Saving Roe, and Free-For-All Midterms

Decades ago, Tom Snyder used to have a TV show with the opening line: “So fire up the colortinis, sit back and watch the pictures as they fly through the air.” (from memory)

That was a different time maybe, but you can almost do exactly that today with social media. Watch the pictures and comments as they fly through the air.

All that to showcase Biden’s tweet on Roe Wade and the Supreme Court:

“We have to codify Roe vs. Wade into law.

If the filibuster gets in the way, we should provide an exception to the filibuster to deal with the Supreme Court decision.” — Joe Biden
11:55 AM · Jun 30, 2022·Sprout Social

You got to hand it to Joe. He seems to be going all out war now. Cancel the filibuster, then pack the Court to prevent more of it. They will do ANYTHING to get their radical way.

It isn’t the filibuster in your way, Joe, it’s the Constitution and will of the people. But if you would’ve ever campaigned across the country, you might know that much.

So let’s give Joey a colortini news flash.

Hey sunshine, since 1973 Democrats had a sacred blood pact with SCOTUS. All based on the bloody altar of abortion, and their sanctity of that right.

Maybe now Dems will know what the “law of the land” really is? 50 years of Roe has got to go. It is a Death Cult. Can you dig it, man? Oh, I know that you can.

But then you get other people tweeting comments, too. From Bud and not the wiser one:

“I wish the POTUS could simply declare a national emergency, dissolve SCOTUS for a period of time for reforms to be enacted by congress those being expansion of the court, a set of ethical rules governing behavior of justices and a structure for oversight and enforcement of them!”

Then he adds: “Wouldn’t it![be amazing] Frankly, he might if he had enough Dem support and the support of the military! Cause it is clearly an emergency, SCOTUS is setting up a big steal in the midterms!”

Well, what can you say? From Roe to stealing an election, those Supremes have been busy. Send out the military, it’s an all out emergency to save Roe from death. And “structured oversight” of the High Court decisions? Salivate on that.

Shut down SCOTUS until further notice, call in the military…. ’cause we got a situation here!’ To hell with separation of powers, whatever the hell that is anyway. This is an extreme emergency, nuclear war, man the battle stations. Red Alert!

Would they lock up those 6 ‘robed ones’ in the dungeon? Put them with Jan 6-ers till we figure out what to do with them. Let them rot there a while.

But no time to waste because we got a midterm election to save, too. That is rich. Save the  midterms from Supreme Court usurpers! (I’d love to see that conspiracy theory)

Just when you think you heard it all, no, there’s lots more. Save the country from the Constitution. Suspend rule of law to save us.

I hate to add this part. The guy who coughed up this idea is an Air Force vet and atheist, he says. But since we took a flying leap out the plane at 35,000 feet, what the hell. You only live once. Do all the damage you can while you can, might not have another chance.

So cry me a river when they talk about a coup plot by January 6-ers. These people would abolish a branch of government over grievances. Defy and shred the Constitution, and spit in the face of every voter in the country that disagrees with them. Then what, dare I ask?

One can clearly see, things are not getting better as they go either. Never know what you will see next? Pink drag queens doing the tango on the South Lawn maybe? Who knows?

I didn’t want to be the bearer of bad news, but how much longer and further can it go? Normal is on vacation and she ain’t coming back!


Right Ring | Bullright | © 2022

And Away Goes Roe … potentially

Leftists outraged over news that the Supreme Court may be poised to overturn Roe v. Wade: ‘This decision is a direct assault on the dignity, rights, & lives of women’

The Blaze  News

Leftists are sounding the alarm over news that the U.S. Supreme Court could potentially be poised to overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade abortion ruling when it issues a decision in a case regarding a Mississippi pro-life law.

Politico published a draft majority opinion by Justice Samuel Alito which declares that the high court intends to overturn Roe and another decision — but nothing has been officially decided since the document is just a draft opinion, not an official ruling of the court.

“Abortion presents a profound moral question. The Constitution does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulating or prohibiting abortion. Roe and Casey arrogated that authority. We now overrule those decisions and return that authority to the people and their elected representatives,” the draft opinion states.






