Heartbreak Hotel

Back in the mid-50’s, Elvis Presley scored a big hit with Heartbreak Hotel. What a song. But this is not about Elvis’s legacy, it is about our country’s. I know, the Eagles also had one about Hotel California where, “You can checkout anytime you like but you can never leave.” But I wonder if America is turning turning into heartbreak hotel?

Well, it’s down at the end of Lonely Street At Heartbreak Hotel.”

No, I don’t suggest songs are prophetic or particularly relevant except that the vision seems to fit in some cases. Purely by coincidence of course, unless you are talking about literature and Orwell’s 1984. Then it probably hits much closer to home.

Anyway, what do you call it when a president or a political party attacks the economy, energy, history, schools, the country and our justice system (and the people) all at the same time? What do we have?

Put it this way, I’m concerned but I don’t see the solution in elections. I mean haven’t we learned that only goes so far? And that just sets the cycle going from election to election, and getting much the same results.

So I start wondering now and then if we can overcome all the obstacles and this agenda? Is it possible or is it fools gold? How many times can you get up expectations only to have the wind blow them all away? And I’m not recommending a no way out mindset. We still must have hope. They cannot kill that off.

However, when things look grim as they often do, it does start feeling like we are in a heartbreak hotel but with little other options. It is all bound to break your heart seeing this mostly intentional damage inflicted on the country. And as I said, with all these parts of the US being attacked at once, how do you defend the turf?

The Democrats’ rhetoric is anchored to the past while they systematically destroy our hopeful future. Not by accident. Ever feel like you’re living in an experiment gone wrong?

Take this example: I get a campaign flier from a judicial candidate. No party is mentioned but a quick scan reveals the words “justice not handcuffs,” in quotes like here. Wait, could it be a candidate attacking those radical “reform” concepts? No, sure enough it was another activist, leftist candidate running on that theme. This time a judicial one. The same rhetoric as radical DA’s use.

I previously looked into some of the radicals’ policies and code words pop out like a teen frat party. One of them is called diversion policies. You know: diversion programs, mainly for youth but not exclusively for them, which divert justice or consequences for crime under the guise of rehabilitation. The idea is to keep criminals’ records clean because of the “stigma” contained in conviction from the justice system. No record, no stigma. It’s the “system” that stigmatizes criminals — not what they’ve done.

So I read this stuff they put out as if it makes the case for the programs, when it doesn’t. Yet they are pushing this stuff on us like it has great results. It doesn’t. Sure, they make their case but lacking in it is any sense of accountability or empathy for real victims. Yet it is interesting seeing them put this forward as some kind of solution to the problems they are creating. It’s dangerous.

But how many people fall for this propaganda of the Left? That scares me as much as the programs. Another thing I notice with these radicals is that these programs have long legs. They just keep creating more of them regardless of whether they work. What can you do about them? Can elections fix this?

Even if you get candidates elected, the tentacles of these programs are still there, after radicals are evicted, contaminating the entire system. How do you keep up with current work loads while trying to restore the system? What are real the odds of success?

The idea is not to let these radicals into office in the first place. That’s good if you can. But it may be a little late, if they already are in various places. I only offer my area as an example. If they are pushing radicalism here, then they are doing it everywhere. It will be the demise of society. They don’t care because that is what they want, as long as it leaves them in political control when all the SHTF.

But there is no accountability for either the policies or crime it produces and encourages. Then we are back to wondering if the country can survive this onslaught of attacks or what it will be like in the end? Or are we already doomed to a Heartbreak Hotel scenario?

Only those that truly care about the country are disturbed by it.

Right Ring | Bullright | 2022

What Is The Meaning Of Reduction?

I’m tired of weekly definition games. What is the real definition of recession in 2022, post-Biden? Now the definition of reduction is in question. Quick, we need a new meaning.

Webster’s must love Democrats but count me out.

Good going Democrats, you are passing something called the “Inflation Reduction Act” that does nothing to reduce inflation. Congratulations, you are on a roll.

That is exactly the problem in politics and Washington, primarily with Democrats. When do we call this fraud? I know, they have been running a shell game for decades but that doesn’t make it any better. Words do mean something.

Let me get this straight: you lie to the feds in an investigation, you go to jail; but Democrats write a lie into law and enter it into the record. They call it a red, white and blue bill.  As former Ohio Congressman James Traficant said, “beam me up, Scotty!”

How about if you went to the doctor and he prescribed a placebo, calling it the brand new cancer cure drug? By the time you could figure that out, it wouldn’t matter anymore.

That’s a similar principle to deflation reduction. But when it does not quite do what is advertised — which anyone should already know — then they will try to debate the definition of inflation. They’ll claim if it did not go down, or did not go up, that is a success. If inflation goes up, they’ll claim it worked because it would have been worse if they did not pass it. Then you can debate the meaning of success and failure.

Now if they called it the Keep Inflation Going Act (KIGA), it might have a chance of being honest. But they can’t do that. Truthful is the last thing Democrats can be in Wishington. It is whatever you choose it to be — depending on the meaning of the word “is,” too.

It is only one dang thing over another, and the transitional meaning of words until no one knows what anything means anymore. Like gender can be whatever you want it to mean. A man can be a birthing person. Pick an identity… but no cultural appropriation, please!

Social justice means no justice, where District Attorneys are really defense attorneys. Sanctuary cities became danger zones and turf wars. Riots are peaceful protests. Safe zones on campuses are anti-speech zones. Social workers can replace racist police.

Remember the same people call January 6th an insurrection. They say it was a coup. When we have an open border, they call it secure and closed. No one should notice. Horse’s reins became whips. Doing one’s job is now a violation of conduct.

When we used the word inflation last year, Democrats decried that did not exist. It was a temporary snafu.  But now Dems need a fake inflation reduction act. We called the border a crisis and they said it was no such thing. A crisis becomes business as usual.

