Biden’s Campaign Is Off And Running

How does it feel, America? The grifter Geriatric President is running all over the country spending all his time, on taxpayers money, using all the assets of the presidency at his disposal attacking you and campaigning against us.

His speeches are non-stop attacks against the American people, nothing else. Well he can’t remember or name the candidates running, so it’s only us he focuses on.

We are one giant basket of MAGA to dementia Joe. And we aren’t even on the ballot. That doesn’t matter to nasty Joe. It’s supposed to be an election for representatives, not a Spanish Inquisition against his enemies as he pleases.

Midterm elections is a green light and excuse to attack citizens of this country. And he relishes every chance he gets to demonize us.

Oh, and if you think that you are not the target of his attacks, then you better think again. Smell his jet fumes and listen to him. He has already put all of it in motion. He won’t talk about the 87,000 IRS agents he is unleashing on us. Then use the department of disinformation to crack down on us. Or labeling parents terrorists, sicking FBI on them for going to school board meetings. Dissent is a threat to the country or “democracy.”

Don’t think a guy who talks like that about what a threat the people are is not going to follow through on hatred for the will of the people. He doesn’t like any dissent, which does not fit into his plan. Democrats are already goading him to start locking people up.

You can bet the DOJ and Feds are listening to every word, following his marching orders. It’s what they do rather than working for public security interests.

So he’s actually crisscrossing the country campaigning against Americans.
No, we aren’t on the ballot, but we are on the target list.

Right Ring | Bullright | 2022

War On The Enemies’ Terms

When we look at Ukraine, we may see events but I see a psychological campaign. That could be narrowed down to a propaganda campaign. The West has to do much better in the propaganda arena. We cannot be failing at the essentials.

I don’t mean lies but if it is one thing you can count on, it is that Russia is lying about almost everything. Of course we have a better narrative so why don’t we use and take advantage of that? Instead we get a lot of “what we won’t do” from our leaders.

That is not the stuff to win a battle or war with. That is only defining your limitations to the enemy. On the other side, Putin makes every attempt not to be defined. He only forfeits any mystery about himself by his actions. That part is something like a political campaign. You define your political opponent early and often.

Now I am not saying it is the same as politics. However, many in this country have gotten so addicted to making everything into politics. Imagine if we broke down WWII into a political debate. It wouldn’t have helped anything. But that is what the new Left has become, a religion of politics. We have had that discussion here before.

At some point people have to realize there is something more than politics in the world. That is a dangerous view. We saw ideology was the great problem with Obama.

So Fiona Hill had an elaborate interview with Politico. Yes, she is of Trump impeachment fame but she does offer some insight other than disliking Trump now. It is a miniature historical lesson. (not a revision) It does not say Putin is a great student of history either.


Why is it that the West should suffer from a predictability crisis? The Left believes we must be predictable in every way and form,. Here is where that is the problem.

What have you if there is no war you are willing to fight, and that is your position, but your enemy sees no war it is unwilling to wage? Or in other words, there is nothing you would go to war for but your enemy will go to war for anything and everything. See what a predicament that is? It does leave self-defense but even that is determined by will.

So then everything you do is dependent on will or public perception – what people, by polls or other measure, are willing to do. Everything becomes a debate or public poll.

Russia doesn’t seem to have that problem. It has a man at the helm, be it a madman or monger, who is not weighed down by the will of the people. In fact that is irrelevant to him or his goals. We now see what happens when people don’t like what he does. So what?

So I am not arguing in favor of their system, but it is just the way it is. They are not saddled by popular perception. A similar thing works with China.


We say there is an ethical rule you cannot even talk about killing the leader of a country. Russia announces its main intention is to take out President Zelenskyy, even deploying assassins to kill him and members of government. His removal is the chief objective.

If we lay down all these lines, it is only a matter of time before the enemy challenges those lines. Then what? However, you have forfeited your element of unpredictability. You have only given your enemy a road map of what you will do, so that they can plan around your lines or use them to their advantage. What you ‘will not do’ is not a defense plan. Those are only your own limitations, not your enemy’s. They freely do anything, raising villages, bombing civilians, threaten nuclear facilities committing genocide.

As much as maybe the world has changed over the last fifty years, we have only grown more predictable. We have to stop putting ourselves into a box. And once in a while, if not frequently, we have to look at things from the enemies’ perspective.

There is a school of thought that thinks there can be an advantage to being predictable That is when your enemy does not expect your non-conventional means. Then you could throw them off with the element of surprise. Maybe but would it be better not to have strapped limitations on yourself first, like a suicide bomber?

So this is the way the debate is playing out over the no fly zones. Can’t do this, can’t do that. It is impossible.

Then we have to factor in that we have a General like Milley. We saw what he did with China and making strategic promises to them. What good is that, what did we gain?

The same people, maybe it was Milley himself, shared our intelligence assets with China about what Vlad the bad was up to. Then China shared it with Russia. This is how they conduct operations?

The other step here in this process is we must know who our friends are or who are not friends. You would think we would know that. Why act as if your enemy is your friend? What does that get you?

We have to stop playing these games, which are only like running psy-ops on ourselves. The enemy doesn’t care. They laugh incredulously at you as you bang your head.

But America is now awake to its threats, it was asleep for too long.


Right Ring | Bullright | © 2022

Change The Tune, Then Play It Again

Hello, beloved patriots:

As the drama of another unpopular year is coming to a close, the lying Left appears to be getting a few messages. Or their ability to deny the truth bombs going off in every part of the country has reached its cosmic limits. Whichever. We are finally confronting the Left’s perception failures.

Start with Democrats abolish/defund police plank. In the last week, notable Democrats have made stunning reversal statements trying to support law and order. They tipped their hat to the crime rates, after denying them for months, suggesting we now need to re-fund and recruit police. Come on, man.

But you can hardly believe Democrats pushing anti-crime rhetoric when they have done everything possible to cause the crime wave. They must be reading the polls. 2022 is an election year, so they think they can swing around to talk about cracking down on crime.

No way, Jose, will that ever sell.


Biden makes a stunning statement that “there is no federal government solution to Covid.” Yet that was exactly what he ran on and promised: a federal government anti-state solution. He said he was going to “shutdown the virus.” Just as he told us he was not against fracking or gas. Then he canceled Keystone.

