Why Romney?

After following this courtship of Trump and Romney, I just cannot see the objective. Everything seems clouded by chaos and that aroma of elitism.

I can’t understand an appointment to Secretary of State for Romney. There are other places he could be squeezed into. Like a cabinet of commerce to focus on jobs.

Secretary of State? He does not have the foreign policy experience with all these countries. He could be a turn around guy but not the scope of State department.

Now that he is dug in so deep as the front runner, it would be hard to not pick him.

Democrats are almost giddy about his choice. But they had nothing but contempt for Romney in 2012. They had him exporting jobs and selling out America all over the world. His dog is still on top of that station wagon going down the highway. Now they have such admiration for Romney in 2016. They’re waxing nostalgia about him.

What about those confirmation hearings? Every statement he made about Trump will play on a loop and Dems can do what they do best, push an alternative reality. That is probably the reason they are happy. Romney will have to answer for every one of those comments, which Dems agree with. Repubs will be forced to defend Mittens as an all-star choice.

Remember State is one of Dems’ favorite departments. What a circus that will be. So that gives them all the ammo to undermine Trump’s legitimacy. Dems whole plan is to start to defrock Trump from the beginning. Romney is cut from central casting to play a lead role. Of course Mitt doesn’t care about being used by the Left. He has been their willing pawn all along. Useful idiot comes to mind.

Maybe it is supposed to remove him from the bleachers and the 2020 lineup? I don’t see either. Maybe it is a setup for ‘good cop bad cop’? I don’t see a benefit to Romney.

So I have some real mixed feelings about Mittens turning State Department hero.

Awaiting Mitt Romney’s apology tour

After campaigning against and trying to sabotage Trump’s campaign/election, even his Republican nomination, Romney now contemplates the real consequences of issuing an apology to try to seal his Secretary of State bid. How far can he go?

I do hope he likes groveling but is it enough — after all he has done?

H/T to Gateway Pundit

Transition Team sources told Ed Henry from FOX News that Mitt Romney is preparing a public apology.

Mitt Romney is reportedly very interested in the Secretary of State job. (See)

But is it enough to apologize? And I don’t mean only to Trump but to all the people who supported or voted for Trump. He owes them plenty — whether he gets the job or not.

Remember he wrote a book “No Apology: The Case for American Greatness.” Ironic now that his appointment requires an apology just as a precursor.

Has anyone out there in Rightville considered what a Mitt Romney confirmation hearing would look like? I think I’d call it a smorgasbord for Democrats. They’ll eat it up.

Rerun Romney still on the 2016 fence

Romney rerun, or is it déjà vu all over again?

Romney, still wanted after all these years …. so he thinks.


Washington (CNN)Mitt Romney’s family is still pleading for him to mount an independent bid for the presidency, the 2012 Republican nominee said Wednesday.

Romney, speaking to CBS News’ John Dickerson at the Aspen Ideas Festival, said a son asked him as recently as Tuesday to do so.

“My wife and kids wanted me to run again this time, interestingly enough,” Romney said. “I got an email from one of my sons yesterday, saying ‘You gotta get in, Dad! You gotta get in!’ ”

More: http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/29/politics/mitt-romney-family-president-aspen/index.html

Hey, Mitt, what part of America does not want you don’t they understand?
Is it the accent, or maybe the translation? They are a little dense like you.

Oh, I keep seeing those planted comments on social media: “Go Mitt, America needs you.” Well, neither America nor the GOP needs you, Mitt. It’s time to shut the hell up.

What happens in Aspen and what is said in Aspen should stay in Aspen. But just go ahead and try running again, Mitt, and you’ll think it was a cake walk last time. (actually, it was but that is beside the point)

Like the Jethro Tull song…”Thick as a Brick.”

Estabo conspiracy Party sellouts

Paul Ryan, speaker extraordinaire, after voluntarily calling Trump a textbook racist is now taking the liberty to define and outline what Trump’s pick for a VP should be. Nice guy.

Now that is chutzpah, Ryan laying out his criteria for a VP. What a bastard. He knifes you in the back and then offers to help you get a ride to the hospital, just to be a good Samaritan. Then he lectures on the Hillary scandal Trump needs to concentrate on.

His buddy, Rat Romney is still busy doing interviews calling Trump “trickle-down racism”. Some things are beyond belief even for the arrogant establishment.

