Standing truth on its head for Hillary

Former CIA Dir Mike Morell put out a scathing op-ed declaring Trump is turned an unwitting agent of the Russian Federation.

That happens at the same time Media and Dems (as if there were a difference) are hell bent in collaboration to demonize Trump. The intentional lying and muddying campaign continue from Hillary. That is Hillary muddying her own record and actions because she cannot explain her record of lies. Then there’s her smear campaign on Trump by any means possible, Morell being the latest attempt.

Yet it continues against Trump. Its a scary thing when the DNC media, and all the establishment and their lackeys team up on one person. Had to know it was coming but to this level I’ve never seen before. There’s a genuine, massive conspiracy for you.

Morell could have just endorsed Hillary, but he wanted to harpoon him. That’s what he should have done. But he had to try to turn him into a Russian agent.

“On Nov. 8, I will vote for Hillary Clinton. Between now and then, I will do everything I can to ensure she is elected as our 45th president,” Morell wrote.

Isn’t that wonderful? Obviously he already is doing everything he can do, including label Trump a Russian agent. Actually, it only makes me wonder more about Hillary and Morell.

But there must be something really wrong with his eyesight.

“Donald J. Trump is not only unqualified for the job, but he may well pose a threat to our national security.”

“My training as an intelligence officer taught me to call it as I see it. This is what I did for the CIA. This is what I am doing now. Our nation will be much safer with Hillary Clinton as president.”

Okay, add to that the recent statements from Obama in his official press conference. He labels Trump unfit and a risk to national security or to be trusted. What hogwash. Obama has been the greatest threat America has had. He’s done more damage than anyone too.

Now here is the problem, if there was anything in question about Trump, he shouldn’t have been putting it out that way. I doubt op-eds are the prescribed method or procedure.

It does open the can of worms though. Obama was caught on a national stage being a dupe to Putin’s henchman telling him that he would have more flexibility after his election. Where was Morell on that? Where was Morell over the past eight years as Obama compromised our security? Oh, sorry, he helped push the phony video narrative on Benghazi, which the rest of us call Lying. What about Muslim Brotherhood ties?

Now he is warning us about a threat when we’ve been living with this growing threat from within for eight years. But you can always count on Leftists to stand truth on its head. Its a natural thing to progressives.

Remember it was Obama who laughed and mocked the Russian threat. He also minimized the threat of Iran too.

“And the 1980’s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back — because the Cold War has been over for 20 years.”

But it is Obama’s failed leadership and foreign policy from Clinton through, that caused the current crisis. He more less put his stamp of approval on ISIS. He set the stage for Libya’s failed state. He encouraged mass illegal invasion on our border. Now he is engaged in bringing Syrian (and who knows from where) refugees into our country and spreading them across the states. Then sanctuary cities. Trump complains and is called an agent?

The leaked DNC memos caused a reaction from Dems. Then Trump made a simple comment about her missing emails. See how quick they jumped on Trump saying he was inviting Russia to hack? (like they need our invitation) Then they said Russia was trying to influence our elections. But when they start to put stories in media about Trump being an unwitting agent, it is they who are trying to influence the election with scare tactics, undermining our election with Russia’s help. That a former CIA director is doing it is way beyond the pale. But then there are no limits.

I used to just see the hypocrisy on a massive scale. Yes but I didn’t realize how intentional it was. It’s not that the Left doesn’t care about being hypocritical, and they don’t. It is that they have so many reasons they need to be hypocritical for their agenda. It’s part of the job. To that end, Mike Morell gladly cooperates in this charade illusion.

Of course the ones we have to watch out for are Hillary and Obama commies, with all the related DC allies, cohorts and operatives. But they don’t want us looking at them. And media doesn’t want to talk about that.

RightRing | Bullright

5 comments on “Standing truth on its head for Hillary

  1. Every Hillary supporter knows exactly who she is yet continue to push for her anointing. There used to be interest in preserving the union but Hillary supporters are clearly interested in establishing a socialist state and will stop at nothing until the constitution is nailed to their outhouse walls. I really think the disillusionment with representative government that started at Nixon was capitalized on by the Clinton WH. Hillary is going to ride this slip-and-slide for all it’s worth. If she wins, chalk up one more reason to watch in the clouds. If Trump wins, chalk up one more reason to watch in the clouds. To think: “Make America Great Again” is to admit defeat… Time to: “get back on” then stay the “Course”…

    One more thought… President #44 wasted money like #42 wasted ammunition – What will Hillary waste should she put on #45 (other than votes, I mean?)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bullright says:

      I think you are right about Nixon’s era. The left just capitalized on it. I think the obvious difference here is Hillary thinks in Politics and Trump thinks in American. Big difference.

      Good point, she’s a scavenger..


  2. Peppermint says:

    Follow the money. It’s all going to end if Trump is elected so a full frontal attack is underway by just about everyone. If Trump survives this it will be a miracle.

    Liked by 1 person
