UN on climate: tough job, struggling on

UN Climate Chief: We Are Remaking The World Economy

Daily Caller — 2/5/15

The United Nation’s climate chief says that reordering the global economy to fight climate change is the “most difficult” task the international body has ever undertaken.

This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model, for the first time in human history,” Christiana Figueres, who heads up the U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, told reporters.

“This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for the, at least, 150 years, since the industrial revolution,” Figueres said.

“He[Obama] has not only spoken about his commitment both to his national agenda on climate change, but also to the international process, and has been quite clear in his political leadership,” Figueres said, touting the EPA’s success cutting carbon dioxide emissions from power plants.

More: http://dailycaller.com/2015/02/05/climate-chief-world-economy/

Of course there could be a reason that it is so difficult. (I for one am happy it hasn’t proved easy) But nothing deters them. It is necessary for government to control all markets. Climate Change is code for control and change the economic system under global despots.

And they are complaining it isn’t easy?

Not only do they detest resistance to their agenda, they want to make it impossible. We should start calling it the climate change caliphate.(aka Climate Caliphate)

The comparison lives on, Ebola to IS

Ebola_2988634b The IS Motto: “Remaining and Expanding”

A while back I made a comparison of ISIS and Ebola (or Islamic State)  and was probably one of the first to draw direct parallels. Since then, the more I see and learn about either of these viruses the more similar they seem.

For instance, Ebola has been around since ’76 but its a naturally occurring virus. That means they may eliminate the latest epidemic but at some point it will return.

That much is really like ISIS, or Islamism itself. It keeps returning even in areas pushing natural boundaries or borders. Killing the latest strain of ISIS would only be followed by a return of Islamic terrorism under some other name.

But unlike the Ebola disease, radical rabid Islamists spread their virus in creative ways mutating almost daily. And, instead of a fear and withdraw, there is a natural attraction to it in the Mid East and Muslim world. A remote cell can be activated in any country and a willing individual radicalized just by reading their constant propaganda.

It is never politically correct to criticize the environment that breeds such an insidious and evil disease as ISIS or Islamic radicalism. In Ebola they try to use science and understanding to combat the plague. They claim knowledge is power and accurate information will only help not hurt us. It is in our interest to know about it to defeat it. So science claims.

Still Obama claimed the chances of an Ebola outbreak here is very low. In fact, he declared that it was very hard to get. Do not enact a travel ban because it could make the threat worse, he claims. We were worrying about nothing, before the exact remote chance indeed happened.

With the Islamic radicalism it is all about denial. We must deny the source, must deny its motivations, and must deny its end goals as ridiculous. Does that make any sense? Not to you or me but does to those in authority that lecture us about it. The same talking points apply to Islamicism though, when it happens…deny deny. They claim it is something happening way over in another part of the world that really has no affect here. So that was the mantra.

But they do say we have to contain Islamic terrorism there so it does not come here, or that was the assumption before Obama. He changed that. He decided until we have a case here that affects us, then we will worry about it. IOW, after the caliphate is formed, after the fatwas are drawn up, after they demonstrate they are here and serious. Then they will respond. But even then they tone down the source, laced in denial, about who they really are. Government is at work cleansing the terms. Even when it does happen, they call it something else so it technically wasn’t labeled Islamic terrorism.

Both are very much a threat to our national security. Both are dismissed as pretty much irrelevant to us in America. However, they tell us every trace of carbon is a problem. Thus, their war on coal and energy. EPA can design regs that will exterminate whole industries, and entire communities, but that is a commendable.

We are Islamophobic if we are worried about Islamonazis. We are fear mongering if we are concerned about Ebola. We are “flat-earthers” if we deny their man-made global warming agenda. We are extremists if we oppose EPA’s dictates. Now conservatives are even blamed for it all. But just don’t fear the Reaper.

RightRing | Bullright

One way street gone wrong

When I look at our federal government I see all kinds of religious similarities. (Actually more than similarities) It wants to tell us when and what we can worship.