I really despise both of these losers. Now we’ve had 4 more years of Obama because these two hoodwinked voters into supporting Romney/Ryan. Now they are busy running against the Republican ticket. Romney filibusters the air once again to condemn Trump.

Oh, lest I forget, both will have headline-starring roles in Democrat attack ads through the fall. Yet we are supposed to take either of them seriously? What can beat that: having the last Republican presidential nominee/candidate and his VP to supply attacks on Trump? Oh, and they were both involved in the cabal to undermine the GOP Convention.

If you are a Democrat, what could be not to like with all that? “Like Party on, dudes!”

RightRing | Bullright

The Ignorance of reality on Trump

Hi everyone, Iggy Bliss at your service. I’m sorry I have been so busy with everything Trump that I haven’t been able to update you all on my blissful animal farm adventures.

Now that Trump is our presumptive nominee, I haven’t felt the need to purge my intellect further. Sure, there are those who are still calling us ignorant, stupid people and blissfully so. There seems to be a growing pride in that since…. well, we are WINNING!.

Anyway, not to rub it into my betters and intellectual superiors, but Trump has resonated now like no other with people across a spectrum. From low income to high income, from so-called uneducated to educated. Whether it is on jobs and the economy or terrorism.

But yes, we are still considered the blissfully ignorant ones, equivocated to barnyard animals and evolutionary primates. Do we see a little irony in that yet? If not, just wait it is crystallizing along the Trump Train tracks.

Not that I, the great Iggy, is bragging. I don’t take any comfort in saying I told you so. Who wants, or needs, to rub it in that we have a government and an establishment elite that hardly anyone on both sides of the isle trusts. But that is the central problem or symptom today… not the means to gaining control of it.

I have to catch up on events because so much has happened since I spoke you last. Now Paul Ryan and Trump have met and Ryan still withholds his support. Well, to each his own I guess. What is more interesting, for the unpopular speaker of the House, is the lack of criticism of him from the Never Trump crowd. Wait, weren’t they months ago complaining about Cryin’ Ryan’s failings? Now they are silent on Ryan and that other guy he was hooked up with, Romney.

I thought Romney was the anathema to the conservative movement? Call me stupid, but no, he has been scheming with Never Trumpers about running a third Party candidate. Strange bedfellows, indeed. But Mark Cuban — really? And they all call me blissfully ignorant? I can’t even find any barnyard animals with any love for Romney. Seems the enemy of their enemy is their friend.

So this is me, Iggy, rubbing your Never-Trump noses in the venomous saliva of two-time loser, Mitt-the pussycat-Romney. Meow! I hope you all enjoy your lustful affair.

Romney has now said he is done trying to recruit a 3rd candidate. That doesn’t mean he has changed his position on the matter, just that he will not actively recruit a candidate. How big of him. Still, I heard no criticism about him from those who were eager to jump in bed with him. What does that make you Never Trumpers, prostitutes? I think so. The Iggy may still seem ignorant but he is not the one aligning with a two-time estabo loser.

Iggy Bliss signing off, hoping all your Never Trump hallucinations are happy ones.
We’ll leave the light on for you at a Motel 6.

Captain Iggy Bliss ©

Independent candidate talk

Weekly Standard’s Bill Kristol has now come out, again, to say he wants a 3rd person, independent candidate. He suggested someone like Nikki Haley.

So he wants an anti-Trump, anti-Hillary candidate. We could call it the ‘AA Tcket.’

Just days ago, Kristol went on Steve Malzberg’s show to declare he is not sure on #NeverTrump. Later, he said he was just joking and seriously #NeverTrump.

And now it is on. The Gateway Pundit reports a private meeting took place between Romney and Kristol, at Bill’s request.

William Kristol, the longtime editor of the Weekly Standard magazine and a leading voice on the right, met privately with the 2012 nominee on Thursday afternoon to discuss the possibility of launching an independent bid, potentially with Romney as its standard-bearer.

He came pretty close to being elected president, so I thought he may consider doing it, especially since he has been very forthright in explaining why Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton should not be president of the United States,” Kristol said in a phone interview Friday, during which he confirmed that he and Romney had a “little meeting in Washington.”

More: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/05/weekly-standard-founder-bill-kristol-meets-romney-third-party-run/

Well, the funny part is that Romney specified he did not want Trump or Hillary to get elected. But by running, he would have a direct hand in getting Hillary into the White House. If he won’t do it, they will find another stool-pigeon to affect that outcome.

