Obama: Profiles In Lies

Let’s get this straight: the guy who lied about Bengazi, lied about Obamacare — just to get it passed — who promised Putin and Russia more flexibility after his last election, (when he’d no longer be accountable to voters), who rejected accountability, the guy who voted present in Illinois on all the tough votes — Obama.

That guy deserves a Profiles in Courage award?

“It is my fervent hope, and the hope of millions, that regardless of Party such courage is still possible. That today’s members of Congress regardless of party are willing to look at the facts and speak the truth, even when it contradicts party positions.

I hope current members of Congress recall that it actually doesn’t take a lot of courage to aid those who are already powerful, already comfortable, already influential; but it does require some courage to champion the vulnerable.”

The “vulnerable” – unless, of course, it is babies or life in the womb who deserve abortion. And call that “social justice.” too. You channel that courage so well, Obama.

Was it for courageously meddling and intervening in Israel’s election, in Egypt’s election, supporting the Muslim Brotherhood, refusing to call it Radical Islamic Terrorism?

Obama, the guy who lacked a strategy to deal with ISIS, who called them a JV team. The guy who drew a red line and ran away from it. The guy who wore the race card on his lapel to provide immunity from criticism. The guy who only wanted positive reports back from our military operations. Courage, expedience… he lectures Congress?

Those courageous feats, and more, earn him the Profiles in Courage Award from the JFK Library. The words Obama and courage do not belong in the same paragraph.

H/T to the Guardian

Defending the Indefensible

I’m almost amused by the political dialogue — to use the term loosely — of the left these days but if one thing sums it up, it would be defending the indefensible.

They apply those talents to Obamacare. What is there to defend? It is a total mess even for doctors and healthcare professionals, and prices are going through the roof. But if anyone can defend that it would be Democrats or the liberal left. Calling that a success is sort of like calling the burnig of Rome a strategic victory.

It isn’t the only place they’ve applied their expertise.They defend Obama’s sham legacy, his leading from behind foreign policy. He doubled the national debt….. “winning!”

Finally, Trump has taken the opportunity to say he was left a big mess all over. That was a strange way of securing Obama’s legacy. Now that Trump elegantly points that out, shrieks come from thhe heckler section. Dare he say that? Mess is an understatement.

Remember Obama’s doctrine was “don’t do stupid shit!” Apparently they didn’t follow their own doctrine. Unless fertilized evil was their idea of smart?

The Democrat party is in a scorched-earth campaign to deny the effects of the last 8 years, and to defend the entire scandalous, evil hole called Obama’s legacy. But it was a pretty big giveaway how bad it is when their biggest claim was Obama had a scandal-free administration for eight years. And Valerie Jarrett echoed that across liberaldom.

Leading from behind and “don’t do stupid shit” being pillars of that tenure. If it looks like and quacks like a duck, guess what? It ain’t a pig. Besides, there isn’t enough lipstick to cover this mess. But who’s trying? How quick their perspective changed from a yellow brick road under a rainbow; to a black plague in every corner with red-alert problems everywhere, just as he leaves. They can complain about leadership now.

On one hand they’ll be defending, on the other they’ll be condemning everything, everywhere. Their hope and change turned to Mope and Complain.

RightRing | Bullright

Making my list, checking it over

Let me check my end of the year list, not quite complete:

I mentioned the hypocrisy of the left.
I mentioned the evil nature of the Left
I mentioned the inability of the Left to relate to real, working people.
I mentioned the arrogance of Obama, Hillary and Democrats.
I mentioned how we are worse off now, practically than ever in history.

The world is more dangerous now than before Obama controlled the White House.
I wrote about reasons for supporting Trump, and some of the problems coming.

I mentioned what Islamists are doing to threaten and bring down America.
I mentioned political correctness, the favorite tool to push the Left’s agenda.
I said a lot about Russia, and where politicians failed to confront serious threats.
I talked about Christian victims and the Islamic agenda.
I mentioned most of the problems with ISIS and the caliphate.
I mentioned the stupidity of Democrats and some Republicans.
I mentioned the failure of the establishment and leaders to take people seriously.
I covered the mockery of Christians and their values everywhere.

I talked about the absurdity of the claim Trump was wrong for Christians.
I listened to all their absurd arguments on….well, everything.
I dignified their bafoonery by just talking about their schemes and motives.
I tried reasoning with the unreasonable Left.
I pointed out ruling class elitists and establishment don’t get it – and don’t care.
I’ve given much more time an energy to it all than they really deserve.


As to conclusions, well, that’s a deep subject. If enlightenment was the age of reason, then we are now in the age of anti-reason. That’s the point: the left no longer wants to explain, or even defend, what they do.

They just claim it is their inherent right to force their political ideology on everyone. And it is a political ideology. The harder it is forced down our throats the better they like it. The people who preach tolerance actually do not want to get along with anyone. Conflict is their means and their motive. Have you ever heard people talk so much about revolution while they were actually in control?

Hope and Change

Change is coming, change happened; but the naysayers are still wallowing in their denial. For eight years they talked about hope and “change.” Now it finally happened and boy are they pissed. We proved they really wanted no change at all, only total control.

Why didn’t they just say that instead of claiming to want change? Change you can believe in was total control, which is the only thing they do believe in. But total control does not require belief… only submission.

