Say It Isn’t So Joe, And Company

Is it time to demonize the Biden supporters and voters? Yes it is. Oh it is past time. In fact it is long overdue, but very necessary. Who says satire can’t be delicious? Here we go:

Just remember this above everything: these are the people.

These are the people who stood and cheered Hitler on in the 30’s. When Hitler made the trains run on time, these are the people who made it all possible. These are the very same people. The DNA is exacting science. No dispute.

These are the same people who enthusiastically whisked Hitler into power.

These are the people who never spoke up when Jews were dragged from their homes. These are the people who turned in their neighbors and then family members.

These are the people who donned the brown shirts to support the Fuehrer and punish enemies of the 3td Reich lurching within. These were the enforcers, the purge facilitators. These are the people who stomped out any resistance before it rose above a whisper.

So remember, this is who they are. They are the friends of the police state, the necessary pawns of the institutional elite that galvanized evil in its infancy. And proud of it.

These are the people who answered the orders when Lenin counseled to probe with bayonets; if you encounter mush proceed, if you encounter steel withdraw.

These are the people who allowed Maduro to take power in Venezuela. The people who empowered Hugo Chavez. The same ones who ushered in the revolution in Cuba.

These are the people who made Jonestown possible, the same people who gave Rev Jim Jones his power. They are the very same people who, when Jones issued the final order, they are the people who made certain their friends and family drank the Kool-Aid before guzzling down a gulp themselves. These are the people who held babies’ arms while pouring the poison into their mouths. These are the same people who made it all happen.

Since my belief in this makes me morally superior as judge, jury and executioner, I have so decided and therefore it is indisputable fact. They all stand condemned.

Take the medicine. Salivate, and then choke on it. Let it burn going down your throats.


Now the only good news in all of that is clear. This can be redeemable for all of us. The Left will undoubtedly follow their own new standard they created. They hold the solution.

So we must now have, according to their new rules, by what they themselves have done to Trump, an investigation and coup launched before Biden takes office. Because, according to the rules, after he assumes office he will only be a defiled resident – illegitimate squatter.

There must be immediate impeachment proceedings started, ratified by public fiat. The de facto case will be made, based on what all he has done to this point, he cannot and will not ever be president. He must be removed and everything he did deemed illegitimate.

Then he and his complicit VP will have to resign in shame based on insurmountable evidence. It is not even contested. So his supporters would also agree and demand he does,

Surely they will comply since this is their own solution. We mst follow the Left’s prescription immediately. It is the only way to save the world.

Then maybe we would have some peace. That would be real justice. Let them now live up to their own standards. (I use the term loosely)

Baring those results and necessary outcome, all Democrats and officials of this government must stand up to defy any action of this illegitimate faux president. They are required to stand up in defiance as an enforceable act of resistance to this illegitimate phony. Anyone who doesn’t follow orders will suffer excruciating and permanent consequences for it.

BTW: here is a comment that is making the rounds on Twitter.

“Dear Joe, I’m happy you won. However, there will never be a time in my life when I ever forgive Trump, Pence, Mitch McConnell or Barr & the Republicans in congress who fought tooth and nail against Democracy. Please prosecute trump, his family, & every seditious republican!”

Sedition, you want to talk about sedition now? Oh, that’s rich!

Yes, demonization of Democrats and the Left is way too good for them considering what they’ve done. Ol’ Iggy says he has the tar and the pitchforks ready, if needed.

Right Ring | Bullright | © 2020

Doubling Down on Dishonesty

Do you want to see how dishonest these people on the left are? Here is former Clinton Press Sec to Demonstrate the finer techniques for us.

Yes he really is comparing Trump to Hitler and calling Trump supporters Nazis. I mean is there any other interpretation of it? No. And maybe he doesn’t really know what he is saying either. But who could really know the mind of a crazed liberal loon?

Of course he is calling Trump that, but he just doesn’t want to admit it, and doesn’t want you to think he is.

That is only a small sample of things he said in a tirade on Twitter about Trump. It must have been time for a disinformation bombing run from the left.

Muslims’ Moral Equivalency Problem

How dark are the channels Islamists have constructed of moral equivalence with the Jews to oppressed Muslims? (or anyone else with racial or historical grievances) Muslims are the world-wide object of hatred and bigotry if you follow their apologists’ narrative. Just listen to them. It’s a natural exercise in revision and propaganda.

