Hypocrisy In Spades

There is no need to restate all that happened for four years of undermining President Trump and the 2016 election, right from the moment he won let alone ran.

However, the current situation is reporters are seen ambushing officials and authorities, like Michigan’s, with shouts of “will you honor the will of the people?”

No phrase could be more insulting or hypocritical to me than that. Maybe it is by design? I don’t know. Coming from the very people who never honored the will of the people.

In fact, they did everything they could to subvert and deny the will of the people. They undermined our electoral system with fabrications and dismissed criminal conduct.

Now they erase it all as if that election were never attacked. Then have the audacity to ask, “will you honor the will of the people?” There is nothing more repulsive.

On top of that 4-year record, compounding it with all Democrats did in this election, to utter those words just disgusts me. I rest my case.

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2020

Last Word Against Impeachment

The speech not given. A parting shot.

Madam Speaker, I rise at this time to voice my opposition to this impeachment sham.

Irony is all around this sham. It is a dark irony.

I find great irony in the fact that the same body with the power to declare war was also given the power to impeach a sitting president, among its other solemn duties.

What if they use all those other powers designated to Congress the same way they are using this power to impeach? Rush to impeach. Fundraisers, storm the gates of the capitol. Impeachment rallies. “Impeach the MF-er!” What if the same hyper-partisanship was used in a rabid rush to war? Even for Democrats, this a new low.

Future voters, preserve our democracy, voting for children and posterity are their talking points. Nothing is further from the truth.

Do they tell their children in future generations that this was the day they stood up to overturn the election of the people? This was the day they had to act to subvert the will of the people. “We had to act.” This was the day the results of an election no longer mattered.

This was the opening salvo in the war on democracy.

You hear the same old tired Democrat platitudes “what is he hiding?”…”what is he afraid of?” Now it is time to ask them the same questions.

What are they afraid of…. what are they hiding? They are trying to hide this charade of a coup they’ve orchestrated and been engaged in since even before this president took his oath of office and assumed the office.

What they are afraid of is the will of the people. They keep on polling with the same results. Now they’ve just decided to go to war with democracy.

They are afraid the same president will be reelected again in 2020. This is only a partisan political hit job, like all the rest of their long drawn out plot, to either unseat the president or prevent him from getting reelected. So they’ve gone to war against democracy, again.

I find it ironic too that the organization founded in the aftermath of President Clinton’s impeachment screaming to “Move On” is the same group now organizing rallies lobbying the left to impeach this president. Isn’t that rich?

So Move On runs to the street organizing rallies with chants of “no one is above the law. The president is not above the law.” But what law; what law are they talking about?

Protecting democracy? They strategized this moment since the last presidential election to subvert democracy. Less than one year before the next election, they must take it out of the hands of the people to let them know Congress not the people will pick the president.

“We must act,” they say. They must act to prevent the president from using his power and getting reelected in 2020. They’ve moved up the date of the election to now.

And they trying to shroud this act of democratic defiance in an excuse that they are doing this for the people, to “protect democracy.” That they are doing it for national security? The only threat to our national security is this attempt to subvert the will of the people.

We all watched for years in the UK as countless lawmakers tried to tell people their votes didn’t matter. They do the same thing here.

But ask yourself, what are Democrats afraid of? What are they trying to hide? The answer is simple, they are afraid of we the people, us. They are hiding their entire anti-democratic agenda against the American people. They are hiding their coup and its fruition.

In fact, everything they have done is a part of the cover up for what Obama and our government did to interfere in the last election. Sure, they failed to prevent Trump from winning but they aren’t done. That cover up for what they did continues.

It is not about what did they know and when did they know it? They have known it all along. They were complicit in the biggest attack on our democracy in history, a bloodless coup. When? They started it from before he was even elected. They were so deep in it by election that even if they wanted to, they could not have stopped. It is a war against democracy. They planted the seeds, fertilized it, then weeded out anything that stood in their way of reaping the rewards of overthrowing the president. (by any means)

Hyper-politics and policy disagreements should not be the cause for impeachment.

But like its power to declare war, once used you cannot put that Genie back in the bottle. You can shout “we didn’t come here to impeach” from the roof of the Capitol. It doesn’t matter. You invoked it while feigning some Churchillian passion as you attempt to overturn an election. This is not what democracy looks like!

Democrats worry about foreign influence in elections. Say hello to your friend, Ukraine.

And so the Forgotten Man limps on still… in an all too real metaphor.


I yield back….

Right Ring | Bullright

Hillary’s Deep State Of Denial Surfaces Again

On September 17, 2018, Hillary went out to complain about her favorite topic.

“Our Democracy Is In Crisis”

“…republican Party, whose “increasing radicalism and irresponsibility” got the country to where it is and put Trump in the White House.”

“Trump and his cronies do so many despicable things that it can be hard to keep track,” Clinton writes. “I think that may be the point — to confound us, so it’s harder to keep our eye on the ball. The ball, of course, is protecting American democracy. As citizens, that’s our most important charge. And right now, our democracy is in crisis.”

Do try to keep up. We give it our best effort, despite her smokescreens. This is Hillary’s and Democrats’ resistance war on democracy, refusing to accept legitimate election results. Yet she complains about democracy in crisis? She wants to protect democracy?

She has done everything possible in the last 3 1/2 years to destroy democracy.

Now, after the Mueller Report, she couldn’t wait to jump in as Hypocrite of The US — HOTUS –- and self-anointed flame thrower of the Left.

Beginning not the end — media event.