After the election, they are still campaigning only to overturn the results of the election. So they appeal to electors to overturn the results of the electoral college. They are never really satisfied, even when they get what they want. Or especially when they get what they want because then they just want more.

Red Scare

Hillary’s campaign and Democrats now complain about the influence Russia had in the election — or how much it hurt her. But then they claim Hillary won the popular vote by almost 3 million people. What is their point? So maybe they mean Russia hurt her electoral college path. Hmm, how’s that?

What about the Russiaphobia they spread about Trump? Do they care what effect that had? How about when Mike Morell, former CIA director, called Trump an unwitting agent of the Russian Federation? Do they really want to talk about the Russian effect? How about when they claimed Trump could not be trusted with the nuclear codes? But Hillary had a rogue server risking national security but they are talking about threats? Nuclear. The idea was to present Trump as a bigger security threat than Hillary.

What have we learned? As Solomon said, there is nothing new under the sun. Any means to their ends — or to clarify it, their means has no ends. Yet it is an incomplete list.

Now Michele Obama is out of hope, once again. No longer is she “proud” of America.
Fleeting pride didn’t take long. It makes me wonder what her hope was really in?

Feelings, “nothing more than feelings”:

[ABC]Obama said Russian President Vladimir Putin “is well aware of my feelings about this, because I spoke to him directly about it.”

Obama declined to say how the U.S. planned to respond, but White House press secretary Josh Earnest said Wednesday that Obama believes in a “proportional response.”

President Obama, the guy who promised Putin more flexibility in his second term, now says he told Putin to “cut it out” on DNC and Hillary’s campaign hacking. He warns the cyber threat is real…like the Russian threat, Syria, ISIS, and a near-term North Korea problem — all second only to that immediate Climate Change threat. Check!

RightRing | Bullright

Cooked Books on ISIS and beyond

Yet another symptom of the national disease rears its ugly head.

Scathing House Intel Report on ISIS Fuels Trump’s Attack

Foreign Policy Magazine
A new report showing the Pentagon exaggerated its battlefield successes gives the GOP nominee fresh ammunition in the political fight over the terror group’s rise.

A new congressional investigation has concluded that senior military officials presented an overly positive spin on the progress of the U.S. fight against the Islamic State, but its initial findings stopped short of explicitly charging the Obama administration with cooking the books.

The White House shouldn’t break out the champagne: The findings could still be a lose-lose proposition for both the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton just as Donald Trump appeared to be on the ropes amid plunging poll numbers and sharp attacks from members of his own party. […./]

Read more

Funny how media always stops short of accusing Obama or Hillary of cooking the books. Where else does the direction come from? Well, FBI Dir Comey stopped short of saying Hillary should be prosecuted. However, Hillary and Obama are the two people most in need of prosecution in America. But that has been turned into a taboo.

A new area of investigation of Hillary’s Clinton Fundation corruption popped up and what happened? Loretta Lynch said it was more political so a case is not warranted. But the media can come out afterward to (1)clean up the news damage and (2)to say they did cover and talk about it, to say there was not much there. See that is the racket: no one can say MSM actually buried it, they just buried the truth about it.

The next step is Hillary and Bill will try to claim that DoJ’s failure to open the investigation was a validation that they did nothing wrong. (they’ve played that game for years) Who else could use a taxpayer-funded investigation failure as a political victory? Can you say Clintons? Look how much time and money these two cretins cost taxpayers.

Now we have the confirmation of cooking the books with false intelligence on ISIS progress. Nothing to see there for media. Except when the US uses phony intelligence to make policy it is very dangerous. Trump’s statement about Obama and Hillary being honorary founders of ISIS is a serious, egregious charge. Cooking our intelligence, because the C-in-C does not want bad news about ISIS, is no big problem to media. Imagine a Republican doing that? It must go to the President because he is in charge. We knew this was going on but when confirmation comes out it gets whisked away, like ISIS, as if it didn’t exist.

What scares many people is we know how important intelligence is. To have that cooked is akin to aiding and abetting the enemy.It puts our nation and military at risk because our policy and strategy is based on that intelligence. A foreign agent would like to taint our intelligence to compromise our mission. What is Obama doing then?

Obama vacations in style at Martha’s Vineyard preparing for his exit with faulty intelligence at his fingertips, which could jeopardize our country and future missions. He’s the Margaretta Commander in Chief. We even have an enemy he cannot name.

Accountability means nothing to Obama or the perfumed heiress Hillary. So he’s with her, she’s with him, Dems are with her and we are screwed. Where do they get off calling Trump a risk? Where are military, CIA, national security spokesmen who politically attacked Trump as unqualified? …It makes me sick.

RightRing | Bullright

What did Charlie Daniels say?

I saw this article from November, 2013 and I was mostly through it cheering before I realized it was written by Charlie Daniels. Normally I’m aware of his writings when I read them. But at least you will know in advance who wrote it. It is all the more true now. A few selected excerpts:

The government that was founded to serve the people has turned the equation around and now they believe that the people are supposed to serve the government. That we should be willing to put up with whatever taxes they choose to levy, to abide by every ridiculous rule or regulation their bureaucratic little minds can conceive and allow them to regulate every facet of our lives…while they live above the law out of the clutches of Obamacare and shrinking retirement plans.

They pass out billions of dollars in contracts to their political allies and subsidize companies that have no hope of succeeding while they exempt those they choose from the programs they’re forcing the rest of the country into.

