Age Of Diversions: how scandal is done

Against all obvious risks, the apparatus of DOJ decided to create a Biden scandal by raiding Mar-a-Lago, as a diversion for the Afghanistan pullout anniversary. An act which cost him much of the support he had from the lost in space crowd.

This was the plan.

Do it when Congress goes out of session and when Biden is skipping off to vacation on an island — now there is a metaphor — so he can claim some physical separation with what is really happening. Just as Obama always heard about stuff later in media, like us, and claimed plausible deniability. And like Obama wanted a third term to be behind the scenes calling the shots and running government.

Obama: Stick with me now, Joe, you can do this. It will create a diversion from Afghanistan. Dems and media love a raid. Then roll it into midterms.

Joe, then you can always do a college loan bailout. Trust me, Afghanistan when your approval tanked is old news in the rear view mirror. They won’t even realize it. It’s your comeback, kid! Keep talking about Trump.

Even you can’t fuck this up, Joe. People love seeing FBI raids on their enemies more than grieving 13 dead anonymous Americans in a place they know nothing about. Sheesh. Give them an August to remember and light that fire for the midterms. Kill some sacred babies, Joe. You can handle this. Sure it’s political, so what? Who cares? They want heads, give them heads.

Biden: so Garland is in the loop on this?

Obama: Man, he is the loop. Why do you think I nominated him to SCOTUS? It’s great, it also covers up those anti-cop, Soros policies. We all love Fed’s and law enforcement now, don’t we? Wray will do anything for you if you give him some support back. Who doesn’t like an investigation? It’s not a scandal, it’s Joementum.  And don’t forget the fundraiser, Joe! ~

Right Ring | Bullright | 2022

Saving Roe, and Free-For-All Midterms

Decades ago, Tom Snyder used to have a TV show with the opening line: “So fire up the colortinis, sit back and watch the pictures as they fly through the air.” (from memory)

That was a different time maybe, but you can almost do exactly that today with social media. Watch the pictures and comments as they fly through the air.

All that to showcase Biden’s tweet on Roe Wade and the Supreme Court:

“We have to codify Roe vs. Wade into law.

If the filibuster gets in the way, we should provide an exception to the filibuster to deal with the Supreme Court decision.” — Joe Biden
11:55 AM · Jun 30, 2022·Sprout Social

You got to hand it to Joe. He seems to be going all out war now. Cancel the filibuster, then pack the Court to prevent more of it. They will do ANYTHING to get their radical way.

It isn’t the filibuster in your way, Joe, it’s the Constitution and will of the people. But if you would’ve ever campaigned across the country, you might know that much.

So let’s give Joey a colortini news flash.

Hey sunshine, since 1973 Democrats had a sacred blood pact with SCOTUS. All based on the bloody altar of abortion, and their sanctity of that right.

Maybe now Dems will know what the “law of the land” really is? 50 years of Roe has got to go. It is a Death Cult. Can you dig it, man? Oh, I know that you can.

But then you get other people tweeting comments, too. From Bud and not the wiser one:

“I wish the POTUS could simply declare a national emergency, dissolve SCOTUS for a period of time for reforms to be enacted by congress those being expansion of the court, a set of ethical rules governing behavior of justices and a structure for oversight and enforcement of them!”

Then he adds: “Wouldn’t it![be amazing] Frankly, he might if he had enough Dem support and the support of the military! Cause it is clearly an emergency, SCOTUS is setting up a big steal in the midterms!”

Well, what can you say? From Roe to stealing an election, those Supremes have been busy. Send out the military, it’s an all out emergency to save Roe from death. And “structured oversight” of the High Court decisions? Salivate on that.

Shut down SCOTUS until further notice, call in the military…. ’cause we got a situation here!’ To hell with separation of powers, whatever the hell that is anyway. This is an extreme emergency, nuclear war, man the battle stations. Red Alert!

Would they lock up those 6 ‘robed ones’ in the dungeon? Put them with Jan 6-ers till we figure out what to do with them. Let them rot there a while.

But no time to waste because we got a midterm election to save, too. That is rich. Save the  midterms from Supreme Court usurpers! (I’d love to see that conspiracy theory)

Just when you think you heard it all, no, there’s lots more. Save the country from the Constitution. Suspend rule of law to save us.

I hate to add this part. The guy who coughed up this idea is an Air Force vet and atheist, he says. But since we took a flying leap out the plane at 35,000 feet, what the hell. You only live once. Do all the damage you can while you can, might not have another chance.

So cry me a river when they talk about a coup plot by January 6-ers. These people would abolish a branch of government over grievances. Defy and shred the Constitution, and spit in the face of every voter in the country that disagrees with them. Then what, dare I ask?

One can clearly see, things are not getting better as they go either. Never know what you will see next? Pink drag queens doing the tango on the South Lawn maybe? Who knows?

I didn’t want to be the bearer of bad news, but how much longer and further can it go? Normal is on vacation and she ain’t coming back!


