I just can’t stand this DACA debate caca anymore. It’s time for a good old flush.
As if there is any debate, but the caca keeps getting deeper.

I noticed the left calls us Americans deplorables yet cries their hearts out for “undocumented” illegal immigrants. Dems, I see what you did there.

A couple facts:

#1)The reason they are here in the first place is because the border is broken.

Not because “the immigration system is broken.” The Dems busted “the system.”

#2)The only reason the problem exists is because the Democrats refused to secure the border 30 years ago on Reagan. Liars that they are. Happy anniversary!

Now even Iggy knows that if he leaves the barn doors open at night he’ll have an empty barn in the morning. It’s not about having a fetish for barn doors.

Dems removed the door from its hinges… busted it real good. But then they don’t believe in borders or security anyway. “Everybody in the pool.”

Something like what would happen to my farm if I had no fences, boundaries or enforcement. I’d have no crops either and could kiss the farm bye-byes. So we bought the farm and Dems gave it away, as much as they could. Never mind their reasons.

Obama illegally created the DACA caca for illegals. And one for parents that got derailed.

Now they demand we keep DACA legal but can’t have border security. Sound familiar yet? They’ll promise some border security, if we guarantee amnesty to these undocumented. So they can back out and screw America. Then they’ll want broader amnesty for the other 11+ million more, using their activist courts.

Now whenever I have a defiant bull I find a way to control it before it can do any damage. I don’t grant it amnesty. But Iggy still has doors on his barn too, for a good reason.

They want amnesty for DACA so they can screw USA again. What part of screw America don’t we get? Anytime anyone tries to talk me into forfeiting my barn doors and fences I get a little suspicious. So goes the pussheads on the left.

Now where is that branding iron?

Deplorable Hillary waste: oooh that smell

Hi, Iggy Bliss here. It’s been a while but I’m back after composing my thoughts from the election. (winning can do that to you)

But after Hillary came out with her new book, I just couldn’t re-restrain myself. The queen of “what difference at this point does it make?” has not lost her edge. Now she says “it’s happening!”

Well, I’ve been around the barnyard here for a long time, with all the animals, but I never smelled a nasty pile like that before. Ol’ Iggy knows the difference between hog waste and horse manure. And I think she invented a whole new waste category.

Most of us deplorables, and even barnyard animals, are more tuned into reality than that has been IS. She’s flat out delusional

Here is what she said on Twitter:

So Hillary, you will be “fighting” with everything you have against the rule of law, Constitution, and the American people. Thank goodness you lost, you harlot

Then she does an interview with Anderson Cooper and, asked about going to the inauguration, Hillary said, “I am inflicted with the responsibility gene.”

Call me tared and feathered. She has the responsibility gene? The bitch busts out her new book like she’s breaking out a bottle of Dom Pérignon(’59). Sorry, Hillary, the lies weren’t that good the first time around. But she breaks it out the day after 911. That date is not a surprise or floating date every year.

Yet you picked that day. As they say, “if it happens” in politics “you can bet it was planned that way.” Vintage Dom Pérignon it isn’t. My cousin Carl makes better stuff than that out behind his shed. Maybe you should have had a swig of that stuff before writing a book.

On Russia and Trump, she sees communications, meetings and phone calls and maybe financial intermingling to validate collusion. She says it is bigger than Watergate. Remember she tipped us off in the 90’s about the vast right-wing conspiracy after her husband for years. I got your tip right here, Hillary. All 4 of ’em.

She believes Russia had a “highly sophisticated influence operation” that cost her votes. Thus, she lost the election. But back up! So in her world, Hillary was so good it took Moscow to take her down. Well, with the help of the other culprit, Comey, who she credits with costing her the election. Hey, does that mean Moscow, Putin and Comey colluded?

She’s also more interested in “cleaning her closets” than worrying about her corruption catching up to her — like jail time. Hillary talks about closets? Please remind Hillary that there aren’t any closets in Leavenworth. But so nice for her to leave Bubba clean closets for his new floozy. (she won’t be wearing jumpsuits) She will be breaking into your stash of Dom Pérignon on special occasions, like your sentencing anniversaries.

