Biden’s Campaign Is Off And Running

How does it feel, America? The grifter Geriatric President is running all over the country spending all his time, on taxpayers money, using all the assets of the presidency at his disposal attacking you and campaigning against us.

His speeches are non-stop attacks against the American people, nothing else. Well he can’t remember or name the candidates running, so it’s only us he focuses on.

We are one giant basket of MAGA to dementia Joe. And we aren’t even on the ballot. That doesn’t matter to nasty Joe. It’s supposed to be an election for representatives, not a Spanish Inquisition against his enemies as he pleases.

Midterm elections is a green light and excuse to attack citizens of this country. And he relishes every chance he gets to demonize us.

Oh, and if you think that you are not the target of his attacks, then you better think again. Smell his jet fumes and listen to him. He has already put all of it in motion. He won’t talk about the 87,000 IRS agents he is unleashing on us. Then use the department of disinformation to crack down on us. Or labeling parents terrorists, sicking FBI on them for going to school board meetings. Dissent is a threat to the country or “democracy.”

Don’t think a guy who talks like that about what a threat the people are is not going to follow through on hatred for the will of the people. He doesn’t like any dissent, which does not fit into his plan. Democrats are already goading him to start locking people up.

You can bet the DOJ and Feds are listening to every word, following his marching orders. It’s what they do rather than working for public security interests.

So he’s actually crisscrossing the country campaigning against Americans.
No, we aren’t on the ballot, but we are on the target list.

Right Ring | Bullright | 2022

Destined For a reality TV Series In Biden’s America

As the world according to Biden turns, our stomachs do too.

Yes, Edith, we have laws in this country and we have lawmakers that make those laws. Duh! Yes, we have a government that does not obey the laws of the land or ignores them. But they tell us the answer to fix it all is we just need to make some new laws.

I could see Edith’s face as she looks at Archie in disbelief and says “ooh, my, I don’t think I like that very much.” And Archie responds “well, neither do I. Geesh!” Then he adds, “don’t…don’t say it, Edith!”

So the very same people in government who do this come out to call us all fascists. They say we are terrorists, a threat to the country and enemies of our democracy. Okey dokey!

Talk about fascists? Just think about it a minute: these lawless people, in their fits of rage, telling you “you better behave.” Edith does not want to hear that one, so I won’t tell her.

And they think we the people are just too stupid to see what they are doing. We must be too worried about the problems that they created.

Meanwhile, Archie’s antagonist, Meathead, is out there telling Biden he has a great success story to tell us. Joe’s been a fantastic president. We just need to hear it to realize it.

“So grateful to have a President who speaks the Truth. A President who deeply cares about the preservation of our 246 years of Democratic Self Rule. Thank you, President Biden.”- Rob Reiner – 9/1/2022

So the self-rule express has slipped a gear. You don’t say!

“If we add 2 Senate Seats and fight like hell to hold onto the House, a Woman’s Right to Choose will become the Law of the Land and we will have Saved Democracy. Time to FIGHT LIKE HELL!” Rob Reiner – 8/24/2022

Kill babies and Save Democracy! Well, there is that too.

“If the number one issue for voters this midterm is the threat to our Democracy, the choice couldn’t be simpler. Democrats are fighting to preserve it. Republicans are willing to use deadly force to destroy it.” – MH 8/21/2022

“This Midterm there is no gray area. You either cast a vote for Democracy or Fascism. That’s it.” — the Meatiest Head – Sep 4, 2022.

Welcome to the endless saga of “All In Joe’s America.” This one is not a comedy. Fences and security protect the criminals inside the White House. Pink flamingos graze the South Lawn while a free-ranging president goose-steps his way through the halls inside, between intermittent naps. Everything is very normal in an abby-normal. Cue the theme song.

Now a word from our sponsor, Cracked Joe’s, the good humor food. Try some…or not.


Right Ring | Bullright | 2022

The T-card: violence, riots and terrorism

Let’s go back to the 2020 election and talk about something the media or journalists never mention, ignore and paid no attention to then.

Oh what critical thing was that? The thousands of businesses that had to board up their stores and shops in anticipation of the results of the election. That is: if Democrats did not get what they wanted, or didn’t get their way there would be hell to pay.

If Democrats did not win, there would be riots across the country destroying businesses and violence in the streets. Everyone knew it. Businesses prepared accordingly, as best they could. We all knew it was coming. Democrats were not going to accept the results like they didn’t in 2016. This time they were fully prepared. They were dug in.

Hotels were rented and plans were made. It was in process. If Trump won there would be hell in the streets. Many vowed to be ungovernable.

Don’t you think on some level that visual of violence made an impact on the election? It is terrorism after all, I called it Urban Terrorism. Even Kamala Harris said they aren’t going to stop and they should not stop. No one was being held to account either in over 550 riots they had, with billions in damages already inflicted.

The writing was on the wall that was our fate in cities and towns across America. Democrats were going to be in full-blown revolt. It would be ugly. Of course it would continue right through Inauguration Day. They would have protested the results and certification of the election. And it was all justifiable, according to Democrats and media. They would go scorched earth with no end in sight.

So do Democrats have anything at all to complain about? Do they have any grounds to accuse anyone — certainly of violence?

But it was all in process before election day. How many voters were intimidated, or just scared, by the Left’s terrorism? How could that not have an impact on the election? No one was going to jail either, there was no accountability for billions in damages inflicted.

Influencing elections and outcomes and “saving democracy?” Don’t be ridiculous.

CBS reports now:

“President Biden will host a White House summit next month aimed at combating a spate of hate-fueled violence in the U.S., as he works to deliver on his campaign pledge to “heal the soul of the nation.”