Well, Lying Biden seems to have had an epiphany. He managed to shutdown other things like learning in schools and pipelines in the Mid-West, but he now admits he is a helpless failure at shutting down the virus from hell, which keeps reinventing itself through new variants faster than Joe’s handlers can reload his teleprompter.

We get these occasional words of admission splashed in with the lies to make it appear Democrats are now pivoting their evil ways. No they aren’t. It is ear candy to make it seem like they are seeing the light and reversing themselves. Evidently, polls have consequences. The idea they are capable of reversing themselves is a fairytale.


Once again, we are going back to the land of Alice In Wonderland, where Democrats are eating on the wrong side of the mushroom. It’s Howdy Doody Time all over again. We are supposed to suspend belief to once again accept the left’s narrative on our current state of reality. Yet they are busy trying to murder reality with every breath they take.

They are at war with reality.

Even when the Left appears to be coming around to admit the truth, you cannot believe a word they say. And their motives are as corrupted as their evil plans. They haven’t given up on their failed plans, only tying to further disguise them.


Now Blomberg News is suggesting our greatest export to the rest of the world might be wokeism. Get that? Sure. the rest of the world should be dying to do to their countries what we are doing to ours, destroying it. Can they be serious?

After wokeism finally seems to be exposed for what it is and proven to be a Marxist tool, America is coming to a verdict to reject it. Even some of the Left’s staunchest mouthpieces have condemned the fallacies of the movement. No, that doesn’t mean it is going the way of the dinosaurs, it means they are tipping their hat to the idea that maybe it doesn’t do what or all they expected it to do. But one failed idea inevitably only leads to another rotten idea on the Left side of the tracks.


But they certainly can make public gestures and statements that they finally appear to understand the mistakes they made. Then again, they were not mistakes when they rolled it out because they new the damage it would cause. Now we are supposed to think they were only misguided? They were the ones committing the deception, not victims of it.

Just as we are to think that Biden is now shifting gears to get on the right side of things by admitting the state’s rights are sacrosanct in dealing with a virus? It doesn’t mean Dems changed their minds on any of these positions, like they have not abandoned Marxism. They want you to think they are pivoting.

How many times do you have to watch the same movie thinking you are going to see a different ending? Fool me once, twice, three times. Enough.

I can offer my opinion what this is all about. Leftists are witnessing the success of what conservatives have been saying for years. It is hard to hide the truth staring at us. So now they are trying to adopt some of the positions conservatives have been banging away at.

For instance, the failure of shutting down schools and remote learning. Listen to them acknowledge the policy is wrong now when they stood behind it promoting it. Now they are against shutting down schools? Really? Randi Weingarten has said her objective is only to keep schools open. Really?

Come on, man!

What’s next, will Democrats and the progressively Marxist Left now tell us they still support fossil fuels as an energy source? Will they admit we have to have a steady, reliable form of energy? Will they admit wokeism is wrecking our military? Will they admit their exuberant spend-a-thon is going to cause even more inflation and problems?

Will they admit Hillary hatched the Russia hoax against Trump and, with the help of Obama – Biden, then wove it into a coup on a sitting president? Will they admit it was all fantasy except for the cabal of treason, sedition and cover up they incorporated?

Will they admit the existence of inflation and the damage it is now causing? Will they admit that America is not a bad or evil country? Will they admit that the border needs to be closed and we cannot allow endless numbers of migrants to stream across the border? Will they admit their policy is causing illegal immigration? Will they admit crime is a problem not a solution? Will they admit they are causing crime?


But the people know the truth about all that and more. It is only the Left that is saturated in a phony reality, then they continue lying to explain and dismiss it as fast as the very real consequences show up. The verdict has been in on this entire agenda.

The people know the truth. In poll after poll, these ideas only get more unpopular in time. That’s why they were scrambling to push through another 5 trillion-dollar spending plan, before the truth of popular rejection was revealed. But Virginia happened, NJ happened.


And isn’t it odd that these fossilized Washington progressives are pushing policies or plans that will harm this country long after they are gone from earth? That is not lost on us. They want the plans to be in force way past their own expiration dates.


Right Ring | Bullright | © 2021

Poopy Pants Talks To Putin

Biden holds high-level meeting with Putin on secret video tele-comms, on the cusp of Russia staging 175,000 troops on Ukraine’s border. But the real headline is mundane or further shrouded in the secrecy of what was said.

The social media world knows Poopy Pants is just another nickname for Biden – just ask UK’s top Duchess of Cornwall, or insiders close to the Vatican for the play-by-play.

But all we hear from are talking heads, whether they be pundits, analysts, politicians or deadpan anchors for news networks. We don’t hear from the sources, as in this case.

Jake Sullivan ran out to translate for Poopy Pants, rather than have double-aneurysm Joey do two major events in one day. A two-hour conversation with Puti was more than enough stress and activity for hiding Biden. So a third-party interpretation is just what the White House Doc Klain ordered.

And the fluffer-nutter of a press conference with the aspiring Jake-the snake-Sullivan was just the type of low-info briefing the Biden operation loves. Tell them nothing!

Back to pundits verses patriots, But I am a fan of Larry Kudlow. He summed it up nicely by saying all this emphasis on “if” Putin or Russia invades Ukraine was a huge tactical error. What about all they are doing now, and why move the goalpost to the what if? Instead it was all tough talk about “if” they invade, then this or that happens.

Of course, all that posturing and red-line threatening puts us back on the defense rather than playing offense with the Moscow thug. I’ve never been partial to Russia but will commend Vlad if he does something right. In this case, he set the stage by appearing alone at a table verses Biden with his team of hacks. What message is bumbling Biden sending? Who knows? Is it encrypted telepathy?

Even Sullivan’s translation did not reveal real details of their 2-hour chat. He expressed the need for secrecy and confidentiality over transparency. Why, what does Biden have to hide? Remember the Biden Administration had already gifted a nice START Treaty extension/renewal from his first days in office. Except Vladimir didn’t get anything for Biden for Christmas.

No matter. Why can’t Biden be transparent? Is he afraid of what Putin might bring up? Is he concerned about the stakes when his son is knee-deep in grifting for Chop-Suey Joey? Is there a problem with us knowing what was really said?

As Larry Kudlow said, it went all about the “if you invade” instead of the substance of what Russia is engaged in doing. A little late now. We know Biden has already given Putin quite a lot of gains for one year. Is he preparing to offer him more? We can only speculate, but based on the history I think it is fair to surmise.