Hillary says she is deeply committed, to being involved in politics, so Democrats don’t lose ground. Good, she has a lot of experience at losing to share with them.

I think the sun has been beatin’ on that deplorable loser’s pile for too long. If Sarah Palin wrote that book, Hillary Clinton would be the first person out screaming “Bullshit!”

Iggy’s got some stalls to muck out…..Hillary should have done that before her book.

I’ll be back when politics get too squeamish for prime time pussheads.

French vs. French on Trump

What did David French say before about a Trump nomination?

Was that a French kiss for Trump?

Fast forward, I wonder if anyone informed the brilliant Mr French that many Americans might have some reservations about voting for someone named French for President? But I admit that is still an unproven theory.

That’s right, the Iggy is still here. Just taking a break from mucking out the stalls.

H/T BizPac Review

Bathroom policy and cultural identity

As part of the “radical” bathroom policies Obama is forcing down America’s throat, I think it could be time for a new disclaimer.

See, bathrooms may be available to a person depending on who they currently are identifying as. But there is a fly in the ointment.(Okay, it’s loaded but bare with me)

I think we now need to have a disclaimer on each bathroom.


Updated bathroom policy

The person — if that is not in question — who uses this bathroom is acting according to his/her/its own preference at the time of usage. However, this bathroom, and the people who supply it, do not assume any responsibility for the sex or gender claim of the user upon leaving the bathroom. If they leave the bathroom and change their mind on their current gender identification status, then this establishment and bathroom is in no way responsible for that decision.

And therefore, we cannot be held liable for the patrons decision to affirm or deny their gender status at the time of usage or after using this facility. Please be advised accordingly.

For other patrons: you use this facility at your own risk and at the discretion, personal risk or offense of other patrons — be they currently identifying with your gender or someone else’s. We are not liable. And should they make a mistake by misidentifying with their ‘appropriate’ gender for any reason, we are not liable for their mistake, failure, or misidentity mishap. And neither are they.

Thank you for your inconvenience during the identity crisis of people throughout the country.

Your cooperation is appreciated,

Gender Identity Crisis Reaction and Intervention Management Team

Please also be advised that gender policy must not be confused with “appropriation of culture,” which is a major societal problem. The conduct of “appropriating” another culture for any reason is still highly offensive and rightfully condemned.

One’s cultural identity is not chosen by an individual regardless of the reasons to do so. Any questions, see the Cultural Identity Awareness Team.

Eric Erickson drafting Romney

Update….. apparently, as us ignorantly blissful folks are prone to do, I spoke to soon about Romney. We’ll see what he says about being drafted by Erickson and Never Trump.

Pat Dollard | May 20, 2016

Excerpted from Ballot Box: Conservative blogger and radio host Erick Erickson wants Mitt Romney to launch a third-party bid for president.

Erickson wrote Friday that he would “gladly work for a Romney presidency given the choices between Clinton and Trump.”

“There is more and more data out there that the time is right for a third party bid,” Erickson wrote. …/

Read: http://www.patdollard.com/erick-erickson-calls-for-mitt-romney-to-launch-third-party-run/

This should be interesting how ridiculous Romney responds. What’s another failed run between friends? Just call it the Dumb and Dumber ticket.

Now back to the cow shit, 2 pies for them and one for the pile….

Captain Iggy Bliss

The Ignorance of reality on Trump

Hi everyone, Iggy Bliss at your service. I’m sorry I have been so busy with everything Trump that I haven’t been able to update you all on my blissful animal farm adventures.

Now that Trump is our presumptive nominee, I haven’t felt the need to purge my intellect further. Sure, there are those who are still calling us ignorant, stupid people and blissfully so. There seems to be a growing pride in that since…. well, we are WINNING!.

Anyway, not to rub it into my betters and intellectual superiors, but Trump has resonated now like no other with people across a spectrum. From low income to high income, from so-called uneducated to educated. Whether it is on jobs and the economy or terrorism.