In Art VI is states that no religious test shall be a qualifier for office. And yet the same Constitutional Republic makes its Supreme justices swear on the altar of Roe v. Wade as settled law in order to serve on the nations highest court. The absurdity of that is completely lost on the Left. It takes religion and idol worship to new highs. Meanwhile Christians are told to shut up and forced to participate in the ceremonies.

It should be a one way street, going one direction, but somewhere they have reversed that direction. The greatness of our country is rooted in our freedom. Now we are told that our freedom only flows from an all-powerful state. That Big-Government blesses our lives and providing air to breath, not the opposite. We the people are forced to bow to it, willingly or not.Citizens are no more than serfs.

Individual states and their powers are being reduced to ceremonial figureheads, subservient to Federal government. Obama has declared war on the states on many fronts, namely in ObamaCare and EPA regs, and on and on. He usurped the powers of the states as well as the legislative branch. We have an all-powerful executive sitting on the throne. He makes laws as he wills, he ignores them at will, and he dictates to the states. He carries out vengeance on those who don’t cede to his all-powerful authority. He does the same to states. He threatens those who disagree with him and his ideology. He renders us all wards of the state. We have whatever freedom he allows.

It is completely reversed from its inception. It is no longer contingent on the will of we the people, but “we the people” are dependent on Obama’s will — as he sees fit. The Left seems fine with this paradigm, as long as those in power are its own missionaries. Their applause in the SOTU to his unilateral agenda said it. All is well, they assert, while gladly being tied hand and foot to this Leviathan.

The federal government does not represent federalism any more than a third-world dictator does. It is centralized power and functions with that purpose. It wants only the illusion of states’ powers, and usurps everything else. The Bureaucracy even controls the purse strings of the states. The EPA asserts itself between the states and the Supreme Court. Arguably, some see the EPA as more powerful than states. Plus many departments wield their power similarly from Homeland security to the Dep of education to HHS, vying for control over states. It’s now the religion of tyranny.

Must be the season…

RightRing | Bullright

The Spook that Never Was

How an EPA employee stole $900K by pretending to be a CIA agent

BY: CJ Ciaramella — Free Beacon
October 2, 2013 12:24 pm

The strange and sordid saga of John Beale, a top Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) official who defrauded the federal government out of nearly $900,000, has by turns outraged, flabbergasted, and sickened members of Congress, but on Tuesday it achieved something even rarer: It left them speechless.

Rep. Darrell Issa (R., Calif.), the head of the powerful House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, had asked one of Beale’s former supervisors, Robert Brenner, if he had seen Beale lately.

“I’ve seen Mr. Beale,” Brenner testified, pausing to chew over his next sentence. “Well, I’ve seen him a lot over the last two weeks. He’s renting out his home, so he’s staying in my guest house right now.”

For a brief moment, the oversight committee, usually full of bluster, was left gob smacked.

Over the course of two congressional hearings Monday and Tuesday, new details emerged about Beale, a former top EPA official who over the course of 13 years bilked the agency out hundreds of thousands of dollars in fraudulent travel vouchers and illegal bonuses. Along the way, Beale falsely claimed to be an agent for the Central Intelligence Agency, a Vietnam War veteran, and remained on payroll for over a year after a retirement party on a Potomac dinner cruise.

Overall, Beale spent two and a half years absent from work while still getting paid. According to investigators, he committed time card fraud, travel fraud, impersonated a federal agent, and misused a government passport, among other crimes.

In the House oversight hearing, Issa noted that if Beale had actually retired, he would have gotten away scot-free.

“That is 100 percent correct,” Sullivan replied.

“I guess we should be happy he got greedy,” Issa said.


What a sordid affair and going on for decades. What does it take to get to the bottom of things?