Once again, as in their meeting before, Putin is not shy about running to microphones to give his side’s interpretation. Maybe Joe would prefer we get details from the KGB side of the stage? You know, if it were Trump they would demand release of the full unedited transcript, complete with pictures.

Not Buzzard Brains Biden, the guy who keeps all of his 4 decades of records sealed in a vault at the Delaware University. Hands off all the inter-person communications and notes. You are not getting those family jewels.

I think we can safely assume that nothing Biden said will prevent Putin from what he plans on doing. That was the purpose of his plans, after all.


Here is a poopy for the road to bind you over, from Doc Ron Klain, this time on gas prices as opposed to just gaslighting for Buzzard Brains.

“Energy prices are starting to come down. More work to be done, but they are moving in the right direction.”



Right Ring | Bullright | © 2021

Back To The Russia Hoax And Dupes

A few people are being indicted in the Durham investigation. They are not government agents and are being generically charged for lying to feds. So that must mean they are just going after the liars not the feds who handled the hoax. That’s the running narrative.

Former prosecutor Andrew McCarthy is pushing this reasoning saying don’t get your hopes up because he is only targeting liars. It doesn’t mean crimes or government officials are complicit. Well this narrative has some flaws. Not that I have a much confidence in Durham’s positive outcome. McCarthy calls it “infuriating but not criminal.” Whether he is just playing down the propects on Durham’s investigation or not, it raises questions.

So then the narrative goes that the feds were duped. It wasn’t really their fault. They didn’t create it. They were fooled. Some say it was just “dirty campaign tricks” but not like there are criminal statutes for that and criminal conduct is another matter. Just walk through it with me.

Let’s remember this innocuous, “dirty campaign trick” (scheme) was rolled into a Special Counsel investigation at over 32 million tax dollars. Feds got duped? How does that happen organically without complicit willful intent? It also eventually got by that Special Counsel, too? Plus it wrecked dozens of lives and careers en route. How’s that just happen?

Now some clever Leftist may come along — not here — to suggest all the investigating and Special Counsel actions by itself demonstrates cause and reason it needed to happen. Justified on that alone.

The investigation justifies itself.

There you have it, the ludicrous defense of the investigation hoax in a nutshell. Use the fact they concocted an elaborate, corrupt investigation (scheme) to justify the Russian Hoax investigation. Use the investigation to substantiate itself. We did it; therefore it must have had to be done.

But the idea doesn’t stop there, because it can’t and was not the objective.

So we are to somehow believe Feds can discern lies from any Joe America — a serious offense for any citizen — but just cannot discern a lie when it comes to campaign hacks or nefarious foreign sources or intelligence operatives with glaringly obvious motives? (even if it was a counter-intelligence investigation.) And it is done in a national presidential election?

Just swallow all that. A counter-intell investigation requires sign off.

So then they (government/intelligence apparatus) enthusiastically uses those lies as a basis for a counter-intelligence investigation, and get dubious warrants, to ambitiously bring in a Special Counsel investigation (h/t to James Comey) of a then sitting president and National Security advisor of the United States.

Yeah, what are the odds on that happening without any willful intent to harpoon the new/incoming administration? Vegas anyone? Without the feds, government and their malicious conduct none of this happens. Now what are the odds this happens organically on the level?

But wait for it. Then they use — in press and media to defend their activities — the investigation itself to justify their investigation. Long shot?

But one more thing, we now know Dir. Brennan notified Justice Dep and even briefed Obama in August 2016 that Hillary’s campaign was running a dirty operation to accuse Trump of working with Russians. (a frame job)

Now if they are going to charge a few for lying and call it a day, it does not stand any test of basic credibility. So we cannot say laws were broken and crimes were committed in all of that? What of election law?

If that doesn’t rise to the level of some major, indictable crimes then get ready for the next viscous election. It’ll be a doozy! (I promise)


Right Ring | Bullright | © 2021

Defining Times And Terms

It is never just the words Democrats (aka Leftists) use that are the real problem, but the definitions they apply to them that do the damage. So when you follow the Left’s definitions, strange things happen like the world turning inside out and upside down at the same time. Crazy stuff materializes out of the blue.

But in politics, there is a rule that you define your opponent before he/she can. It is all about defining your enemy. That was always the rule. Now something even better has happened. The Left has defined itself, all by itself, and it is not a good brand. So why shouldn’t we run on their own definitions of terms?

For example, all this mess everywhere – sorry I won’t list all the details – is their definition of great leadership. The other day I was reading where they called their evacuation plans in Afghanistan historical and making great progress. That is progress? Do you see what their definitions of terms look like? It is appalling.

“America is back.” There is a keeper. Then you look at what that means. OPEC is back in control, with the US back to relying on foreign energy sources. Open borders. They call a bill the For The People Act that only protects incumbent Democrats. It enshrines Democrats’ power, and then they can call destroying democracy “saving democracy.”

More definitions? Just look around, there are plenty because they love to define things. They defined failure as achievement. They say they are “making progress” on the border. Immigration is a declaration of citizenship — not a Constitutional process.

They have made justice for all into a two-tier justice system – one for them and one for others. But then they want praise for having brought “integrity” back into the system. I know these are grand terms and ideas but they are their own definitions of them.

A new green deal –  socialist spending, corruption and lies – is supposed to save the planet. Who knew you would save the world with fascist corruption? And without it, the world will die a speedy death in 7 or so years, as best they can figure. Give us lies to save the day and all of humanity. More lies, more salvation. Ideology is now science.

Abolishing police is the answer to crime. So then defunding police should also go a long way to cutting crime, significantly. That will cause the attrition of cops necessary to the real goal of abolishing police. Police are the problem not the solution. Anarchy is the solution.

Social workers can be the best law enforcement and just what America needs. The new police are the social workers. Put them in the center of domestic disputes and, guaranteed, only good things can happen from that. No need to be armed.

Get rid of ICE because if we don’t believe in borders then we don’t need any customs enforcement or immigration enforcement. Give that budget money to immigrants.

So don’t charge the criminals and then watch those crime rates go down. It’s magic I tell you. It is all in their definitions. If we can control climate, we can control crime rates.

The best one is the way they define reform. So reforming justice means less justice for people. And it will help those troubling statistics too. It’s all good.