But the minute Dems turned the page from a pandemic, they ran to call Climate Change a crisis. Oh, and climate change is what this Inflation Reduction Act is supposed to solve. IRA is the mini-me of Build Back Better, which is just like the New Green Deal.

So they need to address the inflation now, after denying it. Funding of inflation anyone?

The budding recession is not a recession either. It’s a mushroom. It is not a technical recession, Dems say, by the experts’ definition. If Dems do not admit it, maybe it will turn into a recovery — which is what they call recession now. That must be a yellow brick road.

Sen Schumer says “it’s as plain as the nose on your face that this will reduce inflation.”

Nothing means anything when we have a geriatric president with dementia, who declares things are whatever he says. He is not tethered to reality. If he sees flying pigs, okay, or until he sees one-horse ponies, or lying dog-faced pony soldiers roaming the White House.

Well, driving a big rig years ago did that to Joe. If he believes there were 80 million votes, then there must have been. Now if only Dems can keep those sneaky Republicans from cheating on the next election, just like they always do. (sigh in sarcasm)

“Think I’m joking?” Concerned parents are terrorists. DOJ is a Department of Injustice.

As Liz Cheney says about the J-6 inquisition: “what is great about it (Jan 6th committee) is that we don’t have people grandstanding or taking cheap political shots.” Nope!

Don’t worry, if things do get out of hand or don’t go Dems’ way, they can always call out the fact-chuckers to dispense with reality, as necessary, to accommodate their fantasies.

(Now if I can only figure out what a one-horse pony is? Webster!)

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2022

Forked Tongue Giveth A Recession

The US is officially in recession, while Biden and his crony government are stuck in denial. The experts don’t have that luxury and have to deal with reality. We have two consecutive quarters of negative GDP. Sec. Yellen is yelling, this is “not a recession.”

Joey claimed a great labor market mitigates that recession label but labor is a lagging indicator, which inevitably reflects the current reality — not Biden’s false perception of it.

The truth is Biden ran the economy into the ground, just like the country. Where did we hear that clear-eyed prediction two years ago? Despite the warnings and all the red flags, Joey went full-speed ahead without brakes. Like Paul Pelosi blowing past a stop sign.

Now we have a compounding economic calamity, fabricated by Bidenomics and Bidenflation. So Lying Biden will get the historic inflation award and earn the “R”-word.

Biden wrecked his political career, the economy and country, along with our energy, border and national security. He wants us shipwrecked, stranded and destitute in the US.

While on the Freedom front, things do not look any better. For years we heard about Democrats coming for our 2nd amendment and guns. In stunning reality — as if that were not bad enough — they are not only coming for our guns but are now coming for our car, furnace, appliances, food supply, way of life, your kids and eventually your job.

The Left is coming for it all as well as your basic freedom. Due process, protection from illegal search and seizure, equal protections under the law, the first amendment and freedom of assembly to organize. It’s all going down the toilet with one giant Biden flush. And our Constitutional protection from invasion has been nullified. We have never been intentionally placed in such a precarious position by the very government designed to secure our freedom and preserve the Constitution.

Joe Biden has busted all the molds.

Recession now means a more steady and stable economy. Soaring energy costs mean transition. In a  response to affects of COVID vaccines, Fauci illustrated our policy.

Fauci: “Well, the menstrual thing, ah, is something that seems to be quite transient and temporary. That’s the point. We need to study it more.”

The words “transient and temporary” should be familiar: like on inflation, economic effects, employment, recession, energy, gender, identity, crime, the border invasion, recession … or anything else in the Biden-world of crisis denial. Transition nation.

But for the rest of us living in reality in 2022, who are not onboard the transitional transformation train, it is all very real no matter how much Democrats want to study it. We are not test tube experiments nor Ginny pigs. The results are in.

So no matter how much Joey delivers lie after lie about it, that will not change the facts.

And judging by the poll numbers, the rest of the country is not on the transitional train either, since the economy and inflation are the number one issues — not climate change.

Moral of the story: you cannot have a recession without two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth. Well, son of a bitch, we got that!

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2022

Trading Power Abuses

Joe Biden and his band of radicals and tyrants have traded one form of control over people — using the pandemic — for another form of mass control using the climate. Same game, same agenda, same results.

Welcome to modern day Rome, where the state dictates all choices not the individual. If you prefer violence, it can always arrange that too.

And so Joey the traitor is going to make a proclamation about a climate emergency. Biden gave us a war on energy and now he wants to declare an emergency. He came up empty on his Mid-East ‘pump and dump’ tour, so back to executive abuse.

It seems the more we the people are hurting, the better leftists like it and the more they use it against us. Our pain is their gain. And when that pain comes directly from the Oval Office or federal government, all the better.

Add to this war on fossil fuels the raging inflation. Let the good times roll. Caesar on.

Mayor Pete the Butthole said the quiet part in Congressional testimony:

“The more pain we are all experiencing from the high price of gas, ​the more benefit there is for those who can access electric vehicles.”

So our pain is their gain; whether at the pump or grocery store, or home.

Bidens’s perfunctory meeting with the oil CEOs had no effect, by design. So now he resorts to his favorite tool he planned on all along: Abuse of Power — Democrats’ final solution.

Executive deliverance will now be performed across the country by proclamation. “We will create new and better ways for you to experience pain.” Move on over Rome!

Since Joe is such a moron, officials will try to entertain us while they torture the public. Remember when media told us, “these are serious people?”  We should be very impressed. (no private sector experience but serious) When they want you to feel pain, you will.

And physical abuse may be substituted for economic pain any time, just in case. Or some mixture of the two that persuades their message. It’s a “very serious” abuse of power.

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2022


Morning In America to Mourning America

In the span of 40 years, we have gone from Morning in America to Mourning America. It didn’t happen by accident either. That is no achievement — or is it for some people?