Maybe Hillary’s campaign could even coordinate with the Kristol Klan?

To the electoral map 2016

First, a big hat tip to Dave for forwarding this reference article to me some time back. This is as good a time as any for it. He contemplates the general election.

Ted has been running around for months saying he should be elected because he is the one that can win against Hillary. Since he has said it so often and it is his greatest talking point, then how about it? Can Ted beat Hillary? It is not a popularity contest… on popular vote.

Popular vote is one thing but it comes to the electoral college, as we know. So take a look at the Romney map of 2012, below. Now Cruz has to explain what state(s) he could win above what Romney did to get the 64 more electoral votes of the 270 needed?

The article above from Washington Post says, under the current map Democrats use, they have built in 242 votes. Hillary has to provide the balance. But the question is what more could Cruz do  than Romney did since he had 206. (Romney 2012 map–  270towin.com)

Click the map to create your own at 270toWin.com

Or how much differently could Cruz make the map to get the 270. There is an interactive map here to build your own. Below is the tossup map example.(a good start)

Click the map to create your own at 270toWin.com

One such hypothetical for Cruz, in the article, would be Oh, Va, Fla, Co. But, as he explains, “Obama won all those states twice.” Still, it pays to see the article.

Source maps http://www.270towin.com/

Convention Chaos in Cleveland

In researching the subject of the ballyhooed convention debacle, I was looking at the Repblican Convention.org site. Here is an excerpt.

“Talk of a brokered or contested convention is fast gaining popularity these days owing to the remarkably good performances of Donald Trump in the Republican primaries. The prospect of the businessman winning the Republican presidential nomination has spooked the Republican orthodoxy, leading to a strategic rethink on alternative solutions to prevent his nomination.

Even 2012 Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney was roped in to assist in dampening Trump’s momentum.

A brokered or contested GOP convention would be the single largest political event in television and internet history. Reporters, media outlets and political junkies would probably trade their soul just to see it happen in their lifetime. It is worth noting though that discussions about a contested or brokered convention have in fact been circulating since December 2015, before the primary process even begun!

It is also worth pointing out that, contrary to popular belief, brokered and contested conventions are actually two different things; the former actually refers to backroom deals and negotiations involving senior party figures, while the latter entails delegates voting at the convention.”

Speaking of the resurfacing of Mitt Romney in cahoots with the RNC over the matter:
Mitt Romney Not Conservative — Donald J Trump (video)

Now carefully consider the descriptive words above and the impact. With all the TV coverage and popularity in this primary — namely on the Republican side along with medias’ interest — it is worth noting how much interest they have in a contested or brokered convention. Call it an investment.

They naturally would be all for it or “all in,” as they like to say. Even while that creates a diversion from Hillary’s emailgate and Benghazigate myriad of investigations or possible indictment of the frontrunner. It’s a great story for media.

So that puts the media, the RNC and much of the Left(including the Left media) all on the same agenda page. There is no interest among them in avoiding chaos and turmoil. Quite the contrary, they have a vested interest in creating it. And in the end, it’s good TV. So who are the reality TV freaks here, really? Sleepless in Seattle meet Chaos in Clevelend, coming to flat screens near you.

RightRing | Bullright

Thanks for Trump endorsement, Mitt

Romney did his planned, debut 2016 speech about Trump.It was claimed he would eviscerate Trump in his national speech covered live on all the news channels.

Whatever he said and his motives, it read like something else. It was a reminder of Romney’s failures — a reminder of RNC failures. Maybe he should have paid more attention to the optics. It was what Romney does, he makes big speeches to convey his specious thoughts about something. It’s what he did in 2012. Romney makes a speech to address this or that. But of course, the one thing he didn’t address was Obama’s record. And he failed to tap into the people’s sentiments about it all. (we were wrong)

Considering who Romney is what he did in 2012, it should read more as endorsement for Trump. So it was Mitt raising his finger and pointing it, at us as usual. In condescending elitist character he lectured us on how we should vote. He called Trump names and attacked his character, sometthing he could not do to Obama. I have no respect for Romney. He acted the political hack that he is.

So in view of that and his harsh criticism for Trump, I take that as a compliment. Sorry Romney, you as the loser don’t get to decide who the nominee is or is not. You should be the last person to decide that. But his elite arrogance never ends. Though the performance gave away his motives. It’s fair to attack his motives or speculate wildly about them. It’s nothing compared to the speculation he did on Trump. Speculate freely and often.