How about redefining the word good by anything bad? How about calling failure success? How about calling corruption reform? How about defining everything you are opposed to as racism? How about making discrimination the law of the land? Call opposing it Jim Crow.

So when they say “law of the land” they mean discrimination and abortion. See, they have done a lot with their definitions of things. Now it is up to us just to show their definitions. Let’s call killing a baby “reproductive choice.” Shall we call it a right not a crime?

Lets subsidize institutions that promote reproductive choice (abortion) with tax dollars. And let’s put that right over and above religious liberty or speech. Let’s call freedom of speech “hate speech.” Let’s call government’s wasteful spending “investment.”

Let’s call concealing government information “transparency.”

How about screw all the white papers and campaign plans and platforms, just run on the Left’s definitions — against them. Run on their definition of leadership. Run on what their “success” means – losing and surrender. Run on what their definition of racism is. Run on their definition of prosperity. There is a lot to run on.

One of the basics in contract–making and negotiation (deal making) is defining the terms. But fortunately, Democrats have defined the terms already so we all know what they are talking about. They simplified the matter for us. Now all we have to do is use their terms as they defined. Run on their terms.

Joe offered another good one. He says America is back. So this is what America looked like? No it never did. He said from the onset of his campaign that he was fighting to restore the soul of the country. But he is not, he is replacing it with something foreign. This was never the heart and soul of the country. Just look at their definitions. Listen to him. It’s gold.

Incidentally, build back better is another defined term. It means backwards. It means undo progress, independence and prosperity. It means serfdom, birth to death.

Barrack Obama used to talk a lot about fair share. But now we know what their idea of fair share is. It is confiscating as much as they want from you until the point you can’t take it anymore, you’re broke, or they stop. (which of those is going to happen?)

We now know their definition of private and public partnership. It means private sector companies working for them, and doing what government itself is not allowed to do.

We often blame the Left for being vague, and they intentionally are, but we can take them at their definitions of their own terms. They’ve been extremely busy defining them.

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2021

Picture it: America 2021

Just as you thought the US had enough real, serious and pressing problems to deal with, along comes Joe Biden to litter the stage with endless crises (created at the drop of a hat) Then, after every one, he shuffles off in denial at what he’s done.

As if every box in the closet marked “super-crisis,” Joe has to drag out into the room and open up to stimulate his own curiosities and the zombified adherents. The shocked look on his face only adds to the absurd plot line and effects.

Then, after exploding our outrage, he shuffles off for a respite. The spoiler alert should have been Obama saying, “never underestimate Joe’s ability to f— things up.” But no.

OBidenistas thought he was exactly the front man for this role. And it should have been named, like some novel, “Crazy Meets Crazier: the great fall of common sense.”

I could go on but why bother? It has the feel of chasing a garbage truck, when you can’t wait to get to the shower. But someone stole it. The question is how much intention is in the  plot line? Or is it a haphazard mixture to keep the outrage meter pegged?


But don’t take my word for it. The empire imploding is a theme.

Chris Evans,
EDITOR — The Telegraph

The chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan has prompted fundamental questions about the future of Western foreign policy, with America stepping back from its usual role on the world stage. For Allister Heath, the crisis confirms that the era of US dominance is over. Racked with self-doubt, US elites have lost their faith in once-formative values like capitalism, democracy and even the American dream itself.


Right Ring | Bullright | © 2021

Karma Calling: Another Crisis Created By Joe Biden

What we have seen boils down to this: there were likely many scenarios, which could have played out in the Afghanistan and the pullout. All kinds of possibilities. (though they have severely, conveniently narrowed in recent weeks.) But of all possibilities, it is as if Joe picked the one with the very worst outcome and said, “let’s do this one.” And no one could begrudge Biden of his choice. Okay, that is the only thing that makes sense to me.

And why he did it, this way with all its consequences, could be a whole other matter.

We could all debate the origination of the war in Afghanistan and the strategy, too. All a fruitless exercise now.  But the one thing we always knew was that Democrats and their rabid base of commie lovers never wanted to be in Afghanistan anyway.

But then to plug in this set of events, which were solely of Biden’s making, would be like vacating the world of cause and effect and taking up residence somewhere on the moon, far removed from and oblivious to it all.

Motives maybe don’t even matter as much as the liability of their consecutive decisions. It’s like Joe was told of all the possibilities, but he did it anyway. So we now left the comfort of coincidence and entered the ugly land of malicious intent, once again. It appears to be a pattern of all these created crises, self-fulfilled as they are. But now there is no patina of mistaken error about it and no question that he chose this route. Malicious intent.

I can think of no less than 3 books on the topic of Afghanistan and war still to be written because they are not finished screwing it up yet . But the results of those won’t matter because results and consequences are no longer relevant.

In an interview with George Stephanopoulos, Biden declared their plan was undetermined by and irregardless of any real conditions on the ground. The more their plan unfolded the more they had to ignore those consequences. That is exactly opposite what Trump had in mind and planned. To ignore conditions is pure stupidity. Then we are back to why?

Chair of Joint Chiefs, General Mark Milley said this is not the time for after action reports. No? It seems like exactly the right time for it, if it is to have any affect on correcting the problems. And accountability starts with marching his arrogant fat ass out and Secretary Lloyd Austin behind him, with Sullivan and Blinken bringing up the rear. That is just for starters. Don’t even try to call that white rage!

According to retired General McGregor, the justified firing of the top tier presents the other problem: a line of replacements like them are waiting in the wings to take over. Could we do any worse than this bunch?

But what is accountability anyway if it is not frequently exercised? I can think of no better case and time for it than now. They have already disgraced themselves and the country they are sworn to protect. Was it for political reasons? Was it for self-interested reasons? We may never know in full. Right now, though, they all stand more as a liability than an asset to this country – no matter what their experience has been. In fact, in spite of their vast experiences, if they could do this, then they really do need to go. It’s obvious.

You see, everything now, in any logical sense, points south in conduct and motive. We don’t even need a complete after-action report, or some study. Accountability has to happen immediately. Do you think if these were Chinese or Russian military officials there would be any wait and investigate? These people had our military on stand down to purge political opposition. Instead of standing down, they needed to be standing up to the critical mission in front of them — not criticizing former presidents or those who supported him.

Joe also said that it was always going to be chaotic, no matter when this took place. Well, Joe, did you make any attempt to make it less chaotic or less treasonous? No, once again, Joe Biden had to pick the worst time and worst of possible options to do this. Mistake? I don’t think so.