They can hire thousands of agents to enforce their will on the public.

They can forsake Americans in the Foreign Service – leave them to die without even attempting to rescue them.

They can look into a television camera and lie with a straight face.

Amidst all this passivity, however, there is great frustration, a smoldering, white-hot anger that only awaits a rallying point to ignite and become the most motivated political force in this nation.

If there has ever been a time in the history of this country for a true leader to step forth, it is now.

Read at: http://www.cnsnews.com/commentary/charlie-daniels/what-has-happened-america

This was worth going back to read, in the context of when it was written of course. But since then, even more has been exposed about this cauldron of corruption going on.

Is it any wonder now, a few years later, the way the election process has unfolded?

More of his articles: http://www.cnsnews.com/author/charlie-daniels

Obamacide and Islamocide in motion

Hi, my name is Islamophobia, and I’m back to haunt the annals of your conscience. I will tell you what a horrible person you are for thinking that people murdering innocent people in cold blood is not politically correct to worry about or blame on Islam. Surely you know that Islam is not the problem, well, don’t you? You must understand that the great numbers of Muslims worldwide qualifies them, on one hand, as a major force of influence in the world; while on the other as minority victims in any situation. You must understand that it is not all Muslims committing these terrible acts and terrorism. You certainly cannot hold all us Muslims responsible for those committing this barbarism. Oh, didn’t we tell you that we (whatever entity we are) condemn those atrocious acts of violence? Are you too stupid to understand that? So, banning all Muslims? Hasn’t your Islamophobia got the best of you? Chill.

This is the mental exercise we receive from Obama and the left every time one of these “tragedies” happen. But they blame guns when it is the evil hearts of blood-crazed barbarians that commit these atrocities. Dumb people who thought somehow electing someone sympathetic to a fault with Islam, if not a Muslim, would somehow appease these titans of terror. Dummies that thought a person raised in Indonesia, and bathed in radicalism of the worst sorts, would lead to a more united country. People that assuaged their own psychosomatic guilt to first, believe in him without a shred of proof, then elect him untested and unvetted to the highest office in the land — and who could not even admit their mistake once it became obvious.(even to everyone else in the world)

Obama is to the left what the Kool Aid was to Jonestown, the final fatal solution. As long as they believe in their own clueless intentions — an act of faith — it doesn’t matter what real results are produced. Just ignore those at any cost. Actually, they are about as good at ignoring them as Muslims are in ignoring effects and results of Islam.

So the poison has become their prescribed cure.

You can trace and follow the same sort of logic on abortion. The 58.5 million, and counting, dead babies are only an inconvenient fact. The solution to which is more dead babies as a sanctified right. Religion is a factor in all because they require a tenant of faith and belief as the underlying premise. The problem that exists in Islam, under that errant prognosis, calls for more conversions to radical Islam and a wider berth for “the religion of peace.” It is a cycle but you cannot untie it from the evil nature of the circular logic. If it made sense, correctly, then it wouldn’t be a problem because the solutions would be obvious.

Just as the solution to Obama’s scandals, his failed policies, or treasonous actions would be. But no one wants to look at those solutions, which would admit they were wrong to this point. The same applied to Benghazi. They cannot simply look at the obvious truth now, since their actions in Libya were based on their failed perception and faulty projection. All of these are traceable back to belief — errant belief at that. People believe Obama is the answer, not the problem. Muslims believe Islam is the answer, not the problem. Leftists believe abortion is the answer, not the horrible genocide it is.

It does go back to the battle of good and evil. (a semantics paradox) Pro-lifers understand better than anyone how insidious the evil is. On one side you have people celebrating death and on the other we celebrate life. Which is the preferred virtue? Yet we are in a fallen world, the signs of which are all around us confirming it.

RightRing | Bullright

Relativism’s poisonous arrows

Relativism is the poisonous mix, especially when you compound it with narcissism, ideology, politics. So Obama goes on his anti-Crusade tirade. Christians take note.

Every crisis, relativists rear their rose-colored faces to tell us not to worry about it.(insert Titanic analogy) It’s only media driving this fear mongering. Your chances of getting attacked by ISIS is nothing compared to traffic accidents, or medical error, etc. Yep, Islamic State terrorism is the non-existent threat. Ignore history.

Yes to worrying about Global Warming, Climate Change, or pipelines and lizards, and evil businesses making money. Even worse, evil Republicans winning elections. Do worry!

Obama takes to the airwaves with a friendly interview from an Internet media site. He wastes no time in aiming at the media for reporting the bad news, for ratings sake. Almost makes me want to put on the “Dirty Laundry” record. Excuse me, but the guy who plays the media frenzy to the max, for his own sake, is Obama himself. Though the Gothic columns have faded and the seas have not stopped rising. But with his “dirty little fingers in everybody’s pie” it’s hard to discourage Obama’s tour de force, let alone ignore him.

Meanwhile, just note the consistent smirk on the face of Josh Earnest as he is forced to answer the urgent questions of the day. “What, me worry?”

Barack Hussein-Chamberlain Obama

Not Obama’s words but:

We should seek by all means in our power to avoid war, by analyzing possible causes, by trying to remove them, by discussion in a spirit of collaboration and good will. — Neville Chamberlain

Obama has not come to terms with the idea that others do not want to discuss, or that others do not want peace. In fact, both are antithetical to their Islamist plans.He has so much in common with Chamberlain it is uncanny. No one can deter him.