Obama: EPA is the gate to the climate

From NRO :

If only President Obama simply had cried wolf. Instead, the president announced that, on behalf of “all of humankind,” he is in effect directing the EPA to take over the American economy. New power plants will be subject to emissions controls, and existing plants will have to be retrofitted to comply with new standards. New restrictions on heavy trucks will affect the movement of freight and goods across the country.

New subsidies will be handed down for politically connected energy firms, and federal lands will be set aside for their use. New federal impositions will affect the construction of factories, commercial buildings, and private homes.

The president says that this is all enabled by the “overwhelming judgment of science.” It certainly has not been enabled by something so mundane as the law. We rather suspect that the overwhelming judgment of Congress would be against the president’s program of regimenting the entire American economy under the management of a newly empowered EPA. But the president has made it clear that he intends to act largely through administrative fiat, subverting the democratic process and the people’s elected representatives. Unhappily, the Supreme Court has abetted this ambition by misconstruing the Clean Air Act as a warrant of action on global warming.

Every economic activity involving energy or transportation — which is to say, every economic activity — will be affected by the president’s global-warming program.

More: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/352025/obamas-radical-climate-agenda-editors

Barry-‘Ozone’-Obama lays out his second term “climate” strategy:

(it reads something like this, no matter what he says or promises — a little satire)

“I will continue laying out scandals. The air in DC will become extremely inhospitable, putting air conditioning and filtration at a premium. You all will continue to try to make me look bad. I will continue to lie… I mean you all are so gullible.

The political pollution in DC will reach a historical high. Clouds of chaos and confusion will slow even traffic to a crawl. Never let a storm go to waste. I will continue to demonize my opponents or anyone in my way.

I will use any… and I mean any, extraordinary and unconstitutional means to achieve my ends to extort the climate for every political and geo-political opportunity I possibly can. And there won’t be a damn thing you can do about me using executive power and regulation to accomplish it. Oh, like what are you going to impeach me or something? Like I said, you people are so gullible.”

Yet during Barry’s glorious Georgetown address, another controversy erupted because all the networks cut away – even MSNBC. That prompted a tweet from NYT reporter that you could turn to one network covering the entirety, the Weather Channel. (good thing he wasn’t upstaged by a storm..) Wolfy Blitzer just talked over it. No loss there.

Obama’s jihad on energy

This was a WH response to the energy petition on his war on coal.

Embracing an All-of-the-Above Approach to American Energy

Since taking office, President Obama has been committed to an all-of-the-above energy strategy for America. It’s a strategy that’s rooted in the idea that we should take full advantage of all of the energy resources that we have, while ensuring we do so in a safe and responsible way.
After four years of this strategy, its impact is clear. We have greater energy security now than any time in recent history. We have doubled our use of renewable power from wind, solar, and geothermal sources. Imports of foreign oil have fallen to the lowest level in decades. Domestic oil production is surging and America is currently the largest producer of natural gas in the world.
At the same time the President has made clear that he understands that coal has played a critical role in our country’s energy portfolio for decades and will continue to be an important source of energy in the future.
The President also believes that America must take a leadership role in developing and manufacturing technologies that allow us to burn coal more cleanly and efficiently. Achieving that goal will also boost our economy, promote public health, and position the United States as the leader in the global clean energy race.
That’s why President Obama has invested nearly $6 billion in clean coal technology and research and development – the largest such investment in U.S. history. Notably, this strategy has attracted over $10 billion in additional private sector capital investment. And these investments are already making a difference. For example, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance, the United States leads the race to develop the world’s first large-scale carbon capture and storage (CCS) demonstration project.
The investments we are making in cutting-edge, clean coal technologies are not only vital to the future of this industry, but also to the larger goal of taking full advantage of America’s energy resources.
Tell us what you think about this response and We the People.

Here is the petition:

End to the War On Coal, end the job killing policies of the EPA and require an economic impact analysis of new policies.

The Obama Administration through its EPA is destroying the coal industry of this country. To date, tens of thousands of coal mining and related jobs have been lost due to this ill-advised war against American energy.