It is hard to imagine yet we all witnessed what led up to it. No, this is not about Trump — much as the left wants everything to be about DJT — it is about the greatest country in the history of the world.  That’s far bigger than one man or the blame of one man.

The USA will be 250 years old in 2026, no matter what leftists say. Instead, we will all be wondering if we can make it another 10 years, never mind 100 years. Well, what do you think? Have we reached the expiration date on the carton? Is it time to face reality?

I mean the polls, which are not very dependable, have already said less people are now proud of the country. There is a lot in an opinion: Proud of what it’s become? Proud of what it is doing? Proud of the direction it is going? Proud of present America?

I want to believe people are still proud of the conception and idea of America. Though I don’t know the chances for any celebration in 2026? Some aren’t even proud of that. Their whole goal on the left is to destroy our pride. Certainly not to allow it to continue.

Some of them would be right there rooting for a Chicom takeover, or at least not caring one way or another about it. Just the way they are welcoming illegals over the border.

When these kinds of public sentiments are popular, we are in a bad place. It breeds grief.

I would like to suggest all kinds of ways to fix it. But the only way I know of to do that is to fix the people who are ruining it. So we stand here on the virtual eve of 250 years, 1/4 of a millennium, at a crossroads. Who anticipated that say 40 years ago?

Personally, I would much prefer if there were a celebration of how far we came and what we have done. Instead, it is about what all is wrong with America — it has been for years.

The next presidential term will have this anniversary on its watch…. whoever that is.

Joey, the author of grief at your service.

Remember when Ronald Reagan criticized the government and its ambitions? Well, today the Left criticizes the American people and whatever we hold dear. See the shift over 40 years? We have become the problem — not their machinations with our government, or its abuses of power. They are from the government, here to help, but we are the problem.

Someone is lying and we cannot be to blame for this whole mess. In fact if we had our way, some heads would roll and there would be some accountability, very generously applied.  But since there really is no accountability that is our fault, too?

Let me guess, they have all the answers to fix it by shutting us up and the Constitution down. Why do they think Marxism is the answer? Anyone who still denies their Marxist cause is willfully ignorant. They see economics as the big problem because much of their ideology is rooted in it. (not real economics — but their corrupted economics)

It is a hybrid political economics. And if you think CRT is bad enough, then wait until radicals control our entire economic system. That’s where this all goes. So having radixal leftist ideology running our economic system, who thinks that is a great idea?

Confidence is dwindling but you cannot fix stupid. You’d think we’d be over this by now.

So we are having a grief crisis in America. Grab a Kleenex and say an earnest prayer.

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2022

Cause Affects Us All

Since we discussed the stupidity of what Biden is doing, we still don’t know the why? Yes, it matters. So where is intent in all this?

More and more people are saying that what Biden is doing is purely intentional. That goes from the border to the economy. It’s hard to ignore intention. At least you can solidly be sure that all this pain and damage is not by accident. It couldn’t be.

Adding even more evidence to it is the rush to politicize problems and use them to push their Leftist political agenda. Every time. So are any of these catastrophes in the “oops, did I do that” camp? There is just no incentive anymore to do the right thing.

Our pain is their gain. They have no shame about it. We must lose for them to win.

They seem to see the country flailing in the wind as they carefully guide us into a poisonous cesspool of national policy to satisfy their political agenda. Why should any political agenda be so opposed to the will of the people? How could that be popular?

Larry Kudlow coined a term. He calls it Immaculate Inflation — because they don’t know what caused it; maybe it’s a gift from heaven? But they have no responsibility for it.

Well, even if the intent is there for anyone looking at it.

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2022

Joey Pissing In The Wind

Thanks to Fox comes this article on Bidenflation and Bidenomics.

Liz Peek writes:

“Biden loses control of inflation, and the trust of American people — Americans have lost faith in government, leading to The Great Distrust”

I call it The Great Distrust. Simply stated, Americans have lost their confidence in our leaders, our institutions (think FBI, Congress, public education, CDC etc.) and, most especially, our president. We are trying to keep our balance on an ever-shakier foundation, trying to move forward as the pillars of our country are eaten away by a rising tide of political discord and dishonesty.

At the heart of that corrosion: President Joe Biden
Consider Biden’s recent speech at the Port of Los Angeles, where he addressed inflation which he alternately called his “top economic priority” and “Putin’s tax on both food and gas.”
  1. “Millions of Americans are moving up to better jobs and better pay.” Actually, real wages tumbled 3% over the past year.

  2. “And since I took office, families are carrying less debt on average in America. They have more savings than they’ve had.” Reality: debt is rising and personal savings are falling.

  3. “What economists call ‘core inflation’ — moderated the last two months.” Reality: core inflation of 0.6% in June remained at the highest level recorded over the past six months.

“First up, is not admitting that spending $1.9 trillion from the Democrat-only American Rescue Plan ignited inflation.

[*Then telling us he will now decrease the budget deficit by 1.7 trillion. ]

When Biden signed that bill, spewing hundreds of billions of dollars to Americans sitting on $2.5 trillion in excess savings, the country was growing at 6% and recovering rapidly from the COVID-19-induced downturn. Biden claims the economy was on the brink of recession when he took office and required the lavish handouts; that is not true.”

Read at: https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/biden-control-inflation-trust-american-people

Welcome to Biden’s Amerika. Lying is the specialty.

Agenda-Driven Agenda

There is a very tight circle on the Left, where their ends and the means eventually merge. We normally criticize both ends and means but aren’t they actually the same thing?

We always say the Left believes in any means toward their ends, but they are really one common goal. Their objective is to achieve political power by any means necessary. Then use the power to accomplish their political objectives, which is permanent control of power to achieve their political means. That’s a nice, cozy circular mission.