The White House announced Friday that Mr. Biden will host the United We Stand Summit on Sept. 15, highlighting the “corrosive effects” of violence on public safety and democracy.”

Biden said in Rockville Maryland 8/25/2022:

“Trump and the extreme MAGA Republicans have made their choice: to go backwards, full of anger, violence, hate, and division.

But we’ve chosen a different path: forward, the future, unity, hope, and optimism. I mean it sincerely. We choose to build a better America.” …./

“And the whole notion of the “burn it all down” politics of MAGA Republicans continues to be a drumbeat. “

“Burn it all down,” really, considering what they did in 2020? What revision.
Biden added:

“What we’re seeing now is the beginning or the death knell of an extreme MAGA philosophy. It’s not just Trump, it’s the the entire philosophy that underpins the – I’m going to say something – it’s like semi-fascism.”

I’m going to say something,… Projection! He’s had a little too much Corn Pop.

Right Ring | Bullright | 2022

Schumer’s Whirlwind Shows Up

Remember when Senator Schumer attacked and threatened the Supreme Court Justices, calling out Kavanaugh and Gorsuch by name at a rally outside the Court?

“I want to tell you Gorsuch, I wanna tell you Kavanaugh: You have released the whirlwinds and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you….. if you go through with these awful decisions!”

One of Schumer’s whirlwinds showed up at Justice Kavanaugh’s home early Wednesday, prepared to assassinate Kavanaugh and possibly his family. He was arrested.

Just tell them Schumer sent you, that ought to take of it. No harm no foul.  Schumer was silent Wednesday and Mitch McConnell relayed the story in the Senate.

What Is Wrong With America?

I already know this is going to be a rant, so you are forewarned.

What is wrong with America? It would be simpler and easier to list what is right about America. But the Left never does that. The only thing they care to say is what in their view is wrong with America.

Hence, statures are removed, books are tossed out or banned, history is rewritten to show only negative views of America. Listening to the Left would be a Pravda goldmine or the old KGB’s best resource. (and probably is)

Now with all this negativity, there can’t be much room for any of the good about America. Something else is going on in the Left’s linguistic fantasies. They presume that if everyone is like them, in thought and belief, the world would be safe. (from what we don’t know) But if they could eliminate all people who don’t think like them, everything would be hunky dory. They can’t but it is a goal. They don’t care how it could be accomplished as long as they could get rid of us, like Hitler tried to do to the Jews.

The Bible tells us “the poor will always be with/among you.” So too the Left will always be among us. We accept this because what are the options anyway? The Left doesn’t think that way. It wants and demands complete unanimity. Their whole thought experiment is based on the concept of uniformity. Ideological purity is the goal.

The means to it is the only problem. But don’t think they aren’t working on it, theorizing and strategizing to that end. All they would have to do then is keep everyone thinking the same way, just like them. I didn’t say it was easy. That is certainly their mission. And they control a fair amount of institutional power to at least strategically attempt that.

The right, or conservative, traditional side has not barreled down that road at 100 miles per hour. We just haven’t because it is not realistic. This sort of puts us on the defense. We constantly have to make the case for why what they are doing is not a good idea. It doesn’t work but we have no other choice. We also warn them about the consequences of their schemes, to no avail. It is this constant defensive posture we seem locked into.

The Left has shown its cards, nothing short of unanimity is acceptable. We accept their plan is not possible and understand they will be with us, in some form, forever. We’ve seen nothing changes their rose-colored minds.

However, in the mean time, they are pretty horrible and miserable people to live with. You wouldn’t want them on a desert island with you.

But it really comes down to all this negativity they carry around, all the dislikes about America – or the west for that matter – sucking up all their oxygen. They know no way can they say anything good about America. Their perfection is the enemy of morality.

Now we have example after example of how this pans out with Covid. No one is right except them. So they are to the point where they are willing to make these absurd dictum. Vaccines offered us an insight into their collective mindset.

For instance, many Leftists have said that there should be rules for hospitals against treating non-vaccinated people. They already have rules for restaurants and businesses. Oh, and it doesn’t matter that the Supremes knocked down the mandate, they simply still tell businesses to enact requirements on employees.

Many more believe in a medical treatment litmus test but are not saying it. They think it. They want to make healthcare all but impossible if you are not vaccinated. This is part of what the mandates were all about. You will not be able to get services if you refuse the jab. You must be penalized and banned if you do not comply. That was only the setup.


Stepping into this fray are well-known people explicitly saying unvaxed people should be treated like lepers, who cannot be allowed around the rest of society. Rulemakers are the good people and non-conformists are the bad people. It sets the stage for a multitude of issues. Imagine the scenarios. This is only the current one but there will be others.

Their utopian view of society does not include diversity of opinion. It cannot. We all must think and feel the same way, or it all doesn’t work.

These elitist rule-makers would happily deny you any medical or emergency treatment if you are non-vaccinated. And they see no problems with that. This illustrates the problem we described in healthcare for years.

We told them healthcare could be rationed. We told them government control was not good over the entire industry. That it would take advantage of that control. We warned how government would use/abuse that power. They called that nonsense saying it would only ensure everyone is treated correctly. They called us conspiracists.

Well, we have exactly what we warned. Government gets to decide who gets care, how they get it, and how much they get based on its own rules. There could be an appeals process but who has time and resources for that?

The big problem I have is the amount of people who think this is a good idea – and just what the doctor ordered.

You can be denied virtually any life-saving treatment simply because you are not vaxed. That’s what they want. And if you think it requires legislation to happen, you are wrong. They just do it. They can have thousands of medical providers do it because of the investment from government, and its unilateral control.