In all the world, we are the one country with the know how and means to fight the Islamic terrorism. No other country is equipped or has the experience, good or bad, to do it.

But we have an administration that just wants to confuse and dilute all that into a P/C stew. Rather than applying our expertise, experience and might, we have confused and deterred our objectives. We don’t even call it what it is: Islamic driven terrorism.

Obama’s half-hearted if deceitful efforts to oppose something aimed at the foundation of freedom is a distant objective. He’s busy laying his “foundation” on sand. (shifting sand at that)

No, we didn’t build that. When did we become apologists for our enemies? We were somehow able to call communism what it  is, fascism what it is, and Nazis what they were. Why should this be different?

But at the same time, WH chief of staff Denis McConough bravely used the first name of a hostage in Syria ISIS has been holding since 2013, after her family asked them not to. Last year the WH outed the CIA station chief in Afghanistan. But using appropriate names or labels for terrorists is a problem and forbidden by the WH. They use names and labels freely when they want.

RightRing | Bullright

Obama in the sea of denial

Now leaks from senior officials reveal a family feud engulfing the land of disenchantment. Not content sitting in his Ebola and national security meetings.

Leak week: Obama team shows signs of strain as anonymous officials take gripes to media

Published November 01, 2014 | FoxNews.com

WASHINGTON – The White House ship is springing some leaks.

Trouble-making personnel inside the Obama administration have taken to the press at a steady clip in recent days to badmouth senior officials, as well as a key American ally. And as President Obama enters his seventh year in office, the whispers and potshots are running the risk of undermining the once-cohesive image of the “no drama Obama” team.

Whether it’s a few leaky apples or the sign of a larger morale problem is unclear. But several stories with sharp-edged quotes attributed to unnamed administration officials have culminated in an embarrassing week for the White House — complete with plenty of backpedaling and clarifications to assert a polished narrative that all is well.

But the tarnish may be showing.

Frustrated officials have started to air their grievances on everything from the current relationship between the U.S. and Israel to the military response in Syria.

The latest batch of stories started on Monday, when The Atlantic magazine quoted an anonymous official describing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a “chickenshit.” The comment follows weeks of heated exchanges between Netanyahu’s government and Washington over disputed settlement-building.

“The thing about Bibi is, he’s a chickenshit,” the official was quoted as saying.

The article caused a furor, as Republicans demanded accountability for the anonymous insult to America’s ally. White House and State Department officials insisted the remark does not reflect the administration’s views, and White House officials reportedly were calling lawmakers to hammer home that point.

Oh, the tarnish is showing all right.

Just when you think he reached an all time low, you have this which probably is more dear to Obama’s desires than anything.

The shots aren’t just coming from inside the administration, either. On a lighter note, another influential figure badmouthed the president this week — Michael Jordan.

When asked about the president’s golf game during a recent interview Jordan said, “I’ve never played with Obama, but I would.” He added, “I’d take him out. He’s a hack and I’d be all day playing with him … I never said he wasn’t a great politician. I’m just saying he’s a shi–y golfer.”

Obama is in direct conflict with himself.

As one NYT’s columnist preforms an autopsy on Obama’s demise, he says in “How Obama Lost America”: “The public’s confidence is gone, and it doesn’t seem to be coming back.

Well, yea but in listing possible causes he stumbles on a pertinent one. The big feather in Obama’s hat — as fictional as it was — was foreign policy. Like it or not, and I don’t, he was constantly trying to beat up Mitt Romney projecting his own steady hand on foreign policy. As with everything about Obama, it didn’t have to be true. Perception is king, long as you can make enough people believe it. So there were the carps to Romney about the 80’s calling and wanting their foreign policy back. Others misunderstood the real threats.

So now that the Obama dynasty is deconstructing faster than Humpty Dumpty can fall, he is left with the reality of nothing in his quiver of lies. The foreign policy component is now a proven failure. He has nothing left with which to throw at his opposition. So the best he could muster was that these are all the folks who supported me in 08, and reaffirmed it in 2012. In other words, I still won in the last election. As to actual accomplishments or successes, they matter not. And in other words, keep believing despite what you see all around. It is the echo of all infamous tyrants and dictators in the final scene.

NYT frames it this way:

The public trusted him on foreign policy. But that trust began to erode with the Edward Snowden affair, it eroded further during our non-attack on Bashar al-Assad last fall, and recent events in Ukraine and Iraq have essentially made Obama’s position irrecoverable: His approval rating on foreign policy is around 35 percent in most recent polling.

And so, once again, I have to ask about the sanity of that 35% who do find approval with his foreign policy? The piece goes on to add that this disapproval is not an indictment of the liberal ideology, but only on the misapplication of it. So salvage the ideology at the expense of Obama. That is the message.

In a Politico piece, “Another Obama veteran adds, “the bully pulpit is gone, maybe forever.”” Well, that is drastic!

But defiant Obama admits having plans, in the event of a Republican Senate, to roll out a bunch of Executive actions to set Republicans back on their heels. But with the bully pulpit gone?

And now his aides have nothing to look forward to except the “Obama comeback story.” Faulty caricatures be damned.

RightRing | Bullright

DNC plumbing the depths with PP

Democrats, DNC or DCCC have some election ads calling Republicans and conservatives extremists and radicals for being anti-Planned Parenthood.