Right Ring | Bullright | © 2022

Schumer’s Whirlwind Shows Up

Remember when Senator Schumer attacked and threatened the Supreme Court Justices, calling out Kavanaugh and Gorsuch by name at a rally outside the Court?

“I want to tell you Gorsuch, I wanna tell you Kavanaugh: You have released the whirlwinds and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you….. if you go through with these awful decisions!”

One of Schumer’s whirlwinds showed up at Justice Kavanaugh’s home early Wednesday, prepared to assassinate Kavanaugh and possibly his family. He was arrested.

Just tell them Schumer sent you, that ought to take of it. No harm no foul.  Schumer was silent Wednesday and Mitch McConnell relayed the story in the Senate.

Activist Nation

We are now an activist nation. That is not new, or nothing you didn’t know but it has been raised to a new level. The radical left has finally attained the ultimate in activism at the judicial branch, which already had problems with activism.

The one element of the Judicial branch that retained integrity and enjoyed wide public respect was the Supreme Court. That has been eviscerated. A leaker, apparently on the staff of one of the justices, has gone rogue to reveal a majority opinion 2 months before it was supposed to be released.

Of course radicals and leftists — really the same thing — have no problems with this. In fact they celebrated the leak and leaker immediately. One Obamafile, Brian Fallon, hot on the internet response squad, noted that it is time the curtain is torn down.

“SCOTUS leaks are good. Elite lawyers on both the left and right treating the Court as precious all these years have just been giving cover to an institution that is wholly unaccountable. Rip the veil off.”

So there is not even an illusion to sacred respect for the purpose of the Supreme Court, which is to interpret law and the Constitution not create it. And Roe Wade was just that, an opinion — not law.   But nevertheless it was given the essence of law up to the point where Democrats made nominees to the Court swear on the altar of Roe v Wade.

But, as the leak portends, the Court is now prepared to issue an opinion overruling the false legitimacy and sanctity of Roe and Casey. Never mind that they were two of the worst decisions it had issued but which lasted nearly 50 years. This ruling, if it comes out that way, will remove all that. Yet the damage has been done, 50 years of it.

So the Left went to the nuclear option by blowing up the integrity of the Court to preemptively and prematurely leak a decision. The left will brand it illegitimate like everything else they disagree with. By the time it is officially rolled out, it will be stained by the protests and not be given the legitimacy it deserves — by design.

We don’t know the limits of the violence that will follow one event disgracing the Court because there are none. And all the empty slogans will flow like “this is what democracy looks like” or “no justice no peace.”

But it already set off demands to pack the court. From one egregious assault on the High Court right on to the next — at breakneck speed.

Thanks to the unjustified act of one leaker who went off like a sleeper cell in a crowded theater, the rest of us have to live with the results. An egregious act of defiance the Left cares nothing about. They were quick to politicize and weaponize it, almost as if planned. Democrats are fundraising on it.

What does all this mean?

Let’s see what the radical, Democrat Left wants for the modern day woman. They want them to be subjects of the state. They require full compliance with the government with vaccine policy — no exceptions. The radical Left wants women to turn their children over to the state under the auspices of education. No questions asked.

They want women to realize that not only do they not have autonomy over their bodies, or their children, but that women have no rightful claim even on gender or womanhood either. And for purposes of sports and women’s competition, they must be subject to men competing as women in athletics.

Today’s modern woman must have no exclusive claims on giving birth or having babies. And no individual identity. So women’s reproductive rights are not exclusive to women anymore. Having menstrual cycles are now endured by men as well.

Birthing has become a man or woman process. Personally, I’m glad they took that one back from the clutches of delusional women. Where did they ever get that exclusive idea in the first place? All these things were the accepted terms of womenhood in the past.

No more!

Leftists simply redefined what it means to be a woman. They also delegitimized biology, which is a construct of the human brain cells, not anatomy. Gender is therefore fluid and applies to any variation one deems it, despite physical anatomy.

Just call it one more breakthrough of modern science. So don’t be upset, we only expanded the possibilities and potential of the modern woman. She is an evolving species or subset of human beings.

But she is necessarily bound by the power of the state to ensure that evolution for survival. In that sense, she is dependent on the hand of the state. So she must support and vote for the Party that facilitates it all. She is mentally and physically tied to the aparatus.

Welcome to the new woman 2.0. Fluidity means fluidity. Updates to follow as necessary.

In other news: more and more men are having abortions too.

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2022

And Away Goes Roe … potentially

Leftists outraged over news that the Supreme Court may be poised to overturn Roe v. Wade: ‘This decision is a direct assault on the dignity, rights, & lives of women’

The Blaze  News

Leftists are sounding the alarm over news that the U.S. Supreme Court could potentially be poised to overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade abortion ruling when it issues a decision in a case regarding a Mississippi pro-life law.

Politico published a draft majority opinion by Justice Samuel Alito which declares that the high court intends to overturn Roe and another decision — but nothing has been officially decided since the document is just a draft opinion, not an official ruling of the court.

“Abortion presents a profound moral question. The Constitution does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulating or prohibiting abortion. Roe and Casey arrogated that authority. We now overrule those decisions and return that authority to the people and their elected representatives,” the draft opinion states.






