their lust for power, exclusively in those “blue” business capitals of America.

What Kamala knows about entrepreneurship couldn’t even fill a campaign button. I mean that literally, folks!

Now if by entrepreneurial she actually meant ___________ ….

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2021

Ready, Willing, And Able

It just sounded like a good title. Long in the tooth, as they say. The able part may be a little challenging these days but is still worth a shot. How many times have you heard over the years to “keep your powder dry?” Good advice!

But right now, it really is the case. What is happening on the other side daily is the Democrats are showing us what and who they are. Sometimes you don’t have to make the case since they demonstrate it much  better than you could explain it. What a fine-feathered nest of commies we have running the show, pushing their agenda forward. In one way they are the most persistent creatures of habit, while in another  the dumbest bunch you could find anywhere in the world.

Normally, I would say you could not find dumber people anywhere but they have really cornered the market on it. So it is no wonder they would have a guy like Joe in there being as dumb as a rock, but who prattles on about his fake accomplishments. It is an achievement for Biden to wake up in the morning and get out of bed. But then he is only the front man for the Commie Party of America. What good could ever come from that? Only pure evil can ooze from the Democrat Party now. It is completely unAmerican.

That bunch are worried about reforming the police departments? Another interesting phenomena is all the goals Joe keeps trotting out. What is it with him and goals? I’ve never seen someone so obsessed with weighting the outcomes of things. But of all the goals on everything else, he cannot make a simple goal on limiting the number of illegals surging our border or even curtailing it from historic highs. Nope, no goals necessary there. I guess that is because he is already exceeding his goal there.

Yet he did offer another kind of goal recently to dramatically increase the number of refugees we accept from around the world. Is 125,000 just the starting point? Could it go higher than that  — when in reality there is no number big enough for Demoocrat/socialist/commies? Joe’s only political vice is to appease the Left, until they want more anyway.

I suppose that is more of their Swamp Science they are so enamored with. They clearly don’t want the rest of us eating beef, but they survive on bullshit alone. Make sense?

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2021

Equality For Thee

“We hold these truths to be self-evident that…..”

No, stop right there! No, you don’t believe that, Joe.

As part of his COVID Relief for businesses, Joe Biden announced funding opportunities would first go to minorities and those who have traditionally been lagging. You know, in this systemically racist system of ours. So they would have exclusive priority in getting funds based on their racial or identity qualifiers. After 21 days, other people would be eligible for funds. So “first come, first serve” begins after 3 weeks of preferences.

(USA Today) “The law set aside $9.5 billion for the smallest bars and restaurants. Small businesses owned by women, veterans and socially and economically disadvantaged individuals will be given priority for review and funding during the first 21 days of the program. Afterward, applications will be funded on a first-come, first-served basis.”

What is this stuff? How would that stand up to Constitutional scrutiny? Joe should know this as a former chair of the Judicial Committee in the Senate. But either he doesn’t really care, doesn’t understand the Constitution. I don’t know which.

Now I realize when Joe obsessively talks about the 4th of July he wants to redefine as our independence from the pandemic, why he is set on that notion. But he really is trying to redefine July 4th, if you hadn’t noticed.

He is burying the original meaning of the 4th.. Back even then, we were wrong for what we were doing and our motives were clearly wrong. That is according to the new dogma of the Left anyway. There was nothing good about it. So he gets to create a good intention for the 4th of July. Just transpose all that celebration onto that new revision.

Naturally, when we repeat that line, “holding these truths self-evident,” Biden doesn’t actually believe that all men(in a general sense) are created equal. He believes some are more deserving than others; that racial preferences are necessary, and that equality was never really a thing. Joe considers discrimination a moral duty. Further, he thinks we should discriminate in enforcement of law too. In fact, it is the (new) purpose of law.

Screwed By Teachers’ Unions

Seriously, at what point do we finally hold teachers’ unions accountable for what they did? They are not exempt from the damages to our society — now or in the future.

But it is strange that any sort of real accountability seems to be fleeting these days, especially from the powerful. All you have to do is declare yourself (or organization) a voting bloc and you receive protected status against all accountability.

Teachers’ unions are no friends of America. They siphon the power away from the people, rendering the rest of us serfs and slaves to the political power.


