The invasion crisis, not a humanity crisis

The perennial “refugee” sympathizer squatting in the White House has certainly gotten the information updates. He chooses to ignore them like all the other pertinent briefings he may get from our intelligence. But most of Americans are aware of what is going on in all the countries these so-called refugees fled to. Face it, if there is one issue O-bastid is interested in other than the Climate Change one, it is the plight of the refugees he so closely identifies with. So at least they are on his attention radar — which neither Putin nor ISIS can really claim.

Still what Americans have seen unfold across Europe where refugees have invaded is not a pretty picture. And there looks to be no end in sight, especially for the places they already infiltrated. But we know it is not just Syrians, as it is not just refugees either. They are just fleeing from many places and many of them are the young males. A portion are more closely associated with the Caliphate, ISIS and Islam than they are with democracy or anything like it.

Have people learned their lesson on supporting the Muslim Brotherhood as a means to Democracy and peace? Sure, people may have but our illustrious ‘stuck in ideological mud’ leaders have not. It could be unfolding right in front of them — as it is — and they would deny and ignore any ulterior motives to Islamic transients. What better way to spread a global Caliphate than exporting hoards of thousands, millions from the region infected with it? Of course that would be doing just what they have done all along: ignoring the growing threat to the Western world. It would be just what Obama has done since the inception of the ME crisis, largely spawned and supported by the White House.

Why would he want ours or the world’s attention focused on the crisis now that the consequences became so obvious to the rest of us? He lit the Mid East ablaze, fanned the flames, exported that fire everywhere he could, then stood back and declared ‘what can we really do about it anyway?’ He says things like we cannot send thousands of troops here because what happens when something pops up elsewhere? Do we then send them there too? Yes he would know because he is involved with all those grease fires popping up everywhere. By design he is realizing his dream. He has turmoil everywhere. Funny how he can be involved in the turmoil everywhere and claim that we cannot be everywhere. And use that as an excuse not to respond to it. Does it sound like anything else, like maybe our illegal immigrant crisis? It is not Assad’s mess, it is not Iran’s mess, it is not Russia’s mess, it’s not George Bush’s mess, it is not even ISIS’s mess. It is Obama’s mess.

While the invaders flow through the free world to infect everywhere they descend, we are reaping the product of his policies and his strategies. He’s made the problem so big that we now dare not do anything but watch the world burn with radicalism as he lectures us on Climate Change. What great irony is that? Everyone will be fine if we just cut our emissions, or have our throats slit by Islamic terrorists hell bent on taking over the world and enforcing their global Caliphate. Do numbers, of them, really matter when we have seen the sinister effects from just tens of thousands of them? But then Obama doesn’t seem to care that it is growing as fast as the flames can spread it. Rather he has more respect for ISIS than he has for us. His only mission seems to be not putting it out.

But, as typical, Obama lectures us on what the Statue of Liberty says.
Well, what it does not say is:

Bring me your your rebellious insurgents and ideological warriors to wreck our peace, justice, prosperity, and undermine our Republic. Give me your suicide bombers and jihadists. Come here to take over not assimilate.

There is no country too far out of reach of the Climate Caliphate, for Obama, and there is no country or place worth saving from Islamic radicalism or their Caliphate.

RightRing | Bullright

13 comments on “The invasion crisis, not a humanity crisis

  1. the unit says:

    Baby you’ve lit my fire…late at night of course right now. I known to fart during the night, forget snoring. Light ’em up. Might bring new swat broach without search warrant. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. peppermintfarm says:

    Excellent article Bull. You nailed the whole mess.


  3. Davetherave says:

    Damn good article Bull. You nailed this one buddy.

    I’m keep going back and forth with Barry wondering is he crazier than a loon, disconnected with reality or just help bent on destroying the Western way of life. My conclusion at this moment is I’d check all three.

    Barry is not smart enough to have planned this all so well. But he is not so stupid he just lucked into it either. At times he suffers from tunnel vision and others he can see the entire world on fire at his doing. I will say the rat bastard is the most personally ironic jackass I’ve ever seen.

    You really did a great job laying this mess out in a way even the commie liptards should be able to understand. Well they probably do, then again don’t give a shit as long as their simple minded interest are being met.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Bullright says:

    Liked by 1 person

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