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s report is only the beginning of a reckoning on election meddling, not the end, and “raises some serious questions,” Hillary Clinton said Tuesday.

If elected officials believe that he did [commit high crimes and misdemeanors] “then I think it is the obligation of Congress to put forward the articles of impeachment,” Clinton said at a … NYC Time 100 Summit, where she called for the full, unredacted report to be released.

Clinton also said the Department of Justice’s stance that a sitting president can’t be indicted benefited Trump.

I think there’s enough there that any other person who had engaged in those acts would certainly have been indicted,” she said.

I think everything points to you, Hillary. How can you deny that? She is guilty of everything they were trying to hang and frame on Trump, and more.

Then she penned a WaPo op-ed of advice on how to respond.

“But it [Mueller Report] is a road map. It’s up to members of both parties to see where that road map leads — to the eventual filing of articles of impeachment, or not. Either way, the nation’s interests will be best served by putting party and political considerations aside and being deliberate, fair and fearless.”

She seems to think revenge is best served hot. There’s the “road map” thing again. Honk if you saw that one coming. It sure is getting a lot of mileage with Democrats. That’s the yellow brick road to impeachment, or whatever you want to see it as. Fair?

“Second, Congress should hold substantive hearings that build on the Mueller report and fill in its gaps, not jump straight to an up-or-down vote on impeachment. In 1998, the Republican-led House rushed to judgment. That was a mistake then and would be a mistake now.”

So keep building your Tower of Babel. Keep ripping and tearing at anything you can.

“Third, Congress can’t forget that the issue today is not just the president’s possible obstruction of justice — it’s also our national security. After 9/11, Congress established an independent, bipartisan commission to recommend steps that would help guard against future attacks. We need a similar commission today to help protect our elections. This is necessary because the president of the United States has proved himself unwilling to defend our nation from a clear and present danger.

It was just reported that Trump’s recently departed secretary of homeland security tried to prioritize election security because of concerns about continued interference in 2020 and was told by the acting White House chief of staff not to bring it up in front of the president. This is the latest example of an administration that refuses to take even the most minimal, common-sense steps to prevent future attacks and counter ongoing threats to our nation.” …/

”It’s critical to remind the American people that Democrats are in the solutions business and can walk and chew gum at the same time.”

We need to protect our elections from you. Your five-alarm fire no one heard.

Does she have some nerve? Lecturing Trump on failures to keep the country safe when Obama was AWOL on all of it. She dithered in the wings. Obama was the president when all this Russia meddling , and Russianeering, went on. Solutions, don’t make me laugh.

Oh, she was a part of it. She and Obama thought they could tie their Russia problem around Trump’s neck and that would be that. Now she wants another commission? How about instead of that, we look into what Hillary, her campaign and the maestro of dark arts, Barry, did about the Russia meddling problem as it happened?

Then look at what his administration officials did to assail the problem. Of course then we will see what Obama’s administration did against Trump – and didn’t do against Russia. Something never done before, aiming the entire intelligence apparatus on Trump.

“We have to get this right. The Mueller report isn’t just a reckoning about our recent history; it’s also a warning about the future. Unless checked, the Russians will interfere again in 2020, and possibly other adversaries, such as China or North Korea, will as well. This is an urgent threat. Nobody but Americans should be able to decide America’s future. And, unless he’s held accountable, the president may show even more disregard for the laws of the land and the obligations of his office.

Beaming from her mount hypocrisy. Get it right, when they made all but certain people, including media, had gotten it all wrong until now? Get the injustice right?

A reckoning but she doesn’t want the real truth out. She wants a complete cover up of what she and Obama did to try to undermine our election. Russia couldn’t do what Hillary did. Maybe they should have worried about the Russians instead of trying to use them as hand towels for their plot? Urgent, it is urgent now? Partners in crime.

Right, no one but Americans should decide our elections. And we did! But you couldn’t accept the results. Your plan fell short. So then came the sedition of you and your Deep State allies afterward. You had to keep all the pressure on Trump as a diversion.

Holding Trump “accountable,” for what, winning an election? He didn’t do that. Americans decided the election not Russia or Putin. But nice try.

Disregard for the laws of the land? You can show no more disrespect or disregard for the law of the land than not accepting the election results. Let’s not even discuss your other careless disregard for laws of the land, your effort to circumvent them, and your egregious obstruction of justice. That is when justice officially died. It was already on its deathbed, but you gave it the last push.

Then you acted as if you were the victim all along, rather than chief offender of lady justice. Your husband on a tarmac meeting Loretta Lynch was yet another sinister highlight on your trail to guarantee that the injustice occurred.

Finally she lectures on:

“A crime was committed against all Americans, and all Americans should demand action and accountability. Our founders envisioned the danger we face today and designed a system to meet it.”

Trump committed no crime here. You did. And that system our founders designed is the electoral college, which you want to abolish. (because you lost an election) Does that make sense? But thanks for reminding us all how fortunate we are you lost the election, even especially with all the Deep State and Obama administration’s help. Oh, and thanks for the helpful impeachment primer. I guess that makes you the expert.

Democracy is under siege, but guess by whom? Do the letters HRC ring a bell?

Hillary slipped into the Deep State of Denial somewhere in 2016 and never returned, only briefly surfacing at opportune times to target her enemies. But her operation secure.

Right Ring | Bullright

Dear Meghan McCain

“Hush, little one don’t you cry”…….as the song goes. Oh, never mind. Grudge much?

Apparently you now feel you have to pick up the battle of bitter John McCain against Trump. One comment Trump made regarding John McCain is all this whole thing is about since it is the only thing he did to McCain, your father, besides getting elected.