So in other words: The same people outraged about a SCOTUS draft think you choose your gender(or create one), call science undeniable, believe in birthing persons, endorse men competing in women’s sports, and want transgender theory in K-4. Just saying…

The leaker? It’s already been labeled an insurrection, legitimately.
Allow me define it: this is Institutional Terrorism.

Supreme Sacrifice

Any 9th grade education should tell you that there are three branches of government. Normally thought that the Judicial is the weaker of the three. But you would know that.

What is happening now that Supreme Court packing is on the docket of the Left is a bit of a controversy for Biden. He won’t tell us whether he would pack the court or not but instead insists we go out and vote. Then he added that his decision may be released at some point though it would depend on what the Republicans do.

He added to that promising something before election day. Who knows what it is? But then he updated it in an interview. Now he says he would assemble a panel of bipartisan “scholars” and give them 180 days to come up with a reform package. (6 months) If you think that is cover for packing the Court, you are right.

However, if you have three branches with a separation of powers, then restructuring and modifying courts is essentially Congress and the president running roughshod over the Judicial branch. Actually that would be usurping or overstepping the Judicial branch’s powers. But of course Democrats will rationalize it six ways to Sunday.

Supreme Court Packing may be just a part of the whole package. Now if you thought of Biden as a moderate, well that ‘middle of the road’ Joe just isn’t so.

Couple that with the rest of Biden’s other plans. As he politicized COVID_19, Biden is also dreaming of all kinds of government expansion that would rival or even dwarf FDR. Don’t just take my word for it but Biden’s own in an article from New York Mag:

While it’s impossible to tell where the country is headed, Biden’s camp is in the disorienting position of scaling up its laundry list of proposals to match the ambition, and the political appetite, he thinks the American people — desperate for relief — will have in January.

“I think people are realizing, ‘My Lord, look at what is possible,’ looking at the institutional changes we can make, without us becoming a ‘socialist country’ or any of that malarkey.”

So Biden is planning on busting a move on big government. And as the article suggests, it may be flying under the radar. All conceived from his basement bunker. Move over FDR, there is a new central planner in town. Supreme packing is only the beginning.

Right Ring | Bullright

Culture Shock And Awe

As luck would have it, we are gifted with another issue in a contested election. Well, one of those assumptions is correct anyway.

So it is a perceived volitile election and that opens the door wide for the mischief of the left. I mean what more could they try after a coup, special counsel investigation and even an impeachment just this year?

You got to hand it to the left to try to get out and stomp on the election before it even got kicked off. And dirt is their specialty. After all, they have been playing the culture war for years to try to abolish the right.

But how come Democrats never seem to get caught up in cancel culture?

Anyway, so the right insists on nominating and confirming a Supreme Court nominee and all their usual tactics come out. Smear smear, even to the point of changing the definition of packing the Supreme Court. A legitimate confirmation is now packing the Court. FDR must be laughing at that one.

All this should tell us that the perception polls we are fed are wrong. Why else would they be so worried? Remember their suppress the vote game in 2016. People see through it.

So they jumped on a Supreme Court nominee like a shark on chum. Villainize her, attack, attack. But she is too good for that. There’s no there there. Even their own base admits the only problem with her was the timing of the nomination. In other words, the Constitution. At least they raised lots of money on Roe fear.

After two days of testimony, all they could do is talk about Obamacare. So they went for the cheap shot: send a message about Obamacare to the High Court through the hearings. Just hope that it resonates in the hall with the Robed ones already seated.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden runs his whole campaign on politicizing a pandemic after his racism angle died on the vine. He weaponized it for months now. But even that is falling apart, a few revelations came out to wreck that train.

WHO announced lock downs should not be the preferred method of dealing with COVID. Then an article broke news that Coronavirus may be winding down. NYT also reported the Trump administration’s Operation Warp Speed has largely been a success. Oops.

“Despite the chaos in day-to-day politics and the fighting over issues like masks and lockdowns, Operation Warp Speed — the government’s agreement to subsidize vaccine companies’ clinical trials and manufacturing costs — appears to have been working with remarkable efficiency.” –NYT

Then even Dems could not get traction in SCOTUS hearings by using COVID to delay or cancel hearings. The pandemic-pulooza did not work well in the hearings against Repubicans either because there sat Amey Coney Barrett with her mid-western smile, willing to take anything they threw at her. Damn, the culture wars did not even get traction as Roe-Wade Flopped.

In fact, it looked like the people are so pleased with her that they now think confirmation is the right thing to do. So what if there is an election going on?

Imagine on the heels of all those failures, there are going to be disgruntled leftists somewhere. I mean they didn’t even get to stage a protest in the Capitol against her confirmation. Sen. Mazie Hirono was left to ask a question if Barrett had ever committed sexual assault or harassment since being an adult? Just a standard question now.

When in doubt fire the biggest blank you can find, even if it is empty.

