And the Show must go on

Hillary is cranking up the campaign presses but this is her theme in announcing her run.

Hillary campaign

Oh yes, she has decided we need a champion, and she has decided she will be that champion. Oh that smell, I can never get used to it — and hope I don’t.

Americans needed a champion in 2012, to get to the bottom of Benghazi which still hasn’t happened. “Everyday Americans” needed an investigation and explanation of what happened. They got lies about a video and protest in return. Hillary said “what difference at this point does it make anyway?” Champion?

They needed a champion to take on the IRS and the scandal it has become, to stop it from targeting private citizens out of political motives. They needed a champion to stop the usurpation and executive abuse of Obama’s assault on America with his pen and phone. They needed a real Dep of Justice — not a Just-Us department.

They needed a champion to stop the unconstitutional amnesty programs, to force government to enforce the law. They needed a champion to enforce our borders. Anyone? But government told them their perception was the problem.

“We the people” needed a champion to protect us from Obamacare: the creation, the law, the roll out, continued executive fiat, and the damage it is causing. We needed a champion to prevent government abuse of our tax dollars on boondoggles that lost our money.

In short, they need a champion and advocate to protect them from the Federal Leviathan, not someone promising more of the same.

They needed a champion on their side standing up to the tyrant in the White House, and out of control administration with a justice department corrupted from within. They were treated to one scandal after another but told there were no scandals, and that there was not a smidgeon of corruption in the IRS.

What Americans needed and wanted they never got. Americans wanted the ear of their government and got lectures instead. We were told “you didn’t build that”. Obama said we were angry and cling to guns and religion, holding antipathy toward others. We got lectured and called racists. We were told we just didn’t understand Obamacare etc. Middle class Americans and everyone else were lied to, repeatedly. Then they were mocked.

Finally, we got lectured about the Crusades when our national security was threatened, as Americans and Christians were slaughtered in the name of Islamic terrorism. We got an administration refusing to state the objective of Islamic terrorism.

What Americans needed was economic stability but what they got was an assault on the economy and a war on energy, sponsored by their own government.

She tells us what “everyday Americans” really need is a champion. Thanks. Government taking its boot off the throat of the economy and ending its assault on us would help.

So Hillary will stand up for middle-class Americans … from the back of her limousine.

PS: Americans don’t need a champion, they need government to stop its abuse.

7 comments on “And the Show must go on

  1. Hardnox says:

    Smell???????? That’s a stench… sulfur if i’m not mistaken. That bitch is satan’s sister.

    If the R’s, regardless of candidate, can’t beat that bitch with her record then all hope is lost.


  2. the unit says:

    Bullright, been seeing your comments. Don’t know why I haven’t before but this first time I clicked on your site. Going to come check it often. Noticed your quote by L.D. Longstreet on the right. Used to read him often. You know he passed in July 2014?


    • Bullright says:

      Thanks for the comment, anytime. Yes, Longstreet used to have some pretty good commentary. No, I really didn’t. I was looking him up a while back and didn’t see that but knew he had been sick. Thanks.


  3. drrik says:

    Hillary would take the boot off of America’s throat and shove it firmly up our bottoms.