Meghan McCain said in eulogizing her father:

“The America of John McCain is generous and welcoming and bold. She is resourceful and confident and secure. She meets her responsibilities, She speaks quietly because she is strong. America does not boast because she has no need to. The America of John McCain has no need to be great again because America was always great.”

“We gather here to mourn the passing of American greatness. The real thing, not cheap rhetoric from men who will never come near the sacrifice he gave so willingly, nor the opportunistic appropriation of those who lived lives of comfort and privilege.”

“We live in an era where we knock down old American heroes for all their imperfections, when no leader wants to admit to fault. You were an exception, and you gave us an ideal to strive for. Look, I know you can see this gathering here in this cathedral. The nation is here to remember you.”

I understand you want to mourn your father, but why do you have to attack Trump to do it — because you think it is popular? Would you attack Obama for “change you can believe in?” Any wonder some people interpret it as a eulogy for the Republican Party?

Well, if you want to count the comments of blaming him for his vote to save Obamacare, not lost on the Democrat left, then there is that too. But McCain did vote that way, after running and promising that he would lead the charge to abolishing Obamacare. Which brings us to an interesting point in this dustup. (End first person)

Was he really promising to get rid of Obamacare, or was he promising instead just to lead the charge in the Senate? See, that matters if he was not really planning on ending Obamacare but only wanted to lead the effort. In that case, he would run and lead it which would also mean killing the effort when push came to shove. Thereby making himself mister popularity with the left, is that what he had in mind? Do you see what I mean?

And then there were all those efforts toward getting answers and information about MIA’s and POW’s Remember those, where John McCain rushed in to sort of lead the parade and then the effort ended up dying? Was he ever interested in settling the matter or just burying the efforts by leading it? Questions many of us have about McCain’s agenda.

However, this telling sign from Megyn McCain sort of unravels it. So much animus. So much bitterness. The same type of bitterness and lack of concern he seemed to have for those aggrieved family members of Vietnam Vets. Answers they don’t have, questions that remain. John was no real help for them. But those efforts died off after he got involved. Better not to know? What did he actually care about? Is criticism of McCain taboo?

Now Meghan lashes out at the funeral as if it were Trump’s fault McCain died. Blame Trump for what: starting a movement, trying to get answers; trying to change the way the Washington Swamp worked; trying to fight corruption? Blame Trump for using a slogan that even Bill Clinton used. Blame Trump for speaking up for so many Americans, who went to the polls to elect him president. So blame voters. Was that the problem, he was elected? Or was it that he was sticking up for the forgotten, working man who was disenchanted and disenfranchised?

There were plenty of people that felt their voice was not heard. In her rant attack on Trump, to cheers of applause, she was lashing out at the voters who elected him, too. Blame the masses. Don’t blame McCain for anything though he has been in office for over 35 years. Almost as a metaphor to forgotten voters: he was elected and then diagnosed not long after his election yet would not cede his seat, but instead hoarded it to his bitter end so they could not go to the polls to elect a new Senator in November.

In the beginning of May he made a statement that he may well not be around in the spring, of 2019, when the end of May was the deadline to have his seat included in the election. He could have continued his Senate career, as the people had their election campaign. (like he did) He would still have his funeral plans made the same way. He would still have the marketing of his book. And he still would not have voted in major issues for months. In fact, as we see, he would have died while that was all taking place, before the election ever came. It would have been no skin off of McCain or his legacy.

But it was skin off the voters. Did he care? No, it seems not. He had his own plans and concerns, which did not involve the people who went and voted for him yet again in 2016. Was he even honest with the voters in that election?

Now that we are in this situation, brought on by McCain, if anyone should have a problem it is the people. They were slighted. And the Governor of Arizona will have to pick a successor to McCain, as he wanted him to do. McCain wanted him to pick a McCain-type person. That is no secret. What is a McCain-type person? Likely someone from his inner circle. Forgive many of us for asking if that person will be his wife, Cindy McCain. Yes, I heard a few denials but I think it will be Cindy McCain? (I could be wrong) It gives someone the pathway into the office setting it up for the 2020 election though.

This all makes me ask and wonder, just how much power does a sitting US Senator have, even to pick his successor? Does he get to overrule the people who voted for him? Does he have a veto over the will of the people? All these questions could force you to conclude yes, he does, when it comes to McCain. Seems that his will is the only one that mattered.

I’m sorry for your grief, pain and bitterness, Meghan. Maybe one day you can let at least one of them go?

Seems the people should have more complaints than John McCain, or his family. Meghan said her father’s response to her asking what he wanted in a eulogy was: “Show them how tough you are.” So was the point to show people how tough she is? What is the purpose? Tough toward Trump, and the voters? Over what? But she did make the bitter point clear.

Right Ring | Bullright

Crooked Hillary and the Cabal

Well, someone is doing some writing and reporting of the accumulative events.

2016 Trump Tower Meeting Looks Increasingly Like a Setup by Russian and Clinton Operatives

By Lee Smith, RealClearInvestigations
August 13, 2018

The June 2016 Trump Tower meeting between high-ranking members of the Republican presidential campaign staff and a Russian lawyer with Kremlin ties remains the cornerstone of claims that Donald Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election.