So in other words: The same people outraged about a SCOTUS draft think you choose your gender(or create one), call science undeniable, believe in birthing persons, endorse men competing in women’s sports, and want transgender theory in K-4. Just saying…

The leaker? It’s already been labeled an insurrection, legitimately.
Allow me define it: this is Institutional Terrorism.

Controversial Supreme Pick Policies

As much as they say 2020 is laced with controversy, and that this Supreme vacancy is controversial, I beg to differ with that hogwash.

This is not controversial at all. RBG passed away under a Trump Presidency and he has the duty to nominate a replacement. Very simple. Maybe they don’t like that.

Then the Constitution gives the Senate the power of Advice and Consent. (we might bicker at some other times a little over advise vs. advice)

“[The President] shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the Supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.”

But we have had over 100 days of riots against the Constitution. The violence spread to major cities across America. Or as I call them, anti-peace rallies. We heard that voice of hate and anti-Americanism, loud and clear.

We heard the voices of the left when they promised to stack and pack the Supreme Court with ideological clones of the Left when they get the opportunity. We heard it clear.

We heard them when they said the Constitutional Electoral College process for elections has to go. We heard them vote for mob rule every chance they got. We heard them support rioting radicals in Seattle and Oregon, and defend it all as peaceful protesting.

We heard them declaring rioting and looting is some Constitutional right to be respected and allowed to continue. That would stand the First Amendment on its head, but who cares? They want a living, breathing, evolving Constitution as flexibe as Gumby, which will grant them any desire. We heard them, loudly.

And we heard Democrats like Pelosi when they moved forward with and refused to hold a vote on the impeachment in the House. No, no process rules or even the Constitution matters to progressive Leftists disguised as Democrats.

Now we hear threats from Schumer and Pelosi if they don’t get their way. Remember Schumer at the steps of the Supreme Court shaking his fist to the crowd, making personal threats at justices to give us what we want, or else there will be hell or impeachment.

“I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions. We will tell President Trump and Senate Republicans, who have stacked the court with right-wing ideologues, that you will be gone in November, and you’ll never be able to do this again.” — Schumer, Roll Call, March 5, 2020

So their voices were heard. In fact, Leftists’ screams are so loud you can barely hear anything else. Give the people a say, they tell us now. But the people had their say in 2016, and again in 2018, on Supreme Court issues. They didn’t like it.

And Democrats ignored it, then refused to accept the results of that election. Voices matter! Votes matter as well. And, like Obama said, elections have consequences.

So now, in view of Trump doing his duty and McConnell’s Senate following through, they tell us there will be consequences if they don’t get their way. Their threats are loud and clear; we hear them too. But we’ve already had the summer of riots. We’ve already had countless threats how these Leftists want to “bring down the whole thing.”

We’ve had them attack law and order for months with defunding and abolishing police schemes. They have carried the banner of Resistance down a flame-lit road to sedition, for 4 years. Do you think rules, laws or even the Constitution mean anything to these people?

They told us they will change the whole structure of the Supreme Court to favor the Left and will abolish the Electoral College. They’ll alter Senate rules. They proved they would run over or destroy anyone in their way by cancel culture or any means possible.

However, they lecture us on following some mythical rules that don’t even exist. We are told that we have no choice on socialism or commie agendas.(even the environment supports it, they claim) And they don’t want to honor the people’s voice on that. Just do it. No referendums, no votes, no public discussions about it. And they threaten us that, if we don’t accept it, they will burn the whole thing down if they don’t get their way.

Against a dark backdrop of the season of hate, and with fierce resistance from the Left on everything, it must seem radical then for Republicans to be doing exactly what they should Constitutionally be doing.

Only Democrats and media could turn that into a miscarriage of justice or controversy.

On Scalia, Obama had the power to nominate, which he did. But the Republican-controlled Senate had the power of advice and consent, which they exercised. All fairly benign, except to the toxic liberal minds.

Should we be surprised Democrats, unbound by Constitutional limits or law, would do “anything necessary” to get and keep power? Their oath means nothing since they believe in a future Utopia, foreign to this Constitution, while hating everything in the present.