Before we know it, we have an effective de facto policy banning those not vaccinated. But if they do it for vaccinations, what else can they do it with? Anything is the answer, anything they can describe as a danger to the greater whole or good.

Yes, that means politically too. You see how they maligned anyone who supported or voted for Trump. Now you don’t get life-saving treatment. Too bad so sad, consequences.


The hypocrisy is that leftists constantly rail about Jim Crow or apartheid. This is exactly what they are pushing. The black man can’t get a seat at the lunch counter; you cannot get a meal unless you prove you are vaccinated. You cannot get a flight, much less a job.

But the left doesn’t have cops around enforcing this; they have the private sector do it. They make them the watchdogs responsible or else they get fined. You start to see how the whole thing takes shape. The same way they enact new socialism, necessary compliance.

Instead of prohibiting discrimination they encourage it in all places. Codify discrimination.

We will have a complete new stasi state. Everyone complying with rules or policies of the state or unelected bureaucrats. Non-conformance is not an option, ban resistors.

But we warned them of the direction rationalized healthcare would go. We warned them about nationalizing elections. We warned them about banning and cancel culture. It didn’t matter, this is what they want. They demand ideological unanimity and will not stop until they achieve it – or a close facsimile of it.

Now to ask what is wrong with America, the answer depends on whom you ask. To Leftists, everything is wrong and can only be fixed with complete, total agreement to their irrational plans.

We can oppose or resist it but this stasi system keeps unfolding in front of our faces. The Left believes they hold one crucial card: either everything will be fixed by total unanimity (conformance) or nothing at all shall be fixed. That is supposedly our choice, which is no choice at all.

Welcome to the newer, improved radicalism – sibling of terrorism – where no one can have peace or anything else, just like healthcare, until radicals get what they want. “No justice no peace” means our utopia or bust. Total appeasement is the only solution. Are you ready for that?

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2022

US Congress Condemned Satire: Manufactured Outrage

News Alert: Satire is censured in the House but direct threats on Americans, from their government, can continue unabated.

Not to worry, people, on this historic day your beloved Congress – led by aggrieved Democrat ideologues — voted to sanctimoniously censure satire from a sitting Congressman.  He was also stripped from two committees.

You have been saved and spared all the shame of Rep Paul Gosar.

Ticket-tape parade surely to follow. And they did it by utilizing their proxy-voting process — aka Nancy’s rule — which allows members of Congress not  to even show up in Congress to vote their venom. They can phone it in.

Hatred and violence is on the docket to condemn, with as nasty a brush as Democrats could muster.  We must stop this symbolic violence in society. No place for it to fester in Congress. (shout out to condemning Rep Joe Wilson for yelling lie during a SOTUS – same condemnation deserved)

Nope, it belongs on a ball field where Republicans were corralled so their shooter could target them one by one, like fish in a bowl. The Democrat activist got off as many rounds as he could before security took him down. His objective was killing them all — particularly ones on his pocket list.

Or perhaps save the worst violence for when members are mowing their own lawn to be attacked by a crazed Democrat, leaving him permanently injured. That’s the way the game is played. No satire involved.

Then the Democrats can cheer as reports flow about another injured Republican wounded while unscrupulously serving in Congress. It doesn’t really matter where Republicans are attacked just as long as they are.


While on the same day as their historic and sanctimonious vote, another rapper called Young Dolf was gunned down walking into a cookie store in Memphis. Any drama symbolism the event had was overshadowed by the very real death of a 36-year old rapper. BLM took a rain check on that.

But the outrage for that, or for the riots and violence last year to further the Democrats’ objectives, is completely omitted from memory. Silence is the Democrats’ deadly weapon of choice. See no evil, speak no evil. It was over a billion in damages but so what? It stirs the passion for cop killings to follow – a necessary ingredient. It further fueled the abolish cops theme which morphed into defunding police across the country.

Yes, Democrats needed to get behind the BLM and donate to bail funds to secure rioters’ and looters’ freedom in 2020. Politics trumps insurrection.

Democrats in Congress have a strange way of picking good duys and bad guys. Like their silence and denial when parents of school children are labeled domestic terrorists. It comes with the political  territory. When they are targeted by the DOJ all the better, because that is what the InJustice Department is there for —  to retaliate against Democrats’ political enemies.

But real violence and threats against the Homeland are ignored and denied as some wild “conspiracy theories” – cooked up by devious patriots trying to protect America. How dare they?

So millions of illegals storm the border but Democrats’ only response is to supply the logistics necessary to get them where they want to go. Busloads of invaders circumventing ‘rule of law’ are given priority over law-abiding citizens and Americans. Special rights are awarded illegal aliens to trump Americans’ genuine concerns for security. Thankfully so.

But don’t you worry your crazy head, be comforted that on this day Congress took a tough stand censuring satire by a vote in the House. They are rising to the challenge of manufactured outrage, threat numero uno.

Memes are out and violence is in, to Democrats.


Right Ring | Bullright | © 2021

Open Letter To National Enemies

Please allow me to take a moment to speak directly to an often-neglected audience. There may still be some goat-herding enthusiasts or some freedom-seething population out there, or just America haters listening, otherwise plotting the demise of the US.

If one of the goals you are waiting for is an apology by an American, about and for America; then be forewarned you will not be receiving it from me, or others like me. You may get one from someone but it will not necessarily be from any real American at heart.

That is because it is not something real Americans typically do, to appease devious miscreants and thugs in that part of the world. The rosy day when American types look up to Cuba, China and Venezuela as the models in governance is not going to happen.

Now then, you can continue waiting and waiting in perpetuity but it will not be coming anytime. And likewise, nor will we be conceding to, or reconciling ourselves with, your form of whatever it is you people do in reality gone wild.

