Ayers in chronic denial

First there was Bill Ayers and his Weather Underground domestic terrorism. Then there was Kent State, then there was the rise of Islamic terrorism, then there was the Boston Bombers. (an abbreviated list to be sure) But now we have Bill Ayers doing Iran, some form of terrorist diplomacy known only to Iran and Ayers.

But what he said was not in code. It was very clear. Brietbart

“…he proclaimed that the United States is a “terrorist nation” that is the “greatest purveyor of violence on earth… and the foremost threat to world peace.”

I mention it because he used similar rhetoric in 2013 at the Kent State anniversary. The Daily Caller reported:

Ayers reportedly said that the United States is the most violent country that has ever been created.

Ohio.com: Ayers said the task is “….to be astonished at both the beauty of the world and the unnecessary suffering we visit on the world. And then to act.”

At Kent State, he somehow managed to deny the moral equivalence of what he and his group did with jihad terrorists like Boston Bombers. Again, reasoning known only in his mind that he’s a righteous hero, while they aren’t? He’s an “activist” but Jihadists are just… terrorists.

In an interview with Megyn Kelly, he said he cannot say he would not rise up again in a “very militant and serious way” against the US. So there you have it. But we should not confuse what he and his cohorts did with standard terrorism. I’m sure his cushy pension via academia allows him the freedom to make such proper distinctions.

The Blaze: Kelly later pressed Ayers on one of the more controversial statements he’s made since becoming an academic. He is quoted as saying, “I can’t quite imagine putting a bomb in a building today— all of that seems so distinctly part of then. But I can’t quite imagine entirely dismissing the possibility, either.”

Ayers confirmed that he can’t say for sure that he would never again rise up against the “violent” United States in a “very militant and serious way.” However, he said at 70 years old such a prospect is unlikely. Still, he made it clear he, like his wife, is not “committed” to an ideology of “nonviolence.”

Apparently, at 70, Ayers is not up to the physical demands of terrorism. I bet he and the Iranians would have much to discus about human rights, civil rights agendas et al.

The central deciding factor in Ayers’ mind appears to be the ‘motive’ — his vs theirs. If so, then I bet Islamic terrorists would disagree that their 1400 year-old religious grievances are not quite up to those righteous standards.

RightRing | Bullright

DNC plumbing the depths with PP

Democrats, DNC or DCCC have some election ads calling Republicans and conservatives extremists and radicals for being anti-Planned Parenthood.

Imagine, in 2014 it is considered “radical” and extremist for a candidate to oppose an institutional baby-killing agenda. So being pro-life is now radical.

Here is just one of many ads from Dems and the DNC with a common message .


Nan Hayworth:
“I am proud to be a radical.” — [speech to Sons of Liberty in 2010 ]
Tea Party millionaire Nan Hayworth.  She calls herself a radical.
But what does that mean for you?
Hayworth opposed a woman’s right to choose.
And voted to eliminate funding for Planned Parenthood.
And on Social Security, Hayworth wants to risk seniors’ benefits on Wall Street.
So now, when Nan Hayworth says:
Nan Hayworth:
“I am proud to be a radical.”
We know exactly what she means.
The DCCC is responsible for the content of this advertising.

We know exactly what Dems mean. It leaves little doubts. A war on babies has been transformed into some Republican “war on women”.

In another ad, a Democat is praised as an “advocate” for Planned Parenthood. Yet the same candidate claims to stand against special interests — “reducing the influence of special interests”.

Being considered radical or extreme for pro-life positions is how far, or low, we’ve come.
War on humanity anyone? What if the 50 million plus cast their votes?
What’s your definition of radical?

RightRing | Bullright