Imagine, in 2014 it is considered “radical” and extremist for a candidate to oppose an institutional baby-killing agenda. So being pro-life is now radical.

Here is just one of many ads from Dems and the DNC with a common message .


Nan Hayworth:
“I am proud to be a radical.” — [speech to Sons of Liberty in 2010 ]
Tea Party millionaire Nan Hayworth.  She calls herself a radical.
But what does that mean for you?
Hayworth opposed a woman’s right to choose.
And voted to eliminate funding for Planned Parenthood.
And on Social Security, Hayworth wants to risk seniors’ benefits on Wall Street.
So now, when Nan Hayworth says:
Nan Hayworth:
“I am proud to be a radical.”
We know exactly what she means.
The DCCC is responsible for the content of this advertising.

We know exactly what Dems mean. It leaves little doubts. A war on babies has been transformed into some Republican “war on women”.

In another ad, a Democat is praised as an “advocate” for Planned Parenthood. Yet the same candidate claims to stand against special interests — “reducing the influence of special interests”.

Being considered radical or extreme for pro-life positions is how far, or low, we’ve come.
War on humanity anyone? What if the 50 million plus cast their votes?
What’s your definition of radical?

RightRing | Bullright

Gitmo, open borders and speech

Obama will do anything possible to close Guantanamo, while he refuses to close the borders in this country as problematic.

A planned terrorist attack in Fort Hood must be called something more palatable than terrorism. A woman is beheaded by a coworker shouting Islamic phases, and aligns himself with ISIS, but somehow cannot be labeled terrorism. Yet they commonly label any criticism of certain individuals or groups as hate speech.

Hurt certain people’s feelings and it is “hate speech”. Killing people to terrorize masses of others cannot be called terrorism.

The left pushes the hate speech agenda, and wants to create laws to censor what people can say. But they really want to close Gitmo. Hating Gitmo does not qualify as hate speech.

People can destroy a whole community in Ferguson and call it a “civil rights” demonstration. No civil rights need apply to property and business owners.

Tens and tens of thousands of illegals invading our border calls for humanitarian aid. They claim our duty is to meet and care for all the needs of illegals. Aid and security to citizens by enforcing the border laws is suddenly inhumane. Elián González eat your heart out.

“Hate speech” and “racism” labels are acceptable catchall words; their use is encouraged to improve dialogue and debate.

RightRing | Bullright

Providence votes in disagreement

This takes a little explaining but I’ll try. The last few weeks reinforce my opinion that there just might be some method in all this madness. It’s a working theory.

Let me start by acknowledging all those loud voices against foreign involvements of any kind. Oh, it makes for some good soundbites. Generally, a lot of people agree with that evidenced by Ron Paul’s popularity. There are good points. There are also limits and extremes, though this is not about the validity of that theory.

Into that backdrop and sentiment came Obama into office. He attempted to project his success in that philosophy, as well as his overall ideology. Then came his second campaign and, besides all other problems, he made anti-war the central issue. “Osama bin Laden is Dead and GM is alive.” Biden said that was the bumper sticker for the campaign, despite reality. Obama’s inaction toward foreign wars was supposed to be his greatest achievement. And they eventually caught bin Laden, even if it was only a matter of time. He rode the victory lap long and hard on that right into the campaign.

Then came Benghazi. After years complaining that Bush took his eye off the ball, a terrorist attack happens. No sooner did it happen than he was figuratively and literally in full campaign mode when they began lying and standing truth on its head. They had already been spinning the Libya adventure, declaring it a validation of Obama’s approach and trying their organizing touch with their Muslim Brotherhood connections.

That was just the backdrop for what happened. As hard as team Obama tried to project his utopian vision, events took place to defy it. Well, they still argued that not only were they correct but things were going swimmingly smooth.(or they pointed to Bush) Regardless of the talk, one Mid-East uprising after another went awry under his studious leadership, if you followed their narrative about it all. They tried to reassure everyone things were working as planned. Biden had claimed Iraq would be their big success story.

But they were so busy running from and trying to rewrite Benghazi to notice what was happening — or to see the overall message. The people caught on but they didn’t. And they dug in even further, calling Benghazi a manufactured and made-up scandal just like they called Fast and Furious. It was standard protocol to deny any truth about it.

Here is the point. It was somewhere between the middle of his fist term and Benghazi. He painted a portrait that seemed nothing like reality, and the sales pitch for it became harder and harder. There never was an attempt to work with others — as Obama claimed he had always done. No, those lies aren’t the real point either. But what happened every time was as if divine providence proved him wrong.

As he was writing off Iraq as ‘his’ success story, it was falling apart. As he was betting on the Arab Spring, it got sprung by his Mo-Bros and radicals. Just like he’d declared success in Libya it fell apart. As he swore off action with a red line in Syria, with a warning not to use chemical weapons, what happened? Hello chemicals. He then declared it a success after Putin cut him off at the pass, and detoured it. Success was now an agreement, he claimed. He was applying the same negotiation strategy with Iran, and again prematurely calling it progress and success.

Now do you notice what happened every time, almost as if planned? The truth showed its head every time. So the message was always there, we could see it. I believe, and it is only my opinion, that the truth was saying “you cannot hide me, and I am not going away.” Despite what Obama did, it seemed truth would not be hidden from view. As stubbornly arrogant as Obama is, the truth appears as stubborn.