We, the undersigned, call upon the Obama Administration to end this job killing war on coal, to rein in the EPA and require an economic impact assessment published prior to the enactment of each and every new policy and regulation.

Created: Nov 11, 2012Issues: Energy, Job Creation, Regulatory Reform

total signatures

Reply to Obama’s all the above statement.

“Since taking office, President Obama has been committed to an all-of-the-above energy strategy for America. It’s a strategy that’s rooted in the idea that we should take full advantage of all of the energy resources that we have, while ensuring we do so in a safe and responsible way.”

Moratorium on off-shore drilling? Federal land off-limits? Dragging his heals on this pipeline. Constant interference in drilling and obstruction on fracking.

Is that what he means by “Taking full advantages of our resources”? What he has done is politicized them, and took full advantage of the politics, then used them and our resources as a lever against us – coal being the prime example.

“After four years of this strategy, its impact is clear. We have greater energy security now than any time in recent history. We have doubled our use of renewable power from wind, solar, and geothermal sources. Imports of foreign oil have fallen to the lowest level in decades. Domestic oil production is surging and America is currently the largest producer of natural gas in the world.

After four years, what’s clear is his support the most expensive gas and oil prices in history. And the EPA is out of control, next it will tax the rain. Any new producition is largely due to Bush politcies he takes credit for. Solar and geothermal are not helping the gas at the pump or transportation costs.”

Greater energy security? Is that what you call it when energy is holding us, our households and economy hostage to some radical agenda?

“That’s why President Obama has invested nearly $6 billion in clean coal technology and research and development – the largest such investment in U.S. history. Notably, this strategy has attracted over $10 billion in additional private sector capital investment.”

One only sees you doing for energy what you did for healthcare…driving up the cost, and forcing mandates and rules of compliance. More energy security?

“All of the above approach” is actually some of the above, and regulated into oblivion. And it means wistfully throwing dollars at green energy, helter skelter, and wasting huge amounts on failed companies without return. Is that an “investment”? In fact, we pick up the tab when they do fail.

“That’s why President Obama has invested nearly $6 billion in clean coal technology and research and development – the largest such investment in U.S. history. Notably, this strategy has attracted over $10 billion in additional private sector capital investment. And these investments are already making a difference.”

So spending 6 billion on research to force coal companies out of business is an investment. The real private sector that is spending gets results while he takes credit for that. Driving the cost of coal skyward while cutting our supply and use does what? Making a difference? Yea, driving prices and regulation upward and manipulating the market.

Further, the object of the petition was about- this administration’s systematic destruction of the coal industry through EPA and overregulation, coupled with the dysfunctional energy policies. All compounded by the rising costs of energy, and his stubbornness about the Keystone XL Pipeline in particular – a project that won’t cost us.

You made no mention of reining in the out of control EPA. And what about that economic impact assessment, prior to every new policy and regulation? A complete and total non-response you gave it. This is not a campaign debate where you just throw out your fluffy ideas while dodging the questions. This is America’s energy and security at stake — not your personal political toy.

Obviously the war on coal and jihad against energy continues.

What did Archie know, and when did he know it.

Energy and Archie were fodder for jokes about Carter but Obama can make Jimmah look good.

Climate Climax

I think the word CimateGate fits their drumbeat agenda, and it continues.

Buzz words they use are almost comical. Sometimes one has to remember that they are the left’s words and not ones the right has strapped around their alarmist necks.

Climate financing

Climate Change

Climate aid (love that one)

Shifting climate

Climate aid activists

Green Cimate Fund

“fast start” climate financing

And now, drumroll, for their latest creation:
Climate “fiscal cliff” — We are are heading for a Climate fiscal cliff — look out eagles and cliff dwellers! Now they are adapting the language from the debt crisis to globul warming, and hijacking them to point toward their undebatable issue. More to follow. So they’ll say that you cannot address the fiscal problems without addressing Climate Change.