Romney’s Mitt the Hit — “scathing indictment?” Please.
Romney out!

RightRing | Bullright

Romney to the RNC Rescue

Mitt Romney is apparently rolling out a sequel to his first two failed presidential bids.

Romney is the poster-child for what is wrong with the GOP and their thinking. So now Romney is giving a great national speech to remind us what a perpetual failed candidate really looks like. And he will remind us of the problem with RNC thinking and scheming.

He’ll remind us of all the problems and how elite arrogance really doesn’t sell, even to the RNC base. He’ll remind us that the elite don’t want us to pick or elect our leaders. Those choices must be done by the superior thinkers in the RNC, who if they don’t get their way, will fold up their tent in a Frankenstein heartbeat.

Romney wants to rescue the party from the people. Everything we despise about the GOP establishment is represented by Romney.

They told us we must accept their chosen candidates, that we must hold our nose, that we must support them when they are wrong. Ride to the rescue, Romney!

Tale of 2 wealthy candidates

This is a comparison between Trump and Romney. Both independently wealthy but the contrast couldn’t be any greater.

When Romney ran, his wealth was an embarrassment used against him. Trump’s wealth is a good thing. He self funds. There are pros and cons to that but…like it or not.

Trump doesn’t hide from his wealth, it’s part of who he is. Yet he relates to working class people just as well. Romney had difficulty relating to regular or working people.

Romney’s wealth was used a weapon against him. They don’t seem able to do that with Trump. Are Democrats going to go with the old rule book and demonize him for being rich? Nice try, what will that do? Trump’s wealth is an asset not a liability.

What a difference. Romney would wait to see which way the wind was blowing before making a position statement, parsing it any way he could. Romney had his circle of advisers, who also blew it. Remember the debate where he finally took on Obama and Benghazi? Then he dropped the ball and fumbled the rest of the race. He swore he was the only one who could stand the heat and take on Obama and his long train of abuses. But the left defined him early and often, which he had no answer to. He was disconnected from the actual voters. Romney had his political record and his schizophrenic stances. Finally some concluded he really didn’t care if he won — even with all the RNC’s help and defense.

Trump, on the other hand, has none of the Romney attributes. He does not play by the politically correct rule book. Romney was all about political correctness. Trump is not the wall street insider. He is not predictable as the morning dew. He does respond and answer critics without taking days, even weeks, to formulate a palatable response. Trump swings hard. For a guy who wrote a book on “no apologies,” Romney certainly was apologetic for a lot of things, especially his wealth. Finally for losing. Romney had a history and dynasty aspect to his political career. Trump is very much all on his own, with no family baggage.

Romney allowed himself to be defined by the critics. Trump refuses to fit their mold and play their games. In fact, Trump changes the game. He defines his opponents. Refreshing.

Romney stepped on the conservative vote. Trump broadened the playing field. Trump points to the exact Romney-type people who created the messes. How many people sat out the vote and didn’t participate in 2012? The fix seemed to be in with Romney from early on. Trump redefined what the Washington fix is.

Trump can identify with people where Romney could not. Romney gave the impression of the Northeast RINO. Trump exudes the street fighter persona that Mitt only wished he had. Romney got lost in staff bureaucracy. Trump owns the face of his campaign. Romney was perpetually on defense. (don’t ever run again) Trump is on the offense to spite his critics. Trump attracts attention, Romney put people to sleep. Romney had the golden opportunity handed to him. Trump was attacked from the onset. Trump has the scruffiness of a cab driver. Romney would not think of such things.

Oh but now Romney resurfaces as a backseat critic in the primary process — I guess that’s all you could say Romney won — with his widespread team of gurus and composites in tow. Romney was entrenched in the establishment which separated him from the working class. Romney had the top down approach, Trump has the bottom up “movement” approach. When did you ever see anyone get a tattoo of Romney on their leg? Trump has a brand, like it or not, and a following. Romney had his family and a close set of advisers and hacks. Romney was the carefully scripted candidate, Trump is not.

We were told Romney expanded the party tent. RNC pushed that one. Trump actually does and attracted new and young voters. Actually, a study in December showed Trump had at least 5 points more support among young voters than polls suggested.