They start with deception: but the JV, regional ISIS begs to differ. No threats in this country, then people are caught at the border with ISIS ties ( plus those who got by). Napolitano said we had a border perception problem. Yea, a 20/20 problem. You can’t hide 60,000 illegals storming the border. Why make the statements? No shutdown of government, voila shutdown. Obamacare will save money, facts be damned. Clapper said we aren’t wittingly collecting Americans’ information. Obama said there was “ not even a smidgen of corruption” in the IRS scandal. Hello.

Obama rolled out his signature Obamacare putting so much emphasis on their success beforehand that it could not live up to it on any level. Even worse, the process to roll it out was so flawed it was laughable. Do you see a little humor in that? I know it wasn’t funny but it was like Providence was playing its hand again. The irony of truth, in spite of what they said and did. With all the ObamaCare hype, you’d think at least the problem-plagued program could roll out without creating even more disaster than it already was.

Even with help from mainstream media, they could not completely hide the truth. Benghazi blew up in their face, after they thought they had killed it. Then came the IRS scandal. Each time they defiantly ignored it. Then the sequester testified.

Obama portrays himself as patient and wise. Events don’t validate it. Almost the harder they try to project their narrative, someone is saying “not so fast…you can’t get away with all those lies.” You probably know what I think. But it would be hard to suggest Obama is going along completely undeterred. Oh, nothing has stopped him so far. No lightning bolts prevented his machinations. At the same time, the truth was not allowed to be buried. Lord knows they tried. Obama makes some pronouncement and within a day or two facts say the opposite. I have to see a little method to this madness. I almost look forward to the next pronouncement so truth can vote its conscience.

“Something in the depths of our souls…tells us that the world may be more than a mere combination of events.”-Louis Pasteur

RightRing | Bullright

Welcome to Circleville, formerly USA

(no offense to any towns named Circleville.) A little venting, and then some.

Circleville is a place that used to be just called USA, but much has happened to change that. Now its a place where upside down is rightside up, down is up, in is out, and most arguments are shrouded in specious reasoning and circular logic. It’s no longer important to even appear reasonable or rational. Actually, it is vogue to be unreasonable.

Whatever you find fault with, they tell you there is nothing you can do about it and your grievance is the real problem, so don’t worry about it. Your complaints are irrelevant.

But the only way you really know it is Circleville and not the USA is when you dissent from their status quo, or what is happening. To buck the trend is to be outcast. They use all this circular logic to tell you how you are wrong. It doesn’t actually prove anything, it is just supposed to shut you up. Slowly, you will either get used to it or just shut up.

One way or another you will be worn down to agree that up is down and down is up, and even like it — that is the goal. In the meantime, it all seems rather backward and does not make sense. They are confident that one day you will agree or at least stop making waves.

This consensus that runs things is driven by the desires of the “correct” populace who are always looking to evolve a little more. There is no limit to this evolution. (call it forced evolution) However, there is a severe restriction against not changing. Failure to change is now taboo — which will bring all the names down on you such as knuckle-dragger. You are considered the problem, not those bent on changing everything.

The heroes are those like Bill Ayers and traitors, or those deserters in the military they want to build monuments to. Real, traditional heroes are discarded as non-conformists and considered part of the problem. So their hero status is revoked, if it was ever justifiable.

To win is to lose. To lose is definitely winning, such as losing the US which they consider gain. But when you ask, they say “sure America is exceptional”… but so is Guatemala, Honduras, and Cuba, N Korea, Russia, etc. All things are equal, you know, except when they say they aren’t.

The same principles followed Obama into the Oval Office. The scandal-plagued administration rewards those who screw up and, in some cases, deliberately violate the law.(what is the law anyway?) They are celebrated. We have members of Congress with checkered pasts, who not only retain their careers but ascend to higher positions. Alcee Hastings, impeached as a federal judge, is in Congress. The one man who beat Barack Obama in Illinois, Bobby Rush, a black panther, is a beloved political leader.

A cop killer is elevated to MLK status, and turned into an example for school children. The death penalty is considered inhumane, while no compassion is left for real victims. Terrorists of the sixties are given tenured professorships at Universities. They write the curriculum for school children. A tax cheat is put in charge of the IRS. A man who could not pass the security clearance is made president. His attorney general oversees gunrunning in Mexico. And when he is held in contempt, part of Congress stages a walkout crying racism. The president declares Congress irrelevant in his SOTU speech as half of Congress cheer and give him a standing ovation.

Bill Ayers is turned into a teacher, on elementary curriculum no less, and a professor. How many of the 60’s radicals and terrorists just found their way into our government or system? You would think it is planned. Is it just coincidence they landed up there? John Kerry is a double-talking, lying, war protestor and now Secretary of State. Eric Holder sought the pardon on Marc Rich is made Attorney General.(well-qualified) But they aren’t just there, they are hailed as great public servants. Bill Clinton is considered the greatest politician, possibly president — infamous for his conduct. The left will turn criminals into heroes. They turn cop killers into icons, heroes, and teachers. Someone that may not qualify to run for president is hailed as exactly the right choice, unquestioned.

But others without checkered pasts are turned into villains. Koch brothers are the epitome of evil. Mitt Romney is depicted as just a greedy rich guy.(picture Mr. Scrooge with a dog on his car) Now being pro-abortion is to support the dignity of life. And so on.