But that applies just the same whether you happen to live in Beijing, Baghdad, Tehran, Havana, Afghanistan, or gasp even right here in America.

So I do caution you that if you think and believe you are hearing apologies from some in America, you better think again about who that source is. Imposters are out there.

That would include this 46th resident of the Oval Office. Do not be fooled by the title, office or status, they are not speaking for genuine America or Americans at large.

That also goes for, say, those who even sport a false moniker of “no apologies” publicly while adopting popular appeasement lingo. You should not be deceived by that because real Americans are not fooled in the slightest by any of that radical posturing.

Thanks for listening.

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2021

As It Was 9/11

In view of the upcoming 20th anniversary of 9/11, I thought it would be good to it a little different than normal.

By that I mean in a lot of ways, differently. Not the same. This day has taken on a format and semblance on every anniversary. One of the most critical has always been simply remembering events. For some people it means remembering events of that day they experienced and how the attack on 9/11 intersected with those.

Well, the central 9/11 events then become the driving force but the secondary, personal events become the effects or collateral symptoms. I get it. That matters a lot.

It’s how we remember in associations.

This has always been done in various ways. For me, it has always been kind of sacred and I have not widely shared my personal story about the day. Everyone has one. And everyone’s story is important, at least to them, and no one story is more important than another one. That’s my view.  They are all important – both individually and collectively.

So my story is not the issue. I dwell more on the larger picture while keeping the personal sacred. However, there is a lot of common ground in the 9/11events, beyond remembering what you were doing.

It started off the most common of days, as normal as can be. This is the strange thing about it that it was so darn normal. Well, why wouldn’t it be? But almost too normal.

And that normal was breached by an evil that broke through our security bubble we had all taken for granted, which also was normal. The picture perfect day could not have been more normal along with our plans. A normalcy that was disturbed enough to question if we would ever have normal again? It made us long for the normal, rather than getting bored by it. We seemed unsure if normal could return?

Our sense of security, as we knew it, was popped in moments by the events themselves, unfolding in canons of news coverage hour by hour. Our personal world was invaded by outside events. It didn’t matter what you were doing, it had a personal effect on you.

That is why the personal became so important and yet so tied to national events. The two were merged in a way we had never felt before. Small, mundane things became trivial.

So there is a lot more in that day than just what happened and the sequence of events. And all were memorialized at the time in such a way only trauma and major significance can do.


Yet it is sacred that our national innocence was stolen at a time we were feeling most normal was surreal irony. What followed would become the most abnormal experience imaginable. But the reality was, prior to the attacks, conditions only added insult.

So my day, personally, is irrelevant as that goes. I could tell you what I was doing since it is etched in my mind. It is as if someone placed a new blank tape real in my memory just to record those events and what I did, every move and place.

It was preserved and stored in a place to be kept unedited with all the feelings recorded as well. Over the years, I have kept it as it was, then, in that segment of time. I treasured it, respected it, consulted it, and cherished it as my individual copy of history.

No one else had it, no one duplicated it. No one had access to it. And it was as good as anyone’s. I coveted the facts speckled over it. Others would have those facts, too, but no one had my original copy. It was as valuable as other copies, priceless all. Together, they make up a national treasury

A national library of feelings, facts and fears.

And few times over the years have I experienced those same feelings and concerns as that day and weeks that followed. Maybe a glimpse here and there but not on that same level.

One day, as if it were a time capsule, it will be opened for deeper reflection but that day has not yet come. It is sacred. I like my privacy and have a healthy respect for the sacred. Well, it may ferment like wine or get musty from sitting but it will always be there. It cannot be lost or destroyed. It is safe.


Some people did something…“– Rep. Ilhan Omar to CAIR on March 23, 2019.

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2021

Seek Justice Reap Peace

The motto ought to be to ‘seek justice and reap peace.’ But when we do not reap peace, there is a problem. When we do not reap both justice and peace, there is conflict.

But often even when we seek justice we do not reap peace, when there is conflict, strife, violence and unrest instead; then we look for accountability for all of it and find none at all. That really needs to be addressed.

So we get a guilty verdict on all counts that may validate the process, however, it does not justify or validate all the violence and destruction in the name of some “social justice”. Those acts too must stand accountable for what they are. Violence and urban terrorism cannot be exempt from justice. We should not have a preference for violent unrest.

But we see over and over those acts go on unchallenged and unaccounted for. They just are. Wrong becomes right and right becomes wrong. We cannot tolerate constant random violence under any name. It must be held to account. It cannot be dismissed just because we get a verdict we agree with afterward. The end does not justify those means.

The black community is not alone in seeking justice. When most of the country does not feel confident there will be justice, it sows a seed of distrust. That goes for black, brown, white or any other. But the violence we see repeatedly in the streets is not a replacement for justice. Mob rule is no suitable replacement for democracy and the rule of law either.

Again, how about a piece of justice for all?

Stop acting as if any violence is condoned if we don’t get our way.

The lies will roll on in the media, who obviously are not seeking justice either.
And we are all reaping what they are sowing.

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2021

Revision Agenda Races Forward

In only a week since the events at the capitol, the left has rolled out its strategy of revision buried in all the reactions of faux outrage and sympathy. I say faux because it is more(or less) than genuine outrage of events.

“My country, ’tis of thee,
Sweet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing;
Land where my fathers died,
Land of the pilgrims’ pride,
From ev’ry mountainside
Let freedom ring!” — America

The outrage is severe; the reactions are fierce and even worse. The left’s Wokeism has responded in force. Cleansing talk is mainstreamed and silencing agendas already begun. Democrats managed to hang it on Trump and his supporters — not just those culpable.

It is the broadest blame possible, an entire political party and its members.