So Romney decides he knows better than all injecting his criticism for Trump — possibly on behalf of the RNC establishment et al — to call for a release of Donald’s tax records. There might be a “bombshell” in there he says. Romney goes down the maybe road. Romney takes Harry Reid’s slimy strategy, then asks “What’s he hiding?”

The Romney campaign was train wreck of record chases. No one bests the Democrats at their own game. Romney could not even use Obama’s spurious record trail to his benefit. Failure defines Romney. Winning defines Trump. Still, Trump’s own opposition research turns up things when needed, unlike Romney’s. Now Romney calls for records all over the liberal mainstream media. He even uses their catch phrases like a weapon. Romney is no friend to conservatives, he’s the consummate political hack carping from the bleachers. So the guy who couldn’t take on Obama now plays Mr Rough and tumble critic with Trump. This just shows Romney as the elitist establishment insider he is.

Mitt makes Trump look better, if that’s possible. Thankfully it is not 2012, again.

RightRing | Bullright

Presidential posturing: candidates and gene pools

It seems like the last presidential election just ended, or maybe never ended, and we are all supposed to be lining up for another take on it.

Anyway no time like the present to run for president, I guess. All aboard!

Then there is Hillary Clinton who never stopped running. She’s been president-in-waiting since about ’97. That’s almost a 20 year-long campaign.

Not to be outdone, Republicans have a third incarnation of Bushes. Yea, keep the Bush fire burning even after getting burned by the first two Bushes. No offense to perpetual burning bushes.

Gee, isn’t there at least another family gene pool we can consider? Why yes, as a matter of fact, how about Mitt Romney again? His father ran and failed so that makes it his job to succeed. Then all bets are off. Have you looked at his family tree lately? The Bushes’ pale in comparison. And anyone carrying the Clinton name is guaranteed a run in the future.

Ron Paul didn’t make it but also started another family tradition. America it seems is full of genetic lines to the oval office.

Then we have Mike Huckabee who never can say no to running. So we have a nation littered with perpetual candidates, all ripe for the picking — at least according to them. It’s our greatest national resource it seems.

If it sounds pretty cynical, just consider all the details. We were once called the “New World”. Then consider Pogo’s theorem, “We’ve met the enemy and he is us.”

Jeb Bush has announced that he is considering a run, and I’m considering taking a shower. Of course he’s running, he’s had years to think about it.

Now Mitt Romney jumps up again to say he wants to run. He says he is the only person who can take on and beat Hillary. Where have I heard that? Isn’t it kind of presumptive to say Hillary will be the Democrat candidate? So the fun begins. Mitt just illustrates how it is so predictable. We knew before the midterms that Hillary was running, actually most of us knew it after last election.

Not to cheat the Jeb Bush verses Clinton prospect. This is a presidential election not Hatfields vs. McCoys. What’s Mitt going to say: “We don’t want to elect another Bush, we should nominate someone fresh and new”? Mitt’s usual arguments don’t seem to apply to Bush. What can Jeb say about Mitt?

Read my lips: No dynasties.

So if that sounds sort of depressing that’s because it is depressing. Even worse, most of us say that’s just the way it is and how our process works. Maybe that’s the problem. And before its over some smart person will say “we really don’t have any choice, either ____ or doom and gloom”. But wasn’t that the idea?

Now I didn’t even mention Christie who had his eye on running for years. We could hope Christie gets in. Maybe there is a spec of good in all this. If they get a three-way establishment race, that creates more opportunity for a real conservative to win. How many ways can they split the vote for us? Conservatives would have to line up to support a real conservative, that’s all, against the backdrop of Rinos’ whining “this just shows a conservative can’t win” mantra.

RightRing | Bullright

CBS goes off script… what’s in a legacy?

(Photo credit: Jewel Samad/AFP/Getty Images)

Who is the worst president since WWII?

BySteve Chaggaris | CBS News –July 2, 2014

As if President Obama doesn’t have enough to worry about running the country day-to-day, now his legacy can be added to his laundry list of concerns.

Mr. Obama edges out former President George W. Bush as the worst president since World War II, American voters say, according to a new Quinnipiac Poll released Wednesday.

Thirty-three percent chose Mr. Obama as the worst among the 12 presidents since Harry Truman, with 28 percent choosing George W. Bush and Richard Nixon tallying 13 percent. In 2006, Mr. Bush led the pack with 34 percent over Richard Nixon at 17 percent and Bill Clinton at 16 percent, much higher than the scant 3 percent who currently think Clinton is the worst.