It is all one thing — a political agenda, for the purposes of political ideology. The agenda is their ideology. That may seem a minor point but it really is a major one in the art of radicalism as a means and end. We should start seeing it as the same.

The lesson is always that history repeats itself but nowhere has this theorem been more obvious than in the last few years. It’s hard to look around and ignore the signs. At a certain level it is undeniable. It should give anyone pause.

On Sunday, Mark Levin made an excellent point. The old story is that Stalin and Trotsky became rivals. Eventually Stalin finally got Trotsky killed, who believed in a permanent state of revolution. In that power-hungry world, killing one’s rivals becomes almost an inevitable necessity. What a tangled web … spoiler alert.

Anyway, the point being a perpetual state of revolution naturally has its own problems. It would be extremely difficult, if not impossible, for any nation to survive in a permanent state of revolution. But isn’t that exactly what the left pursues currently? Revolution without end. “Viva la Revolution!” (of, by and for the purpose of revolution) And isn’t that the whole point of it as well? By George, I think they’ve got it.


Right Ring | Bullright | © 2022

Accidental On Purpose

Allow me to ask a personal question: how could anyone politicize baby formula? But for a president and administration who could politicize everything, it only comes natural. How could it not play politics with baby formula when they’ve been playing with babies’ lives on Roe for 50 years? And they treasure every moment of their killing babies agenda.

Now that the validity of that Supreme decision is challenged by another SCOTUS decision, it’s time to ramp up politics again to keep it alive.

However, baby formula is a different thing. That doesn’t fit within the abortion agenda, so it must go on the other side of the political ledger. Bidenistas only care about babies when they belong to illegals coming across the border. Then they use babies as political weapons, feigning compassion. “No cages for babies” but, to leftists, those little tikes would have made excellent abortion candidates only a year or so earlier.

Since illegals are here already, and our responsibility, stockpile baby formula to feed them. The nation needs to have formula sent to the border to take care of illegals’ babies. Who cares about our parents or babies in the US? Who cares if our own people can’t get theirs? They don’t care about our families or children. But pull out all the stops for illegals.

Who would think our government could be so malicious toward its own people? That’s the point, who would think that? But if you don’t really like America, then how are you going to feel about the people? So if you don’t care about the people, why would you care anything about our children?

So one more time, it would be tempting to think something is wrong, there must be a mistake. But it isn’t a mistake. It is actually a success because it is exactly what they intended. The dirty little gimmick here is that people would not think this could be done on purpose, no one would do that intentionally. Oh, but they would and do.

It takes some mental training to combat it. Of course they can turn around to say “no one would want to do that intentionally.” That is the gaslighting part. Who would want to believe it is all on purpose?

We went through this with Obama. We would call it failure. They all saw it as success. The more failure we saw, the more successful they were.

Empty Shelves

The baby formula shortage has become a metaphor for the administration. There are empty shelves all over that just don’t add up. It makes you glad Biden is not in charge of stocking shelves or supplying your local stores.

He’s never worked outside the bureaucracy of the government anyway. Putting him in charge of baby formula would be like asking the fox to guard the hen house. Things could always get worse.

It’s interesting that this crowd will do anything to hasten killing babies on a moments notice — even raise money on it — but not in feeding them . That agenda needs supplied.

What is he going to do about fertilizer or other shortages coming? There is always the basement bunker which seems to hold the answer to almost everything. They see everything as a communication or messaging problem. And denial of the problems does not seem to be working lately.

Immediately, Jen Psaki resorted to blame it on hoarding. It’s called eating not hoarding. Then she suggests talking to your pediatrician. That will fix it. She said they were working on the problem for months. Apparently not successfully. But wait… that is success to them.

Empty heads

The obnoxious ‘derelict of duty’ Joe cannot let criticism of himself fester. He put out a tweet which made little sense. — but what does with Joey? “You want to bring down inflation? Let’s make sure the wealthiest corporations pay their fair share.

Demonizing corporate taxes is not an answer to inflation. It is a deflection, not a solution.
The CPI (consumer price index) was 1.4% when Joe took office in January, 2021. Now it is at 8.3%. What has corporate fair share got to do with inflation?

*in CPI over the year: food at home rose 10.8%. Energy 30.3%; gasoline 43.6%.

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2022

Politicizing Petroleum Policy

The Putin Russia invasion of Ukraine has exposed the tender underbelly where oil intersects public policy and where war intersects climate. But the Left simply forgets that oil and energy is a national security issue.

It is fruitless to even talk about hypocrisy anymore. But in the hearings with the big oil companies, it has gone further than just hypocrisy. Democrats want it both ways. They want immediate increased production but they make no bones they want to cut the oil market completely. Last year, they wanted massive cuts in oil and fossil fuel production. All to appease their radical left, climatology political agenda. 

Democrats don’t want to cut production, they want to eliminate it. Wipe it forever off the face of the earth. So while they cry now demanding more, they actually want zero.

But consumers know the basic fact very well of a market relying on supply and demand. They know that ultra high prices require more production to alleviate those high costs. Prices may appear out of control but the industry is increasingly more controlled by government and radical politicians.

The Democrats don’t mind begging from unfriendly dictators who don’t like us much. Actually, they gave them all that leverage over us for free.

The problem is there are environmental impacts of so-called renewables. They require minerals, mining and indeed have an affect on environment. Calling them “clean renewables” is an oxymoron. Plastics are another example of endless oil products. How many plastics are incorporated into their green-dream products? And you will have the same hoarding potential and environmental difficulties in ramping up renewable markets. We already see it around the world. The same departments that control and obfuscate the oil sector will plague the renewable sector. Government control does that.

For years, people railed against a government command economy — not to be confused with supply and demand markets –for exactly that reason. It sort of takes market problems out of the equation.