About the only ones who don’t recognize the epic failure that all this has been is CNN. They are still chasing super-spreader events, while spreading manure everywhere. But wait, wasn’t there a steroid rage angle on Trump last week? Never mind.

Oh, that was before the Pence vs Harris debate. You know it was a bad night for Democrats when all they had was the talk about a fly that landed on Mike Pence’s hair. Maybe it was trying to tell them something. But they missed any warning sent them. Kamala’s facial expressions were more than enough distraction from a fly.

Now, one more thing rolls down the empty highway of the Left. After the second hearings, a Leftist named Garrison Keillor went on Twitter to reveal at least his exhaustion with their whole agenda. He wasted no time throwing Roe V Wade under the bus in the name of national unity. Say what? So for your entertainment pleasure, here is the Tweet captured that set off a firestorm of infighting among Leftist allies. Too soon, is it?

If it is one thing it hasn’t been on the Left, it is boring. Depressing maybe, but not boring.
Does that sound like Dems just might be in full meltdown mode?

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2020

Controversial Supreme Pick Policies

As much as they say 2020 is laced with controversy, and that this Supreme vacancy is controversial, I beg to differ with that hogwash.

This is not controversial at all. RBG passed away under a Trump Presidency and he has the duty to nominate a replacement. Very simple. Maybe they don’t like that.

Then the Constitution gives the Senate the power of Advice and Consent. (we might bicker at some other times a little over advise vs. advice)

“[The President] shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the Supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.”

But we have had over 100 days of riots against the Constitution. The violence spread to major cities across America. Or as I call them, anti-peace rallies. We heard that voice of hate and anti-Americanism, loud and clear.

We heard the voices of the left when they promised to stack and pack the Supreme Court with ideological clones of the Left when they get the opportunity. We heard it clear.

We heard them when they said the Constitutional Electoral College process for elections has to go. We heard them vote for mob rule every chance they got. We heard them support rioting radicals in Seattle and Oregon, and defend it all as peaceful protesting.

We heard them declaring rioting and looting is some Constitutional right to be respected and allowed to continue. That would stand the First Amendment on its head, but who cares? They want a living, breathing, evolving Constitution as flexibe as Gumby, which will grant them any desire. We heard them, loudly.

And we heard Democrats like Pelosi when they moved forward with and refused to hold a vote on the impeachment in the House. No, no process rules or even the Constitution matters to progressive Leftists disguised as Democrats.

Now we hear threats from Schumer and Pelosi if they don’t get their way. Remember Schumer at the steps of the Supreme Court shaking his fist to the crowd, making personal threats at justices to give us what we want, or else there will be hell or impeachment.

“I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions. We will tell President Trump and Senate Republicans, who have stacked the court with right-wing ideologues, that you will be gone in November, and you’ll never be able to do this again.” — Schumer, Roll Call, March 5, 2020

So their voices were heard. In fact, Leftists’ screams are so loud you can barely hear anything else. Give the people a say, they tell us now. But the people had their say in 2016, and again in 2018, on Supreme Court issues. They didn’t like it.

And Democrats ignored it, then refused to accept the results of that election. Voices matter! Votes matter as well. And, like Obama said, elections have consequences.

So now, in view of Trump doing his duty and McConnell’s Senate following through, they tell us there will be consequences if they don’t get their way. Their threats are loud and clear; we hear them too. But we’ve already had the summer of riots. We’ve already had countless threats how these Leftists want to “bring down the whole thing.”

We’ve had them attack law and order for months with defunding and abolishing police schemes. They have carried the banner of Resistance down a flame-lit road to sedition, for 4 years. Do you think rules, laws or even the Constitution mean anything to these people?

They told us they will change the whole structure of the Supreme Court to favor the Left and will abolish the Electoral College. They’ll alter Senate rules. They proved they would run over or destroy anyone in their way by cancel culture or any means possible.

However, they lecture us on following some mythical rules that don’t even exist. We are told that we have no choice on socialism or commie agendas.(even the environment supports it, they claim) And they don’t want to honor the people’s voice on that. Just do it. No referendums, no votes, no public discussions about it. And they threaten us that, if we don’t accept it, they will burn the whole thing down if they don’t get their way.

Against a dark backdrop of the season of hate, and with fierce resistance from the Left on everything, it must seem radical then for Republicans to be doing exactly what they should Constitutionally be doing.

Only Democrats and media could turn that into a miscarriage of justice or controversy.

On Scalia, Obama had the power to nominate, which he did. But the Republican-controlled Senate had the power of advice and consent, which they exercised. All fairly benign, except to the toxic liberal minds.

Should we be surprised Democrats, unbound by Constitutional limits or law, would do “anything necessary” to get and keep power? Their oath means nothing since they believe in a future Utopia, foreign to this Constitution, while hating everything in the present.

The good news is that I’ve been hearing how many Dems have taken the initiative to Walk Away from the Democrat plantation, disgusted. We hear you!

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2020

RBG To Refried Beans

Ruth Bader Ginsburg died, just like she wrote in many stinging opinions, in dissent.