But imagine if there was that same reaction to the violence we saw all last year? It didn’t work that way. Actually, they are using these events last week to revise and bury all the Left’s violence and riot platform from last year. The season of revision is upon us.

Remember too that while that rioting and violence was going on through 2020, the numbers identifying with BLM and the left were going up. Corporate endorsements rose faster than corn in the summer. Money flooded into their coffers. In fact they had so much of it they didn’t know where to spend it. Virtue signaling, with their cause, was in vogue

Also they established funds for the rioters, looters, and lawbreakers. At the same time they pushed an abolish the police agenda. It took the form of defunding cops. (which they would later deny) We were all put on notice to agree with the protestors and what they were doing or else. Many did.

And of course it was all used in their political agenda to feed the Democrat machine for 2020 elections. That is the point of everything to Democrats, politics. (not safety, security, jobs, even a pandemic) “Never let a crisis go to waste.” They also used COVID lucratively for political gain. Deaths were only ammunition and political fodder.

In all that, their Wokeism played a huge part. Can’t shut that down.

Wokeism is really another form of radicalization. It is not a complete ideology, yet, though they are probably working on that. It is part of the Left and that ideology. But it is rising. It is merely another tool by which they carry out their leftist ideology en masse.

Meanwhile, they sprinkled rhetoric about unity and division. No one really challenged that. We all knew it wasn’t true, Division was the real mission.

When Biden and allies talk about unity or healing the country, what do they mean? Their idea of unity is having no opposition. Healing means conformity.

You do not have to subscribe to Democrats’ ideology, just to their political agenda. And that is the spot much of America is finding itself in the first month of 2021. They are grasping at that and going along at a fast pace.

Thus, by doing their part to conform to the Democrat/Left political agenda, they are virtue signaling to the left. It is actually conceding or submission. Either will do for the Left. And it keeps that radicalized system from turning on them. So it buys protection from the mob.

How else can you get exemption from the radicalized mob? Well there is only one way, conformity with their political agenda. It isn’t really designed to include dissent. But the goal is no opposition. That’s the state of healing.

Through the latest reactions from corporations to golf tournaments, what did we learn? This is the new McCarthyism. Blacklisting is fashionable now. Younger people may not be as familiar with the concept, but they are learning how to employ it at record speed. They got the business sector to buy in to it: big banks, conglomerates, social media, even corporate journalism and media offer to help enforce or police it.

This is One Party rule, cancel culture reigns the supreme means, institutionalized.
Any objections? I didn’t think so…. now next order of business.

All of their latest antics only used to overshadow and bury what the left has been doing in 2020, or how we got to this point. The race is on.

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2021

Where Oh Where?

Everyone has heard of the Tunnels To Towers organization, the group that helps fallen and wounded first responders or vets with their housing or mortgage expense.

A great organization doing great work.

Well, in their ads are quotes from some of the soldiers they are helping. One line always grabs at me every time I hear it: “where do you go when home isn’t home anymore?”

Those powerful words hit me like a ton of bricks and I have no answer to the question. That is a wider question, too. Where do you go when home isn’t home anymore?

I know the context there but that is a profound thought and question worth consideration.

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2020

Stealing America

Wake uo America, people are trying to steal your country out from under your feet. It requires brutal warning. But I don’t know if we’re all getting the message?

So while you are sitting on your couch, planning your next barbecue or doing repairs around the house, these people are out on the streets physically doing their best to steal this country. Never mind what plans they have for it. They are holding parts of it hostage against your will, using radical means or any means necessary. If they cannot pry it from its mooring they will bring it down around you. Then probably blame you for it,too.

But they are already part way there.

I can honestly admit I am not a certified source or expert on the subjects. I don’t claim to be. But I have closely followed what the Left has been doing for about 25 years, seeing myself the lies, the parsing, the bullshit denials they traffic in.

This is an insurgency, a seditious movement hell bent on taking the country over. I know, alarmists have said that for years. Yada yada yada. Don’t underestimate it based on those repetitious cries over decades. Some of those alsrmists had good intentions, though somewhat premature. They were not pushing conspiracy theories.

Now is for real. The enemy has their teeth sunk in to such an extent that it is bound to leave extensive permanent damage. Of course that is not only me but plenty of people saying it. However, I understand people are jaded and rhetoric-weary.

I developed a bias, too. I see people who are not alarmed about it because they’ve seen some unrest before, like many politicians, and just think protests and chaos will run their course in time. Many feel it all fades off.

But I got news for them, this is not all fading away any time soon, maybe never. They’ve gotten this far and they aren’t going to let go now. They are entrenched and see foundation weakness or cracks – even if we choose not to see them.

Once again, I’ll provide a couple separate examples — old and present, both true.

A few years ago a career police officer in the greater Seattle area wrote a column. He was also a lifelong Christian and very active member in the same local church for years. He brought his family up there. But he felt change getting worse in the community.

The hatred against cops had gotten so bad, plus the church was standing up with radicals, that he had to make a tough decision. First he took his concerns to the church leaders. It fell on deaf ears. So he had no choice but to resign from committees and remove his family from the church. It was no longer safe for him or his family. It hurt deeply. Now what we see with hatred of cops is nothing new. It has only gotten worse.

The second is on the east cost, last week. A police department decided to have a small, local support rally for officers and the department in view of the stressful times in a pandemic. It could also build community ties while having this “back the blue” type event.

BLM heard and immediately organized a large rally putting out the word for a protest. So police didn’t want any trouble and decided to cancel their event. But BLM showed up anyway and were mad because the police cancelled their event. BLM’s leader gave a list of grievances including canceling for fear of violence. They were offended demanding an apology and wanted police to show support for Black Lives Matters. Then sent it to City Hall. They demanded a response and statement of agreement with BLM.