The good news is that I’ve been hearing how many Dems have taken the initiative to Walk Away from the Democrat plantation, disgusted. We hear you!

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2020

Crazy Dems Are Not Done

It’s been some time since I wrote a longer satire, but I realized nothing can be stranger fiction than what the left rolls out almost daily. As Spock would say, “fascinating.”

New York is leading the way in many areas. Just in the past six months they have upped the ante in the definition of strange.

Days ago, Cuomo signed the bill to give Trump’s NYS taxes to congress, if they ask for them. Lawmakers and the governor claimed it is not a bill of attainder for only one individual. So it applies to anyone’s tax information, which congress shall ask for.

Then on Tuesday, Cuomo was outraged by what he called a giant breach of personal privacy rights if federal government gets information on illegal aliens from NYS. He declared that cannot be allowed to happen. NY cannot give or share personal information with Immigration or any other department in Washington.

All to protect the personal privacy of illegals.

So the lesson is you only have personal privacy rights if you are an illegal “undocumented” person. But if you are a US citizen, you don’t have a right to privacy. Pound sand.

In Portland Oregon, they allow masked thugs to roam the streets assaulting and threatening people. Antifa too seem to have unwritten protections no one else has.
Cops stand down.

The same people think the federal government should subsidize abortion on demand all the way up to the date of birth. And they declare killing babies a sacred right. Law of the land.

Abolishing entire private business sectors is perfectly acceptable, even encouraged. No, the leftoids demand it. We already know de Blasio said we need to break up any corporation that “does not serve our democracy.”

The court decides the administration cannot ask the simple question “are you a citizen or not” on the census. Leftoids don’t even want us counting citizens or non-citizens. Because if you are not counting non-citizens then likewise you cannot count US citizens either.So we cannot count citizens. Trump criticized it as he had a right to:

“Can anyone really believe that as a great Country, we are not able [to] ask whether or not someone is a Citizen. Only in America!”

But shouldn’t a good explanation be that we need to know the number of US citizens?

Now do you notice any particular pattern or theme here? If you are an illegal, then you have protections no one else has. In fact you have sanctuary cities protecting you, namely because of your illegal status.

The Betsy Ross Flag is now racist. Another defining “mic-drop” moment for the left.

Capping it off, Tom Steyer announced his bid for the presidency. Impeachment is now a certified platform to run for president. How will all the fellow commies compete with that? Stay tuned…they aren’t done yet.

Right Ring | Bullright

Dem’s begin pre-election Swan Song act with Kavanaugh hearings

To make a complete mockery out of the entire process, including a clown brigade, Dems used the holiday to plan and plot disruptions for Kavanaugh hearings.

NBC’s Katie Hunt reports via Gateway Pundit

President Trump’s Supreme Court pick Judge Brett Kavanaugh testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee Tuesday morning.

Democrats and screaming protesters interrupted the hearing for the first half hour.
Judge Kavanaugh has not even been sworn in yet!

It was all planned.

Democrats plotted the coordinated protest over the holiday weekend. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) led a phone call and Committee members are executing now, reported NBC’s Kasie Hunt.


What else would we expect from the theatrical band of radical leftists? They are not only attacking Kavanaugh, but making it a mockery by attacking the entire process.

I’m sure fundraising received top billing too.

Red day for Trump and eminent abuse

Today is a red-letter day for me with the 2016 race. I saw the interview of Trump on Fox that set me off. In it, Trump showed his exuberance for ’eminent domain’ — which includes all the modern uses and abuses of it. This might be a surprise to some people.

I know people have mentioned this before but when he was asked point blank on his position on it, he called it “wonderful.” And he implied that conservatives don’t understand the issue. Here is a video link to the entire Bret Baier interview.

Trump Eminent DomainTrump cited the example of “wonderful if you are building a highway.” Right, that’s always been there but we are talking the evolution of eminent domain. No, they don’t always get a lot of money as Trump claimed and he referred to people as “hold outs” for not going along. What they get is little choice on their own property, for other interests.