She sat on a seat during a president who was not of her political preference. She was in dissent with the executive branch and president. That was her opinion, okay.

But she had time and opportunity to leave under Obama’s regime, who could have replaced her with a suitable radical jurist. No she was in dissent on leaving then.

Now news comes out about a statement made to her granddaughter saying:”my fervent wish is to not be replaced until a new president is installed.” Once again, in dissent..

Dying wish trumps all?

Who is she to get that say? She had her say and voice when she did not retire despite her health. In dissent all the way. Now she appears to be crying out in dissent.

Yet in 2016, she wanted the nomination and confirmation process to go forward to replace Antonin Scalia, who was her ideological opponent as well as her good friend. Why can’t we use her own words then, as she is now, in dissent?

Didn’t she know of Scalia’s fervent desires about such things? Surely she knew he would not want to be replaced by Obama. She would have known that. But she said replace him under that president, even as he was termed-out and leaving office in months.

No, she was gung ho about ramming a nominee through to replace Scalia, despite the Senate being in Republican hands. Under the bus you go, good friend.(nothing personal)

That should have told us something there. Or is all that only refried beans now? She was in dissent then as she is in dissent now. Friends like that who needs enemies?


See also on the topic:

RBG told Senate in 2016 to do ‘their job,’ replace Scalia before election: report — NY Post

“There’s nothing in the Constitution that says the president stops being the president in his last year,” Ginsburg told the New York Times in 2016 when she urged the Senate to do “their job” and consider President Obama’s court nominee Merrick Garland.

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2020

Here and Now in Whateverland

In asking serious questions, one has to be prepared for the inevitable: people answering those questions armed with their own opinions like stilettos. If one is really interested in what people think, it could be a rewarding even educational exercise.

Recently, Charlie Daniels had a column laying out particular grievances on impeachment fever running wild, then asked a series of questions. That is always a good format. Asking questions can be a tool on a blog. It’s nice to care what others think.

However, what it really does is open the door for naysayers and critics to offer pungent rebukes from their lofty perches. That is what happened with Charlie’s Soap Box piece. Maybe no more critics than usual though a bit more descriptive than usual. One suggested he was now a former fan.

I’m sure Charlie was ready for that reaction when he posed the questions. The questions were important and consequential. But it showed there are enough people out there who will fully embrace any criticism of Trump, and who see — in their minds anyway — lots of reasons to impeach our 45th president.

But here we are with impeachers having their way. They were eager for this moment from the beginning. It could not come fast enough for them and now it is finally here.

Trump haters will jump at any chance to express their discontent with him. Even Christmas decorations have become a symbol of their disdain for the Trump family. And they don’t despise just him but the entire family. At one impeachment hearing, a Stanford professor made a rotten joke using Trump’s son Baron’s name. She later apologized only while demanding an apology from Trump.

Congress subpoenaed all Trump family financial documents from Deutsche Bank prompting Ginsburg to slap a stay on it until SCOTUS can hold a vote. Nothing seems off limits to these critics. Hopefully SCOTUS will provide clarity on the matter and for future presidents. Should Congress have unbridled power to impound any personal documents from a sitting president it wants? That can hardly be a good thing or precedent for the future. What about Barry Soetoro having all his personal records sealed? But that was not a problem for the Democrats. Plus, Trump documents have a habit of leaking.

That deep document dive brings the issue into focus. What do Democrats care about future precedents they are setting, both on impeachment and records? They don’t. So this is what I call the politics of here and now — the only thing they care about. As if the future will take care of itself regardless what they do today, with little or no effect on the future. But that is not the case. They don’t care. Nor do they really care what effect it has.

The politics of “here an now” determine now is everything, the future is of no concern. Whatever happens as a result is of no consequence and certainly will not matter later to them. Now is where they live, in hatred, but it is also the incubator for the future. Democrats and incubators don’t get along so well. If they can believe in aborting a baby in the 9th month, then they will do just about anything out of convenience for the moment.

Instead, they will try to shift blame and the argument back on Trump. But it is not him setting the future precedent here. Democrats are oblivious to our posterity and future. Rather than impeachment being caused by a scandal, impeachment has become the scandal. And now investigating corruption becomes an impeachable offense.

Subsequently, any defense of President Trump is then seen as incompetence, even legal malpractice, such as with Professor  Jonathan Turley delivering a defense against impeaching Trump.  He was the outlier to the tar and feather scholars.

Think about the other three witnesses. All tenured professors from Ivory Towered institutions calling on impeaching and removing a president at the drop of a hat.

“Slipshod impeachment” is the tonic, but what is the illness?

Right Ring | Bullright

RBG Explained

In the absence of any detailed information about the health of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, I’ve taken it upon myself, as explainer of all things, to provide what I’m sure is a perfectly plausible explanation. No problemo.

Here’s the report from SCOTUS

There, we have the symptoms: fever and chills sparked hospital visit. IV treatment.

1)First of all, it is now late fall and she has finally realized this. Even in DC near winter, people get chills. It’s quite natural. Chills will remain among us throughout the season.