At one time maybe Democrats only lusted for full control of the oil industry, the way Putin controls it in Russia. Now they simply want to eliminate it altogether. Once upon a time we called it a war on coal, then it became a war on fossil fuels and evolved into a full-blown war on energy. They claimed that was not so, but now they  boast about a war against all fossil fuel energy.

Democrats talk out of both sides of their mouths; they want it both ways.

I listened to the hearings just to come away with one conclusion. If Democrats wanted to be lobbyists against big oil — for renewables — they could do that. But they are elected to Congress to represent the interests of the country. And if Joe Biden wanted to be a union organizer, like Obama, he could have been one. But that is not the job of the president.

Things that have made this country run and improved our lives for years, creating millions of jobs, are now preferred targets of society. They simply have no respect for how we got here. In fact, there is an effort to erase the entire roadmap. Well, there is always satire.

Paul Revere’s Ride

“Listen, my children, and you shall hear
Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere,
On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-Five:
Hardly a man is now alive
Who remembers that famous day and year.”
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow – 1807-1882

But when Paul Revere rode out to alarm fellow countrymen, his horse emitted large amounts of waste in the process. Shouldn’t we factor in the age of the horse, with how much gas and waste it produced over its lifetime? Or how many people – white, black or Native Americans — who were negatively affected by these equestrian contributions? Must not we calibrate all those numbers into a new formula? Surely, based on a quick summary, we could see that the horse negatively impacted the environment, and humans, more than it benefited us all.

So it is long past time to take some retributive actions against these equestrian terrorists of the environment. Sure, the horse might have  made Paul Revere’s trip possible but at what calamitous cost to the earth? If we only knew or realized then what we now know , we could have prevented all that pain.

Paul — the meddling silversmith and industrialist he was — did not need to make his dumb trip for starters. And that asinine horse did not need to contribute to the “equitable” decay of our environment and climate, even for generations to come. This we can see clearly now because we have been awakened to the accumulative catastrophe of our deeds. 

We did all that. Why the hell were horses not taxed for their environmental impact? No, instead we encouraged their use. This only compounded the problems. So based on any summary analysis on the subject, I can therefore say the entire horse industry contributed to the decline in our climate. That’s just a fact. Anything we can do to eliminate it, and nip the damage in the tail, would only benefit our clean American future.

Revere should have relaxed, stayed home, euthanized the damn horse, and saved us all from our current fate. What a selfish bastard he turned out to be. Well, at least they could have increased the cost of horses to an unaffordable level so no idiot would have a chance to consider such a stunt, or misguided trip. ~~ Not so satirical end.

However, even more egregious with oil, they don’t want to just eliminate the industry, they want to politicize the entire industry. We’ve seen this in every government agency. Now they want to do the same thing to virtually every company, especially big oil.

How that shakes out is demonstrated in the hearings themselves. Democrats bring CEOs in to rip them apart and demand they do this or that. So it automatically pairs Republicans with oil companies. After all, we are the only ones who believe they should exist.

Democrats have accused the oil companies of manipulating the market prices and profiteering, taking advantage of crises and current events. Democrats’ answer to those charges and high prices is to release the SPRO to manipulate market prices.

The other obvious conclusion is this shows why we do not ever want government in complete control of our energy, or companies who provide it. One day they want to cut supply and the next they want it increased, based primarily on their political objectives. That’s the way they run everything else they control, immigration for instance.

So then, what would it take to get rid of exorbitant high fuel prices? Get rid of half of Congress that has a fatwa against the industry. Then replace a radicalized president who cares more about his family’s lucrative income than America’s national security.

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2022

Cancel Student Debt?

See if I can understand how this idea works. These people believed in getting a college degree in order to get 6 or 7 figure incomes. So that’s why the rest of us need to payoff their student debt?

And was this economic theory taught in these expensive degree courses we all must pay for? I think we deserve to know that at least.

So did they get the course on gender fluidity with it or was that extra?


Right Ring | Bullright | © 2022

The Putin Price Hike

I refuse to sit this one out. I can’t “resist” it. Mama didn’t raise no fools. It’s like fried chicken, it’s just so good.

On Tuesday, Biden and Jen Psaki did what we expected after Joe made his announcement to ban Russian oil. They spun it like tops.

Psaki said it was a Putin price hike. Biden said blame Putin for the prices. Tennessee “fried chicken” propagandist, Steve Cohen went out to tell people that every time they fill their tank in sticker shock, they should think of sticking it to Putin – as if redirecting the blame will help assuage it.

In other words, people should proudly feel the pinch knowing they are getting even with Putin. Right, they’ll show him while running up the old credit card to gas up. “Take that, Puty!” (what a feel good moment it is)


So I’ll take them up on that. Okay, I will blame him:

Putin has raised the price tag of electing Joe Biden President significantly.

He raised the real cost exponentially, which will be felt by every American up and down the economic ladder. I hope they are happy.

And now we have Joe Biden blaming Vladimir Putin for one of his own biggest problems, since gas lighting us evidently did not work.

More fossil fuels not fossil fools. And more chicken, please!

**One for the tank: “70% Favor Increased U.S. Oil and Gas Production” – Rasmussen


Right Ring | Bullright | © 2022

Profiles Of The Rich And Arrogant

Do you find it sort of fascinating that the people complaining about the rich paying their fair stinking share are themselves predominately wealthy and very arrogant, too?

If anyone said to them they should have to pay their fair share before running for Congress, I think their heads would explode. But then this is what makes them the rich and very arrogant, even if they are less wealthy than those they want to shake down.

Since this “pay your share” group is in control of the internal revenue service, or believes they are, it is all up to their discretion to define wealth in the first place, along with “fair share.” No one ever seems to spell out though just what that fair share is. Or if they do know they can’t tell you. Why?

And no one seems to ever ask these people exactly what their personal fair share is? That would give us an idea what they have in mind.

Instead, they babble on about the amount of wealth of others they think government is entitled to. Confiscation is also what they have in mind but they do not like that word. That’s too course.