Of course he tries to cite the benign use of it but then branched into developments and factories, etc. In which he said “it is fine.” I also detect he is very vulnerable on this issue. Let’s admit there is a difference between “public use,” such as a bridge or highway, and private or corporate use. Been there done that. (For example, see Castle Coalition)

The Donald then went on to say he agreed with Kelo decision, in 2005, 100%. So, now he isn’t talking the eminent domain, historically, but the hybrid. (and hyper use of it) The decision which coincidentally caused states to scramble, and public outrage, to legislate various fixes to try to plug the dam that was already breached.

I won’t go on at length now on it, I’ve been writing about this issue since it popped out of the SCOTUS rectum. I regard it as one of the worst decisions in the Court. I haven’t been negative on Trump before although not a Trump supporter. I appreciated the vigor, and anti-establishment voice he brought. I regarded his candidacy as a good thing. Thanks!

There is so much wrong with E/D, in its current inception, but there is a whole lot wrong with Trump standing on this hill. He’s unapologetic about it and so am I. He fully understands the conservatives’ approach? Then he complains it was not explained to most conservatives. Trust me on this, we got the message alright — and they understand.

While Trumpmania may have some mileage left, I can’t look the other way. I’m swearing off the juice in favor of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. It’s a hell of a hill he is standing on and littered with victims. I’ll stand with Hamiilton, Locke, the Declaration and the Constitution, and original interpretation. I’ll stand on that real estate.

To others, you may or not support him, that’s your bag. I don’t care, and don’t hold it against anyone that does. I’m just saying he lost me on that hilltop.

Win, lose or draw straws

Obama is under the gun. You’d think to hear him talk that conservatives and Republicans are his biggest opposition. Not so according to the Supreme Court’s decisions.

He lost a series of decisions.

Lawyers said the government traditionally averages about a 70 percent winning percentage before the high court. Its advantages are so great that the Justice Department’s chief Supreme Court attorney, the solicitor general, is dubbed the “10th Justice.” — WT

“He was found to be in violation of the Fourth Amendment on privacy, then another case found him in violation of separation of powers. Now he’s been found in violation of religious rights in the First Amendment,” said George Washington law professor Johnathon Turley.

He suffered a blow on the union decision. The Massachusetts decision on abortion clinic protest restrictions was roundly defeated. While those were not Obama himself it was a defeat for the left. He is the most pro-abortion president we’ve had.

In fact, according to Washington Times, Obama has been “winning just more than a third of the cases in which it was involved.”

But during the 2012-13 term, which began in October and ended Wednesday, the court rejected Mr. Obama’s arguments on property rights, affirmative action, voting rights and other issues.

“Despite some notable victories, the Obama administration has had an unusually poor batting average at the high court,” said Adam Winkler, a constitutional law professor at UCLA. “Like last year, the Obama administration lost more cases than it won.”

As he is also getting smacked from other places on the world stage — Putin and Russia, polls on his own foreign policy, the Middle East caliphate crunch, the immigration crisis — he dismisses those, yet portrays himself as a victim of Republicans in Congress.

This victim status is highly convenient and critical to his overall strategy. Portraying himself as a victim allows others to play the race card. At a time where he continues to make good on his threats of unilateral action, in spite of getting a smack down from SCOTUS, he now promises even more executive action ahead.

So painting himself the victim is convenient — act like a victim while staging an attack. Democrats encourage unilateral action, and Sen. Durbin says Obama will “borrow power” from Congress on immigration.  Rep. Luis Gutierrez said Tuesday that President Barack Obama has the power to “heal” undocumented immigrants. But what will heal the US?

The “Executive pen” never runs out of ink. And we don’t seem to run out of tolerance.

RightRing | Bullright

Poor pitiful Obama…pathetic

Obama’s ‘woe is me’ attitude

By Michael Goodwin \  (excerpt)
June 29, 2014

Facing a horrific expansion of terrorism in the Mideast, a meltdown of public support at home and major rebukes by the Supreme Court, the president remains fixated on No. 1.

