The Perpetual Candidate


Obama has now made it abundantly clear, if you didn’t get the message before, that his first job and priority is campaigning. The guy can’t meet with any leaders. It might interfere and effect his candidacy. He can’t be honest on recent events, it will hurt his candidacy. He can’t take action on say the debt, because it will hurt his campaign. He can’t talk about his record, it will hurt his candidacy and campaign. He doesn’t even have time for regular briefings.

Get the message loud and clear? Libs, get the bananas out of your ears.

He does the View while squeezing in his UN speech. When it comes to fundraising, even the campaign has to take a backseat. No one forced him to set a billion dollar goal (pricetag) on the office. Anyone who would want this narcissist for a second term is a sadist.

So understand, this is the executive branch, the presidency, the commander in chief — supposedly. The DOI says “that to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men”. That is the purpose of our government. Enter Obama. He can’t even defend the first amendment, and they want him to defend the US or the Constitution…or your rights? That weasel defend the country? Give me a break. In the words of BJ Clinton: “this whole thing is the biggest fairy tale I’ve ever seen”.

His first response to the flare up in the ME is to say how much the government condemns the movie, as they say everyone should. Tell us to condemn the Movie? (remember the hard time he had rebuking Wright?) Second, to round up the perpetrator, the guy who made the movie. Oh, then mention justice as if its an afterthought, or as if he can decide what justice is after all his rhetoric. Justice from a guy who is apologetic about the first amendment.

But the Campaigner-in-Chief actually has a day job, which he evades and ignores. It’s more fun rubbing up to celebs, playing golf, or his other favorite pastime, taking vacations. And when he does take trips, he says one of his big jobs is to scout places to bring Michele. What’s not to love about the job? Oh, the job….that’s it!

21 comments on “The Perpetual Candidate

  1. Davetherave says:

    Excellent “sum-up” of The Frauds mind frame bull! What the f*ck do so many people see in this POS? I know there cannot be over 60 million people in our country that want it to change to a dictatorship, so all that leaves to describe the majority of them are blind, foolish dumb asses. So many proclaim he’s for the middle class, cleaning up Bush’s mess, he’s more in touch with people that Romney…etc. What the hell have they been watching for the last four years? Reruns of Disney’s Cinderella?. I mean I can understand the parity between Cinderella’s and Obama’s style of dressing and sexual likes, but that’s about all I see they have in common.

    I feel like we are living in the land that time forgot, because so many dip shits have forgotten what made our land so great. It sure in the hell wasn’t radical, Marxist ideas for sure…


    • bullright says:

      Dave, well put. I can’t imagine except that people voted last election then put their earmuffs on or put their IPod on full blast ever since. The out of touch thing really bugs me. He’s always been out of touch and out to lunch, as far as most normal working folks. He projects all his faults on his opponents. And the media thinks they get to tell us what our opinions are. Right, its a giant fairy tale. Then he tells us that Islam is a part of our culture and heritage or foundation…or whatever else he was insinuating. And Romney or others are out of touch?


      • Davetherave says:

        Bull, here’s what Obastid said yesterday in front of the UN: “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.” Another underhanded apology to his muzzie bro’s and illustrating who’s side he is on. How about, “The United States will not tolerate anyone committing acts of murder or terrorism against our citizens anywhere in the world for any reason. That action will be answered with the strongest response we have available!” I’m not presidential for sure, but that statement sounds pretty damn presidential to me for someone that loves our country.

        I believe Barry is very in touch with his Marxist agenda, but it’s the far majority of people that will vote for him that are completely out of touch with reality.


        • bullright says:

          Yea, I guess that contingent should scare America as much as Obama.


          • Davetherave says:

            I’m certainly no fan of Teddy Roosevelt, but he did have a damn good saying that should always characterize the United States, ‘Walk softly, but carry a big stick.” We don’t have to be dicks to the rest of the world, but we sure in the hell need to make it clear what our capabilities are and that we will have no problem using them when required. No country can stand up to the US when it comes to our military might and we need to remind them of that as often as we can. And get rid of these new stupid ass rules of engagement. If we are going to send our men/women into harms way, then give them 100% support to kick ass and take names later. This soft shoe approach they have forced down our military’s throat is completely ridiculous!