It has finally come out that Randi Weingarten, president of American Federation of Teachers, directly lobbied the CDC to keep schools closed. And now we know that CDC listened to them and actually used their own words in its guidance.

When do unions get to set school policy? When do they get to set national health policy? It doesn’t matter when they did it. It was wrong and our government cannot be used as a long arm for teachers’ unions over the safety and welfare of our children or public.


Powerful teachers union influenced CDC on school reopenings, emails show

NY Post

The American Federation of Teachers lobbied the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on, and even suggested language for, the federal agency’s school-reopening guidance released in February.

The powerful teachers union’s full-court press preceded the federal agency putting the brakes on a full re-opening of in-person classrooms, emails between top CDC, AFT and White House officials show.

The emails were obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request by the conservative watchdog group Americans for Public Trust and provided to The Post.

The documents show a flurry of activity between CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky, her top advisors and union officials — with Biden brass being looped in at the White House — in the days before the highly-anticipated Feb. 12 announcement on school-reopening guidelines.

“Thank you again for Friday’s rich discussion about forthcoming CDC guidance and for your openness to the suggestions made by our president, Randi Weingarten, and the AFT,” wrote AFT senior director for health issues Kelly Trautner in a Feb 1 email — which described the union as the CDC’s “thought partner.”

“We were able to review a copy of the draft guidance document over the weekend and were able to provide some initial feedback to several staff this morning about possible ways to strengthen the document,” Trautner continued. “… We believe our experiences on the ground can inform and enrich thinking around what is practicable and prudent in future guidance documents.”

/…  The AFT also demanded special remote work concessions for teachers “who have documented high-risk conditions or who are at increased risk for … COVID-19,” and that similar arrangements should extend to “staff who have a household member” with similar risks. A lengthy provision for that made it into the text of the final guidance.

Who in the hell is running this country? I think we know. Time for some serious accountability. The Biden administration claims this is leading by science.  I know, let the Mexican cartels run our border and immigration policy, too. Right, they already are.  

Swamp Science

Biden’s Joint Session Redress

Well, was it really Joe Biden’s speech? He was pushing Bernie’s platform. You know, the most progressive (socialist) administration in history. But I will start with the end first, which is where Democrats always start.

Interesting that the first place Biden went after he delivered it was to see Bernice Sanders.

But if Biden’s goal was to make Bernie look good, he sure did. Joe told us about all these big spending ideas with big price tags. Then he says we will pay for it by making the rich pay their fair share. (as if they don’t.)

So to seal the deal, Obiden repeated that no one making less than 400k per year would see an increase in their taxes. Whether that is families or individuals is not clear.

Now remember Bernie debating Hillary in 2016 came right out and said the middle class would see their taxes go up substantially — average +6000 more than their current taxes were then.  And even lower income people too. But he said look at all the benefits they would get in return. So it would be worth it. That was Bernie’s deal.

But Biden did not make that pitch.

Delaware Joe either did not get that memo or forgot that part of the Bernie formula. Of course their taxes will have to be raised, too. Biden is just plain lying. At least Sanders admitted it when confronted about it. (that is common knowledge)

In reality, this wasn’t really a State of the Union or Joint Session Speech. It was a straight out solicitation to buy votes. Only it was not peppered with some flowery rhetoric like Democrats typically do. He just went directly out on the street corner to proposition them.


He would not talk about what he is really doing or the platform for it.

He claimed America is back…. to the systemically racist country we always were. Then he promises to build back better. Not a chicken but a racist in every pot.

Create a crisis on the border of historic proportions. Then ignore it completely as a non-issue. Then use it to blackmail the country for an amnesty plan.

Attack and run a court-packing scheme on the Supreme Court. Well, even worse than Obama standing up there attacking SCOTUS in his speech.

Calling half the country racists was classic, claiming they are worse than any present foreign threat. Demonize anyone who did not vote for him.

Killing good paying jobs with the stroke of a pen the first day. Killing jobs, jobs, jobs!

Canceling out political enemies or opposition to himself.

Turn the country into a seething mobocracy and then rant about democracy.

Enact gun control any way possible.

Hike taxes under the guise of the rich paying their fair share.

Take credit for the gains Trump built and vaccines he expedited. Now it is back to the business of crooked politics as usual. Swamp rules will be  in force.