“I’m finding lately I just want to say what’s on my mind,” he told a Minneapolis audience Friday, and then ticked off a series of complaints about — surprise — Republicans.

“They don’t do anything, except block me and call me names,” he said. “If they were more interested in growing the economy for you and the issues that you are talking about instead of trying to mess with me, we would be doing a lot better.”

He wasn’t finished: “The critics, the cynics in Washington, they’ve written me off more times than I can count. But cynicism doesn’t invent the Internet. Cynicism doesn’t give women the right to vote.”

There you have it: the presidential mind in Year 6. Don’t cry for Argentina — cry for me!

Great article. Read full


What about the entire nation of Obama’s victims? What of the poor pitiful citizens of the country he victimized. But we are supposed to feel sorry for him? All that he has done to benefit himself at the public trough, and yet seems so miserably unhappy.

Enjoy the song in honor of the real victims and this country.

I have the solution. Since he is such a victim, let’s stop it and impeach him now. Save him and ourselves further angst and insufferable damage. Save him from his mental torture, paranoia and further instability, for his own good.

Then explain to him that no matter what he believes, this is not about him. I know that is quite hard for his brain to fathom, since the world revolves around his existence.

The truth is this is about the office of the Presidency, not you Obama, and about the future Presidents to come – be they black, white, orange, male or female. It’s about the preservation of America. That will be a shock to you that there is something in this world bigger than your ego.

Do Obama a huge favor…and we will be blessed for it.

RightRing | Bullright

Obama smackdown 9-0

Supreme Court rebukes Obama on recess appointments

By Robert Barnes June 26 | Wa Post

The Supreme Court ruled unanimously Thursday that President Obama exceeded his constitutional authority in making high-level government appointments in 2012 when he declared the Senate to be in recess and unable to act on the nominations.

Obama made appointments to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) at a time when the Senate was holding pro forma sessions every three days precisely to thwart the president’s ability to exercise the power.

“The Senate is in session when it says it is,” Justice Stephen G. Breyer wrote for the court, stressing that if the Senate is able to conduct business, that is enough to keep the president from making recess appointments.

But the court stepped back from handing Obama — and those who will follow him in the Oval Office — a more substantial loss. A bare majority of the justices upheld, in theory at least, the president’s ability to make recess appointments when the Senate is indeed on extended break, saying history weighs in favor of a broad power.

Obama wanted to have a legacy, and instead he is leaving a giant stain.

Obama actually showed he could unify SCOTUS in a unanimous decision that he over-stepped his power and authority. That’s something.

Although Breyer said the court hesitated to “upset the compromises and working arrangements that the elected branches of government themselves have reached,” it is the lack of such cooperation that brought the dispute to the court for the first time in the more than 200-year history of the Constitution.

Court “hesitates to upset”…. SCOTUS has a function. . What “working arrangement”? Neither word applies to POTUS. Lack of cooperation is a huge understatement. They heard the same State of Union speech we heard. It was they who handed him a victory in ObamaCare using verbal gymnastics. Now Breyer and SCOTUS take exception !?!

RightRing | Bullright

Cuomo seeks to lift late-term abortion restrictions

NY Governor Cuomo wants to do all he can to restrict the rights of gun owners in his empirical state, though he wants to expand the right of women to kill their babies.


In my mind’s eye, I think therefore I am. 

And he is willing to rewrite laws in order to expand killing babies, as something worthy of defending and preserving — sort of like what he is supposed to be sworn to do for the Constitution. He apparently is sworn to protect killing babies.

On his other hand, Cuomo is out for every restriction and ban he can get to infringe on the second amendment rights of people. Can’t get enough of that, fast enough.

Here is NYT covering his latest abortion “protection” maneuvers. (excerpts)

“ALBANY — Bucking a trend in which states have been seeking to restrict abortion, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo is putting the finishing touches on legislation that would guarantee women in New York the right to late-term abortions when their health is in danger or the fetus is not viable.

Mr. Cuomo’s proposal, which has not yet been made public, would also clarify that licensed health care practitioners, and not only physicians, can perform abortions. It would remove abortion from the state’s penal law and regulate it through the state’s public health law.