Fair share turns out to be more like the amount of blood a leech feels it should take from its host. As much as it wants. But that may be more subjective than they let on. How long though until government starts to believe it really is their money and they are just going to decide how much to give to you? That gets even more subjective.

I mean if it owns it all, then it is entitled to whatever it desires. You are not. Ownership is only a minor obstacle to them. The easy work around to that is they get to decide what is appropriate for you to keep, not how much they take. That solves the ownership problem easily.

Government looks at this paradigm that you can always just make more, so they can take more. It is a bottomless well, even if it is a leaking bucket. You get to keep whatever doesn’t leak out. But then government decided it wants to change the paradigm, or tweak it a little bit.

It now decides it wants to tax your unrealized gains. So instead of just taxing you on the capital gains when you achieve (realize) them, it wants to tax you in advance on what you would/will realize if you sold it or cashed it in. And why should it have to wait if you own a boatload of assets you are holding? They want their ‘fair share’ of it now.

What happens when or if those assets depreciate after they tax you on them? Well, it is all in the fair share definition. It’s not their problem you got snake eyes. House wins, you lose. I doubt very much if they are going to undervalue your assets before taking their chunk. After all, their philosophy is you can just go make more. It sees your resources as limitless while its are finite. That’s why they need to take more.


Right Ring | Bullright | © 2021

Classic Economic Fallout

Another economic problem looms on the horizon just as big and is also a political one. That is if we muddle through immediate pain at the pump, inflation and supply chain issues in tact; it will send the message to the Democrats that they can do this anytime (all the time) to endlessly spend as much for as long as they want. (which is all they know)

That idea is either this fiscal insanity takes a nasty toll on us now, or they will run up that cost exponentially in the future. Couple that with their insatiable appetite to stress the system until it breaks (Cloward-Piven) as a radical strategy, That means if we manage to avoid major catastrophe now, the catastrophic fallout in the future is going to be so big and bad nothing can help or stop it. So if we aren’t finished off now, we will be next time.

I’m not saying this can be fixed, But if you think this is bad, wait until they think they can spend with impunity at no consequence. That will be a sight.  They are only feigning concern about  spending amounts now. But phony concerns will be off.  I don’t want to think of double digit interest rates again, but even that could be understating it.

Only a view from the cheap seats. Bad as it looks, it’s the next time or future we have to think about. Consider this the stress test. At that serious breach of the system down the line, one might prefer collapse rather than the increasing calamity continuing.


Right Ring | Bullright | © 2021


Normalcy Is Dead

That is a declarative statement because I don’t think there is any question about it. Talking in terms of politics, normalcy is dead but when that occurred could be debated. People should be able to agree on that unless in severe denial.

Why that is important ranges the gambit. However, a recent post about world power rivalry left me thinking about this whole relationship in regards to individual countries.

So I did a little personal exercise thinking of all the people I’ve loosely known from other countries and then thought of what condition their countries are in now, as opposed to say 40-50 years ago. Or even around the time of Reagan as a milestone.

My observation and conclusion, which could be flawed and subject to my own biases, is that most of those countries were on a better trajectory years ago. Now it seems like every one of them is headed toward an opposite, questionable future.

Sure reasons could be too numerous to mention, but as a rule the political future in those countries is in jeopardy. I refer to places like Hong Kong, Venezuala, Taiwan, even Japan has some issues with respect to China. I also added Puerto Rico and Haiti in for flavor.

Yes, China was one of the countries in my short list of about 10 or so. It had some positives. A lot has changed about and in it in those years. Even the trajectory back then of China until now is dramatically different in people’s eyes. And much more so since the pandemic.

In America we like to wish the best on others, which in turn would usually be good for the US. It hasn’t really worked that way though for either of us – meaning for their future or ours. Maybe that is just wave of the times. This is tied to many coincidental factors. Maybe it is much simpler that a larger momentum is going in the wrong direction. (for all)

You could try your own thought experiment plugging in various countries of your choice. I am looking for what it tells us and I don’t like the messages that I am getting. For instance, in general is the world a much more dangerous place than it was decades ago, or not? But in this analysis, one has to be honest about it across the board.


That is why it seems with the US — as much as we heard about a return to normalcy during the 2020 election — we got a lot less normalcy, by any standards, than we were promised. In fact, what is normal anymore? Is it it an illusion, or some abstract?

But actually that whole idea of normalcy is very overrated. I was not too fond of that political normalcy prior to 2016 anyway. Good riddance. Except can we just finally admit that normalcy, as they define it, is not the solution in any of these problems but part of the disease? In fact, it could even be a chief cause. (I offer no proof of that)

Let us be done talking about normalcy like some aspirational goal. What is now substituted for normal has more faults than the old Minneapolis Bridge. I could stand losing a concept, or security blanket, of “normal” but I don’t like losing the entire country and way of life along with it.

But there is something more grounded and fundamental than normal. It’s called common sense. And when you lose that there is a price to pay. Things fall apart; they don’t make sense like they once did. Up is down and down is up. We lose ground quickly.

I’m not saying those other countries are suffering for the same reasons. In some ways, other countries have seemed to retain a normalcy without losing values like common sense. It is just that there are more external factors working against them than there used to be.

So the US might be unique in the reasons it is going in the wrong direction or under more threats than the past. It could be much more our fault than in those other countries. For example, as improved as things have gotten in Taiwan over the years, they are now under greater threat than ever. I can’t blame that on the Taiwan people. They didn’t cause it.

Look what happened to Hong Kong. It’s been robbed of its future. Once a thriving beacon, it suffered not due to internal struggles and threats but from a tyrannical external one.

Venezuela likely had many external pressures. Their futures might be bleak now as is ours. But theirs is not simply a matter of internal collapse, but coming from forces outside.