But the vote-buying was uniquely bold and undeniable. He made clear his sole intention is to spend lots of money as the incentive for his purchase. He’s only 100 days in; can he carry on this purchase scheme for 4 years? What does he do when he runs out of money? The gig is up because that is all he knows how to do.

Interesting how he claims no rights are absolute. Then he claimed he is not going against the Constitution but only being reasonable. Now we know his definition of “reasonable.” That becomes the new code word for unconstitutional. Free speech gets the same.

He replaced Russian collaboration on every corner with White Supremacist threats everywhere across America. The citizens are now public enemy number one.

But what we really need is redress from Biden and the socialist Left.

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2021


That sounds like some Greek fraternity. In reality, infrastructure as most people think it is pretty basic but does not include things like cross-gender studies or transgender education. Infrastructure is as infrastructure does. 

Only in Washington could they take something that is bipartisan and obvious and turn it into a hole to pour money into.

Both Democrats and Republicans have now put out a plan to address infrastructure. But Democrats seem to think it is anything they want.

Big spending has become a sacrosanct political opportunity.

My simple theorem is that the more big-spending they do the more lying and opportunities for it there are. It becomes an assault on truth.

I listened to some callers on Cspan about what is needed in their states relating to infrastructure. They varied but clearly the people interpret infrastructure as roads, bridges, electric grid, water and large projects related to basic needs. Liberals need to redefine terms as they go.

Can’t we, for once, stick to standard or traditional definitions? For instance, school lunches and changing diapers are not infrastructure. (and I don’t care how big a load an 8-month-old puts out daily.) Gender transitioning is not basic infrastructure.

Years ago I envisioned a truth in legislation act, which basically said bills should have to tell the truth about what it does. It has only gotten worse since then. Titles especially should reflect that notion. That definitely would not include re-imagined and redefined terms to suit ideology. Changing terms changes the purpose and intention. It ends up meaning anything.

Now Republicans have a bill focused on only real infrastructure. It has pay-fors in it instead of a blank big-spending bill. We’ll see where it goes. But there are no bridges to re-imagined terms in that one.

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2021

New Rules Of The Road

Familiarize yourself with these new de facto rules of the road under Biden’s administration. This is the latest iteration of the way things are going to be run under Biden.

Government will take or extract corporations’ money and call it “government investing.”

Democrats will tell corporations what political positions or opinions they need to have.

Corporations, this is not your government and these are not your allies in Congress or the Democrat Party; they are now your bosses. You submit nicely to their paradigm.

And you are so naive about it. It was so easy without even a whimper.

Caution Note: but no extra, sanctimonious rights or privileges come with those rules.

Shareholders Warning: you now have a new bottom line, what government tells you it is.

The bad news is people will most likely start treating you like an arm of the government.

So you wanted to be involved in politics? Well, who knew that was a business model?


I thought I should add some needed pretext to what caused me to write this post. It’s very simple, if you don’t already know.

As soon as Georgia rolled out a bill with new laws over voting and elections, Democrats and activists in the black community jumped up with allies in media/press to oppose it.

Immediately, their media comrades like CNN ran point to put pressure on corporations and businesses to stand up to oppose the bill. Calling it suppression was not enough, they had to demonize, lie and distort every segment of the bill before people could hear about it.

Of course most Democrats did not even read the bill, they just followed the lead of the political hacks. Once lies and distortions take root, it is virtually impossible to undo.

Soon CNN had lines of black activists (read Marxists) empaneled on air calling for corporations to take up the opposition flag against Georgia. They demanded any businesses who did not stand up in solidarity with their Marxists mantra was subject to their wrath and the pain for it. Interpret the threats any way you want.

So Delta initially made a statement which, in their view, was not harsh enough toward it. Coca Cola followed the lead of radicals quickly. They were taking names of anyone who refused to adopt their agenda, calling for boycotts. What did businesses do? The jury is still out. Many, like Delta, have probably joined their radical efforts.

This is now democratization of businesses, as I have written about before, by people who have no skin or investment in those businesses. Radicals only use businesses politically as pawns against their political enemies. This is no longer free enterprise but corporate hijacking and extortion. Sadly, more are complying with the radical agenda demands.

Context complete.

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2021