Once in a while it does pay to venture out and see what their unleashed Islam-peacism movement says, unabashedly. Of course, it is very easy to see through their rhetoric, even easier to poke plenty of holes where it conflicts with reality. But their writing is a sophistry without comparison, unless you go back to Hitler’s rise. Yes, the very thing they hail as the example of their own fascist oppression used a similar approach in its propaganda. They are determined to apply the Nazi example with the Jews to their current situation. A search for Muslims are the new Jews will set one on the path. They make a moral equivalence of Muslims with Jews’ Holocaust and Nazi persecution.

Though there is a moral equivalence of the Obama administration to the Islamists — be it with ISIS terrorists or the wider radical Islamist faction. Sure we are lectured almost daily about blaming all Muslims for what Islamists do. The anti-semetic, Jewish parallel is a canard for all practical purposes. Victimization? You don’t see it. This is a hollow, desperate comparison in search of victims. Rather, a percentage of Muslims victimize the world on behalf of Islam. Does it really matter that there is a percentage that are not complicit in their barbarianism?

I mentioned the reluctance and refusal of the rest of the Muslims to combat or contain the radicals before. It is left to the world to sort out, and the expense of dealing with it is very real. It sucks the urgency out of governments worldwide. That offends me and it should offend any other red-blooded, freedom-loving American. So Islam rightly offends me. I make no apologies. It doesn’t matter that I am a Christian, or weather one happens to be any other faith. Jews were legitimate victims not terrorists.

I am reluctant to make comparisons to the Holocaust. Many pro-lifers for years have drawn abortion parallels to the Holocaust. They may have good reasons, however, I consider the Nazi/Jew case sort of sacred . Not saying I don’t use Hitler or the Third Reich analogies with current examples. I frown on using “Holocaust” (terminology) much except on WWII. Overuse could desensitize the term. I say that to say it is offensive to me seeing and hearing Islamist bandy this terminology around applied to their current struggles.(whatever the hell they, or their apologists, think those are right now) On two grounds it is offensive. The portrayal of Muslims as victims worldwide and the Hitler, fascism comparison.

Now then, these apologists frame it as an oppressed Islam that is only reactionary to what the US (or the West) are doing. Though I’d like to know how we are the inspiration for the Caliphate?(scratch that thought, I’ve heard their rationale and it didn’t sell me but it does sell to Muslims.) This mantra gets it backwards: we are forced to react to what a strain of Islam has done (perfected) for decades. It is just as clever in semantics as it is in their parallel to the Jewish antisemitism and the Holocaust. It singles out Western governments as being complicit in the very terrorism they are fighting for life from. And yes, they blame us for it while calling (us) the real terrorists. We are the terrorists, not Muslims. It has a circular logic flavor to it. It’s an attempt to use a faulty perception to construct a faulty reality. They add as their buttress argument, as Obama does, that Christians had persecutions. Christians also had a reformation which they completely dismiss. Islam is having no reformation unless to turn humanity back to the eighth century.

They compare it to civil rights and racism. According to this rhetoric, we are “prejudice apologizers” for pointing out that being Muslim is not a race? Nor is being Christian a race. It is only a descriptor. See when we try to force fit these labels and canards, we screw up the logic of the underlining point.

But since they make the Nazi parallel, how much help were they fighting the Jewish Holocaust in WWII? Notice how they distance Muslims and Islam from ISIS or the Caliphate while their arguments, and blame, add fuel to the fire ISIS runs on. So their apologetic is not far from being sympatheticy for ISIS, or supporting its agenda. Yet their answer to everything we “bigots” suggest is that you are playing right into the hands of ISIS. Everything becomes “a recruiting tool” for ISIS. Gitmo, Gitmo detainees, war on terror, on and on. Our opposition to it is a recruitment tool.

Here is the ultimate problem with all this. What is actually on the menu of Islamists is to bring the same culture to our shores that is playing out in the Middle East. And to make it mainstream, politically, which is not all that far from the Left’s M/O. In essence, it seeks to turn our country into a battlefield – a war zone. But there is a common misunderstanding about that agenda. Many will point out that it needs some power or the force of government to be effective. No, it only needs immunity from governmental force to be very effective. And that is exactly what many are hell bent on giving them. Whether in ignorance or knowingly, it doesn’t really matter.

So as they tell us we are giving the terrorists recruitment tools, it is ridiculous. But they are giving Islamists exactly what they want and need, practically an invitation. ISIS and Islamists recruit no matter what and will use our weaknesses against as their chief tool.

I get so sick of all this rhetoric that we are somehow aiding ISIS by taking a tough stand. Indeed, the only thing that will be effective and that they understand is force. But we have to be willing to stand behind it, unlike our weak-kneed apologist-in-chief who sympathizes with Islam every chance he gets. Can you say “recruitment tool?” He sympathizes with ISIS whether he knows it or not — some think he knows exactly what he is doing.