Terrorism is committed by a worldwide ideology of hatred of America and its history, and the response is to put members of those factions into positions of power in the government. Release some of the worst from prisons because we have no room. Bring in people from the worst criminal countries and give them full government subsidies.Call our enemies in the world our friends and attack our allies for doing the right thing. Try to take money from our allies to give to terrorists and our enemies. Call it the sensible approach.

So it continues with the Constitutional power to impeach Obama. Sure, it might be the correct thing to do but we cannot do what is right or correct anymore, in Circleville. Instead, we must see that he is “not be impeached” — read protect him from impeachment — because it would cause even more harm to the country. It would be bad politically, and the President’s party would gain. It would not be confirmed by the Senate and make a mockery out of the process, thereby the Constitution itself. So now we must make sure it is not pursued. Impeachment is just a fundraising tool to Obama. War to Hamas is a fundraising campaign. Justice is redefined through a Liberal wormhole of social justice. Opaque is clear and clear is opaque.

This is a strange, backwards, upside down place now. Right is wrong, and wrong has become right — not just considered “right” but now considered the moral high-ground. No longer is doing the right thing right, with all the associated costs, but is reprehensible – objectionable.

You see it does not end and these are only some examples. It keeps changing and going so there are constantly new ones. Campaigning on transparency, in effect, means lying and hiding the truth. Debate now means stifling it. Campaign law means campaign corruption. It’s all around. But choose not to accept it? You have no choice, that’s the idea.
Enjoy you’re visit or else.

RightRing | Bullright

Obama’s touchstones, breaking badder

“Transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency”.


(assaying tool), a stone used to identify precious metals; or (metaphor) a means of assaying relative merits of a concept

1: a black siliceous stone related to flint and formerly used to test the purity of gold and silver by the streak left on the stone when rubbed by the metal
2: a test or criterion for determining the quality or genuineness of a thing
3: a fundamental or quintessential part or feature — merriam-webster

There’s nothing wrong with transparency and rule of law. Just that Obama has to pervert them to suit his personal needs like he does everything else. Then, you probably thought you knew what “transparency” meant.

But in this case, transparency actually now means the opposite: spying on citizens, concealing the truth about Benghazi, or lying when convenient –especially for political gain, Obamacare and its roll out, denying scandals as “phony scandals”, or that IRS was engaged in political activism. Or ignoring and dismissing a problem he previously railed against as a priority.  

So  transparency can mean denial of a problem and necessary cover-up that one even exists. Luckily, transparency is also alive and well in the Dep. of Justice — not. Holder was held in contempt of Congress for failure to comply. Now it can mean selective transparency when you want something known, like details of the bin Laden mission or CIA chief in Afghanistan, accusations about your political enemies, or spying and accusations on a reporter, or revenge for an unfavorable documentary. And feeling politically justified for it all — even the contempt.

Rule of Law: one does not have to return to Blackstone commentaries to define rule of law. It’s sort of self-explanatory. (Wikipedia)

The Oxford English Dictionary has defined “rule of law” this way:

“The authority and influence of law in society, esp. when viewed as a constraint on individual and institutional behaviour; (hence) the principle whereby all members of a society (including those in government) are considered equally subject to publicly disclosed legal codes and processes.”

The rule of law (also known as nomocracy) is the legal principle that law should govern a nation, and not individual government officials. It primarily refers to the influence and authority of law within society, particularly as a constraint upon behavior, including behavior of government officials. The phrase can be traced back to the 16th century, and it was popularized in the 19th century by British jurist A. V. Dicey. The concept was familiar to ancient philosophers such as Aristotle, who wrote “Law should govern”.Rule of law implies that every citizen is subject to the law, including law makers themselves. It stands in contrast to the idea that the ruler is above the law, for example by divine right.

In 1780, John Adams enshrined this principle in the Massachusetts Constitution by seeking to establish “a government of laws and not of men.”

O-translation: ‘whatever I say or decide the rule of law is at any particular time’.

The term to “break bad” is American Southeast slang meaning to turn against one’s previously lawful lifestyle for one of criminal acts, usually at the cost of someone else’s life or well-being.

Obama could not abandon what he was never constrained by, so he’s ‘breaking badder’.

It sounded better than “cronyism, lies and corruption will be my touchstones.” Obama’s words fit his penchant for making factually inaccurate statements, then repeatedly lying to try to validate them. Benghazi and ObamaCare are text book examples. The border crisis demonstrates his lawlessness and insincerity for the “rule of law”.

RightRing | Bullright

Thoughts: ObamaCare





The American Medical Association has weighed in on the new healthcare package:


The Allergists voted to scratch it, but the Dermatologists advised not to make any rash moves.
The Gastroenterologists had sort of a gut feeling about it,
The Neurologists thought the Administration had a lot of nerve.
The Obstetricians felt they were all laboring under a misconception.
The Ophthalmologists considered the idea shortsighted.
The Pathologists yelled, “Over my dead body!”
The Pediatricians said, ‘Oh, grow up!’
The Psychiatrists thought the whole idea was madness.
The Radiologists could see right through it.
The Surgeons decided to wash their hands of the whole thing.
The Internists thought it was a bitter pill to swallow,
The Plastic Surgeons said, “This puts a whole new face on the matter.”
The Podiatrists thought it was a step forward,
The Urologists were pissed off at the whole idea.
The Anesthesiologists thought the whole idea was a gas,
The Cardiologists didn’t have the heart to say no.
The Proctologists won out in the END.
Just leave the entire decision up to the assholes in Washington.