There is no choice except agreeing with BLM. They demand you support them. If you don’t, they will attack anyone to force that pledge of support. This is devious and dangerous. The message is no one is allowed to even voice support for police. (local or otherwise) You get attacked for supporting the community structure.

We know the locally elected leaders don’t help any. In fact, they often cave to BLM which encourages more hostage taking. It empowers them.

One more, if you need a third. A mainline evangelical church has already sent out a few newsletters vowing their unity, support and solidarity with the BLM movement – aka standing up for equality against systemic racism. A lot of buzz words there, no?

That brings it full circle. Years back with the cop near Seattle, people said that is the radical Northwest. Some suggested he move his family, as it was too politically radical. But I said it was not just there. Some didn’t believe that. What was normal there is now becoming common everywhere. It didn’t take long. Look which side the momentum is on.

I am still discouraged by a lack of public concern about it. People see it more as a passing fad that will eventually fade. (like the occupy movement did?) But old Leftists never fade away, they just regroup and come back another day.

Now I am wondering if people are finally getting it? Do they take it seriously? Are they prepared to choose which side they are on? Because we already see others throwing in with the radicals like BLM, even if they don’t know what they are doing.

Me, I cannot ever side with cultural Marxism or pledge to support that. I don’t believe it is a Godly or just cause either. Does anyone think supporting them could have any influence on them? At the same time many churches refuse to show support for pro-life, yet they jump on-board with BLM. So I think it is time to steel America before it is stolen.

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2020

BLM Ties To Terrorism

Black Lives Matter fundraising handled by group with convicted terrorist on its board

by Jerry Dunleavy, Justice Department Reporter |  Washington Examiner
June 25, 2020

The co-founder of Black Lives Matter names a convicted cop killer as one of her heroes, and the BLM national organization is fiscally sponsored through a leftist group whose board of directors includes a convicted terrorist.

Alicia Garza, one of three co-founders of the Black Lives Matter national organization, has repeatedly talked about how convicted cop killer and wanted domestic terrorist Joanne Chesimard, also known as Assata Shakur, is one of her main inspirations. Susan Rosenberg, a member of the board of directors for the left-wing Thousand Currents group, which handles the intake of donations made to Black Lives Matter, is a convicted terrorist who, among other things, was suspected of helping Shakur escape from prison. …/

BLM has ties to terrorism? I’m shocked. Good read and reminder.

Well-Heeled Scumbags And Cannibal Activists

It clearly looks as though the well-heeled masses and elites are coalescing around the toxic movement of Black Lives Matter, and its ever-evolving agenda of stupidity.

The lesson here is that one can feed the mob, if one chooses, but one should realize he or she may inevitably be on the menu.

Sometimes it is not the poison that kills the rat but the fatal drink after that does it.

Apparently they are unaware of the eventual blowback to follow a radical movement of this kind, from the people. We cannot sustain America on a diet of this garbage for any time.

But completely naïve of this or any other consequences to getting in bed with a brood of vipers like the BLM, these captains of destiny put everything on the line to lend their name and support to a political movement that has no conscience. It takes no prisoners; only destroys its enemies.

At the risk of trying not to be one of its enemies, these well-heeled corporations and individual players seek to be on the woke side of events, and in whatever lies ahead for the movement. So they fund or lend their credibility, and some of their fortunes, to something that could well destroy them in the end. But who cares?

It reminds me of how the boycotts shook out way back. It seemed popular to cater to boycotters’ whims on one issue, for the time. However, they didn’t seem to get that when they were busy caving to demands, it was their own value and company reputation they were happily putting on the line. Whose skin in what game?

The point was who does that? What sane mindset risks what they personally built and earned by handing it off to young thugs who don’t give a damn about their hard work or its value? Seems stupid to cede control over it to the mob.

But never mind what it does to the real value of your company. Ah, but you momentarily thought you were improving the value of that company. That’s a laugh.

Don’t they realize they are just being used as pawns for the mob’s political agenda? (whatever that is) Thereby reducing the value of a company to the will of thugs and activists. Sound like a good idea?

Of course the correct and only alternative is not to cave in to the thugs in the first place. Consequences to that, you ask? Maybe so but which is better? At least then you retain your own control over it rather than giving it away on extortion schemes.

It’s not like these street thugs are paying anything for the use of your name or company – but only taking or borrowing on it. How does that enhance your interests?

So here they are, once again, doing the same thing. Now there are more of them creating a mob of their own. More well-heeled elites chipping into the coffers, or getting on their knees to apologize to the mob.

That is not any kind of existence I want to have. While they may think there is something noble about it or in it for them, it really is an empty vacuum that will suck the value out of you for having caved to the mob’s whims. It’s a one-way street. You won’t even get their respect from the mob for your generosity. They cannibalize you in a heartbeat and walk away, on to the next cause du jour on their agenda.

So my advice to these well-heeled marks and would-be dupes of destiny is do not allow the mob to weaponize you or your business for its political gain. You might think you are doing something good by getting behind a popular cause but are you? Don’t think that immunizes you from the wrath of the mob in the future. It won’t.

It’s a bit like a protection racket. The minute you don’t pay, suddenly you don’t have any windows or your cash register is busted. You don’t win with the mob, only they do. You will become yesterday’s bread no one wants. They will loot and burn down your business as easily as the corner store, figuratively and literally, for not complying with their demands.

So if you really value your reputation, credibility or business, then why turn it over to the mob? Why allow it to be weaponized or even used against you? Their cause may seem just but so is yours. And no insurance will cover that loss.

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2020

Two Groups Where?

The two groups that don’t diverge, leading to the same destination.

