ISIS and Democrats: apples to apples

Of all the comparisons I have, the one I come back to time and again is comparing Democrats to ISIS, or more directly to Islamic radical terrorists. It works. Some people would say that is a bit extreme. But I think it applies and not in a forced way.

Why? First of all, because radicalism is big part of their strategy. And because terrorizing to influence people is, by nature, their goal. Political objectives of both may be murky at times but it drives their strategy.

Radicalism is the central connection. When I think about the Democrats, and party in particular, the term that always comes up is radicals. Obama confirmed that. After the last 8 years, it is hard to deny Democrats are radical. It’s their M/O and in their DNA.

Now that leaked emails about the inner workings of the DNC and Hillary’s campaign came out, it only confirms what we knew by their own words. Democrats’ talk amongst themselves exposes their mindset.

This could be a very long post…but it’s not. Or as Rep. Ted Poe from Texas says:
… “and that’s just the way it is.

3 comments on “ISIS and Democrats: apples to apples

  1. Peppermint says:

    Radicalization is their big goal. Radicalize everything. I think they are like ISIS too. Terrifying and monstrous in the things they do.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. […] Draining the Swamp is a great metaphor for Washington. Hillary is its ultimate poster child. Her sole identity is the Queen of the Swamp and the greatest single creature in it. Hillary is the metaphor for the Swamp metaphor. According to their rules for radicals, the Aliskyites’ goal is to personalize the issue. And Hillary Clinton personalizes the Swamp perfectly. She is the Swamp creature. Hillary is the bin Laden of the Swamp. […]