(–unknown author)


Luvya — Just Gene

Foreign Policy of the Desperately Absurd

So Kerry announces that he will be going to Kiev, Ukraine. But Putin doesn’t care much what Kerry says, only what Obama says and does. He’s smart.

Just yesterday Kerry said Putin doesn’t have the strong hand.

On one hand Kerry called Putin’s move a “brazen act of aggression”.
On the other he declares Putin is acting out of “weakness” and “desperation.”

Russia is holding two Ukraine ships, forcing surrender. More weakness.

The Hill

“That’s not the act of somebody who’s strong,” Kerry added, saying Putin is acting out of “weakness” and “desperation.”

On ABC’s “This Week,” Kerry called Putin’s move a “brazen act of aggression” and raised the possibility that allied nations would move to kick Russia out of the Group of 8 in addition to boycotting the G-8 summit in Sochi this summer.

Read more: http://thehill.com/blogs/global-affairs/europe/199645-putin-acting-out-of-desperation#ixzz2uvOYZrLQ

This is the same Obama that threatened congress for even talking about sanctions for Iran. Now he demands Congressional action. Some people!

Michael Crowley of TIME had a tweet that illustrated the situation.

“not a character judgment, but this does kind of capture the moment “

Putin is the consummate opportunist. You really can’t blame him, considering the holes Obama gives him. It’s not “desperation”, it’s pure opportunism. Putin has been fortunate in opportunities. And it’s not weakness.

But it’s Obama that is operating out of “weakness and desperation”… with limited opportunities.

I think I know what happened, the Obama regime leaned “forward” so far it fell over.

RightRing | Bullright

Obama in the state of denial

The setting might have been Super Bowl pregame, but Obama was in the state of denial. Not one question did he answer with a degree of sincere honesty. It was straight denial.

He started by denying the continuing failure of healthcare.gov, then moved on to admit regret over the lie of the year, only to add that more people were later grandfathered into his original lie so they did not lose their plan. No mention about rewriting of the legislation countless times. His reelection campaign was filled with lies.

To IRS, there was “not even a smidgeon of corruption”. I guess his original concerns about the situation were unfounded. Lois Lerner and Rachael Bade pleaded the fifth for nothing. Records ending up at Obama’s campaign means nothing. Even his scandals have baby scandals when the person to lead the investigation is donor to Obama. Roseman and Castillo’s scheme of 500 million in contracts? Not a smidgeon anywhere.

To Benghazi, he resorted to the ‘but I called it terrorism’ lie…. er, before he blamed the video. Then he lectured us that people are in dangerous locations. Say what? And who put them there then abandoned them? Not even a hint of accountability.He admits failures in protections as if there were someone else in the White House. Then he claimed he was explaining it, which to date he has never done.

About all he could do is blame Fox news. Even NYT said “Obama tackled by O’Reilly”. And Obama would say he never laid a glove on me. I guess New Jersey and Christie are about to get more attention.


Related: http://www.humanevents.com/2014/02/03/obamas-superbowl-sunday-interview/

RightRing | Bullright

One way street gone wrong

When I look at our federal government I see all kinds of religious similarities. (Actually more than similarities) It wants to tell us when and what we can worship.

In Art VI is states that no religious test shall be a qualifier for office. And yet the same Constitutional Republic makes its Supreme justices swear on the altar of Roe v. Wade as settled law in order to serve on the nations highest court. The absurdity of that is completely lost on the Left. It takes religion and idol worship to new highs. Meanwhile Christians are told to shut up and forced to participate in the ceremonies.

It should be a one way street, going one direction, but somewhere they have reversed that direction. The greatness of our country is rooted in our freedom. Now we are told that our freedom only flows from an all-powerful state. That Big-Government blesses our lives and providing air to breath, not the opposite. We the people are forced to bow to it, willingly or not.Citizens are no more than serfs.

Individual states and their powers are being reduced to ceremonial figureheads, subservient to Federal government. Obama has declared war on the states on many fronts, namely in ObamaCare and EPA regs, and on and on. He usurped the powers of the states as well as the legislative branch. We have an all-powerful executive sitting on the throne. He makes laws as he wills, he ignores them at will, and he dictates to the states. He carries out vengeance on those who don’t cede to his all-powerful authority. He does the same to states. He threatens those who disagree with him and his ideology. He renders us all wards of the state. We have whatever freedom he allows.

It is completely reversed from its inception. It is no longer contingent on the will of we the people, but “we the people” are dependent on Obama’s will — as he sees fit. The Left seems fine with this paradigm, as long as those in power are its own missionaries. Their applause in the SOTU to his unilateral agenda said it. All is well, they assert, while gladly being tied hand and foot to this Leviathan.

The federal government does not represent federalism any more than a third-world dictator does. It is centralized power and functions with that purpose. It wants only the illusion of states’ powers, and usurps everything else. The Bureaucracy even controls the purse strings of the states. The EPA asserts itself between the states and the Supreme Court. Arguably, some see the EPA as more powerful than states. Plus many departments wield their power similarly from Homeland security to the Dep of education to HHS, vying for control over states. It’s now the religion of tyranny.

Must be the season…

RightRing | Bullright