  2. Davetherave says:

    Bull; if they haven’t yet pick up on this and been running commercials to counter Billythecigar you sure in the hell pointed out one they should. Out of the mouths of perverts, “this whole thing is the biggest fairy tale I’ve ever seen”.


  3. bullright says:

    The tainted polls happen to show Obama up in swing states. And it so happens that early voting started in some states. Anyone think there is a connection?

    And its the main topic MSM is pushing. Just another wierd coincidence?


    • bullright says:

      In 2008, 32.5% of voters in the “battleground states” voted early.


      • Davetherave says:

        There is no doubt in my mind all polls (maybe excluding Rasmussen) are tainted all to hell in Obama’s favor in an attempt to disenfranchise Romney supporters or those that still haven’t decided. IMHO; Romney will win OH, FL, NC and Virginia. I do have to admit that Radical Team Obama is running some damn good, vicious ads right now against Romney that could easily change voters minds, but I believe the ace in the hole is Obama is the incumbent and he’s under 50% approval. I don’t think an incumbent can win a general election when he does not have half the country approving of his job performance. I contribute it simply mathematics and simple logic. Of course way too many times my simplistic logic has proven me to be have a simplistically stupid opinion! 🙂


        • bullright says:

          Dave, great comment. I’m with you. Pretty hard for Obama to run attack ads against Romney (or his ideas) when he has done nothing to improve the country and our stagnant economy. All his big-talk plans were failures. No one has prevented him from improving things, contrary to what he says But no one could prevent him from taking America into the pits either. (determined as he is) His EO’s see to it he has his defiant way. He’ll probably influence some people with his O-reasoning.

          Right, he cannot break that 50 mark no matter how many lies he tells. So now he’s counting on the MSM lies too, to close the deal. At this point if he was Stalin’s illegitimate grandson son he wouldn’t suffer for it, people would still vote for the miscreant. But these foreign policy failures should be biting him in his crotch. At least the arrogant one will galvanize the opposition against himself for a long time.


          • Davetherave says:

            Bull, I read where The Gaffer was hammering a crowd in FL that our debt mess is…go ahead and guess the ending…BUSH’s fault! Even the lib’s fact checker has proven that not to be true, but they keep running it up the flag pole to see who will salute. Another thing I noticed about The Gaffer is he’s great at double talking. And not the lying double talk they all do so well, but the idiot repeats the same sentence back to back all the time. I was LMAO reading excerpts from his speech. A person would have to be absolutely starving to death to eat the crap Joey serves up constantly.

            Oh and Barry; “It’s the Republican’s in congress that have stopped my attempts to fix our economy.” DO WHAT??? When in the hell was the last time Barry even took something to congress for approval? He just rubber stamps everything he wants to do. The only way congress could have looked more useless than they already did was to elect Barry that never pays attention to them!


        • bullright says:

          The election is less than 6 weeks away which means they can start projecting the winner. It really is getting even worse and I didn’t think that was possible. They are already saying debates won’t matter. The day after conventions were over they started calling it for Obama. This has to be the first election won without voting.


          • pepperhawk says:

            Right, Nancy Peloski already said the “race is over”, “Mr. Romney won’t be the president”. If anyone should know she would. She has a crystal ball and a witch’s costume to prove it.


  4. bullright says:

    Dave, (space) “A person would have to be absolutely starving to death to eat the crap Joey serves up constantly.”

    Well, that should make an interesting debate since he’s so loose lipped.
    Do what? LOL really? Funny the only proposals we heard were from Congress, the Repubs in Congress. They really think the people are that stupid. Why don’t they go ahead and bronze him now so they have a statue they can bow to and worship.


  5. pepperhawk says:


    Another excellent article. You nailed it. He’s not really interested in doing the job of president, just being the president so he can use all the perks with the job to transport himself and his bigazz wife around the world sight seeing.


    • bullright says:

      Pepp, thanks you’re right and he can schmooze around with anybody except Bibi. He’ll make time for them. Israel gets the pause button and ‘dinejad says ‘thank you keep it up’. He’s living the high life, “what, me worry?” telling us lie after lie.


  6. bullright says:

    A survey said only 50% of Christians are registered to vote . And only 50% of them voted in 08. So only 25% of Christians voted last time. That’s a sad reality.


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