2)Then there is the fever thing. Well, this was impeachment week, after all. Most Democrats in the country have Impeachment Fever right now. That’s no secret.

So I think we can definitely see the rational cause and effect here.

On the other hand, while we are at it, the “fear” conspiracy theories of the left, based on what SCOTUS would be like if she left, are completely unsubstantiated. I’m still looking for the source of those.

I’m glad to be of assistance.
Yours Truly

BTW: I haven’t determined a rational explanation for Epstein’s death yet.

Same Old Talking Points with Stilettos

Surf is up for socialism from Leftifornians to Leftiyorkers. Their latest stunt involves comparing Venezuela to the US economy. Right, not a lot of difference between them.

So if they can compare Venezuela’s dire situation to the “evils of capitalism,” then these people really don’t have a clue. Venezuela shows the softness of socialism?

When a Go Fund Me page appears and raises 17 million to build the wall, of course liberals or Democrats are fuming. People should only be able to raise money for lying hacks to take down a SCOTUS nominee or conservative. How dare people support border security.

Though Democrats’ talking points about the wall secures nothing, but costs us billions.

So Twitter slaps a big warning on the Wall petition and fundraiser telling everyone that Twitter and their “partners” have determined it too risky to link it. They say they are protecting their users from “potential” malicious threats by blocking the site. Now raising money to build a wall to secure the border is a huge threat. Orwellian.

However, the leftist shadow campaigns which sprung up as petitions and fundraisers in response to the Wall fundraiser have naturally not been deemed a threat. So open borders are no threat to national security either. Encouraging lawlessness is Christian compassion.

But there is a problem every time the left tries to outdo itself on talking points. They have been so far over the top for over ten years that no one could take them seriously anymore. Still they need to come up with new language and comparisons all the time, because the last stuff they shoveled out has already gotten old. So “Buyer Beware!”

In fact, if we haven’t gotten the loud and clear message yet, between media attack dogs and the rowdy fascist left, reality is that they have finally mainstreamed radicalism.

Mission complete.

In the immortal words of the colorful James Traficant, “Beam me up, Scotty.”
Or as Texas Congressman Ted Poe always said…”and that’s just the way it is.”

In Venezuela they call the organized gangs extorting conditions “the Colectivos.” By George, I think I will start calling Democrats here the Collectivos.

Right Ring | Bullright

The Stocking was hung, with a new spine intact

…in hopes that the GOP could make good use of it.

The formerly spineless Republican Party rebounds

By Bobby Eberle – – Monday, October 8, 2018 | Washington Times

If there is one word — one defining, all-encompassing word — that has summed up the state of the Republican Party for years (if not decades), it’s “spineless.” Whether the issue has been illegal immigration, the budget, standing up to Planned Parenthood, or even the wildly unpopular and disastrous Obamacare, Republican “leaders” have tucked their collective tails between their legs rather than stand up and fight. But something remarkable seems to be in the air, and there’s no doubt that the change in resolve has been brought about by Donald J. Trump.

Remember all the rhetoric concerning Obamacare? Analysts said it would fail. Obama officials even admitted they lied about terms. No, you can’t keep your own doctor. No, you can’t keep your own plan. No, prices will not be lower. Republican legislators said they would repeal it. They voted to repeal it. Oh, but wait. Barack Obama was still president, and the Republican votes were simply a side show next to Mr. Obama’s veto. When Donald Trump first came on the scene, he said he would sign legislation repealing Obamacare, but the GOP couldn’t get it done. They showed their complete lack of fortitude and rolled over.

That’s just one example of many, many other issues. …/


Times…they are a changing.

Lesson to Republicans now seems to be:

You see how you are treated when Republicans do fight back. So tell me again why you would ever want to appease and capitulate to these dishonest radicals?

Any questions?

Dem’s SCOTUS Conspiracy

From their own mouths, Dem conference call in July.

Strategy session in July
GOP War Room

In July, Ricki Seidman – a Democratic operative, former Clinton White House official and current advisor to Dr. Christine Blasey Ford – laid out a strategy to defeat the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Be sure to like, subscribe, and comment below to share your thoughts on the video.

“Over the coming days and weeks, there will be a strategy that will emerge. I think its possible that strategy might ultimately defeat the nominee.”

Straight from the up-talking source. She knew then as one of Ford’s advisers.

Plus it’s a rally the vote campaign. She seemed to forget a fundraiser for Ford and the Democrats. All dirty election politics all the time.

H/T to Gateway Pundit see here

The tactics now unfold still before our eyes. It’s a cooked up ‘by any means’ conspiracy.
Let’s not forget Kennedy chose to retire then to have Trump pick the nominee.

Democrat Campaign Rhetoric

I scanned a few “up and coming” Democrat candidates for Congress and here is what I find. Caution: it is a murky picture. Very entertaining though.

As background, you’ve heard about new Democrats being recruited to run in largely Republcan held districts. Many of them touting military careers and many of them women.

In the last few weeks, districts who were Republican are considered “toss ups”. More recently, some are being relabeled now “leaning Democrat.” Right, I believe that.