A growing body of evidence, however, indicates that the meeting may have been a setup — part of a broad effort to tarnish the Trump campaign involving Hillary Clinton operatives employed by Kremlin-linked figures and Department of Justice officials. This view, that the real collusion may have taken place among those who arranged the meeting rather than the Trump officials who agreed to attend it, is supported by two disparate lines of evidence pulled together for the first time here: newly released records and a pattern of efforts to connect the Trump campaign to Russia. …/

Continue Reading the damning evidence: https://www.realclearinvestigations.com/articles/2018/08/13/trump_tower_meeting_looks_increasingly_like_a_setup.html


But Mueller could never stumble across that pertinent information. Or the fact that Fusion was working with the Kremlin to overturn sanctions — against the Magnitsky Act. It would be too damning to the Democrats and DNC. ‘Quick, we need a diversion’….. this week if possible. After all, Mueller is tied to this cabal.

In case anyone is still keeping Russia collusion score: that puts intel ops, FBI, DOJ, Mueller, Clinton, GPS, Steele, DNC et al on the same side as …..the Kremlin and Putin. Collusion Party anyone? 😎 And I’ll just leave out McCain for now.

With all this known, just what would Hillary have done had she won the election? I don’t think there is much of a question about it, given her character and past.

This was never a Trump issue or scandal, but is yet another Hillary Clinton scandal that she had a whole lot of help with.

Fusion, FBI, Steele, Money and a Dirty Dossier

It turns out, as no surprise, that just a few days before Comey’s infamous press conference to clear Hilary’s server scandal, a top DOJ official was in touch with Christopher Steele and laying the groundwork for a counterintelligence investigation against Trump.

Well, that is the sequence of events when you look at it objectively and plug in the facts. So this strongly suggests that while the same people who worked on the Hillary server investigation (or lack of one) had the impetus to ditch it and go after Trump in a full blown counterintelligence investigation. A project that led to working not only with Steele but also with Fusion, the subcontractor for Hillary’s dirt-digging operation on Trump.

See John Solomon’s article on the tie of FBI to Fusion and Steele. What a tangled web.
Opinion: How a senior DOJ official helped Dem researchers on Trump-Russia case — The Hill

This is not a Trump scandal, and never was. It is yet another Hillary Clinton and DOJ scandal. How does Mueller ignore it all? Better yet, how can he write a report void of all the pertinent facts? But see how the Hillary Obama lapdog media ignore this story while chatting up the old Manafort trial. A case which could have been handled by US attorneys, not a Special Counsel.

Russian Election Meddling

Democrats want us to know that Russians tried to and meddled in our 2016 election. Gasp, “Holy Cow, Batman!” … feigned outrage wearing my best Casablanca face, “Shocked!”

This report article is excellent reading and a good resource.

Russia Meddled and Almost Nobody Cared, Until . .

By Steven J. Allen | June 23rd, 2018

Political leaders and journalists are deeply concerned about Russian meddling in U.S. elections. Took ’em long enough.

The Russians have been meddling in U.S. elections for at least 70 years. see


Serving up a heaping helping of care for anyone interested. And the Dems have been in on, colluding in, the meddling about as long. Their cohorts in the media have been right there with them as long.

Which is why Ted Kennedy could have promised the US media’s help to Andropov, leader of the Communist Party, so they could speak directly to the American people in hopes of undermining Reagan. They demurred. But accepted Obama’s flexibility pledge.

That’s another thing that is not new with the left: the traitorous schemes of their commie roots. Now they are outraged? The Left suffers from a severe case of exposure.

After Action Report: Russia

One issue of a blog is you can tend to repeat things. But there are times and things that need repeated, maybe often. Such is the case with motives for the Russia, Trump investigation. Subversives have been very, very busy.

I said it before but the profound factor that sticks in my craw is the cause of the Trump investigation. To call it a Russia investigation is really pathetic. They talk about obstruction of justice. That ain’t a Russia issue. In my younger days, one of my most important lessons was it was not enough to know the how but you have to know the why, too.

In this Russia and Trump thing, we are hearing more and more about the how. I think we know most of it. But I notice they stay pretty silent on the why. We have seen the deep dark ways Obamafiles went about things, with dirty hands, and yet the media stays away from discussing why. Well, they speculated on every other related thing. How come they can’t come to grips to question that? At least Joe DiGenova has reminded us that they framed Trump in this entire thing in retaliation for the election. They try to diminish his integrity by calling it conspiracy theory. Oh, but it was a conspiracy, after all.

Obama had a Russia problem, which he could no longer cover up or just ignore. Even his underlings were prodding him to do something. Ala, along came Trump. He made the perfect scapegoat. Use the Russia problem as the reason to investigate Trump. And use it they did. That is the thing, the big lie, that hangs over this whole smoke cloud. The problem was the genesis for investigating Trump. It makes no sense to most people. That didn’t seem to matter. Push a narrative hard enough and it becomes a fact.

But it served the purpose. It got Obama out of the huge hole he had — an action deficit — to do something about Russia. It appeared like the Obama administration was doing something about Russia when its motives were clearly on Trump. It would bury the truth that he failed to respond, some say was complicit, in the Russia problem. It would alter his historical legacy by substituting Trump for the Russia problem. And it would be the perfect cover for investigating Trump and his entire campaign. Bad enough that it was not a last minute thought. It had been built over months. But the time came when he could formerly merge the two, supposedly seamlessly, so you couldn’t see where one ended and the other started — or where his complicit incompetence started or ended. Or where his malfeasance started because it never ended.

Now what we have is the Deep State running things, in the absence of Obama officials. And the Deep State has surfaced at their pinnacle of power in the DOJ. Sure they have ties throughout but where would their power be at its zenith? Of course when in control in the DOJ. Which is all why now Holder is calling on DOJ employees to defy the Trump administration as well as refuse to cooperate with Congress. As Holder explained in a telegraphed statement tailored directly to them, there have to be times when you just “say no” — to requests from outside the department. This of course would render the DOJ a sovereign power answerable and accountable to no one.