I have had it with the “two different groups” excuse mantra about the riots taking place. The theory is you have two groups: the peaceful protestors on one hand and these bad anarchists doing the damage, looting and burning on the other.

By day they are “peaceful, righteous protestors” but by night they are raging anarchists.

But why should we go to pains to differentiate “two groups” when they themselves don’t?

Since when is it our job to separate the two? I even heard right on cue that it is white supremacists causing the damage and looting. Sure, that’s what all the pictures show.

Then Saturday night CNN’s Don Lemon wondered out loud to an on-location reporter if the fires in LA could be caused by “collateral damage” from the police activity? Does that make any sense? Nice try. Still, he wondered how or why these fires started?

Well, anything to deny the very real long-term, random damage of protest riots and defer the blame. I’m sick of being told to separate that which does not want to be separated.

One cop was arrested for the death of George Floyd but they demand all the cops be arrested. So even if it was just one cop who did it, all the cops must be held legally culpable by their standard. Same for rioters. Yet when it is protest riots, we are somehow supposed to differentiate between peaceful protestors, anarchists, looters and arsonists?

But the basic slogan of protestors is “no justice no peace” — among other anti-cop chants — while using their definition of justice. So they are telling us they don’t want peace. Now why should we see two groups? (not that there are two)

Like I said in previous posts, the lockstep Left cannot separate themselves from criminals, drug dealers, or even illegal aliens and gangs. And they certainly, to this point, have not stood up to condemn terrorists like Antifa. Yet we are supposed to see a separation that does not exist? It’s all a game to them, that’s all I’m saying.

You cannot separate the two. It is the means to the end. Why should we try when they don’t want them separated? It is all part of their social justice agenda.

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2020

Coming To Terms

I am trying to come to terms with some terms.

Actionable intelligence — what does that mean to Dems? We may never know.

Imagine not killing a terrorist because you may get attacked with terrorism.

That’s all, just trying to come to grips with those concepts.

I’m serious.

BTW: and would someone ask NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio what that pizza would cost if Democrat Socialists came to power? I bet 30 bucks would look like a steal.

Right Ring | Bullright

9-11 The Infamy Wears Off

It is that important national day of 9-11, once again, with all that it entangles. I find myself still in a constant state of mourning for all the families and great loss of that day, 18 years ago today — feeling more like it’s been 18 months. The kind of loss so big that it always leaves a lump in my throat.

But now, on this day, I am also in mourning for something else. I mourn the loss of CNN, too. Yes, you heard me right, grief not grievance.

I remember back in the early 90’s when CNN was a fledgling news channel as it covered the first Iraq war, Dessert Storm. I recall C-130 Hercules transport planes flying non-stop overhead 24 hours a day in a perpetual pattern. I was told that’s what they were.

For the up to date information, you could turn to CNN as a source for news. Wolf Blitzer was on location there somewhere reporting what was going on. It was called the first televised war — even if that was a distortion. CNN was one voice in a vacuum demanding real-time information. We needed to know what was happening in a country finding its war and defensive posture. CNN was there. Maybe reports were not complete or up to the second but it is all we had. In fact, before it started we were well aware of circumstances via media reports. No internet to rely on either.

Contrast that with the menu of cable news we have now, with Internet and social media compliments. It’s almost hard to imagine that CNN was so prominent of a news source then. But those days are gone, and so is CNN as a credible news source.

So today I am mourning that loss as well as 9-11. Back on 9-11, 2001, CNN tried to keep up with a slurry of news. They tried, at least temporarily, to provide unbiased coverage. I have to say, by then, Fox did a better job. Cable went commercial free for days in wall-to-wall coverage. We were mostly a unified nation, even if George Bush was the President. (Not Al Gore)

The bad guys were in the deserts and mountains of Afghanistan. A new area we didn’t know that much about. So much to do and say. Before a military response, there were debates in Congress and they lined up supporting force. Only a few outliers.

Well, with all the mourning today, there are a number of things regarding 9-11 that can anger me like almost nothing else. Those are: lack of respecting or accepting the attack for what it was, trivializing the sanctity of the day; drawing unreasonable parallels or equating other acts of violence to it; using that historical event to promote other partisan political agendas; giving short shrift to victims of that day that continue to mount; or depriving those victims of dialogue and justice that still evades them all these years later. Or, basically misusing the memory or sacred observance of the day. (even 18 years after)

But CNN manages to do about all those, on the day it is memorialized in 2019. And they did it as a matter of programming, which reveals planning. I could list endless poof and examples but that is more writing than I care to do now. I shouldn’t have to that is obvious. It is not only CNN but the entire left does the same. It is not nit-picking.

So cable news chose to talk about gun control, the impeachment agenda and normal partisan gotcha politics. There are 364 other days in the year and that is not enough, they have to corrupt this one too, like everything else?

No, they could not even be bothered to respect the memory and events of the day. They must defile the day’s memory and its significant importance. Nothing is sacred.

Congratulations, CNN, because today you earned the “enemy of the people” title anew!

Right Ring | Bullright

Where have all the media gone?

Oh, when will they ever learn? More lies, more coverup, more scandals.

A new story explodes that media no doubt has zero interest in reporting. If they do, it will need expert Obamafiles’ spin on it for them. You know how Obama never knew anything until it appeared in the paper. In this case, it was sure not to show up there.

What Did Obama Know About Hezbollah’s Bomb Plot in London?

by Brian Cates — June 14, 2019 | Epoch Times


President Donald Trump’s long-anticipated visit to Europe during the 75th anniversary of the D-Day invasion has now come and gone. He arrived in the United Kingdom on June 3 and departed for Ireland on June 5 before hopping across the channel for the official D-Day ceremonies in France on June 6.