When you look at their social media campaign statements you see similarities.

Well, one after another their statements read like a book of platitudes. No, not about current hot button issues but glowing terms. My sampling were not heavily campaigning. They did not seem to have layers of popularity and comments on their posts.

But those posts themselves, claiming the reason they were running, read eerily similar too. They didn’t tell you about their stand on issues. But like this one, it was personal. Well like this: “I’m running for Congress so that our children will have a brighter future and so that all our daughters will know that they can grow up to be and do whatever they dream.”

‘Hello’…. I mean your children had no hopes or dreams without you running? Wait, children have had those ideals and goals as long as I remember. Glad yours now have a brighter future only because you are running! What does that say? Well, kids have had those rosy ideals until 2009, when dreams took a nose dive. Now they are back?

They talk about about “shared values” and “moving the country forward.” What does that mean? I prefer an ash heap, myself. All undefined, vague terms to try to appeal to voters’ emotions and inspirations without much thought to what the words mean. You are supposed to know if you are a left wing progressive Democrat. And you do: against tax cuts, raising taxes, growing spending, cutting military spending. All of which is like caviar on a cracker to Democrats. “Come get it”. Free college, socialized medicine, single payer, Medicare for all, opening up the borders. Who can be against all that?

Another lofty word they are for, “equality”. So like we Republicans are for inequality, the more unequal the better. They want “affordable” things; like we want everything unaffordable. They actually support policies that make things less affordable. “Together, we’ll bring a sea change to Congress.” What kind of change, doing what? What will be different with you in Congress? Right, your children will finally have a bright future. “We know how vital our educators are to our communities.” (pandering to teachers – unions) We don’t even like teachers or value them. In fact, we see no use for them.

“We are fighting to keep dark money out of politics.” That’s popular. Naturally, a reference to Citizens United and reversing the Supreme Court decision. Hillary touted that in her campaign along with overturning the Heller decision. They use a complete script of progressive code words for which only Dems have a decoder. Dog whistles like their talk about hatred or hate speech. We are racists while they are, well, the good racists.

No election is complete today without sympathy for illegals. Say nothing about the crimes committed by illegals which impact Americans from coast to coast. Then there is the animus for law enforcement, ICE or border control. But of course they use the right statements to frame it. So they want people afraid of law enforcement and unsympathetic to cops being killed. They want to dehumanize law enforcement, along with anyone who works for the Trump administration. Amnesty is the bomb, “a path to citizenship” is the rage, from people who don’t much value US citizenship. And we are not exceptional. In fact, NY Governor Cuomo led the charge saying “America never was that great.”

Give a shout out for “justice,” especially the more radical candidates. The rest of us must want injustice. Except that we have a lot of injustice going on coming right from the Dep of Justice, but Dems see none of it nor do they care. As long as Deep State is in control Dems are happy. And as long as they are in control of Deep State. But “justice” talk is usually the segue for Resistance — sedition. That subversive obstruction is always a good thing for Dems to run on and support, for justice’s sake, when they do not control government.

Another popular favorite is ____ is against women… “”who stand to lose access to affordable birth control.” I wish I had a nickel every time I heard that bumper sticker phrase. It was popular against Kavanaugh, too. No one is losing access. “Affordable” is now a code word for free or almost free. Losing access, a guaranteed right, to free this or that. Like I’m losing access to a Mercedes 450 SL. I declare such access a “right.” Still, loosing access to something free is a popular notion. Affordable just translates to what they think they should not pay for.

Then there is the golden altar or calf of abortion, Planned Parenthood. Useful against Kavanaugh and campaigning. But I see nothing threatening Planned Parenthood’s status or Roe v. Wade. Nothing. Yet the great scare is on to “protect women’s reproductive health, rights” from invisible harm.” Personally, I’m opposed to women’s reproductive health.

They tell us “stay out of women’s sex organs” yet march in the streets with vagina costumes, condoms and protest wearing pussy hats. They live and breathe in women’s reproductive organs, at least in campaigns, and want them exhaustively legislated. How can killing babies be a stand for women’s reproductive health, or for healthcare? Just do not not legislate that. They yell about preserving lives by preserving abortion and planned parenthood. Planned Parenthoods are saving lots of lives, aren’t they?

Another habit Dems seem to have in common, these up and coming pretenders, is that they make the entire campaign about them not the people they are running to represent. Is that telling? It is not about the issues. And the kicker is the Democrats seem to eat it up. They could not care less, only that he/she is a card carrying socialism-pushing progressive. In fact, whatever he/she says is fine, as long as they are progressive. They will vote with the Marxist left anyway, so what does it matter what they do or say?

So which is worse: the platitudes of vague ideals or what they do say about the issues? San Fran Nan called MS-13 members a spark of divinity. It contradicts her staunch support and protection for abortion. Does a spark of divinity only apply to gang-bangers? Aborted lives must be much lower on the chain than even MS-13 gang members.

But this is getting long, the hour is getting late. The contradictions and vague platitudes remain, popular only to the Left. What outcome can we expect from this soup for fools?