This does make it the most powerful department of the government. It will solidify the control of the Deep State and prevent it from being contested or routed out. But that is precisely why it is so important to challenge the DOJ, even if it is not desirable or popular. It was made to order to cover a multitude of sins of Obama’s. And it didn’t take much for the public to follow their (Obama’s and his lieutenants’) lead. People had been led by the string of mainstream media for years. And Media would do Deep State’s dirty work for them. Media had built up suspicion of Trump from the beginning. It was simply a matter of bringing all sides together: the media’s disdain for Trump, the left’s dissatisfaction and grief over the election, FBI and intelligence’s campaign of investigation and a plot against him, with a good old time-honored strategy or plot against their political opponents. It wouldn’t take much to unite them all in a choreographed coup even once Trump took power.

At the point Trump won the election, all efforts had to be shifted to resistance. Russia looked like even a better cover for that purpose. But the real point was that once the dubious Trump investigation began, right on through with their best efforts of broadening it into a huge counterintelligence investigation, along with Obama’s intentional urging, all was set firmly in place to take on a mind of its own. Especially with the absence of Obama officials after inauguration. Obama knew it would go on and on like they always do. The best part is Trump would be enshrined in one of Obama’s greatest failures — to respond to Russia with any substantial credibility. They wanted to saddle then bury Trump with Obama’s treasonous incompetence.

A solution to the Russia problem. It would no longer be his failure but a problem hung around Trump’s neck. It was also a political solution, the kind Obama liked. Better still it would continue on long after he left office. People would no longer complain or point to Obama as a weak link in one of the biggest elections and greatest upsets in history. They would blame Trump. This is how sinister these people are. The Deep State would cooperate without urging, because they would protect their radical czar.

In the process, Obama destroyed the credibility of the DOJ and FBI in his swamp of subversion. But who cares? Which is more valuable, saving Obama’s legacy or the FBI’s? We know which wins and it isn’t even close. Besides. the DOJ and FBI have their advocates to defend their reputations, at all costs, and they will. Mueller and Rosenstein will creatively defend the assault on the country and election by DOJ and intelligence. They can be counted on for that purpose. As usual, if successful, Obama would get away with offloading the entire blame for his treason and sedition onto Trump.

Obama and his vast number of cohorts throughout government suffered no accountability, at least so far. Can history ignore this choreographed corruption? How do you delete this treason, and now sedition, from the record?

Right Ring | Bullright

Langley, we have a problem

The London-to-Langley Spy Ring

The roots of Obamagate become clearer.

George Neumayr– The American SpectatorMay 25, 2018,

Even before the first Republican primary, a London-to-Langley spy ring had begun to form against Donald Trump. British spies sent to CIA director John Brennan in late 2015 alleged intelligence on contacts between Trumpworld and the Russians, according to the Guardian.

Here’s the crucial paragraph in the story:

GCHQ first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Notice it doesn’t say the “Trump campaign” but “figures connected to Trump.” One of those figures was Michael Flynn, who didn’t join the campaign until February 2016. But Brennan and British intelligence had already started spying on him, drawing upon sham intelligence from Stefan Halper, a long-in-the-tooth CIA asset teaching at Cambridge University whom Brennan and Jim Comey would later send to infiltrate the Trump campaign’s ranks.

It appears that Halper had won Brennan’s confidence with a false report about Flynn in 2014 — a reported sighting of Flynn at Cambridge University talking too cozily with a Russian historian. Halper had passed this absurdly simpleminded tattle to a British spy who in turn gave it to Brennan, as one can deduce from this euphemistic account in the New York Times about Halper as the “informant” …./:

More: https://spectator.org/the-london-to-langley-spy-ring/



The Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) is an intelligence and security organisation responsible for providing signals intelligence (SIGINT) and information assurance to the government and armed forces of the United Kingdom.[3] Based in “The Doughnut” in the suburbs of Cheltenham, GCHQ is the responsibility of the country’s Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, but it is not a part of the Foreign Office and its director ranks as a Permanent Secretary.

Oh, and let me guess again, Obama, Jarrett, Rhodes, Rice etc. didn’t know anything about what was going on?

Another wicked excuse for Hillary

One more excuse to Hillary’s bottomless bucket list of denials, now from Politico.


Politico published an article Sunday titled, “Trump thrives in areas that lack traditional news outlets,” suggesting the President was able to “Swamp Clinton” in areas that had low subscription rates to local newspapers.

The data suggests those voters relied on national news outlets and social media for information instead of more traditional media outlets such as newspapers and local television reports.

Notice how in this one they get to take a shot at ill-informed people, popular anti-MSM sentiment, and pat themselves on the back while attacking social media and online news. If only people would have listened to them. The hubris.

Next, they’ll be blaming MSM’s lack of credibility and downfall on Trump, like NYT. So then why are the left and their MSM minions dumber than rocks? So dumb to believe all of Hillary’s excuses? So stupid they never saw that big Trump truck coming?

Russia Probe Non-Statement: Swamp Update

In probably a desperate act of relevancy, the Senate Intelligence committee announced Wednesday it would hold a press conference on the Russian inquiry into the 2016 election.

‘No evidence, but we’re still looking, looking, looking. We’ve got lots of doors — ones not closed or locked by Special counsel anyway — and we continue to search.’ But they cannot give up the ghost of the 2016 election witch hunt. ‘But we’re “expanding” it’.