But yes, we are still considered the blissfully ignorant ones, equivocated to barnyard animals and evolutionary primates. Do we see a little irony in that yet? If not, just wait it is crystallizing along the Trump Train tracks.

Not that I, the great Iggy, is bragging. I don’t take any comfort in saying I told you so. Who wants, or needs, to rub it in that we have a government and an establishment elite that hardly anyone on both sides of the isle trusts. But that is the central problem or symptom today… not the means to gaining control of it.

I have to catch up on events because so much has happened since I spoke you last. Now Paul Ryan and Trump have met and Ryan still withholds his support. Well, to each his own I guess. What is more interesting, for the unpopular speaker of the House, is the lack of criticism of him from the Never Trump crowd. Wait, weren’t they months ago complaining about Cryin’ Ryan’s failings? Now they are silent on Ryan and that other guy he was hooked up with, Romney.

I thought Romney was the anathema to the conservative movement? Call me stupid, but no, he has been scheming with Never Trumpers about running a third Party candidate. Strange bedfellows, indeed. But Mark Cuban — really? And they all call me blissfully ignorant? I can’t even find any barnyard animals with any love for Romney. Seems the enemy of their enemy is their friend.

So this is me, Iggy, rubbing your Never-Trump noses in the venomous saliva of two-time loser, Mitt-the pussycat-Romney. Meow! I hope you all enjoy your lustful affair.

Romney has now said he is done trying to recruit a 3rd candidate. That doesn’t mean he has changed his position on the matter, just that he will not actively recruit a candidate. How big of him. Still, I heard no criticism about him from those who were eager to jump in bed with him. What does that make you Never Trumpers, prostitutes? I think so. The Iggy may still seem ignorant but he is not the one aligning with a two-time estabo loser.

Iggy Bliss signing off, hoping all your Never Trump hallucinations are happy ones.
We’ll leave the light on for you at a Motel 6.

Captain Iggy Bliss ©

Best of both worlds

Ted Cruz, in his standard stump speech says:

“And if you want to see the economy take off you lift the boot of the federal government off the back of the neck of small businesses. If I am elected president:

  • We will repeal every word of Obamacare.
  • We’ll pass common sense healthcare reform that makes health insurance personal and portable and affordable, and keeps government from getting in between us and our doctors.
  • We will pass a simple flat tax.
  • We will rein in the federal regulators who have descended like locusts on small businesses, killing jobs all across this country.
  • We’re going to stop amnesty, secure the border, end sanctuary cities, and end welfare benefits for those here illegally.

I have a suggestion that should make everyone happy. If you like Cruz, you can have your Cruz. If you like Trump, you can have your Trump. How is that?

Well, we could elect Donald Trump president, and Cruz can continue his term in the Senate. In fact, reelect Ted again when he runs in two years.

So we have Trump President and Ted Cruz can continue his agenda and do all the things he said: repeal Obamacare, pass healthcare reform and pass tax reform. We do that and we have our cake and eat it too.

Captain Iggy Bliss ©

Allow me to introduce myself

Hi, my name is Iggy Bliss, and I’ve been asked by the blog owner to do a few posts. At least until he tells me to STFU. You’ll hear from me occasionally.

That’s Iggy to most of you, which stands for ignorant – proudly. I’ve been called blissfully ignorant and that is a good moniker. So here I am, Captain Iggy Bliss, at your service.

By that description, I am just happily ignorant. And I plan on sharing some of that wisdom with people here. If you are a Trump supporter, you may have been called ignorant at some point. If not, you will.

Now you might but I don’t consider it satire, since I don’t really know what that is. I plan to cover a limited and selective amount of subjects here because, after all, I’m blissfully ignorant. That won’t stop me from applying my talent wherever I can.

I’m also driven by animal spirits because the same source has called me an animal and a miscreant. So you never know what I might say or do traced to that animal nature.

Just as a primer, I came across this:

Excuse me, but doesn’t Ted Cruz want an open convention? Isn’t he basing his hopes on that — a ballot after the first ballot? I guess that is what makes me ignorant.

Captain Iggy Bliss ™©