When a nation loses its independence and identity, shit happens. When its sovereignty is stripped away for whatever reasons, it is open to all kinds of rot from the worst places even within, none of which are positive, and evil flourishes.

May the correct force be with us. Normalcy is not the cure.


Right Ring | Bullright | © 2021

Lying Biden Talks America, Where’s Joe Been?

Biden always says, “It’s never been a good idea to bet against America.” . Then why has he? Well, Joe is betting heavy against America, he has been for years. Pipelines for Russia, shutting down pipelines in America. He’s been betting heavy on China for years. Maybe that is why Xi Jinping has him believing that China will be taking over the world.

He could not call China a threat. He laughed that they are eating our lunch.

In the campaign, Joe said he was in a fight for the soul of the country. But someone tell Joe that we never were the Socialist States of America. Soulless socialism is not the soul of the country. We were not a Marxist nation. But Biden wants to turn us into a Marxist Autocracy. Why is he in a fight to transform the US? More like soulless Biden.

And now Joe is talking about buying American products but he was behind the big exodus of American technology. Now he wants to fix the problems. Where was he for 47 years he was in government, 8 of them as VP. He had a hand in creating the problems. Why didn’t he and Obama fix any of these things in 8 years? There is a simple answer.

Traitor Joe now claims to be Mr America, for the little guy. A little late to the party, and if it were only true. He’s been selling out America for decades and lining his pockets by fleecing America. What has he brought us?

Traitorous Joe, in bed with China, Russia, and any others he could extract money from, sold America out long ago. Biden Inc did great and now he wants to manage our decline.

What kind of pro-America crap is that? Kill pipelines, kill fossil fuels, kill our education system, change our economic system, change our electoral system, partnerships with cartels,  increase crime. Change the Supreme Court. Where is the mandate for any of it?

He claims to care about numbers when it comes to COVID. But he doesn’t care about real numbers of over a million people flooding across the border, bringing COVID with them. He cares about numbers? He is facilitating an invasion.

We are supposed to believe Joe when he says its never a good idea to bet against America. Then why has he bet against America for years? He bet on some Globalism cabal. That is not America. Foreign entanglements were not the basis of America. Now, when freedom is at stake, where is Joe? He is attacking freedom, and spending us out of our country.

If Joe wanted to be a union organizer, he could have been one. He could have done fine. But that is not the job of the president to be union organizer in chief. Who made him mob boss of America? None of that is what the people voted for.

That is not his mandate. Lying Biden is winding down America, not saving it.

Yeah, sure, Americans can do anything; except when our corrupt and treasonous leaders cut us off at the pass — frustrate our every positive move — only to seal our fate to doom.

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2021

Joe Won’t Say It Isn’t So! He Can’t

Links to a radical racist organization were discovered in guidance on re-opening schools. Jen Psaki announced it was an error and said WH did not agree with this organization.

But they needed to denounce CRT and that organization along with those who support and endorse it. Then tell schools not to employ them. But she didn’t. Press will not press her on it. It doesn’t matter anyway, it’s already done. Add it to the long list of policies.

The exploding invasion on the border. Kama Harris, tasked to deal with it (their own self-imposed effects), said she is working on the root causes. She hasn’t visited Haiti, Senegal,  Ghana, India, Romania or Africa yet — to talk about root causes.

  • Aid for farmers was made into a race preference endorsing overt discrimination.
  • Aid for restaurants turned into a policy of racist discrimination.
  • WH said an art dealer would officiate art sales to make sure purchasers of Hunter Biden’s blow-art are kept anonymous. (just keep the public in the dark)
  • Illegals are being transported through the border and shipped across the country into red states. Encouraging even more to come, from around the globe.
  • It doesn’t matter that Fentanyl and other drugs are pouring across the border.
  • Biden gives illegals aid & sanctuary for storming the border and breaking our laws.
  • Military stand down, purge of political enemies/ extremists.
    Encourage people to report fellow citizens to authorities.
  • The White House is working with social media like Facebook to crack down on his political opponents and spreaders of “misinformation.”
  • Actively spying on Americans using various means, in real time.
  • Increase debt to 38 trillion over 10 years.
  • Biden said his giant 4 trillion dollar spending bonanza would lower inflation.
  • Encourage and support CRT in schools, in alliance with and aiding Teachers’ unions.
  • Biden shut down Keystone XL pipeline, ANWR, and is working on stopping other pipelines. (you can’t just kill one pipeline — it is extremely addictive)
  • DOJ dropped investigations into the nursing home deaths.
  • Frustrate the will of people and their sovereign election process.
  • Biden wants to directly fund Planned Parenthood and its abortion agenda.
  • Biden nominated a radical eco-terrorist to Bureau of Land Management.
  • WH schemed with unions to keep schools closed, write policy, to benefit unions.
  • Biden put the most radical leftists he could get to key positions in the DOJ.
  • Lie:Merrick Garland is no moderate but a partisan hack for Biden.
  • Biden plans to expand the IRS by 80 bln and add 80 thousand new agents.
  • Biden first gave Putin a Start extension for 5 years. Nothing in return
  • Biden opened Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline and screwed Ukraine.
  • Biden’s administration is working to undermine and roll back sanctions on Iran, and to reenter the failed Iran deal — whatever US concessions it takes.
  • Despite Biden’s lies on his COVID agenda, illegals are importing Delta variant across America, particularly to red states, facilitated by the lawless administration.
  • All this after he participated in the conception of a coup against a former president.

These are only a few and they are not mistakes, errors in judgment or accidents. Notice also that Biden did not run on any of this crap. He has no mandate for any of it.

He refused to answer questions from his basement campaign on stuff like: Keystone Pipeline, a war on energy, fracking, court -packing or open borders. Remember his and Democrats selling feature for Scranton Joey was that he was going to bring back normalcy, not further divide and radicalize our country and government.