There was no new information and virtually no answers. Why they even had to hold it, I don’t know? On the day and time Trump went to Las Vegas to visit victims, they had to hold a press conference. I once had a little respect for Sen Burr, but that is long gone. What a putz he turned out to be.

So they made news for not making any news, except to verify that they allow the Mueller witch hunt investigation to hold our government hostage. I’d like to know where in the Constitution that a special counsel is to control Congress?

The only big question answered was whether they would release questionable Russia Facebook ads? The answer was: “we don’t release documents provided to our committee.” They could have just issued a statement. Maybe they could remind leftville media that the electorate determines election results, not ads. Media doesn’t know.

All I know is that this is not the government we elected. We’d like that government returned to us ASAP.

They should have called this as a Swamp Update or an “Update from the Swamp.”

Entering the Sphere of Influence in Investigation

Mueller Scorches the Earth

by Andrew C. McCarthy September 23, 2017 | National Review

His pre-dawn raid was meant to intimidate Manafort, not just to collect evidence. Robert Mueller’s sprawling special-counsel investigation is playing hardball. It was not enough to get a search warrant to ransack the Virginia home of Paul Manafort, even as the former Trump campaign chairman was cooperating with congressional investigators. Mueller’s bad-asses persuaded a judge to give them permission to pick the door lock. That way, they could break into the premises in the wee hours, while Manafort and his wife were in bed sleeping. They proceeded to secure the premises — of a man they are reportedly investigating for tax and financial crimes, not gang murders and Mafia hits — by drawing their guns on the stunned couple, apparently to check their pajamas for weapons.

Mueller’s probe more resembles an empire, with 17 prosecutors retained on the public dime. So . . . what exactly is the crime of the century that requires five times the number of lawyers the Justice Department customarily assigns to crimes of the century? No one can say. The growing firm is clearly scorching the earth, scrutinizing over a decade of Manafort’s shady business dealings, determined to pluck out some white-collar felony or another that they can use to squeeze him. You are forgiven if you can recall only vaguely that supposition about Trump-campaign collusion in Russian espionage against the 2016 election was the actual explanation for Mueller’s appointment as special counsel. To the extent there was any explanation, that is. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, a Trump appointee, did not comply with the regulations requiring a description of the crimes Trump’s Justice Department is too conflicted to investigate, purportedly necessitating a quasi-independent special counsel.

The way it’s supposed to work, the Justice Department learns of a crime, so it assigns a prosecutor. To the contrary, this Justice Department assigned a prosecutor — make that: 17 hyper-aggressive prosecutors — and unleashed them to hunt for whatever crime they could find. …/

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/451649/robert-mueller-special-counsel-investigation-manafort

So it is an investigation in search of a crime. More, it is an investigation seeking to justify itself — job #1. See justification of itself and its conduct is the central mission. The rest is collateral. And to do that by or using any means necessary.  Whatever it takes.

Interestingly enough, someone else has also described Mueller’s operation as building another DOJ. That gives me pause, it sure seems that way. Just what we need, another department of justice, or injustice as the case may be.

Now if it were up to me to try to explain this investigation(no one is better than McCarthy), this would only be my starting point. The how and why is another matter.

In the meantime, just imagine if they tried this on Clinton. Oops, no they never would even think of it. But there would be no major Special Counsel “investigation” anyway.


Hillary finds the worm in the election apple

Last week, I heard Hillary say that big Russia influence operation turned women against her. This weekend she told us that men cost her votes with women.

I figure that now proves Putin and Moscow and men had greater influence with women than she did. It seems Hillary doesn’t speak for women as much as she thought she did.

That piece is from Glamour magazine:
Hillary recounted:

“Sheryl [Sandberg] ended this really sobering conversation by saying that women will have no empathy for you, because they will be under tremendous pressure—and I’m talking principally about white women—they will be under tremendous pressure from fathers and husbands and boyfriends and male employers not to vote for ‘the girl,'” she said. “And we saw a lot of that during the primaries from Sanders supporters, really quite vile attacks online against women who spoke out for me; as I say, one of my biggest support groups, Pantsuit Nation, literally had to become a private site because there was so much sexism directed their way.” [read]

That is Hillary using what Sandberg told her as validation for why women voted against her the way they did. Hillary must have missed all those nasty, vile attacks against women who supported Trump. Attacks on Trump were justified. What a one way Diva in Denial.

See in Hillary’s world, women may get to vote themselves but Hillary gets to explain why they voted the way they did. If it were Trump or anyone else, there would be demands for proof. Not for Hillary, her blanket assertions are more than enough evidence.

Note to Hillary

So Hillary, here’s an exercise for you. Sit down with a glass of your imported wine and contemplate out of all those votes you lost by… how many of those votes did you lose because of Trump? I’m pretty sure it was the overwhelming number. In reality, he cost you the election. You lost votes to Trump. I think you need to let that sink in.

Come to think of it: Putin, Trump, and now men cost you votes with women. What’s that say about your influence with women? Then why don’t you just blame those women, too, for costing you the election? Go ahead. You already blamed the people that had influence over them. Don’t let women get away with it. Hold their feet to the fire, Hillary.

Of course after her servergate, deleted emails and Benghazi, anyone who buys Hillary’s explanation on anything should have their head examined.

Or maybe you just had one of those delayed “bimbo eruptions” of your own, Hillary.

