Putin is not in Obama’s mirage

Putin has sized him up.

If you made a sports analogy, you could say Putin acts like the superstar and Obama is like the guy on the bench who never played a full game, let alone scored, with a lot to prove to everyone including himself.

Obama has this ideal mirage but Putin doesn’t fit in the vision, yet he cannot ignore him. Every time Obama wants a coconut Putin is stealing it right before his eyes. Obama hasn’t caught on to the game yet, or figured out a response. So he acts like it doesn’t matter. But Putin is determined to keep going until he gets a reaction from him.

Putin might have been watching CNN Crossfire. Back in March they had an informal poll asking who had the the stronger hand on the Ukraine crisis?

I bet that was every bit of Obama’s loyal support. Putin sure won the perception.

Remember when Kerry said on Meet the Press :

“President Putin is not operating from a place of strength here, Yanukovych was his, you know, supported president. Yanukovych was thrown out, despite Putin’s support. Yanukovych turned on his own people. President Putin is using force in a completely inappropriate manner that will invite the opprobrium of the world and it already is.”

“You just don’t in the 21st century behave in 19th century fashion by invading another country on completely trumped up pre-text, It is serious in terms of sort of the modern manner with which nations are going to resolve problems.”

Apparently no one has informed Putin of that process yet. Maybe Putin has the same problem the American people have, not understanding Obama properly. They told us that if Obama was guilty of anything, it was not explaining the issue clearly enough to us. So we just didn’t understand and still don’t. I wonder why he hasn’t said that to Putin?

And remember when Kerry wanted Putin to get on their freshly built off-ramp? Those mind games and perception illusions didn’t seem to work. Putin didn’t find the off-ramp. If this is a perception battle between Obama and Putin, who wins? Putin has over 85% support-approval in Russia. Obama, in his dwindling 30-some percent and lack of trust, has a huge deficit off the bat. But Obama wants to play the perception game anyway and act like he has the momentum. The problem is Putin understands the reality. It appears to be a zero sum game: as Putin gains Obama loses cred.

Barry, the 80’s called … and boy are they pissed.

Now Putin offers to be peace-maker for Israel and Gaza. Feel the love. That is bigger than it sounds. Even creating a distraction works in Putin’s favor. He offers to jump in the ME. Peace doesn’t have to be the objective. Stalling or diverting action on Iran could be just one side-effect he is seeking. He also threatens to back out on Iran sanctions.

In ‘O8 the Obama campaign ran the ad saying: “The next president will be tested. But here’s what Biden actually said about Barack Obama: ‘They’re gonna find out this guy’s got steel in his spine.'”

So in 6 years now, have we found out anything about Barack Obama? Have we confirmed that spine of steel yet? Putin must see his spine of steel. That is a heck of an image though in the face of Iran going nuclear, Israel under attack, Syria in protracted war, Putin doing cartwheels on Ukraine, Christians being persecuted everywhere, Islamists rummaging through Iraq, and a brand new caliphate declared (I’m looking for an historic precedent for that) — after Obama lectured terrorism was on the decline.

So now that everyone has seen and agrees about Obama’s spine of steel, no one can ask that question anymore. Right? Well, that was Biden’s assertion with the remark that, having sailed through the testing, Obama’s inexperience would not be an issue because he would have proven himself. That mirage illusion. And that was just on the world stage.

At home the border is overflowing with a Tsunami of illegals, scandals everywhere you look in government, ObamaCare challenges, new polls show he is the worst president post WWII, and people do not trust him, all his hype and promises are in the dustbin, an ambassador and 3 Americans killed in a terrorist attack on the eve of his reelection, and lying seems to the course of action whenever questioned, and the IRS — the guardianof Obamacare — is buried in scandal, the VA is mired in scandal. (Even Putin doesn’t seem to have those problems) Hey, on the upside, there are still a cadre of people prodding him to go Executive Order crazy on his opposition.

We’re all seeing the steel arrogance of a dictator to anyone who disagrees with him. He doesn’t show that to enemies of the US in the world. Oh, but he does show it to our allies. Isn’t it strange how that works?

As Vladimir Lenin put it: “Probe with a bayonet. If you meet steel, stop. If you meet mush, then push.”

The wierd twist of hypocritical irony is this: back in his first campaign you can find a slew of comments and words littering the trail. He used terms for fighting about bullies, not taking it lying down, fight, fight for you, and not coming in second.

Wouldn’t you infer something from all that tough talk about the foreign policy and actions of the man in office? It represented toughness, taking the fight to the enemy, and not standing down but standing up to bullies. And you would be completely wrong about him on foreign policy or dealing with enemies etc. Spine of steel is a spine of spaghetti.

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