If Muslims or their sympathetic political allies are worried about bias against Muslims, then they have to look also at the context of violence in beheadings and hatred by the Islamic radical communities, both here and abroad. Then tell us there is no justification for our suspicions and concerns. But as to religious hate crimes, it is more prevalent toward Jews than Muslims. Then look at Christian cleansings carried out throughout the Middle East and in Africa. No one seems concerned at a national level by those alarming atrocities, yet we are to worry about head scarfs, hijabs, and prayer considerations for Muslims. When an event like an Oklahoma beheading is carried out in the workplace by a radical Muslim, it is labeled a workplace violence incident, giving a false victim status aura to the perpetrator. Is that rational? Is that a hate crime committed by a radical Muslim? But we are to worry about Muslims’ sensitivities. Who else can carry out an attack like that without some backlash?

Of course the problem is that Islamic radicals have declared and waged war on us. Does the fact that they are a religion really make that much difference? Why should they be treated differently because it happens to be a religious sect that is waging the war via terrorism? But they are asking us to treat them differently because they are religiously motivated.

How then do they contort that into religious persecution on a parallel with Jews? How do they perceive Muslims and Islam as victims that need the world’s help to prevent their extermination? And of all places, to make that charge about the US just because we call for scrutiny and screening the very people who declared war on us, already attacked us multiple times, and want to destroy us. That is the outrageous case they are making. If Muslims have such great sensitivities about all this, then where is their outrage, concern and criticism for what radical Muslims are doing? Oh, right, they are afraid to speak out for fear of being targeted. Right. Christians around the world are suffering persecution and we are supposed to be preoccupied with Muslim sensitivities and non-persecution of Muslims right here in the USA.

A related article:

RightRing | Bullright

Grim predictions and a warning from UK

Britain Heading Towards A Civil War With Islam

Published on Jun 16, 2013

Paul Weston speaks candidly about what is in store for Britain with Islam and Islamists. It isn’t pretty, and it is also a dire warning to the US and Canada what is headed our way.

Thoughts: Silent Screams

It is the dominance of moral relativism in liberal institutions like the New York Times that make even the most apologetic expose of the Muslim Brotherhood a major event. – Caroline Glick