And then he made an 85 billion dollar gift to the Taliban for a house-warming present. His excuses are even worse than what he did. He telegraphed what he was going to do, ruled out the relevance of any conditions, then is surprised by the outcome? Nope. Actually, if you listen to Joe that much is right, he is not surprised. He has no regrets.

I’m to the point of believing – never mind Biden’s failing state – that this was all the outcome or result Biden and at least some of the top tier wanted. Did they think it would all be blamed on Trump? Did they do it as a gift to China and our enemies? The latter sounds as logical as the former.

Apply logic and reasoning and other possibilities evaporate like a mud puddle. Disgraced.

Almost as if Joe wants to make damn sure we cannot put America, or our people, first whether they are citizens or military. Biden Inc. just wrote another chapter. Joe is immoral to his core. He’s not just a miserable screw up or cognitive mess of incompetence, he’s a traitor. It’s clear. He may be in decline but hasn’t forgotten how to deceive his country.

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2021

Lying Biden Talks America, Where’s Joe Been?

Biden always says, “It’s never been a good idea to bet against America.” . Then why has he? Well, Joe is betting heavy against America, he has been for years. Pipelines for Russia, shutting down pipelines in America. He’s been betting heavy on China for years. Maybe that is why Xi Jinping has him believing that China will be taking over the world.

He could not call China a threat. He laughed that they are eating our lunch.

In the campaign, Joe said he was in a fight for the soul of the country. But someone tell Joe that we never were the Socialist States of America. Soulless socialism is not the soul of the country. We were not a Marxist nation. But Biden wants to turn us into a Marxist Autocracy. Why is he in a fight to transform the US? More like soulless Biden.

And now Joe is talking about buying American products but he was behind the big exodus of American technology. Now he wants to fix the problems. Where was he for 47 years he was in government, 8 of them as VP. He had a hand in creating the problems. Why didn’t he and Obama fix any of these things in 8 years? There is a simple answer.

Traitor Joe now claims to be Mr America, for the little guy. A little late to the party, and if it were only true. He’s been selling out America for decades and lining his pockets by fleecing America. What has he brought us?

Traitorous Joe, in bed with China, Russia, and any others he could extract money from, sold America out long ago. Biden Inc did great and now he wants to manage our decline.

What kind of pro-America crap is that? Kill pipelines, kill fossil fuels, kill our education system, change our economic system, change our electoral system, partnerships with cartels,  increase crime. Change the Supreme Court. Where is the mandate for any of it?

He claims to care about numbers when it comes to COVID. But he doesn’t care about real numbers of over a million people flooding across the border, bringing COVID with them. He cares about numbers? He is facilitating an invasion.

We are supposed to believe Joe when he says its never a good idea to bet against America. Then why has he bet against America for years? He bet on some Globalism cabal. That is not America. Foreign entanglements were not the basis of America. Now, when freedom is at stake, where is Joe? He is attacking freedom, and spending us out of our country.

If Joe wanted to be a union organizer, he could have been one. He could have done fine. But that is not the job of the president to be union organizer in chief. Who made him mob boss of America? None of that is what the people voted for.

That is not his mandate. Lying Biden is winding down America, not saving it.

Yeah, sure, Americans can do anything; except when our corrupt and treasonous leaders cut us off at the pass — frustrate our every positive move — only to seal our fate to doom.

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2021

The Yellow Brick Train Wreck

I fear, with all my better senses, that we are in a very strange place and it is starting to remind me a lot of another time in the past.

Before I get to that, does it seem to anyone else like the powers that be — in all their forms – are desperately trying to erase the last president from digital memory? Which conveniently leads us back to a default time before 2016 happened.

However, this strange place is like a bad movie that is half religion and half radical ideology. Make it radical religion. It is a plot everyone knows as I do. Follow along, it goes like this.

A guy comes into the presidency with no experience at anything, even in the private sector. He has no leadership skill, having never led anything except the line at an ice cream stand. Anyway, it goes that he came in sounding like some righteous scribe that could do no wrong. Pompous arrogance was dripping from every move. His only resume provided was his campaign, as checkered and questionable as that was.

So he actually gets the gig, against the odds and advice of our better angels. One of his repeated points all through his long-winded campaign was that he was bringing welcome change, boasting a list of demographics that would choke an elephant. He was going to help each and every identity group.

You only had to find where you fit in on the list, but surely you were on it. He had a drop down list from A-Z on his campaign website called change you can believe in. Plug yourself into the mainframe and enjoy the ride. All he required at every turn was to keep believing in the change he was promising. And apologize for all our past allegiances because loyalty to him now was the only thing that mattered. It was a faith-based formula.

He even ran his second campaign for reelection on simply “keep believing.” (it had worked so well the first time around) But believing in exactly what was never clear, except the transformational change he promised. The stars and planets were aligned, the tides would turn and sea levels would cease to rise. It was so cool how all you had to do was believe, period, and this whole transformation would mysteriously take place. Then it would operate on a momentum of its own. Nothing could stop it.


If you clicked your heels three times and believed, you were going to the grand ball and, in fact, everyday would be another ball. This time the chariot did not have to whisk you home by midnight. There was no chariot and no curfew. The enchantment would not end once started. You did not have to ever worry about returning to reality because that was the point: changing reality forever more. Speak it into existence and it is, and so it shall be.

This pied piper, then, would create an elaborate fantasy in front of us where the whole world would cooperate because it was such an enchanting theme. It would cast a spell of goodwill everywhere you turned.

So this was the fantasy; who could refuse it as billed? It was perfect as fantasies go. No one would say it couldn’t work; in fact, everyone was committed to the itinerary. They all desired to believe. It was like stepping into a time machine and setting the destination knob to ecstasy, to satisfy your deepest desires. That is how they sold it.

Only this time there would be no naysayers, or dissenters and no one saying it could not be done. Actually, even media went along with the ride, touting their own guarantees of utopia. Everything would be beautiful just as the brochure described. What could go wrong? Nothing, because a magical positive energy was with us all.

But, as the story continued along, there was only one small condition that would surely not threaten all the great expectations. It was simply that we all had to keep on believing whatever storms arose. To not believe would be dangerous, fashionably unthinkable.