But his legacy was always a top concern. I don’t see how he can add what was his driving force, even if tarnished by all visible recognition.

When asked who the best president is since World War II, 35 percent of American voters chose Ronald Reagan, 18 percent picked Clinton and 15 percent selected John F. Kennedy. Only 8 percent said Mr. Obama was the best since World War II and George W. Bush barely registered on the “best” list with 1 percent.

To add insult to injury for Mr. Obama, more voters say the country would be better off if 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney won the election. Forty-five percent feel America would be better off with a President Romney; 38 percent said the country would be worse off. – CBS

What’s amazing is how he helps make Clinton look good. The ridiculed Nixon is way down on the list. But he did resign. There’s a hot tip for Obama’s legacy concerns. If he doesn’t care about the resurrecting Russian Union, Iran’s nuclear breakout, or the new caliphate formed in the Middle East, then how significant is his legacy, relatively speaking? However, I’m sure his golf game has improved, since he didn’t have one before.

It seems to me that some of the stragglers who still think Obama is a good president also think we’d be worse off with Mitt Romney, with nothing to base that on. Yet they cannot seem to find their hand in front of their face.

Message to Romney

My message to Mitt — [CC: RNC]

floating message in a bottle
This may not be agreeable to some people, but it is just my opinion.

Mitt, you are so well-versed and proper about things but you need to study up on making a graceful exit. My issue with this goes deeper than an appearance in an interview. It’s a bigger problem.

First of all, this is contrary to what you did between 08 and 2012 elections. Then, you deliberately took an ultra-low profile. You played games on whether you would run or not. But you organized secretly behind the scenes and coerced support within the RNC establishment – “below the radar” as your aides suggested.

Why you played “hide and seek” games is beyond me; most of which probably ended up damaging your campaign in the end.

I suggest you were wrong about that political strategy then as you are wrong about taking  on a public campaign now. On a minor note, might I also suggest you take a course on Alinsky tactics since you still don’t seem to understand them? While your campaign was in full swing, you did not take on the radical left,  so why would anyone expect you to now? Or is your motivation for reentrance onto the political stage more for “influence” like between elections?

Anyway, I for one think its time we move on. We have enough to worry about with elected reps not listening to the voters.

So I’m placing an ad, here is a draft:

WANTED IMMEDIATELY: a conservative (leader) with an honest to goodness set of testicles, not ashamed to apply them. Must share knowledge of the real threat facing America. No on the job training; must have experience dealing with loony lefties and their lying “mouthpieces”. Pay to commensurate with abilities – not all in “currency”.
Must be able to function outside support network. No babysitting or focus group services. Only died in the wool conservatives need apply. Strong backbone and stomach is required, frequent heavy lifting involved. Serious inquiries only! – 1 000 fixitUS

The Jerk Store Called

Column: They’re running out of Obama-Biden

October 19, 2012 5:00 am

Remember when President Barack Obama was likable? Once upon a time the public viewed the incumbent more favorably than his challenger by large margins. These days Obama’s favorable and unfavorable ratings are similar to Mitt Romney’s. The televised debates have unveiled the current administration as alternately listless, manic, angry, soporific, rude, bullying, aloof, and thin-skinned. Americans who have just begun to tune into the election are seeing the president unmediated. They no longer are looking at him through the scrim of fawning press, majestic settings, and roaring crowds. And they are discovering that Obama is not so likable at all. He is actually something of a jerk.

Those who read coverage of the Obama administration closely will have known this for a long time: The president is cold, abstract, prickly, and insular. His brand of cerebral partisanship is better suited for liberal blogging than for leading the free world. He doesn’t enjoy interacting with strangers or even with associates outside his immediate clique. He has few close friends. He relies on about half a dozen senior advisers. His impromptu speech is given to cutting, sarcastic remarks.

Put him in front of an adoring and obsequious audience and he will be charming and suave. But the real Obama is revealed the second you remove the klieg lights. This isn’t a guy who will spend his post-presidency more or less running the Democratic Party, a la President Bill Clinton. Obama will spend his retirement as a solitary member of the irritable left, receiving honorary degrees, appearing on MSNBC, and scribbling for Salon.
[ … ]

Read more at Free Beacon: http://freebeacon.com/the-jerk-store-called/