Trump would beat Clinton on popular vote

Daily Wire [excerpt]

The one consolation Hillary Clinton continues to cling to after her stunning upset at the hands of Donald Trump in November is the fact that she won the popular vote, by about 2 percent (48 – 46), which though ultimately meaningless in the electoral college system, Democrats have attempted to hold up as “proof” that Trump is “not their president.” But buried within a recent Washington Post/ABC News poll is the delicious little nugget that if a rematch were to be held today, Clinton would apparently be stripped of even that moral victory.

The new WashPost/ABC News poll found that while 46 percent of those surveyed said they voted for Clinton and 43 percent said they voted for Trump, asked how they would vote if given a second chance, respondents ended up giving Trump the popular vote win in the hypothetical rematch, 43 – 40.


So instead of wondering why Trump’s support has not weakened, the winner of the election, why don’t they ask where Hillary’s support has gone? It’s melting, at the time she clearly is  plotting a rematch for 2020.  Where have all the Clinton flowers gone?

Meanwhile, Obama told ABC News that he blamed “the bubble,” or the job itself, for the reason he underestimated Trump and his popularity.

“[T]he bubble is the bubble,” he told Stephanopoulos. “And, I think we’ve done a pretty good job staying in touch with the American people. But at a certain point you can’t help but lose some feel for what’s on the ground because you’re not on the ground.”

The problem was not the job, but the person in that job.

No, Obama, its not losing touch with the American people if you never were in touch with the people to begin with. Yet at the same time, he was clearly delusional in his support for Hillary. He used his job “in the bubble” as the predicate to elect Hillary Clinton — who seems to have her own “bubble” of disconnect.

Of course, Obama has yet to admit that in effect he lost to Trump, because Obama was so invested in his legacy and Hillary’s win. Instead, “the bubble did it”.

But the media all carps about Trump’s low numbers? Yet the Dems have still not realized elections do have consequences.

2008: Obama campaign talks to Iran — and ghost of Ted Kennedy

Get ready for a short trip in the way-back machine to 2008.
Obama’s campaign had a series of communications with both Iran and Syria.

Obama Held Secret Talks With Iran, Syria Weeks Before Election

Malkah Fleisher, 02/02/09 | Arutz Sheva
U.S. President Barack Obama employed representatives to hold secret high-level talks with Iran and Syria months prior to his election as president.

United States President Barack Obama employed representatives and experts to hold secret high-level talks with Iran and Syria months prior to his election as president, organizers of the meetings told Agence France Presse on Monday.

Over the past few months, Obama campaign and election officials, as well as nuclear non-proliferation experts, had several “very, very high-level” contacts with Iranian leaders, according to Jeffrey Boutwell, executive director for the U.S. branch of the Pugwash group, a Nobel Prize-winning international organization of scientists. Former defense secretary William Perry, who served in Obama’s election campaign, also participated in some of the meetings, which included discussions on Iran’s nuclear program and the Arab-Israeli conflict. …/

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad affirmed the reports Monday that Obama officials had repeated contact with his country for some time prior to the U.S. elections. “Dialogue started some weeks ago in a serious manner through personalities who are close to the administration and who were dispatched by the administration,” Assad said. ../ Read more

So guess who was talking to Iran months before taking office? I don’t even want to get on the Iranian Valerie Jarrett off-ramp. No SNL skits, only a “thrill up the leg” to media.

Hearings, investigations, wire taps, outrage, Independent Counsel…. don’t be silly.

While we are in the way back machine, let us go a few decades back to 1983. Good ol’ lion of the Senate, Mary Jo Kopechne killer, Ted Kennedy made his grand invitation to the Soviet’s Communist Party, and Yuri Andropov, to come intervene in our election. A quid pro quo. Senator Kennedy was trying to challenge Reagan and needed an edge.

American Thinker

The Democrats are desperately diverting attention away from their rigging the nomination fight by charging that Russia is interfering in our election. But there was a time when going to Moscow to help defeat the other party didn’t seem to disturb Democrats. In fact, with the help of friendly media, the entire incident has been sent to the memory hole. Once upon a time it was revealed, but nobody outside of the conservative ghetto remembers.

So he promised Soviets wide access to the American media to make their case. But how would he assure Soviets of such unprecedented access? Well, Ted won’t be talking, nor anyone else either. Maybe we could ask his media friends? Investigations? FBI probe? Logan Act? Surely you jest.

Media Showdown and conventional history meets metaphor

CNN runs a special called “The End” as Fox starts a daily show called “first 100 days.” Does anything highlight the contrast more than that? The beginning and the end.

On one hand Liberals are in mourning. They look back at radical nostalgia ending while the rest of us, thinking people, are in mourning for what Obama has done to this country.

Conservatives, Republicans, and normal people look forward to Trump coming in to fix some of the many problems — created or magnified by Obama, called accomplishments.

This brings up another thought nicely illustrated by that photo of Obama visiting the Henry Ford Museum, sitting on the bus Rosa Parks rode on. (look it up here )

The picture shows Obama sitting alone on an empty bus from a bygone era, which was famous for what took place on it. Namely Rosa Parks making her stand for civil rights and changing or challenging culture. That was the picture. But it is also a powerful metaphor for Obama and his legacy. Let’s see how much mileage I can get out of it? None of this applies to Rosa Parks but to Obama, who is caught in the nostalgia of it all.

In the end, Obama seems to be alone, surrounded by his failed legacy, staring out a window seemingly oblivious to what all took place. He wanted a coveted spot in the public and he got it. He started off wanting to “fundamentally change” America and our perception of it, only to himself become the chief symbol for what is rotten in Washington. In effect, there was a backfire, like those old buses were prone to do.