No matter what might roll out in front of you, that belief was the anecdote or to any problems that dare stand in our way. The other beauty of this whole plan was it did not matter what policies were enacted, or even whatever faults occurred, the magic belief was more than enough to cancel out potential defeat from any formidable foes before they gained a foothold. Reality was no challenge for this magical belief either. It would be seduced into submission with the plan. All in sync by belief.

A faith-based campaign, election and presidency. 2 terms of change you can believe in.

As fairy tales go, we know, there is always some glitch no matter how good they are. You didn’t need Edgar Allan Poe or Alfred Hitchcock to write one for this. Robert Frost may have written about two roads diverging, but in this story there was only one path and no options. There was a yellow wood but only one mystical path that may as well have been named impossibility.

As the story unfolded, all did not go according to plan because it could not deliver on everything. Many expectations collided, even with one another. There still was only one path and we were on it. At any sign of problems, the merry band of expedition organizers would lecture people to believe a little harder, and just a little longer. Just apply faith in the face of gaslighting. Sing some praises to assuage the rosy path.

It did work pretty well, judging by what press and media wrote about things. They were determined to make this excellent adventure a success. Not for lack of trying, as they say.


Unfortunately, we never skipped to the solution part because no one would admit the problem in the first place, early enough. A country should not be tormented that way, for that long and force-fed the garbage that we were. Now we are back to that script.

So if you do not see parallels, yet, that is okay because I see enough for both of us. We are still, or back, under the illusion of “keep believing” despite what you see happening. Only now the minions are better trained, more experienced. Their lob is keep believing.

They surrendered their will long ago. But they had to retain the will to believe. Once they made up their mind to that, almost nothing would affect their dreamy perception. They want to believe as strongly as they did for 8 years. You can see it everywhere. They eagerly will themselves to believe – in what doesn’t matter.

When Jen Psaki speaks from the pressroom, media are pre-committed to want to believe. They are predisposed to accept anything she says. They want to believe Joe Biden is all right, competent to lead the country and military. They assumed that default. Their will to believe invokes their faith. It makes Jen’s job of lying so much easier. Heck, the press might volunteer good answers to their own questions. But they are committed now.


It is one thing if we have a sickness in the country, namely with misguided belief in Marxism or socialism or communism, but when the sickness is exuding from every office and orifice in the administration, we don’t have a problem we are the problem. As in that administration, he had people so compromised they could not change course even  if they wanted to. They wanted it all to be so badly. That Nigerian email really was real!

They would go down with the ship if need be.(could never happen) That is exactly the type of loyal commitment he and the administration sought, needed and so depended on.

Lucky for them that base commitment, willingness to believe, never faltered. Now the same required commitment is back, transferred upon another. A continuation of where they left off, to seal the deal and make it irreversible. What could go wrong? Incestuous will to believe remains high. Denial and cognitive dissonance are making epic strides.

Of course self-awareness is MIA, or at least sitting in the backseat sucking on a pacifier.


Right Ring | Bullright | © 2021

Hippy-Sippy Government Says

The government is not good at fighting culture wars. They don’t make good cultural warriors, to whom it concerns. But that doesn’t seem to matter.

Imagine if back in the 60’s the government was promoting bell-bottom jeans and tie-die shirts. I think things would have turned out differently. Suddenly people would not want bell-bottoms if “the man” said you had to wear them.

Americans have had a revolutionary nature to big government dictates, at least historically. They tend to rebel against socio-politco mandates from on high. In fact that is what the bell-bottom craze was all about. It was counter culture as the “new mother nature taking over.” Get aboard.

But create a new government mandate and see how people respond? Imagine if they said, again in the 60’s, that all men should grow their hair as long as possible or that it would subsidize anyone getting tattooed. Imagine what would have happened? If government said people should “drop out and turn on” to LSD, it could have launched the beginning of the end of psychedelics.

And the people, at some point along that experiment, would have probably decided, “government is not really your friend.” Right, the government is not your big brother and is not always looking out for your best interests. But just imagine if people fell for such nonsense like government as the great trendsetter? Then, ultimately, it could also decide who lives and dies. Sooner or later people would have woken up and said it was nonsense.

So we don’t expect government to have our best interests at its heart. In fact there is certain inherent distrust for government on that cultural and socio-politico level. And we already know it doesn’t work. So why would we want that?

Actually we don’t, really. But that would be news to some who now think government mandates are the best. And it has the time and resources to come up with all sorts of dictates, in all kinds of places, like the new green deal. Yes they can and they will.

Do people follow along with all these dictates like puppies? Is that the way this works? Try explaining that to woke leftists. I say all that to suggest this is exactly what is happening.

Government is the great trendsetter and cultural warrior. It determines our culture and even battles within it. We are to follow along and accept it as the great Ayatollah of culture. Put it at the head of the proverbial family, too, so it controls everything in the culture, or aspires to – free rein for government supreme. Speech, style, terms — it has it all.

It has an army of brownshirts to facilitate and enforce its mandates. Some are quite happy about that and think it should. Many of these starry-eyed utopians are former rebels of the sixties. How did that happen? Now gubmint is their boss.

Suddenly everything the government does is good and for good reasons. They are giving a moral accreditation to government it never had, in areas it should not have control over. But the hard line leftists, who include most of Democrats’ Party, now think it is justified because they control the entire apparatus.

We also took government from the distrusted phase to the ultimate culture guru. They applied a moral component it never had, with morality controls it should never have down to individual liberty and lifestyle, what you eat. This morality is most concerning.

But meanwhile, the real truth behind the curtain is this new government morality lies, cheats and steals to achieve its ugly ends. (look what it did in over the last 5 years with Trump and people opposing it) It has license to do whatever it wants with no oversight to stop it. Surveillance to rigging elections, no bounds. And “seven ways to Sunday…”

Don’t like who is getting elected? Oppose and stop them. Use intelligence for political purposes. Lie to do it all, then lie and cheat to cover it up. But remember, there is no controlling legal authority to prevent it. That is the way the system works.

The Left is fine with all that. In fact they demand more of it; more covert action, more control from on high. Do it all while aligning itself with media, big tech and institutions to carry out its collective, ideological desires. And the best part is that no one is ever held accountable. So that trendsetting, cultural behemoth now wants us to be ashamed of America’s history. It’s the cool thing, kids, so tell all your friends.

Just to prove the point, we see leftists take to the streets to march and Democrat pols show up to lead the parade. The leftists inside the government now protest against it. So liberals, progressives, socialists and commies of all stripes, this is your utopia.