Right Ring | Bullright

Dem’s begin pre-election Swan Song act with Kavanaugh hearings

To make a complete mockery out of the entire process, including a clown brigade, Dems used the holiday to plan and plot disruptions for Kavanaugh hearings.

NBC’s Katie Hunt reports via Gateway Pundit

President Trump’s Supreme Court pick Judge Brett Kavanaugh testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee Tuesday morning.

Democrats and screaming protesters interrupted the hearing for the first half hour.
Judge Kavanaugh has not even been sworn in yet!

It was all planned.

Democrats plotted the coordinated protest over the holiday weekend. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) led a phone call and Committee members are executing now, reported NBC’s Kasie Hunt.


What else would we expect from the theatrical band of radical leftists? They are not only attacking Kavanaugh, but making it a mockery by attacking the entire process.

I’m sure fundraising received top billing too.

Kavanaugh and the NYT editorial board

A little comparison experiment: a new commercial calls Kavanaugh a “grand slam for conservatives.” Imagine if Democrats tried doing an honest ad for their nominee. It would be like “he will stretch that Constitution into play-doh. An experienced activist. He’ll assist in rewriting the Constitution. The perfect candidate for Marxists.” No, that doesn’t work the same way. So Dems have to lie: that’s why they can’t be honest. If they told the truth people would be repulsed. Can you picture an honest ad for their agenda?

For a couple years, NYT’s editorial page has tryied to call Trump everything from racist to crazy and unfit. So now their editorial board hires a crazy racist, Sarah Jeong, as a card carrying board member. But they dig in to defend their decision. It is a good fit. No, it was not a slip or something they did not know. It is the reason they hired her.

That is how the Democrats operate. If it were not for deception, they wouldn’t be able to sell anything. So the lie is everything; it’s the bomb.

Just throw in a few more: Obama’s record on the economy. It was abysmal. But now if the Obama economy was that good as they claim, then how come Obama has been out of office for a year and half and the Democrats are still trying to sell Obama’s economic failures? Why is that? But the people would know if it was good, and Democrats wouldn’t have to sell it. It sucked and people knew it did. So now the people have become the problem because they know it. But do you think Obama actually really cared about the economy?

And then Senate intelligence darling, Diane Feinstein has a commie spy chauffeur for 20 years. And Donald Trump’s election was the problem?

While we are at it, Pastor Darrell Scott was called every name and racial slur you can think of. His crime? He went to the White House with other clergy to work on problems affecting justice and the black community, to help people. For that he was attacked. But he was not attacked by nasty Trump supporters, the president, or conservatives and Republicans. He was attacked by blacks and Democrats as an Uncle Tom and traitor to blacks.

This at the same time blacks in Chicago are calling on Rahm Emanuel to resign. Fed up is an understatement. But Democrats and blacks lash out at Scott. It makes no sense, except to the Marxist, increasingly socialist, Left and their plantation police.

Right Ring | Bullright

Dem Dumpster Fire: Radicals vs. SCOTUS

Today is June 27th, 2018, henceforth to be known as the first day of the Democrat Dumpster Fire, and the hysterical meltdown that ensued to November.

This is what happens, the Democrats become unglued when they don’t get their way.

More at Washington Free Beacon:

Here come the tears…

Working Nazi, death camps and Kennedy into the same tweet.
But we are still working on the names for those death camps… creativity in mind.

The “democracy” is collapsing around them, to hear progs tell it. And the way I see it is the republic has been given a 2nd chance, fortunately, from an 8-year death spiral and we are making good use of it.

Now they demand we wait for 2018 elections to nominate a SCOTUS pick.

Meanwhile, we just had a primary election yesterday and Dems, or should I say Democrat Socialists, are telling you what they are about — loudly. The commies have officially cannibalized the Democrat Party. So when they lecture about ‘moderates,’ you can laugh right in their face.

This shows the other thing Democrats do, they lie and then twist everything into a Gordian Knot. They think we can only nominate a Supreme Court Justice every 2 years.

Notice what the term “norms” really means to Leftists. They get their power and way… or revolution. Well, that’s pretty much the same thing it always meant to them for the last 50 years. Just that they now openly admit it. And now some of our naive Repub brethren cannot deny it.

But it is the same thing “mainstream” means to Democrats. Sheila Jackson Lee does a post-primary interview to repeat that’s who we are as Democrats, “we are a big tent party.” No, they consolidated into the commie mainstream. Who is the Dumpster Fire?

Finally, Democrats always complain that Donald Trump is just a reality TV star.
But he completely exposed the ‘reality‘ of who Democrats and the commie Left are.

Cake Baker Dump

A major SCOTUS decision came out today about the cake baker in Colorado. But let me take this opportunity to translate and paraphrase the dissent opinion, which is from Ruth Ginsberg and Sonia Sotomayor.

They hold that the discrimination commission has the all powerful right to validate, or particularly invalidate a person’s religious freedom or beliefs, and its limitations.

I think we’ve seen that movie before… and know how it ends.