Then the big one. Obama’s finale of two terms and his legacy gets derailed and replaced by the newer Trump Train — a popular uprising of disgust from the people. They have had enough, finally, and sent a messenger to demonstrate their conviction. They beat back the status quo rules and establishment to get there. A David vs. Goliath story.

Obama argued that this movement, or man now leading it, was unqualified and ill-suited for the job, and not to be trusted. Trump deserved no seat and his movement was to be blacklisted by putting every label on it the left could, including racist. That further fueled resentment and resistance to the self-serving establishment — government run amuck.

After it all, there sits Obama alone on an empty bus staring outward. Alone on his own bus. He will now have to single-handedly defend his legacy, with help from his allies. But he is the only one who could make the case for his radical legacy. All the others will be just cheerleaders. He now leads his parade of one to secure and protect his legacy.

A moment of history illustrated, metaphorically, by a simple photo of Obama sitting on Rosa Parks’ bus in a dated backdrop. Obama rode on the past racial history to propel himself. He extorted every circumstance to usher in his radicalism as America’s cure, rather than the disease. How’s that for milking a metaphor? (more could be said)

RightRing | Bullright

Boycotting America: the infertile resistance breeds

The week of hypocrisy and double standards, and here we go.

The hearings were one thing, emphasis on race and Russia – not necessarily in that order — but dialogue and media are another which got progressively worse, right on script.

We finished the week by having the self-anointed civil rights leader, John Lewis call Trump’s election and his presidency illegitimate. Anyone NOT see that coming? These people certainly are predictable, if nothing else.

“I don’t see this President-elect as a legitimate president,” Lewis told NBC News Friday. “I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected. And they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton.” – NBC

No, unfortunately, Lewis was not a lone voice. Predictable. He did it intentionally on Friday before MLK Day — which I guess is now ensconced as the day of hate.

Now you would think that Lewis making this statement would be like a bomb going off, and the shock of it from a sitting senior Congressman would outrage people. You would think immediately people would distance themselves from his remarks, en masse. The condemnation would be fierce. And you would think a media outcry would demand every single Democrat condemn his remarks or be condemned. Nope.

Actually, Michelle Obama kicked it off on Oprah saying “we’re feeling what not having hope feels like.” She was praised for saying we have no hope. They cheered her on.

One Democrat pundit said on Sunday, “this is the resistance; this is just what it looks like now.” Ah, “what it looks like now” is short for this is the way it’s going to be. No, it’s actually going to be worse. They know it and so do we. And then their shadow Obama government will be adding to the resistance.

What you would think should be a normal response, in their racist political correctness, now is reversed. Rather than blanket condemnation, the praises for John Lewis came from everywhere: media, Congress, the black community, the public. Hard to find anyone who does condemn his statements.

Remember Joe Wilson, the SOTUS “heckler”? He had the audacity to make a public disagreement with Obama. He got a good talking to from the Republican leadership. And Mitch McConnell, all he said was that job #1 was to make Obama a one-term president. Democrats turned that into a giant insult and classic racism. Justice Alito shook his head. People were called racists for asking questions about Obama’s birth certificate or records — since he really had no trail. Just questioning Obama was blatant racism.

So it was way more than Obama ever received, even before Trump takes office. Now resistance is celebrated. Calls for obstruction ring from every corner of the Left. Respect is out, Resistance is in.(lockstep of course) In fact, the Left even says, proudly, it is following the model that worked so well for Republicans. (choke, gag) Get that, they even blame us for their radical resistance. They blame Russia for the election results. And they blame Trump for the condition of America which preceded any thought of his to run. Now they are trying to even make us own Obamacare.

Well, the total fallout of John Lewis is wide agreement with him. In fact, 23 members of Congress are boycotting the inauguration. It’s the cool thing now to join the resistance. They will institutionalize it, celebrate it, take it into schools and claim it as righteous.

All this deception won’t work. The people have been awakened and are not going to take their eyes off this, We survived their decade of decadence and aren’t happy. Sorry, Dems, don’t even try to out anger us. It ain’t happening. The blame projection won’t work. But they have the towers of media carrying their water, and soon will have every one of their shadow operatives opposing Trump. Exactly the way they did in the general election. Almost as if the election never happened because, to them, it didn’t.

Protests are highly overrated. Respectful protests were fashionable toward Obama, disrespectful protests toward Trump are now in. When Tea Party protests were born, the IRS and media assailed “speaking truth to power” using their big-gov firehouses, under a black president. It was Democrats in the sixties who opposed Lewis and their ‘civil rights’ agenda. Now they blame Republicans but no one is supposed to know the truth.

Now their resistance stuff is all the rage. Resisting what? – doesn’t matter. On the IRS Tea Party scandal, blacks and Democrats stood on the side of big government fire hoses. They stood up and walked out. Eric Holder was in contempt and they stood up for him, who was standing up for Obama. But now they see illegitimacy as the cause de jure.

So the answer, my friend, ain’t blowing in the wind. No, their answer to nothing is to boycott Trump and whatever he does. Take that Mitch McConnell. He let them beat him up for eight years for a benign statement. Then people bent over backwards for Obama. Republicans stood there like deer in the headlights, as radicals ruled the White House and administration. That really worked?

The boycott of Trump takes full shape before the parade or swearing in. What will they do when he’s in office? I think we know. (whatever was not done to Obama) Can’t you smell what the boycott is cooking? It means de facto protesting America and what it stands for, the rule of law. So civil rights or justice are excuses, the real boycott is against America.

And happy MLK Day, for what that’s worth.

RightRing | Bullright