Joe Biden would never condemn any of this, because they are his own policies.


Now he goes to VA  to campaign for Terry McAuliffe and talks about the Declaration of Independence, again. One of his favorite lines. But first, he gets hecklers protesting the pipeline. No, they weren’t protesting his Keystone closure but against pipelines. He said to ignore them. Well, kind of like how Joe ignores the illegals’ invasion on the border.

He went into his familiar Declaration diatribe saying: (NY Post)

Biden also accused Republicans of offering “nothing more than fear, lies and broken promises.””

“The United States is based on — the only country in the world based on the proposition, ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident,’ that all women and men are created equal, endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” he said.

We’ve never met the test, but we’ve never walked away from it like the Republicans have.”

What a whopper. He even says it in VA, where the KKK directly controlled the Democrat Party and apparatus. It was Republicans that finally had to break the KKK’s hold.

It is one thing for them to lie about everything else, but when they lie about racism it is a special, malicious and insidious lie – damaging history and reality. The worst kind of lie.

Then there is the fears, lies and broken promises. He says that while telling the biggest lie of all about racism. Like Obama, he turns everything into a racist argument. Who does he think he is? We know who he is… Satan’s little helper, progressively Marxist, Joe.

Fears, lies and broken promises…. isn’t that exactly what Biden’s entire platform is? Fears and lies is really all he does. He must be the Son of Perdition.


“He who knows nothing is closer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors.” –Thomas Jefferson

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2021

How Stupid Are They?

Is anyone still in doubt about how stupid Democrats and the Left really are?

Remember when you were a kid a great tagline was “how stupid can you get?” It was a good accusation or slam against any absurdity and stupidity. That meant something, it made a point. Wasn’t it great when things were obvious, no explanation necessary?


But today we are actually finding out how stupid you really can get. Democrats are determined to win any competition over it. I’m not even sure they take themselves seriously. I’m sorry; they do and that is the problem.

For Leftists, the root cause in everything always involves blaming America first. It is where they start and where they end. The issue doesn’t matter,  the problem is America. Anything that happens around the world becomes a result of something the US did.

So Democrats and Leftists, who already despise America, are looking for any way they can blame America for the world’s biggest problems. They claim everything is the result of some US policy while they create the worst policy, foreign and domestic, in history.

Then they have the audacity to blame everything on America’s policies. Actually they are incapable of making a good policy. Former Sec of Defense Robert Gates in his memoir said virtually every foreign policy decision or position Joe Biden ever made was wrong.

I know, let’s put him in charge and make Joe president then. Bright move!

I don’t think kids have to ask anymore how stupid can you get because they already know. They see it on school policy firsthand. Now the Left wants to double down on stupid school policy, if they have not done enough damage over 60 years already. If they weren’t trying to destroy education they could have fooled me.


How can you claim everything is the fault of US policy when you are creating the worst policy possible – against every warning given? Sound smart or like Team Dumb?

These people cannot stand putting America first, for whatever reason they hate it. But the default result of not putting America first is actively putting China and Russia first. They are willing to do it anyway making it even worse. That becomes their true-north position.

The stupidity part is how they got here, and yet stupidity is their ace-in-the-hole solution to fixing it all. Great strategy. So you ask how stupid can you get? They’re demonstrating it everyday. The big challenge is how to treat stupidity seriously as the problem it is?

Their answer is to keep going woke till it’s all broke.

The big hypocrisy and irony for Obama was having a doctrine of “don’t do stupid shit!”


Right Ring | Bullright | © 2021

Culture-Phobia Is The Problem

I’ll go back to expound on my favorite topic in politics, the culture war. I don’t know how many believe like I do the tie between the two is clear? It is not an old conspiracy theory.

But many Republicans in and out of office suffer from culture-phobia. For whatever reasons, they are horrified about weighing in on that or taking it on in any way. The rest of the public is not with them on that, which should tell them something.

I have explained that all here before. Any idea still out there that Republicans can stick to fiscal issues, national debt and security is blissful Neanderthal thinking.

We need to be more like Pat Buchanan than Steve Forbes. The culture has become a part of the battlefield. Days of sterile, exclusive political environments are long gone. It’s why Trump succeeded. People say it is divisive and controversial but that is the point. Like it or not, we have to deal with culture.  It is as critical to our country as any external threat.

For instance, one of the top issues is schools. No, it is not a matter of bottom lines and budgets anymore. When everything is political and politicized on the Left, we have to fight that battle or lose the country. It is not a social media thing either but social media is emblematic of the larger problem, everything.

A perfect example of this is JD Vance running to replace Rob Portman in Ohio. No one represents that old Republican mentality better than Portman and he saw the writing on the wall. We don’t need another Rob Portman. He is the past.

When cops, race, justice, schools, borders, security, the climate and energy are all politicized what is the point in denying it as if it were some social niche?

Yes, they came for the Christians before, because we stood in their way, and now they have come for everyone else. We are all their political targets now, and so is the environment and culture we live in. Every thing is at stake along with the country.

Another example: when did it become so fashionably cool to hate America? I know there have been fringe elements for decades carrying a hate America banner, but it was not the maninstream like now. Polls show it is thriving on hate, racism, divisions and anarchy.

The anti-America culture now is real and thriving. It wants any semblance of America gone and replaced. American overhaul. (reality TV show anyone?) Of course they are not as clear on  what would replace the country’s foundation as about tearing down or fomenting hate against the present one. But we know what that evil is. And it is deadly intentional.

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2021

Economic Death

Now a thought from my hairsplitting conscience. Fox is reporting in its latest poll that Biden’s approval on the economy is at 51%.

How can you get a 51% approval on an economy you are killing? It doesn’t square with anything. What stupidity!

Careful about polls, Rasmussen found that 55% support election audits, and election integrity efforts. You know, “to ensure there was no vote fraud.” And only 29% were opposed.