New York legalized abortion in 1970, three years before it was legalized nationally by the Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade. Mr. Cuomo’s proposal would update the state law so that it could stand alone if the broader federal standard set by Roe were to be undone.

“Why are we doing this? The Supreme Court could change,” said a senior Cuomo administration official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the governor had not formally introduced his proposal.

But opponents of abortion rights, already upset at the high rate of abortions in New York State, worry that rewriting the abortion law would encourage an even greater number of abortions. For example, they suggest that the provision to allow abortions late in a woman’s pregnancy for health reasons could be used as a loophole to allow unchecked late-term abortions.

I am hard pressed to think of a piece of legislation that is less needed or more harmful than this one,” the archbishop of New York, Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, wrote in a letter to Mr. Cuomo last month. Referring to Albany lawmakers in a subsequent column, he added, “It’s as though, in their minds, our state motto, ‘Excelsior’ (‘Ever Upward’), applies to the abortion rate.”

National abortion rights groups have sought for years to persuade state legislatures to adopt laws guaranteeing abortion rights as a backup to Roe. But they have had limited success: Only seven states have such measures in place, including California, Connecticut and Maryland; the most recent state to adopt such a law is Hawaii, which did so in 2006.  “


Swampland @ explains:

New York is one of the latter, with few abortion restrictions and greater access to the procedure than nearly any other state. Gov. Andrew Cuomo reportedly wants to widen access even further and has proposed rewriting a state law that now limits abortions after 24 weeks of pregnancy to women whose lives are in danger. Cuomo’s proposal, as reported by the New York Times, would also allow abortions after 24 weeks to protect a woman’s health. According to the New York Times, Cuomo wants to ensure wide access to abortion in New York state is on the books in case the Supreme Court ever overturns Roe v. Wade.

Read more:

So he is willing to go to lengths, and prepare for any eventuality to “protect” abortion, just in case killing babies falls out of favor with SCOTUS. And he wants to make sure that late-term abortion is protected, even expanded. This is the reasoning of a Liberal mind. Preserving Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness apparently means protecting killing babies. Yea, and that is worth preserving. Enumerated rights, not so much.

Protest looming

Filmmaker asks bishop to excommunicate Cuomo

WND – A faithful Catholic [Jason Jones] who is a human-rights activist and filmmaker has written a letter to the Catholic bishop in Albany, N.Y., asking him to excommunicate Gov. Andrew Cuomo for his support for abortion, which conflicts with church law.

The issue of pro-abortion politicians who claim to be Catholic has arisen several times lately, including when both Vice President Joseph Biden and U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., accepted Catholic communion during their visit to the Vatican for the installation of Pope Francis.

From his letter:

Governor Andrew Cuomo, as the New York Times reports, proposes to repeal any protection granted third-trimester fetuses in New York. His “reform” is supported by a wide array of public figures and powerful institutions, including the organizations that perform many of the abortions in your own diocese. The New York Times article notes that Cuomo is “bucking a trend in which states have been seeking to restrict abortion,” balancing the fight with “legislation that would guarantee women in New York the right to late-term abortions….” Through his bully pulpit, Governor Cuomo is spreading a falsehood every bit as toxic as the racism once shouted through bullhorns in 1962 New Orleans.

And in doing so, Cuomo is positioning himself to promote these ideas across the nation. The Washington Post calls Cuomo’s legislation a move with “big implications for Cuomo’s political future” when considered “in the context of his potential presidential ambitions.” In other words, a self-proclaimed Catholic in your diocese stands on the verge of becoming a national champion of policies utterly incompatible with Christian values. And you, Bishop Hubbard, are in the happy position of being able to do something about it.


But he can’t get enough of grabbing gun rights. Those rights need to be squelched, restricted, stomped on, and undone if possible. Just don’ try to restrict late-term abortions.

The right to Life, liberty and pursuit of happiness? Nah, but what Americans want is an unalienable right to abortion — that’s what they care about.

H/T to Pepp for the information, WND.


    NY, Cuomo and Gun Con-trol