Just Gene
Article from The Jerusalem Post
Column One
by Caroline S. Glick
    Two events happened on Wednesday which should send a shiver down the spine of everyone concerned about the future of the American Jewish community.  But to understand their importance it is important to consider the context in which they occurred.
US Secretary of State John Kerry (L) shakes hands with Egypt's President Mohamed Morsi in Cairo
   Photo credit – Rueters
 On January 13, the New York Times reported on a series of virulently anti-Jewish comments Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi made in speeches given in 2010.  Among other things, Morsi said, “We must never forget, brothers, to nurse our children and our grandchildren on hatred for them, for Zionists, for Jews.”  He said that Egyptian children “must feed on hatred, hatred must continue.  The hatred must go on for God and as a form of worshiping him.”   
    In another speech, he called Jews “bloodsuckers” and “the descendants of apes and pigs.”
    Two weeks after the Times ran the story, the Obama administration sent four F-16 fighter jets to Egypt as part of a military aid package announced in December 2012 entailing the provision of 20 F-16 s and 200 M1-A1 Abrams tanks. 
    The Anti-Defamation League, AIPAC, the Jewish Council for Public Affairs and other prominent American Jewish groups did not oppose the weapons transfer.
    With the American Jewish leadership silent on the issue, Israel found its national security, championed by Sen. Rand Paul.  He attached an amendment to a budget bill that would bar the US from transferring the advanced weapons platforms to Egypt.
    Paul explained, “Egypt is currently governed by a religious zealot…who said recently that Jews were bloodsuckers and descendants of apes and pigs.  This doesn’t sound like the kind of stable personality we [sh]ould be sending our most sophisticated weapons to.”
    Paul’s amendment was overwhelmingly defeated, due in large part to the silence of the American Jewish leadership.
    The Times noted that Morsi’s castigation of Jews as “apes and pigs” was “a slur for Jews that is familiar across the Muslim world”.
    Significantly the Times failed to note that the reason it is familiar is because it comes from both the Koran and the hadith.  The scripturally based denigration of Jews as apes and pigs is legion among leading clerics of both Sunni and Shi’ite Islam.
    It was not a coincidence that the Times failed to mention why Morsi’s castigation of Jews as apes and pigs was so familiar to Muslim audiences.  The Islamic sources of Muslim Brotherhood Jew hatred, and indeed, hatred of Jews by Islamic leaders from both the Sunni and Shi’ite worlds is largely overlooked by the liberal ideological camp.   And the overwhelming majority of the American Jewish leadership is associated with the liberal ideological camp.
    If the Times acknowledged that the Jew hatred espoused by Morsi and his colleagues in the Muslim Brotherhood, as well as by their Shi’ite colleagues in the Iranian regime and Hezbollah is based on the Koran, they would have to acknowledge that Islamic Jew hatred and other bigotry is not necessarily antithetical to mainstream Islamic teaching.  And that is something that the Times, like its fellow liberal institutions, is not capable of acknowledging. 
    They are incapable of acknowledging this possibility because considering it would implicitly require a critical study of jihadist doctrine.  And a critical study of jihadist doctrine would show that the doctrine of jihad, or Islamic holy war subscribed to by the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates, as well as by the Iranian regime and Hezbollah and their affiliates, is widely supported, violent, bigoted, evil and dangerous to the free world. (Just Gene’s italics)
    And that isn’t even the biggest problem with studying the doctrine of jihad.  The biggest problem is that a critical study of the doctrine of jihad would force liberal institutions like the New York Times and the institutional leadership of the American Jewish community alike to abandon the reigning dogma of the liberal ideological camp – moral relativism.
    Moral relativism is based on a refusal to call evil evil and a concomitant willingness to denigrate truth if truth requires you to notice evil.  Since pointing out the reality of the danger the jihadist doctrines propagated by the likes of the Muslim Brotherhood involves the implicit demand that people make distinctions between good and evil and side with good against evil, moral relativists – that is most liberals – cannot contend with jihad.
    This is why the American Jewish leadership refused to join Rand Paul and his conservative Republican colleagues in the Senate and demand an immediate cessation of US military aid to the Muslim Brotherhood-controlled Egyptian military even after the evidence of the Brotherhood’s genocidal Jew hatred was splashed across the front page of the Times.
    It is the dominance of moral relativism in liberal institutions like the New York Times that make even the most apologetic expose of the Muslim Brotherhood a major event.  And it is the dominance of liberal orthodoxies in the mainstream Jewish community that makes it all but impossible for Jewish leaders to speak up against the Muslim Brotherhood, despite the manifest danger its genocidal hatred of Jews poses not only for Israel, but for Jews everywhere.
    It is bad enough that liberal Jewish leaders won’t speak out against the Koranic-inspired evil that characterizes the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood.  What is worse is what their own morally relative blindness causes them to do.  On Wednesday, we saw two distressing examples of the consequences of this self-imposed embrace of ideological fantasies.
    First, on Wednesday, Yeshiva University’s Cardozo Law School’s Journal of Conflict Resolution gave its annual International Advocate of Peace Award to former president Jimmy Carter.  Carter’s long record of anti-Israel, and indeed anti-Semitic, actions and behavior made the decision to bestow him with the honor an affront not only to the cause of peace, but to the cause of Jewish legal rights.  As an advocate of Hamas and a man who castigates Israel as an illegal “apartheid” state, Carter has a long record of outspoken opposition to both Jewish human rights and to viable peace between Israel and its neighbors.  (Just Gene recommends you read Carter’s own book)
    For outsiders, the Orthodox Jewish university’s law school’s law journal’s decision to honor Carter was shocking, but as it works out, the Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution confers its prize almost exclusively on people active in pressuring Israel to make concessions to Palestinian terrorists who reject Israel’s right to exist.  Past winners include Dennis Ross, Bill Clinton, Richard Holbrooke, George Mitchell, John Wallach and Seeds of Peace and, perhaps most astoundingly, the outspoken Jew hater Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
    In other words, Carter wasn’t chosen for the honor despite his anti-Israel record.  He was selected because of his anti-Israel record.
    In a similar fashion, New York’s 92nd Street Y invited virulent Israel hater Roger Waters to perform a concert on April 30.  Given Water’s outspoken opposition to Israel, his call for total economic and cultural warfare against the Jewish state and his leading role in the BDS movement, it is not possible that the 92nd Street Y was not unaware of his radical, anti-Semitic sentiments.  And so, the only reasonable explanation for his invitation to perform at the Jewish institution is that the Y wanted to invite this openly anti-Semite musician to perform.  A public outcry by pro-Israeli activists forced the Y to cancel his performance.
    The day that Carter was embraced by the Orthodox Jewish establishment, Jewish author and activist Pamela Geller was silenced.  Geller is the nightmare of the liberal Jewish establishment.  She is a beautiful and articulate speaker and writer who has risen to prominence in the US for her steadfast commitment to exposing the deadly pathologies of Jew hatred, misogyny and other prejudices inherent to jihadist ideology.  Geller’s website, Atlas Shrugs, is a clearing house for information on Islamic persecution of women, Christians and apostates and hatred of Jews.  She also showcases the documented ties between mainstream American Islamic groups and the Muslim Brotherhood.
    An indefatigable defender of Israel, Geller recently ran a highly controversial, and successful ad campaign in the New York and San Francisco public transportation systems in response to an anti-Israel campaign.  Her billboards read, “In any war between civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man.  Support Israel.  Defeat Jihad.”
    Geller was scheduled to speak on April 13 at the Great Neck Synagogue in Great Neck, New York.  The topic of her talk was “The Imposition of Shari’a in America.”
    Last month, after learning of her talk, a consortium of Islamic and leftist activists in Nassau County led by Habeed Ahmen from the Islamic Center of Long Island launched a pressure campaign to coerce the synagogue into cancelling her speech.  Members of the group telephoned the synagogue and castigated Geller as a bigot, and likened her to the Nazis in the 1930s.
    In short order liberal rabbis Michael White and Jerome Davidson took over the opposition to Geller and launched a media campaign attacking her as a bigot and demanding that the Great Neck Synagogue cancel her speech.  Rejecting the distinction Geller makes between jihadists and their victims – Muslim and non-Muslim alike, White and Davidson claimed that she opposes all Muslims and so her speech must be canceled.  By hosting her, they intoned, the Great Neck Synagogue would be guilty of propagating hate speech.  Liberal Christian and Jewish activists and their Muslim associates threatened to protest the speech.
    On Wednesday the synagogue caved in to their massive pressure.  Citing “security concerns” the synagogue board released a statement saying that while “these important issues must be discussed, the synagogue is unable to bear the burden” of the pressure campaign surrounding Geller’s planned speech  Her event was canceled.
    Surveys of the American Jewish community taken in recent years by the American Jewish Committee demonstrates that the vast majority of American Jews are deeply supportive of Israel, and their views tend toward the Right side of the political spectrum in issues related to Israel, the Palestinians and the wider Islamic conflict with the Jewish state.
    On the other hand , the AJC’s surveys show that for the vast majority of American Jews, Israel is not a voting issue.  This state of affairs was reflected by a comment that Yeshiva University student Ben Winter made to the media regarding the absence of student protest against Carter on Wednesday.  In Winter’s words, “While many students at YU feel strongly about their Zionism, few have the courage to publicly express their opinions.”