The counterculture is now the moral majority but don’t tell them that, it might scare them and ignite their microaggression sensitivities. It could short-circuit the entire thing.

Right on schedule, Al Sharpton’s race circus went to consult the White House. Sharpton said this will blossom into a summer of protest, to get back into the streets. (did they ever leave?) The full cooperation and alliance with the administration is clear. No separation between them. Government is leading the culture war. “More Kool-Aid, please.”


(*I think I hear echoes of the 5th Dimension’s Age of Aquarius and, as Jagger said, it’s a “Bitch.”  Those “minds to liberation” are taking a nice, long hiatus now.)

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2021

Geriatric Joe And Infrastructure Tricks

Now for his high-wire act as the first Geriatric President of America, Biden laid out his idea about the agreement on an infrastructure plan between Dems and some Republicans.

Afterward, in the questions segment, Biden stipulated he will refuse to sign it unless he gets a second bill, at the same time, that has their radical wish list of spending plans in it (just call the second one the Bernie bill via reconciliation)

He also admitted that his party has internal disagreement in it. But stated, however, that they are ”rational.” So with that he invented a new term, ‘rational radicals’ – which anyone could fairly translate as “irrational radicals.”

What constipated garbage. He will only sign it if he gets their radical wish list at the same time? He said they are rational? Where does he get that power.. from a shot in the azz too? Can’t do bipartisan unless you get partisan with it? Here’s a new term: radical geriatrics.

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2021

Kamala In A Box

Kamala Harris is now officially in a box. After 91 days in charge of the border crisis, Kamala has refused to go visit the border. Suddenly, she announces plans to visit the border with Sec. Mayorkas this week. She will go to El Paso rather than worse places near McAllen, TX.

This is what she has resisted; taking the press down there, acknowledging it is a problem and ending 6 months of denial about it. However, Houston, there is a problem because Kamala’s pre-flight plans do not appear to be in proper order. What can she say?

Here is the plain statement she cannot and will not make: “What we have been doing on the border, for months, is just not working.” She could never honestly say that.

She is now in a box because what is going on at the border is working, according to the Democrat base. In fact, they want more of the same. Secondly, Kamala cannot dare do anything to curb problems because Democrats will not allow it.  (ACLU threats)

Should she just say everything is working fine, denying the problem, the whole country will see what an utter Nincompoop she is. And the border authorities, who are struggling to handle the job, would be totally humiliated. She also cannot reverse anything they’ve done to cause the problem. She is in a box. And stands condemned by the Constitution.

She cannot even promise to fix it because the entire Left does not want it fixed. She can promise more assets to facilitate the cartels, to expedite shipping illegals across the country. That is until those places start complaining or refusing to accept them.

What can she do or say? She is in a box of their own making. Tic tok.

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2021

Subsidies To Nowhere

Through all the years writing in my spare time, the one thing that always kept me going is that there are so many great titles out there just waiting to be used. So I’ll try to make this one worth it. And pardon my French when I error on the side of simplicity.


The Fourth of July is coming again and poses the same quandary to me as last year. That is having barbecues and celebrating it with pomp and circumstance, the way we could not really do last year, is great for everyone to do. We all do it our own way.

What bugs me most is how some people can celebrate Independence Day of the greatest country on earth and the very next day be back tearing apart the foundations that made it all possible. Do those two things go together? They don’t seem to.

Another thing gnawing at my intestines at the moment is Biden scheming a 6 trillion dollar budget. It’s a killer in ways only economists can articulate but it is a disaster. Except Democrats frame it, as they do all their huge spending, as a plan to save the country. Well, save it from what? How can both be so? If you do something that will destroy the country, how can you claim to be saving it? But it is that way with all their plans.

Really, their ideas are consistent at least but consistently wrong. Their instincts are always bad. Some people can make rotten out of something good. That appears to be what they are doing to this country. I hope I am not oversimplifying that.

Taking advantage of crises is what they always say, then no wonder they have to create a crisis first. Look at the border. It is hard to celebrate the Fourth of July with the border wide open. No one seems to care in the White House. Oh, the left would find some way to make even the open border sound like a good or positive thing. They would defy the idea of independence insinuating the independence of people coming here. Isn’t that what they always do, redefine the problem? Or they claim it is not really a problem. How about creating another to keep that one company?


But we have heard it all before. The border is only a crisis to us because it is no problem to them. They want it this way. They want it to get so rotten and overrun we are forced into doing anything to stop it. So they could claim amnesty for millions of illegals. So they could expand the country’s welfare and safety net to the breaking point in order to accomplish their objectives. Take it to the limit used to be a good Eagles song but has become the mantra of the Left. This is radicalism’s dirty little secret that is not too secret anymore. Cloward-Piven Strategy strikes again. How many times can you employ that strategy?

Back before the election and soon after I was hearing self-avowed socialists on the air telling comrade Democrats that deficits don’t matter. They said the new doctrine is deficits don’t matter and they should not hear any complaints about deficits or the debt.

You know what that gets. They want and need to spend with no worry or threat of consequences. Now’s the time, deficits don’t matter. How do you compute that? It only works if you can put the country into such a chaotic state no one can think of deficits.

It is radicalism pure and simple. How can you claim to be saving the country by destroying it? That would seem a tough sell anywhere.


Biden went overseas under the rubric that they were selling democracy. How so? Should you have to sell it? It turns out what they are selling at home is not republican democracy but a socialism mobocracy. So why would they go overseas to sell something they are fleeing from at home? Make any sense? Again, this is radicalism.

We are in a dangerous point I never thought I would see. It is crazy If you have to sell something here at home. Well, we now have to sell people in this country on America. When we have to do that we might be losing. I never thought we would actually have to convince a big chunk of the country on American freedom.

I always thought it was something we could agree on and did, even through the political battles. When it came down to it, we could all agree on the idea of America. Now that idea is in danger, being replaced by ideas foreign to what the founders envisioned. They warned us against those. They warned about mobocracy, too. But here we are drawing short straws for freedom and the chances are not looking real great at the moment.

So the Left will celebrate a holiday that, promptly after, they will defy by working to destroy the country. Independence from what? We cherish our independence though it is being discarded.

Back to the point, why should we have to sell anyone on the ideas of America? Can’t we all at least still agree on that? Apparently not. They want us to subsidize our demise.