One quote here is not too much:

“A recent projection by the World Bank showed temperatures are on track to increase by up to 4 degrees C (7.2 F) this century, compared with pre-industrial times, overshooting the 2-degree target on which the U.N. talks are based.”

Its bad enough with education the way it is with its problems, but I’m convinced now more than ever that we have to start teaching kids how to read “green”. I mean how to read through the language the left uses by applying critical thinking skills and logic. In the future they will have to know the techniques of propaganda and spot the fallacies in the language of ‘big-gov green’ (a dialect all its own) or enviro-mentalists, just to protect themselves from it.

The Bible warned of worshipping creation over the Creator. They turned the words nature’s God into Nature is god.

Romans 1:25

Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.


If the rhetoric is not enough, Obama has EPA’s gun loaded and aimed at us with a regulation apocolypse. The Examiner reported before the election Obama had EPA hastily prepariing to roll out the regs at the end of November, and if he won they would continue their agenda. That’s now a given. And this is only the tip of the iceberg:

“More than 50 EPA staff are now crashing to finish greenhouse gas emission standards that would essentially ban all construction of new coal-fired power plants. Never before have so many EPA resources been devoted to a single regulation. The independent and non-partisan Manhattan Institute estimates that the EPA’s greenhouse gas coal regulation will cost the U.S. economy $700

What does it say when the administration put so much effort and resources into it? All that new regulation on business and of course GE will be exempt. (surprise!)

Obama has made sure that the EPA will institute mandates even if he has to overreach the executive branch’s power, since, after all, “we can’t wait” for the dictator to do things legally.

2012 UN Climate Talks In Doha, Qatar Face Multiple Challenges

EPA planning new anti-coal regulations for after election

If the rhetoric doesn’t get you, the regulations will.

High Gas Prices: an investigation

In-depth: The truth behind high pump prices

By Douglas J. Hagmann & Joe Hagmann

10 August 2012:
We’re seasoned investigators, so we have an inherent desire to dig for the truth. Experience and common sense has shown us that we should never rely on the “accepted” explanation for something when that explanation involves money or politics, and is repeated without challenge by the media. We don’t like liars and thieves, and will expose them whenever possible.

We wanted to get to the bottom of why we’re paying nearly $4.00 per gallon for gasoline at the pump. We wanted to know who or what is responsible for the current high price of gasoline? In addition to being a major economic burden for American families, it is also a national security issue, especially when our petrodollars are subsidizing Islamic terrorist activities.

The task to determine the truth was indeed a daunting one, not only because of the complexity of the issue but due to the facts being tightly wrapped inside various political and globalist agendas, “cooking the books” by using different reporting standards, and various other tangential issues. During our investigation, we even found two energy “analysts” using the same graph to arrive at opposite conclusions.

Nonetheless, we’ve conducted an extensive investigation in an effort to provide our readers with a concise and unbiased report that explains why we are suffering at the gasoline pumps. In the process, we’ve identified several significant lies that we are told to accept as the truth. [/…]

Read the whole report: http://www.homelandsecurityus.com/archives/6552

Its chilling that the explanations we keep hearing, repeatedly, do not touch the surface of it. And the sophistry in the blanket explanations do not cut it for many of us, they do not connect the dots. I thought it interesting how important the debasing of our currency has been, under the watchful eye of the fed, on oil and goods in general. But while many of us have been focusing our criticism domestically, isn’t it strange how no one wants to hear that? Yet we should just accept their specious reasons for high prices? This is only another part of the agenda of the powerful. But the powerful doesn’t mean the big evil oil companies. We had big oil companies when the prices were lower, by any comparison, so it is not unreasonable to look elsewhere.

And there are a lot of other explanations.

What should bother anyone is the way our tax dollars subsidize bio-fuels and alternatives while also paying the higher prices at the pump. Every time I see Obama or one of his cronies talking up their “energy policies” I want to scream, “would he ever want to tell us the truth about anything?” Only if it were aligned with his perpetual political agenda — which is basically one big lie anyway.