The danger exposed by the cancellation of Geller’s speech and the conferral of honors on the likes of Carter and Waters by mainstream Jewish institutions is daunting.  If moral relativism remains the dominant dogma of the American Jewish establishment, the already weakly defended, but still strongly rooted, support for Israel among the rank and file of the American Jewish community will dissipate.  

Published 4/11/2013
Just Gene

Thank you, Caroline – but   
“Evil exists because good men do nothing”.
Wrong – those who do nothing are evil!!!
It is not only the Jews who do not speak out: where are the Christians, whose churches are being burned and their members slaughtered – where are the so called good Muslims, who say this is not true Islam – where are the women, who watch their sisters being tortured and raped – where are the politicians and diplomats of the world, too interested in filling their own pockets….

Where are all the world’s charities – too busy patting themselves on the back, while they spew out rhetoric, semantics and bullshit? HELL, where are the IAA (Idiots Association of Atheists) who believe they can eliminate religion by removing Nativity scenes from public property, but don’t have the cojones to say anything against Allahu Akbar?

When the Nazis came for the Jews, I heard them scream, but I’m not Jewish – I’m safe
When the Nazis came for the Catholics, I heard them scream, but I’m not Catholic – I’m safe
When the Nazis came for the Handicapped, I heard them scream, but I’m not Handicapped – I’m safe
When the Nazis came for the retarded, I heard them scream, but I’m not retarded – I’m safe
When the Nazis came for the professors, I heard them scream, but I’m not a professor – I’m safe
When the Nazis came for the bankers, I heard them scream, but I’m not a banker – I’m safe
When the Nazis came for the politicians, I heard them scream, but I’m not a politician – I’m safe
When the Nazis came for me, I screamed, there was no one left to hear me
If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
When they come for you and you scream, and you will scream, will it make a sound?

Our Enslaved Free Press

This article is really good reposted at The Merry Poppins blogspot.

You can link to the original full article from there.

Maser Media, Dianny Rants

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The Free Press has become enslaved.

To believe otherwise, is self-delusion.

But it wasn’t enslaved by a tyrannical government; it willingly enslaved itself. …/