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2021

Monologues On Marxism

From Rahm Emanuel to Lori Lightfoot:

Office time, office time, office time! Candace Owens dispels the Chicago myths.


Let’s go to Kudlow Report for after Euro-action assessment

“Virtually everything Mr. Biden did in this long, strange trip ran counter to what our founders tried to teach us.”

Memo To The Land Of The Clueless

Back to reality for a moment, or satire’s most vehement opponent. This is a sloppy post. I only say that because of the content. Probably it is news only to the clueless among us.


Is the entire Left an enemy of the country? Whether it is the greatest threat is the only question to me. And they are in the running because of the potential damage they can do — logistics and all being a major consideration.

I know, one gets into trouble generalizing on a whole group of people. So try this: ask yourself if there are any people on the left, or in the party or apparatus, who do not fit the enemy stereotype? Sorry, I can’t find them. Yes, unfortunately, I am being serious.

That is not to say the entire left is beyond redemption, but it is highly improbable as a whole. Could a redeemable faction turn the whole party? Again, highly improbable. The left have gotten to the destination they were going to all along. Denial is dead.


So then, what do you do with these obvious conclusions? No, I am not calling for a civil war, but it only begs the question whether they have already declared one on us – or the country by extension? Again, I don’t like the answer.


So what do we do in an age where they blame us for what they do? These are not easy questions, I admit. I am no fan of stump questions either but there they are in our faces, almost staring us down. There is also no getting along to go along without the country going down the tubes. What good does that accomplish? It’s losing a war to avoid a battle.

Our country has always had this high moral ground that we would do almost anything to avoid a major war or conflict. Some may disagree that is the real case but it is sort of a doctrine. Many of our adversaries don’t have that problem.

But then you have to ask if we are the only ones concerned about such things or such conflict? Does the Left still have an instinct to avoid war or conflict? Maybe externally, but you cannot say that internally. They don’t seem to care. In fact, one could make a case that they are hankering for a civil war. They’ve already parsed out who their enemies are and what broad groups they oppose – and likewise anyone who might work with them.

And they don’t care about the raw numbers, which apparently are not in their favor either. It doesn’t matter what percentage of the entire population they are. But they are obsessed with controlling the rest of the population. That is their goal and motivation.


It is a real question, maybe it is the ultimate quagmire. We can keep hobbling along on a belief that we are a cohesive nation, but most of the left doesn’t see it that way.  I don’t believe they want that. Extreme radicalism is the soup du jour, and it doesn’t matter that regular folks do not like the taste. They are determined to overrule us by might or fight.

By the way, it also does not help that we have people like notable pundits pretending there is a middle ground that solves most prevailing problems. Messy is as messy does.

Pretending is not really a viable option.

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2021

Profiles Of Deception

We can all agree there is nothing clear about Joe Biden’s plans or his agenda. Now before any Leftists try to turn that around about Trump, it does not fit. We knew his plans because Trump told us and even campaigned on them. Joe kept all his intentions secret since announcing his run. His staff still  hides his intentions until he does something.

So we all can agree there is nothing clear about Joe’s plans. He cannot talk about them and certainly cannot articulate a case for his radical agenda. Most of which involves inciting racial divisions as a means.  But we do know everything Joe did before this was only deception to get to this influential point. He can’t even claim to be honest.

Of course, in dealing with Biden, the first thing any country would study is Joe’s profile and record. Everything in those details would only encourage not deter our enemies.


But if we were to compare Biden and Trump, anyone would see: Trump wanted to shake up the system while Biden wants to shakedown America. Trump believed in being proud of the country – and saw plenty of reason for it — where Biden wants to shame America into some radical transformation. Pride or shame, which do you prefer?

Then how does one negotiate with a country whose own leader wants to shame it into submission with subversion? That is pathetic and I don’t think it can win.

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2021

Border Metaphor

Only 48,00 families with children have been sent back across the border to Mexico. And even that low number seems to be ending with ACLU’s extortion lawsuit against US government to stop it all together.

Just see this article backgrounder:

So when liberals argue that the administration is expelling people back across the border, this is the number — or wasthe number. But now they are reducing even that to almost 0, under pressure from immigration advocacy groups like ACLU.


I’ve come to the conclusion that our open and broken southern border is the perfect metaphor for America. In about a year, we went from the glory days to the gory days.

Slo-Mo Joe Biden at the helm of this spiral to disaster compounds what is probably the worst that could happen in America, on all levels of measure.

There was a time when people checked themselves about whether they were being honest or too hard on Liberals’ objectives? No more. They deserve our disdain, and then some. They are even worse than the brochure claimed they were.

But worse than the metaphor of destruction, a mood has swept over the country not seen since Jimmy Carter. This makes the Carter malaise look like an amusement park. And the speed at which he is taking us down this horror ride is breathtaking. Is the point of this whole experience that no one is to survive?

Yet that southern border condition, or lack of, stands as the great metaphor of our country. As hard as Trump tried and did repair the problems, to the glee of most people in the country, Joe is hell bent on demolishing any trace of progress. It shall be as broken as our country is. In fact, he won’t even look or comment on the calamity. He just has Secretary Mayorkas run out to lie saying “the border is closed.”

The same thing will happen over the destruction of the country. They will come to the microphone and say ‘no, it is not…it is all safe and secure.’ With that, media will be happy and continue asking Joe what flavor of ice cream he is eating for the day?   What is it with leftists and ice cream, anyway?

There will be only one flavor of the US when they are done, destroyed. The border is the perfect metaphor of America. A picture is worth a thousand words. A la carte = a la done.

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2021

Israel Hamas Opportunity?

Abc reported s statement from Sec of State Blinken:

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on ABC’s “This Week” that Thursday’s cease-fire between Israel and Hamas was “critical” to putting the United States in a position “to make a pivot to building something more positive,” placing a heavy emphasis on the need for a two-state solution for the region.

Well, he reads so much into it, doesn’t he? Put us in a better position? You got to be kidding me. More opportunity for US influence? Really? A two state solution when Hamas only believes in a one-state solution, with no Israel existence.

But you know why is reading opportunity into it? Because the left base has latched onto it like a dozen leeches who believe they are enjoying success. Leftists seem to relish this conflict stirring up their anti-Semitic radicals. So Blinken just says the quiet part out loud.

I’ve about had it with their crisis of opportunity crap.