What I would like to draw attention to is what occurred immediately prior to Trump’s arrival in the UK, and what subsequently happened immediately after his departure.

Just prior to Trump’s visit, UK Prime Minister Theresa May announced that she would be resigning. She made this announcement on May 24 and stated that June 7 would be her last day in office. Literally one of the last things she would do as Prime Minister would be meeting with Trump.

Following Trump’s departure from Europe, it was suddenly revealed in the UK press that a massive terrorist bomb plot in London by the Iran-linked terror group, Hezbollah, had been foiled several years ago and that authorities had deliberately hidden this plot from the public.

It was in the fall of 2015 that British intelligence agency MI5 discovered a cell of Hezbollah terrorists operating in Northwest London. According to reporting by The Telegraph, the group had amassed a stockpile of more than three metric tons of ammonium nitrate, a fertilizer compound that is a popular key component in homemade bombs.

The Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 by domestic terrorist Timothy McVeigh, in which he killed 168 people while causing extensive damage to the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, involved two tons of ammonium nitrate. This Hezbollah terror cell had compiled three tons at the time they were caught. So let’s make this crystal clear: this was not going to be any kind of small-scale attack on London. …/

[Continue reading. A real story – not phony media news. Follow links.]

Okay, but who cares about why May stepped down when what Obama did making the Iran deal buried all the real information, and intelligence, that we had at the time?

Another feather in his no-scandal legacy — to be hidden or deleted in his Lie-Barry.

Will there be any probe into this? Probably not. Talk about conspiracy and cover up!

Barry, Hillary downplay Sri Lanka victims

The dynamic duo of revision are back at it. Almost synchronized

Hillary: “On this holy weekend for many faiths, we must stand united against hatred and violence. I’m praying for everyone affected by today’s horrific attacks on Easter worshippers and travelers in Sri Lanka.” – 1:17 PM – Apr 21, 2019

Obama: “The attacks on tourists and Easter worshippers in Sri Lanka are an attack on humanity. On a day devoted to love, redemption, and renewal, we pray for the victims and stand with the people of Sri Lanka.” — 10:02 AM – Apr 21, 2019

Surprise, they call it the exact same thing. We are not Easter People. We are Christians.

The Bible explains they were first called Christians at Antioch. Apparently Hillary now wants to rewrite the Bible, it seems Benghazi wasn’t enough for her.

But for a pair of subversive deniers that did what they did on Benghazi, should it surprise anyone that they want to downplay Christians as victims? You could not get either of them to do or say anything about Christian persecution. Barry loves saying Mooslims.

Everything morphed into some mealy-mouthed dangerous world or humanity thing.

Just try to name one group of people who have been at war with civilization and humanity, who do not accept anyone’s life as legitimately justified but theirs? It’s a difficult question. A people who hate everyone else and think it is their job to cause war and chaos everywhere in the name of their religious faith. (and I don’t mean Democrats)

It’s even worse than that. Since his remarks, the proud Barry worshipers carry and defend his statement using whatever means they can, like always. But the truth is he just couldn’t single out Christians as the dominant victims. He couldn’t do it.

For the secretary of evil, Hillary, by next week she could just say “oh, what difference at this point does it make anyway who they were?”

It’s only a vivid reminder of the nightmare those eight years were. And next, maybe Obama could talk about the Crusades again, being brutal or the intolerance of Christians. Then he will use the pronoun Christians.

He never has a problem referring to Muslims when they are victims. He doesn’t call them Ramadan worshipers. He could hardly call Jews “Sabbath observers.”

But for us Christians, we are labeled Easter People as “Easter Worshipers.” So they were attacked for their faith but Obama cannot even mention that faith by proper name. Then he also has a toxic opposition to saying “Radical Islamic Terrorists” He just can’t do it.

Right Ring | Bullright

FALN: justice denied

These domestic terrorists remain unprosecuted for their acts. Bill and Hillary pardoned FALN terrorists and enabled them. Obama later pardoned one of the FALN stragglers.

Eric Holder did his part and now has presidential aspirations of his own.

Yet MSM remains as quiet as church mice about these terrorists. Always has. Drive a news story? Fuhgeddaboudit! Congress has done little to capture terrorist thugs in Cuba.

Where is justice? A lot of people are asking that same question these days.

Hillary never paid the price or was held accountable. No one was.

Terrorists Murdered My Father. They Have Not Seen Justice

By Joe Connor January 24, 2019 | National Review
Bill Clinton and Barack Obama gave some clemency; the chief bomb-maker escaped to Cuba.

Forty-four years ago today, terrorists shattered my family. Sadly, the war against these individuals and their benefactors continues to this day.

My father, 33-year-old Frank Connor, and three other innocent men were murdered, while scores were injured and maimed, on Jan. 24, 1975, when the Marxist Puerto Rican terrorist group Armed Forces for National Liberation (“FALN”) blew up New York’s historic Fraunces Tavern during a crowded lunchtime. The FALN appointed themselves my father’s judge, jury, and executioner, profiling, targeting, and savagely murdering so-called “reactionary corporate executives.” The Connor family had planned to celebrate my ninth and my brother’s 11th birthday that very night.

Fraunces Tavern was targeted by the FALN — who paid lip service to independence but in reality sought to impose a Cuban-style socialist regime in Puerto Rico — for its proximity to Wall Street and for its storied reputation as the birthplace of American liberty. Alexander Hamilton and the Sons of Liberty met there. General George Washington bade farewell to his officers at Fraunces after the Revolutionary War…./

Terrorists Murdered My Father. They Have Not Seen Justice

When Americans call it the Department of Injustice that is what they are talking about.